Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu

Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu

Hoi An An Phu
Dalat An Phu
pon, 8. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu Raspored

Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
Grouptour VIP Sleeper 33 15:45 - 04:15VND 690k
Grouptour VIP Sleeper 33 16:30 - 07:30VND 805k
Techbus VN JSC Sleeper 40 18:00 - 08:00VND 545k

Prijevoz od Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu

Činjenice o prijevozu od Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu

Najjeftiniji prijevoz20 USD
Najbrži prijevoz1h
Najraniji polazak7:00 AM
Najkasniji polazak6:00 PM
Polasci po danu23
Udaljenost700 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeAn Phu Travel, Bamboo Airways, Grouptour, Techbus VN JSC, VietJet Air, Vietnam Airlines

Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu Recenzije odredišta

Bus was very comfortable, staff was exceptionally helpful
Autobus VIP 32 Cabin, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 25. lip 2024.
Left 20 min late but arrived 2 hours early. Bus in good condition, and clean. The sleeping seats are quite narrow since there are three rows of them in the bus and if you're on the “taller” side you’ll be bending and shifting a lot. I'm only 1m70 and it was challenging at first but thankfully there was a stop every two hours, ideal to stretch. The staff woman with blond hair at the Hoi An office was super helpful, smiley, and welcoming.
Autobus VIP 32 Cabin, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 5. lip 2024.
The transfer was excellent, the bus was new. Seats are perfect, drove very nice we had bus stop do restroom and dinner
Autobus VIP 20, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 30. svi 2024.
Was great actually, clean no smelly at all as i read in some reviews. Only thong that is also a bit of my fault is that i choose a bus without a toilet, i didn't have any issues with that after all. But i think is better to choose a vehicle that gives you the option. Easy thing to remember is that the 34 sleeper doesn't have a wc but the 32 has
Autobus VIP 32 Cabin, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 12. svi 2024.
Choosing to ride a VIP car is a wise choice compared to the 38-bed car that I have experienced before, the big bed is very comfortable. Helpful admin
Autobus VIP 20, An Phu Hoi An Travel, 7. ožu 2024.
The bus was very spacious and very comfortable. The staff was super nice. All in all it could have been a super nice overnight ride! But there were two things that were a bit annoying: 1) if you book a certain time, you won’t leave at that time. But they group people from different departure times together, so they don’t have half empty buses. That would be absolutely fine (especially as we arrived on time anyways) but it’s annoying to wait so long before getting on the bus. 2) the driver was driving super fast and honking all the time. This made it impossible to sleept. While the VIP Sleeper is so comfortable, you could easily sleep through the long drive, yet the noise from the honking and trying not to fall out of your bed due to the crazy driving, you literally won’t be able to sleep.
Autobus VIP 20, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 24. sij 2024.
Bus was on time and the right place. As much honking as you would expect. The bus stopped for a brake 3 times in the 12-hours trip.
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Duc Duong Bus, 16. pro 2023.
No curtains or charger points for the seats. Stopped at the dirtiest service station I've ever seen!
Autobus Sleeper 40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 27. stu 2023.
The bus driver and attendant were quite pushy, demanding and yell at tourists.They made all of the tall tourists (I'm 192cm) sit in the smallest seats at the back of the bus (while trying to tell us they were the same) for 14 hours, while the other large comfortable seats remained empty for most of the journey with local people only occupying them for a few hours. In general the operators of these bus are deceitful, rude and treat tourists very poorly.
Autobus VIP Sleeper 33 , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 25. stu 2023.
Bus had a 1h delay. Driver was always honking through the whole night. The bus suspension broke down before we could even depart.
Autobus Sleeper 38 Express, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 17. stu 2023.
29 recenzija kupaca

Kako doći od Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu

Putovanje između Hoi An An Phu i Dalat An Phu moguće je putem Let i autobus. Let jamči najbrže putovanje na ovoj ruti. Autobus je najsporija opcija.

Najskuplja karta koštat će vas USD 39.40 ako idete Autobus; kako biste uštedjeli, odlučite se za autobus koji će vas koštati samo USD 19.65.

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu?

Može vam trebati između 1 i 14 sati za put između Hoi An An Phu i Dalat An Phu, ovisno o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete.

Let je najbrži način putovanja između Hoi An An Phu i Dalat An Phu. Let će vas dovesti do vašeg odredišta za 1h. Autobus vozi mnogo sporije i treba mu otprilike 14h da stigne do Dalat An Phu.

Koliko košta doći od Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu?

Putovanje između Hoi An An Phu i Dalat An Phu može koštati jeftino kao USD 19.65 ako se odlučite za An Phu Travel (An Phu) autobus i skupo kao USD 39.40 ako kupite Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour) Autobus kartu.

Ovdje je popis koliko možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti za svako prijevozno sredstvo dostupno za ovu rutu.

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Hoi An An Phu i Dalat An Phu?

  • 23 od Hoi An do Da Lat počevši od 15:45 Hoi An An Phu do 18:00 Hoi An An Phu

Gore provjerite vozni red autobusa, vlaka, letova i trajekta od Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu.

Koji je način prijevoza najbolji za moju rutu?


Letenje je najbrži i često najskuplji način putovanja od Hoi An do Da Lat, ali uz malo sreće možete pronaći vrlo dobre ponude za samo USD 97.42.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Imajte na umu da neke od zračnih tvrtki mogu imati ograničenja u pogledu težine predane prtljage ili zahtijevati dodatno plaćanje za prijavu, odabir sjedala ili prijevoz prevelike prtljage.

Ako se odlučite za let, izračunajte vrijeme koje ćete potrošiti na dolazak i odlazak iz zračnih luka, kao i vrijeme čekanja prije leta, prolazak kroz graničnu kontrolu u slučaju međunarodnog leta i vraćanje vaše predane prtljage.

U određenim slučajevima svi ti postupci mogu dodati najmanje 5 sati vašem ukupnom vremenu putovanja.

Avioprijevoznici koji lete između Hoi An i Da Lat

Bamboo Airways, VietJet Air (Công ty Cổ phần Hàng không VietJet), Vietnam Airlines (เวียดนาม แิอร์ไลน์)


Putovanje od Hoi An do Da Lat kopneno će neizbježno potrajati dulje, ali u mnogim slučajevima je najjeftinija opcija ako se odlučite za autobus.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Za udobniju vožnju odlučite se za autobus više klase gdje god je to moguće. Ovi autobusi obično imaju mekana pomična sjedala i opremljeni su klima-uređajem i WC-om u vozilu.

Često uključuju vodu, grickalice ili lagani ručak u cijenu vaše karte i zaustavljaju se u toaletu na putu.

Tvrtke koje upravljaju autobusnim linijama između Hoi An i Da Lat

An Phu Travel (An Phu), Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)

Koji je najpopularniji prijevoz od Hoi An An Phu do Dalat An Phu?

Postoji izbor prijevoznih sredstava u bilo koje doba dana, a Autobus ostaje najpopularnija opcija zbog razumnih cijena i udobnosti.

Od 1000 putnika koji su kupili karte za ovu rutu

  • 96% se odlučilo za autobus
  • 4% je odlučilo letjeti