Nonthasak boss Suriya Thamchu noted that his company ran sightseeing and activities trips to the island. He explained that the clean up was a big thank you from the company for allowing it to do business there.
He carried on by saying the spruced up environment would allow marine life to continue to prosper and this would in turn encourage more tourists to visit. In addition to Nonthasak’s employees, the cleanup squad comprised divers, island vendors and Prince of Songkla University students.
The rubbish collected from Coral Island included car tyres, fishing nets, plastic bags and bottles. Coral Island is known as Koh Hae to Thais and is one of a cluster of small islets near the south coast of Phuket.
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Volunteers clean up Phuket’s Coral island
News in Asia
A 100-strong posse of volunteers cleaned up garbage from Phuket’s Coral Island on Saturday. Nonthasak Marine Company organised the mop up operation and confirmed afterwards that more than one ton of flotsam and other garbage was carted away from the islet.