DOT welcomes the initiatives of the current Mayor of Manila who votes for heritage tourism and is putting effort into preserving old buildins and mansions. A lot of attention has been given to cleaning the city and developing sustainable tourism in Manila recently, too.
The representatives of DOT have inpected the most notable sights within the Manila “tourism circuit" including the Bonifacio Shrine, the Plaza Roma in Intramuros, and the Rizal Monument in Luneta and confirmed they are kept in decent condition.
Besides visiting city sights, tourists will soon be able to enjoy a walk by the beach once the famous Manila Bay is officially opened to the public. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of Tourism (DOT), and the Department of the Interior and Local Governmen are currently cleaning the bay area and intalling new ppipes for water treatment facility. Manila beachfront, a prime location for meeting sunsets, is expected to open in the first quarter of the next year.
Manila Improves Its Tourism Infrastructure
News in Asia
The government of the country is ready to provide full support to the City of Manila in improving its tourism infrastructure.