22 5月 2024

StarMart Express

618 則顧客評價
  • Reviews

關於 StarMart Express

大巴是一種便捷的旅行方式,無論是去幾個小時車程的鄰近城鎮,還是穿越整個國家去探索更遠的地方。無論預算多少,大巴都能滿足您的需求。快速大巴為手頭拮據的旅客提供最實惠的票價,而VIP大巴為主要針對舒適度要求高的旅客。購票前,確保選擇最適合您的大巴類型。 如果是長途旅行,可以選乘VIP大巴或一等大巴直達目的地,或者只在沿途少數幾個車站停靠。通常,快車或本地大巴比較適合短途旅行,但如果是長途旅行往往就不划算了。出發前先看一下時刻表,因為許多長途目的地都有夜間大巴,並且有些夜間大巴為長途旅行提供更寬的座位或臥鋪。在線預訂StarMart Express的車票。其他旅客的評論有助您選擇最合適的大巴車票和級別。

StarMart Express熱門車站

StarMart Express的大巴覆蓋的主要車站包括:

  • 成功時代廣場
  • 麻六甲中央車站
  • 吉隆坡国际机场T2航站楼
  • 吉隆坡国际机场T1航站楼
  • 仁愛醫院
  • 拉慶巴士總站
  • 黃金大廈
  • 吉隆玻TBS
  • 怡保阿曼再也
  • 北海

StarMart Express大巴類型和票價




  • 大巴是前往不通鐵路或飛機的地方的最佳選擇。大巴網絡通常幾乎覆蓋整個國家,並且路線成熟合理。
  • 與飛機和鐵路相反,坐大巴不需要提前很多時間到達汽車站。即使是在跨國路線上檢票也不需要很多時間。大巴的行李限額通常對旅客非常友好,即使有限額設定,額外行李的費用通常也不會很高。
  • 與飛機票或快鐵車票相比,汽車票更實惠。種類繁多的車票類型可供各種預算的旅客選擇。便宜的標準大巴可能有點慢,舒適度也不夠好,但可以將旅客送達目的地也算尚可接受。而長途大巴則提供車上廁所、或停站如廁,以及零食和水,有時洗漱用品和毯子都包含在大巴票價里。
  • 預算充足的旅客,可以選擇VIP大巴。這些VIP大巴配備了可以比擬飛機商務艙的座位,擁有寬大且柔軟的躺椅和毛毯,乘客數量也不多,以及許多讓您旅行愉快的其他福利。


  • 新建的城際大巴車站通常位於市區外的高速公路附近,方便大巴避開市區的擁堵。不過這也會給旅客帶來更多的麻煩。如何到達大巴車站可能就是個問題,因為一些地方對進入大巴車站的車輛有限制,旅客不得不乘坐專門的交通工具才能到達大巴車站。由於這些交通工具的價格可能被抬高,旅行的成本也會跟著上升。如果在交通高峰期出行,特別是在不熟悉出發地的交通狀況時,一定要多計算些交通擁堵的時間。
  • 大巴可能比火車或飛機更容易晚點。大巴在很大程度上依賴於道路情況,有時可能由於一些無法預測的事故、道路工事、繞行等而晚點,在週末、旺季或法定假日旅行時尤其如此。務必記住,不要計劃連接緊密的行程。
  • 在一些路線或最受歡迎的時期旅行可能需要提前預訂大巴車票。請記住,不要以為可以直接到汽車站趕上最近的一班大巴,因為到您到達車站時車票很可能已經售罄,所以要提前預訂好車票。

StarMart Express 公司評價

巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年3月27日
Bus smelled cigarette. Driver lighted up cigarette in the last few km to Melaka Sentral. Although he exhaled out through the window. It didn’t help. It also seemed like he took a few puffs off e-cigarette.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月28日
Comfy masssge seats. Plenty of room and good air con.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月18日
Double deck bus but I perfect have a seat below rather on TOP as TOP too squeezes below is comfortable seat. Gd bus driver reach earlier then thought but the problem can't charge the phone and no wifi. Nowadays ppls goes for that hope starmart will get much more better in service in success in bussiness
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月17日
The driver was very nice and helpful. Bus was comfortable and clean. Seats were large and comfortable.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月1日
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年1月2日
They called before leaving which was very good. They are responsible drivers.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年12月22日
At the starting point bus was delayed by 30 or 40 minutes. Scheduled reaching time 04.30 pm was delayed by more than three hours. Attendant was reluctant to help passenger to put their luggage in bus boot.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年12月11日
No bus stop announcement or explenation and massage seats not working Still quite comfortable, no wifi, too expensive for the mediocre service
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年11月25日
Found out I paid 5 MYR more than the ticket price, but I got the front seat, not so bad
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年8月28日
Great trip, super comfy seats. Stopped halfway for toilet break, as no toilets on board. Highly recommend.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年7月21日
Es hat alles super geklappt. Wir konnten unsere Tickets auf dem Smartphone zeigen, wurden pünktlich abgeholt und der Bus wartete hinter der Grenze auf alle. Durch die lange Schlange am Immigration Counter in Singapur, verzögerte sich die Fahrzeit um ca. 1h. Die Sitze waren sehr bequem und es war auch nicht zu kalt klimatisiert. Essen und Trinken waren strengstens verboten. Es gab zwei kleine Stops. (ca. 10 min). Insgesamt empfehlenswert.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年6月20日
The Bus was dirty. We bought tickets VIP. It was written with Service and snacks.. We had no extra services. In the Bus was extremely could. Only 16 degrees C. The Light for reading couldn't switched on. Only one the seats were comfortable, but this kind of bus we got for a better price. So we were very disappointed. Beside of that the bus was delayed and it took us more than 3 hours to KL.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年6月18日
The bus was comfortable. We had a delay from 45 minutes. We need more time at the border but the bus driver was waiting until we got into the bus. I would book it again.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年6月1日
The bus was clean and comfortable. The driver was TERRIBLE. It honestly felt like it was maybe his first or second time driving a bus. Hard braking, hard accelerating, jerking on and off the brakes - we were in a traffic jam for 2 hours and it was frustrating. He also didn't help anyone load their bags onto the bus after Singapore immigration, he was just having a chat with his co-worker. Everything else was great, but I just had to mention the driver.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年4月14日
Bus started delayed in Malacca but arrived JB in time. The massage function was broken, but the xxl seats were nice. Booking online is more expansive then buying a ticket at the terminal and you have to pay a little fee (less 1RM).
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年4月7日
All are valaued and comfortable in check in and on seat. Driver’s friendly Kawaii.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年3月18日
I went from Malacca to Singapore. Until almost the border, it went good. We were on time and no annoying music or anything. Just before the border we stopped. The driver told us to get our luggage and get out. We figured it was the border control, but soon discovered it was just a stop called Larkin Sentral. The bus driver left and we were stuck there. Very bad, so therefore the low rating. In the end we found that busses to Singapore are leaving at platforms 1 to 4, so we bought a new ticket.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年2月23日
Die Ausschilderung am Flughafen für den Shuttle zum Klia2 war schlecht,weshalb wir den Bus “eigentlich“ verpassten. Starmat brachte uns dann mit einem anderen Bus zurück zu Klia, da der Bus auch ab dort (Busterminal) fuhr. Sehr hilfreiches und nettes Personal.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年2月14日
Wszystko szybko i sprawnie Rezerwacja 2 godz. przed odjazdem a bilety czekały na nas w pkt. spotkania
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年1月14日
The bus is great, relaxing chairs & safe travel. I will recommend this to my family & friends.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年1月5日
The bus is great, relaxing chairs & safe travel. I will recommend this to my family & friends.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2019年1月4日
Es war gut. Die Sitze im Buss sind groß und bieten reichlich beinfreiheit inklusive Massage. Toiletten sind nicht an Bord, dafür wird am Rastplatz angehalten.Die Abfertigung an der Grenze geht schnell, Einreiseformular für Singapur gibt es schon im Buss.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年12月12日
While the bus itself was comfortable, an hour into the trip the bus driver stopped without explanation. When I asked why we were stopped and how long we would be stopped for he said “changing bus. Maybe 10 minutes” - I didn’t know we had to change busses. 10 minutes turned into more than an hour. We finally got going and the bus stopped AGAIN. I should have arrived at the airport 2.5 hours before my flight. I ended up missing my flight as by the time we arrived at the airport, it was well past my boarding time. What could have been a great review, has unfortunately turned to this. And there wasn’t any apology or explanation. I hope that when I make contact with them directly they will at least refund my expensive ticket!
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年12月5日
Bus itself was good, great that you could charge your phone, but dropping us off at the border was very chaotic and nobody did you where to go and what to do after- more support would make it a 5 stars trip
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年8月19日
Im Prinzip war alles in Ordnung. Hätten wir auf einen Flug gemusst, hätte es allerdings hektisch werden können, da wir nicht um 13:10 Uhr, sondern um 13:40 Uhr am Flughafen angekommen sind.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年8月13日
Reading the reviews I was a little nervous at first to be catching the Starmart VIP 24. So I wanted to leave a review to help others out since I rely so much on reviews myself! First of all, the bus didn’t have all the amenities the icons listed here claims it does? It’s got AC. Seats recline some. Luckily I had a neck pillow and small blanket, phone was charged up as well as a pocket charger if needed. So I was all set to just sleep the ride through. The whole trip went by smoother than I was expecting. The meet up spot at Berjaya Square was easy to find. The ticket booth workers were helpful and friendly. I was told to come back 15 mins before the departure to collect my ticket and/or I can ask the bus drivers of earlier buses if I can jump on. They were a little late by idk 7 mins? but that’s due to traffic. I watched several other buses come and leave promptly. There was a rest stop about 1.5 hrs in but I didn’t get off because I didn’t need snacks and I wasn’t sure how long the break was. Felt like 10 mins but I went back to sleep so I’m not sure! The next time we stopped it was at the departure gate for Malaysia. It was the middle of the night so there were no lines. It was fast. You need to take all your bags with you because you probably won’t end up on the same bus. I didn’t even see my same bus after. Didn’t seem like the buses waited for 30 mins but there were several Starmart buses at the station so they told us we could jump on any one. If not the counters say the buses are in 30 min intervals so in the case you miss one there will be another one. As long as you’re not in a rush to make a connection or something. It’s no big deal. The next stop was the Singapore entrance which was also quick. And then we did stop at one small stop before Golden Mile that some people got off (so be aware- I almost got off because I didn’t know there were multiple stops). Overall it was a pleasantly smooth experience. The workers were helpful and friendly enough. We arrived maybe 30-45 mins later then originally said but it’s the middle of the night. Soooo. Not a big deal. Worth the money. Not as scary as all the previous reviews said. I’d say it was worth it’s buck. Adventure on!
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年8月5日
It was our first time to travel by bus going to SG...it was a smooth travel...no hassles at all from the time we left KL until we arrived at SG. There was a little traffic starting from the bridge going to the SG immigrations building but nevertheless it was a safe and good travel for me and my daughter.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年6月28日
StarMart bus was very comfortable. When it arrived at Singapore migration point, my wife and I went to the line. The migration process to check our passports took too much time, so obviously, we didn't have the chance to catch the same bus to take us to the Golden Mile Tower in Singapore. We thought it wasn't a problem to wait a little bit for another StarMart bus after the migration process because the StarMart bus ticket mentioned that this was a common issue for the tourists. In case a tourist missed his bus (due to overtime at the migration point), he can catch the next one. The problem was that the next StarMart bus took a lot of time to arrive. When finally we saw not one, but two StarMart buses, we approached the drivers, but with a negative behavior, they said they would give preference to his passengers (not us) and that their buses were full. No chance to have a seat. We will have to wait if a seat was free at the end. By pure luck and because my wife and I had initiative, we occupied two seats regardless of the driver's warnings. We sat and hoped these two seats were free. At last, no previous passengers arrived and we could go to Golden Mile Tower. I didn't like this StarMart Bus process. If I had another opportunity to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, I would definitely not choose bus as transportation, but plane instead. Better to reach Changi Airport and take metro, instead of jumping through buses.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年3月14日
Smooth experience from getting tickets, to boarding bus to arriving at destination.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2018年2月25日
Die 10 Minuten Verspätung sind ok gewesen. Alles vor Ort wurde freundlich und verständlich durchgeführt. Der Bus war etwas älter, hatte ein unangenehmer Geruch und die Klimaanlage war ständig eingeschalten, so dass man das Gebläse ständig im Nacken hatte. Die Fahrt ist reibungslos verlaufen. Wartezeit für den Grenzübergang lag bei ca. 1 Stunde. Sind gut angekommen.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2017年12月23日
A trip that was expected to take 4h ended up taking 7h. Our queue was slower (not more than 10min) so the bus just left us at the border. We were lucky to convince another bus to take us the rest of the trip. Seats are quite comfortable but prepare yourself for some glacial full blasting AC.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2017年12月19日
The bus was comfortable and clean. We had a pleasant trip and the driver is kind. I will continue using this bus company in my next trip to Singapore.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2017年12月2日
Bus was comfy but instead of arriving 21:30, we arrived 00:30, both because the driver didn’t really drive fast but also because there was a hold up at customs. I know the bus company cannot be responsible for customs hold ups but it was because either people didn’t have their paperwork in order or they are bringing stuff that’s prohibited. I believe in this case the bus should just continue and offer the next bus to these passengers OR fine them so other passengers can be refunded (partially)
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年3月20日
The aircon was turn on to driver’s comfort all were feeling freezing cold and there is no blanket provided.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年3月15日
Я забыла в порту сумочку - косметичку, надеюсь увидеть ее на обратном пути 22 марта
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年3月9日
I did not expecting the bus was stopped by Bus center, and it took more than 3-1/2 hours to reach KLIA2....
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年3月9日
The driver and bus were excellent! I really enjoy the ride.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年3月4日
Comfy ride and good driver. Arrived/departed KLIA ½ hour late. No signage to indicate which platform to wait at (unlike at Melaka Sentral). Advertises itself as a Massage bus, but doesn’t work.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年3月1日
There were cockroaches in the bus walking up the walls to the seats.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月22日
First bus didn’t have air conditioning for two and a half hours, thankfully we switched to another bus. The ticket also said it was a 5 hour ride, it was over 7 hours.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月19日
Great bus - excellent driver - good price
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月18日
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月14日
Not much time given for toilet break. Requested to change bus at malaysia immigration if drop off at boon lay. Seats are uncomfortable.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月12日
Bus is comfortable, somewhat agitated bus driver. Arrived 15 min later than said, so all ok.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月11日
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年2月1日
Trip was good. Only complaint we have is that the driver (s) did not announce the stops.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年1月31日
Lack of information From staff when reuested particularly on arrival at Singapore
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年1月30日
The coach was nice and comfortable. However the journey was not pleasant as I feel dizzy maybe because the driver keeps on pressing break or the bus too lowered.
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年1月28日
many stop. tickets price is expensive compare with other seller
巴士 VIP 24, StarMart Express, 2020年1月25日
Late arrival, late departure but sweet driver and very comfortable seats. Lots of smoking and peeing breaks