Other titles won by the airport are the Best Airport in Asiaand the Best Airport Leisure Amenities.Mr Edward Plaisted, Chief Executive Officer of Skytrax,whomentionedthe fact that Changi Airport is focussed on making staying at theairport comfortable, and does not stop to innovate the service and the routes,handed the Skytrax award to Mr Lee Seow Hiang, CEO of Changi Airport Group. Thelatter admitted the high rating has become possible due to the 50,000 staff ofthe airport working in unison upgrading the airport’s infrastructure. Thedevotion, commitment and faithfulness they demonstrate make invaluablecontribution to Changi success.Mr Lee Seow Hiang said that Jewel Changi Airport, situatedin the heart of Changi Airport, which will combine the nature and urban energy,is to be opened next year. It will be a unique complex of 134,000 sqm coveringfive floors above the ground and five below the ground that will rival anyother airport in the region.
Changhi Airport, Singapore, World's Best Airport for 6 Years
News in AsiaChangi Airport, one of the greatest hubs in Southeast Asia, has won the title the World’s Best Airport for the 6th time according to Skytrax, a UK consultancy ranking airlines and airports by conducting surveys among passengers.