Lion Air Now Flies Direct between Makassar and Manokwari

News in Asia
Lion Air Now Flies Direct between Makassar and Manokwari

Lion Air, a Jakarta-based low-cost airline from Indonesia and the country's largest air carrier, started offering direct flights between Makassar and Manokwari.

Flights between Makassar in South Sulawesi and Manokwari in West Papua commenced on October 9. The service is provided on a daily bases.

Flights from Makassar's Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport leave at 8.55 am and get to Rendani Airport in Manokwari at 1 pm. The return flight takes off the same afternoon at 1.40 pm and lands in Makassar at 3.40 pm. Flight time in each direction is 3 hours. Time difference between Makassar and Manokwari is one hour, Manokwari being one hour ahead of Makassar.

As Lion Air offers a good choice of direct flights from/to Makassar, the passengers of the airline now have a convenient option to fly to Manokwari from other regions including Ambon, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Denpasar, Gorontalo, Jayapura, Kendari, Merauke, Palu, Sorong, Ternate, Manado, Lombok, Pontianak and Tarakan via Makassar. Starting their journey from Makassar, passengers can connect via Rendani Airport to Ambon, Kaimana, Sorong, Fak-Fak and Jakarta.

Once an import port of Dutch Spice Trade, today Makassar is a bustling city boasting great beaches, cuisine and culture. Many attractive destinations easily reachable from the city like Losari Beach and Bantimurung National Park are waiting to be explored.

Manokwari, in West Papua is home to the breathtaking Doreri Bay, Wondiwoy Mountains and Arfak tribe traditional houses.



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