The contract is for 72 Innovia Monorail 300 trains. The Pink line will get 42 of the trains and the rest will be used to serve the Yellow line. The trains will feature driverless technology, have maximum speeds of 80kph and will be built at Bombardier’s Puzhen factory in China.
Bombardier also secured the contract for the installation of signalling equipment for the two lines. Both monorail lines are being designed to handle two-way traffic of up to 56,000 passengers per hour and are part of the Thai government’s aim of improving transport choices for residents and tourists in the national capital.
12GO ASIA says the Pink line will be 34kms long and connect Khai Rai to Minburi. The Yellow line will link Ladprao to Samrong and be 30kms long. The construction of the lines got the green light last year and both have been tentatively scheduled for soft launches in 2022.
Bombardier wins train contract for new Bangkok monorail lines
News in AsiaThe Germany based Bombardier Transportation has won the contract to supply rolling stock for two new Bangkok monorail lines. The four-carriage trains will be utilised on the city’s Pink and Yellow lines when they are inaugurated in a few years time.