The total distance between Phnom Penh and Poipet if travelling by rail is 386 km. The last 166 km stretch of the railway line from the Pursat province sitting on the western shores of Tonle Sap Lake to Phnom Penh was officially launched on July, 4. Now it is possible to travel between the Thai border and Phnom Penh by train. The railway line goes all way up from Phnom Penh to Poipet as National Route 5 does, passing Tonle Sap Lake by its western shores before reaching Battambang and continuing to the Thai border.
The renovation of the railway line destroyed during the war almost half a century ago was devided into four stages: the first part of the line between Poipet and Serey Sophorn was finished in the beginning of April this year followed by Serey Sophorn – Battambang leg which was ready by the end of April and Battambang – Pursat which was put into service in May.
The western Cambodian railway line and Thai railways in Aranyaprathet are now connected making international railway travel – at least in theory – possible.
Yahoo! Phnom Penh–Poipet Railway Line Is in Service!
News in AsiaThe western railway line which connects the capital city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with Poipet, a town at the popular border crossing with Thailand, has been finally completed and the first trains have already made their maiden journey.