The province boasts mountainous terrain, rivers and tea plantations. It is Vietnam's largest producer of high quality green tea and the second largest – of tea in general after the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong. The tea from Thai Nguyen is shipped both domestically and abroad and in order to boost exports, First International Tea Festival was held in Thai Nguyen in November 2011.
Over 22,000 hectares of land in Thai Nguyen province is used by tea plantations. Every year, the province produces an average of 220,000 tonnes of fresh tea leaves.
This year, the festival will focus on Vietnamese tea products, tea producers and production process. While the event is a great opportunity for tea producers and traders to exchange experience, it will also feature a wide entertainment program with a beauty pageant and tea culture workshops.
Thai Ngyuen is located some 75 km north of Hanoi. Rather unexpectedly, taking into account the region's reputation of Vietnam's major tea centre, one of Thai Ngyuen's main attractions is Coffee Street with over two dozens of cafes flanking its sides and offering some of the best Vietnamese coffee.
2020 International Tea Festival in Thai Nguyen to Take Place in April
News in Asia
Thai Nguyen, in northeast Vietnam, will host Vietnam Tea Festival this spring, between April 17–19.