Speaking to reporters recently, transport-minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith explained bids had not been put out to tender last month as originally planned. He carried on by saying the ministry was still putting the finishing touches to the terms of reference and the bidding process would likely kick off in the New Year.
Minister Termpittayapaisith finished off by saying that working on this scenario, contractors would be able to start work on the project before the end of 2018. The original section of the Purple Line opened in August 2016 and linked Khlong Bang Phai Station in Nonthaburi Province to Tao Poon.
12GO ASIA notes ridership was low during the first 12 months the Purple Line was in operation. The reason for this was a missing link connecting Tao Poon to Bang Sue Station and the MRT Subway Blue Line was somehow forgotten. The link launched this past August and the number of passengers using the Purple Line immediately doubled.
Extension of Bangkok Purple Line put on back burner
News in AsiaThailand’s Transport Ministry has deferred the opening of bids to build an extension to Bangkok’s suburban Purple Line tracks. The add-on in question is a 23km extension from the current southern terminus at Tao Poon Station to Rat Burana.