The festival is a brainchild of the united efforts of artists, dancers, poets and musitians all around the country. The event will feature a wide array of cultural activities and performances – from poetry recitals to kecak dance shows. This year, the festival is held under 'Honoring Life; Honoring Nature That Gives Life' theme. It will also make the visitors acquainted with traditional folklore of Tengger community who live on the slopes of Mount Bromo and host the festival.
On July, 1 the Tengger community will perform an ancient Yadnya Kasada ritual. It falls on the 14th day of Kasada month of Hindu lunar calendar and honors the God Almighty, Sang Hyang Widhi. It is a unique festival of East Java as the overwhelming majority of the population of the island practices Islam while the Tenggerese still follow the beliefs of their anscestors – the aristocracy of the 13th century powerful Majapahit Empire, who found a refuge on Mount Bromo after the fall of their kingdom. On the day of Yadnya Kasada, the Tenggerese will head up to the crater of Mount Bromo and make offerings to Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa and the Mount which once gave them shelter.
Mt Bromo is Ready for Bromo Exotica Cultural Festival
News in Asia
The colourful Bromo Exotica Cultural Festival will be held at the foot of magnificent Mount Bromo on June 29–30 this year. It will preceed the traditional sacred Yadnya Kasada ceremony on July, 1.