He continued by saying 100 master kite builders from 10 different nations had confirmed their attendance. They will be giving demonstrations of the art of flying kites plus tuition on how to make the best fliers and then adorn them with the prettiest decals and patterns.
The venue for the kite fest is Tam Thanh’s beautiful beach. In addition to Vietnamese, kiting aficionados from China, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the US, Canada and Germany will be attending.
Tam Thanh is on the shoreline of Quang Nam Province and only a couple of kilometres from the larger town of Tam Ky. Ga Tam Ky is a stop for trains travelling between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Booking advanced tickets for these trains is simple when choosing 12GO ASIA.
International kite jamboree to stage in central Vietnam province
News in Asia
The deputy chairperson in the central Vietnamese township of Tam Thanh has confirmed that a planned kite festival is to go ahead. Le Ngoc Ty said Tam Thanh will hold the international kite jamboree between the 5 and 9 June 2017.