The flying distance between Yogyakarta and Samarinda is 970 km. The estimated flying time is about two hours. Flights will depart Samarinda's Aji Pangerang Tumenggung Pranoto International Airport at 11.10 am and land at Adisutjipto International Airport in Yogyakarta at 12.20 pm. In the opposite direction, flights are scheduled to take off from Yogyakarta at 1.10 pm and land in Samarinda at 4 pm. The route will be served on a daily bases by Boeing 737-900ERs and Boeing 737-800NGs.
Lion Air does already offer several routes linking Java to Kalimantan. Based on the previous experience, the airline eyes the new Yogaykarta–Samarinda flight very promising as the demand for transportation options between Java and Indonesian Borneo is on the rise.
Also, effective from March, 30, all the three airlines under the Lion Air Group, i.e. Lion Air, Wings Air and Batik Air, reduced airfares on all routes. The move was prompted by the Group's desire to “answer to challenges and opportunities in the travel business, [and aims to] accommodate demand for air travel while improving flight operations.”
Lion Air Introduces Direct Yogyakarta–Samarinda Flight
News in AsiaLion Air, an Indonesian low-cost airline based in Jakarta and the country's largest airline, will operate direct route between the city of Yogyakarta, Java, and Samarinda, the capital of the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo, effective from April, 5.