Trains from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan

Trains from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan

Mohan Yunnan
Tue, Nov 26
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Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan Train Schedule

Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan Train Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Laos Railway by Soutchai Second Class Seat 06:30 - 17:00LAK 1,151,118
Laos Railway by RG Adventure Second Class Seat 08:08 - 14:19LAK 1,034,347

Transportation from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan

Facts about the train from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan

Cheapest Train$47
Fastest Train5h 11m
Earliest Train6:00 AM
Latest Train8:08 AM
Daily Train Routes5
Distance260 kilometers
TrainLaos Railway by Family Service, Laos Railway by RG Adventure, Laos Railway by Soutchai

How to get from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan by train

Train from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan is a decent alternative to bus or air travel. Travelling from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan by train is easy, safe, and convenient. There is a direct railway link between the two destinations, which makes your trip smooth and hassle-free. Tickets are available for online booking and it is a good idea to buy them in advance to secure your seat. To get the most out of your train journey, check the schedule and choose the most convenient departure. As a rule, trains and ticket classes are available for every taste and budget.

How far is Vientiane from Mohan Yunnan?

The distance from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan is 260 km. Railways link the two destinations so that you can travel direct without connections. If there are connections, they will be indicated in your ticket.

How long does it take to get from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan by train?

Depending on the type of train, the length of your railway journey from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan may vary. The slowest train needs about 5h 11m to get to Mohan Yunnan, and the fastest one brings you there in about 5h 11m. We recommend opting for the fastest service to save you time, especially if you travel by day. With overnight service, the difference of a couple of hours seems not so crucial and may prove even convenient.

Note that trains normally depart on time from their station of origin but sometimes come later than scheduled to their terminus. It is better not to plan short connections if you are going to continue your journey immediately after arrival to Mohan Yunnan.

In many destinations, train stations are located very centrally and have good transport connections with the rest of the city, bus stations, and airports. It mostly concerns the older and well-established railway stations. The newer and bigger ones tend to appear in the outskirts of towns and cities, first of all, due to the reason of limited space in the central locations. Getting to and from there may be challenging even by taxi, as restrictions may apply on taxi operators allowed to serve the passengers. Hence, we highly recommend double-checking the location of the station you will depart from and arrive at as some destinations have several train stations.

How much does it cost to get from Vientiane to Mohan Yunnan by train?

There may be carriages of a different class on one and the same train on one and the same route. The price of your ticket will vary accordingly – from a dirt-cheap tag for hard seats to high numbers for super comfy overnight sleeper berths on luxury trains. For the Vientiane – Mohan Yunnan route, the cheapest ticket costs while if you want to travel with more comfort, expect to pay for the most expensive option.

Travelling by train essentials

  • Train tickets often sell out well before the date of departure. Book them in advance even if your travel does not fall onto high-season dates. Travelling during peak periods which also include public and national holidays, and long or bank weekends, advanced booking is a must if you do not want to remake your travel plans on the spot. It is unnecessary to go to the train station to book – buy your ticket online in a few clicks.
  • Advanced booking ensures you get the seats and berths you want. For example, the lower berths are always the first to sell out, while upper berths may be available even on the departure date. Similarly, for longer distances, it is the night trips that enjoy the highest demand, while you may be able to grab a ticket for the same route an hour before departure if it is an inconvenient day ride that eats a huge part of your time.
  • There may be different carriages within one and the same train: fan-only and air-conditioned; hard seats and soft seats; second class berths and private compartments. Before buying your ticket, make sure you understand what type of seat you are paying for. Prices may differ greatly, but sometimes it is a good idea to pay more not to spend 20 hours on a hard seat in a fan-only carriage. In general, second-class berths are a good choice for longer overnight trips, while for shorter 4-6-hour day journeys, a soft seat is a great option.
  • Air-conditioning on trains can be excessive – as well as heating during the cold season. Make sure to pack layers not to get cold or hot during your trip. In hot countries, fan-only carriages are a cheaper and acceptable alternative to air-conditioned carriages.
  • There are toilets on board a train. Depending on the type of train, some carriages can be equipped with simple squat-type toilets or normal Western toilets. Regardless of your ticket's price, the train toilets' cleanness is not often up to the standard, alas. It especially concerns cheaper classes, though even in first-class carriages, complaints are not unheard of.
  • There is normally a dining carriage on long-distance trains, but on some routes, dining carriages have become extinct due to covid-19 restrictions. Check in advance if food is available on board or simply pack some snacks to be on the safe side. On many trains, you will also see hawkers patrolling the aisles during the journey and selling soft beverages and snacks. Alcohol drinks are prohibited on trains.
  • Smoking is prohibited, too, if, of course, you are not travelling by a common class somewhere in China or Indonesia!
  • Arrive at the train station at least half an hour before departure to allow enough time to find your platform and go through check-in formalities. A passport or other ID which you use for buying your train ticket is almost always needed, so keep it at hand to produce when asked at check-in or boarding.
  • Trains may arrive at their destination later than scheduled. These delays are not uncommon, especially for long-haul routes. Be ready and plan accordingly. Yet compared to buses, trains are less weather and traffic dependent hence more reliable schedule-wise.