The alert stated that the first 24 to 36 hours would see the heaviest storms, but they were expected to continue through until Friday. The department noted that people living in low-lying areas prone to flooding should store their belongings on the upper levels of their houses.
If rain and excess water runoff do inundate Bangkok the situation may be worse as this will coincide with high-tide in the Gulf of Thailand. The weathermen say the high tides mean there will be nowhere for the rain water to drain off to.
12GO ASIA’s Bangkok agents say September usually marks end of the annual monsoon season in Thailand. The team says people catching aeroplanes, buses or trains should allow just that little extra time to reach their departure stations.
Thai weather bureau says heavy rain and floods are on the horizon
News in Asia
A warning issued by the Meteorological Department of Thailand says heavy rainfall will sweep across most regions of the country this week. The department said yesterday there is a 40 per cent more likelihood of rain in all areas and some flooding is inevitable.