15 5月 2024

Nor Neane Transport

856 則顧客評價
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Nor Neane Transport 行程及時刻表

曼谷 - 華欣
05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
華欣 - 曼谷
04:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
曼谷 - 差安縣
05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
差安縣 - 曼谷
05:45, 07:45, 09:45, 11:45, 13:45, 15:45, 17:45, 19:45
班布裏 - 曼谷
03:00, 06:00, 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00
曼谷 - 班布裏
05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00

關於 Nor Neane Transport


Nor Neane Transport是麵包車旅行的運營商,提供可靠的麵包車服務和簡單安全的在線訂票服務。

Nor Neane Transport熱門車站

以下是Nor Neane Transport的麵包車主要停靠的車站:

  • 伊卡邁
  • 華欣藍港購物中心
  • Hua Hin 51 Alley
  • 華欣酒店中轉
  • 華欣Minivan站
  • 查阿姆
  • 班布裏Nor Neane
  • Hua Hin Transfer

Nor Neane Transport熱門目的地

Nor Neane Transport麵包車票價和類型

與火車或大巴截然不同,麵包車可供選擇的車票等級很少。所有的座位都是一樣的——叫標準可以,叫VIP也可以,或者叫其他名字都行。不過,麵包車的類型可能會有所不同。一些麵包車核載9到10名乘客,這對於旅客而言,就可以擁有更寬的座椅、更大的空間和更舒適的旅程。另一些麵包車核載15名乘客,就會犧牲掉一些手腳伸展和存放行李的空間。如果想要獲得更舒適的乘坐體驗,有時候一人買兩個座位不失為一個好辦法。不過,務必向運營商咨詢是否允許一人購買兩個座位。在訂票前,請參閱其他旅客對Nor Neane Transport麵包車服務的評論。



  • 麵包車可能是到達一些偏遠的地方的唯一方式,如既不通大巴也不通火車的小鎮或村莊。
  • 麵包車也可以通過大型輪渡帶旅客去一些與大陸不相連的島嶼,而大巴卻不行。
  • 麵包車比大巴車體積更小,在道路上的機動性更強,有時能縮短旅行時間,特別是在目的地不遠的情況。
  • 雖然麵包車有固定的停靠站,但旅客也可以在自己方便的地方下車,而不需要去車站,只需要告訴司機即可。請注意,這種情況並不是都能行得通,但在多數情況下,司機們都會讓旅客下車。這樣可以節省旅客從車站步行或乘出租車離開所花費的時間和費用。


  • 核載多個乘客的麵包車可能會讓人覺得十分擁擠。手腳伸展空間有限。有些麵包車規定一張票的行李限額只有一件。如果旅客有多個單肩包、雙肩包或行李箱,可能需要為行李單獨購買車票,導致旅行費用翻番。
  • 並非所有的麵包車都會按時運行。在某些路線上,麵包車只有在滿員時才發車。買票前一定要和運營商確認這一點,否則,您可能會等很長的時間,直到滿員為止。
  • 麵包車的司機通常比任何其他交通工具的司機都要更加魯莽,這一點人盡皆知。儘管一些麵包車公司在車輛上安裝了限速裝置,但這種裝置在整個行駛過程中不停地響,而司機卻視而不見的情況屢見不鮮。坐麵包車時一定要記得系好安全帶。有時您需要花點時間才能找到麵包車的安全帶。
  • 如果您容易暈車,衷心建議您在出發前半小時服用暈車藥,特別是在旅途有彎曲的道路的情況。坐麵包車比坐大巴更容易暈車。

Nor Neane Transport 停靠站

Nor Neane Transport 公司評價

廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年2月5日
No problems. Arrived early, so assigned to an earlier van. No particular traffic problems and arrived in a very convenient location in central Hua Hin.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2022年10月19日
You get what you pay for. The first hour was wasted because of 5 stops before even leaving the city limits, which was followed by another 5-6 stops en route to Bangkok. The seats are very uncomfortable. That said, it gets you from A to B at a affordable price. Would I book it again? Probably not.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2022年9月24日
Old equipment, not comfortable. Service on time so that is great
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年12月28日
建议提早到 车上空调温服蛮高的 司机服务挺好的 会帮忙搬箱子 车子有点旧 但也还好
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年11月25日
The approximate pick up time is little annoying when you do not know exactly when they pick you up. My bus departed at 18:00, pick up already at 16:50... Bus to BKK departed ealyer, around 17:50. Smooth drive. Stop for toilet in gas station where no minimarket.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年10月30日
prix du bagage au prix du billet, donc on paye 2 fois le prix annoncé. C'est du vol pure et simple. Quand on arrive au conter, il demande le même prix pour la valise que payé sur le site.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年10月26日
Bien, par contre il faut indiqué dans vos propositions de tarifs que le transporteur demande d'acheter une place supplémentaire pour une valise, donc le prix double. C'est indiqué seulement quand vous recevez le ticket.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年9月5日
คนขับรถสุภาพและบริการดีมากค่ะ ขอบคุณค่ะ
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年5月30日
Value for money. I was 1.5 hour earlier at the station and the van was not fully booked, they asked us if we wanted to board an hour earlier. No fuss. Just make sure you will a small suitcase.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年5月6日
จองเที่ยว06.00ได้ไปตอน07.00 ควรล็อคคิวให้คนที่จองไว้ไปก่อน
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年5月3日
It was fine leaving Hua Hin on time and don’t mind pick up or drop off passengers but on the way back the schedule should leave at 6 but it was delayed 40 minutes, can you imagine sitting in the van do nothing...
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年4月9日
การจองตั๋วผ่าน 12GO ซึ่งทำการจองล่วงหน้าและมีการชำระเงินเรียบร้อยแล้ว ควรจะได้เดินทางตามเวลาที่จองไว้ แต่ในความเป็นจริงไม่ต่างจากการเดินทางมาซื้อหน้าเคาน์เตอร์เลย เพราะมีเงื่อนไขระบุว่าต้องมาถึง ก่อนเวลาเดินทางที่จองไว้ 60 นาที หากมาถึงไม่ทัน 60 นาทีก่อนรถออก ต้องถูกปรับไปเดินทางรอบถัดไป (ทำให้ดูเหมือนการจองผ่าน 12GO และจ่ายเงินเรียบร้อยแล้วไม่แตกต่างจากการเดินทางมาจองที่เคาน์เตอร์เลย) ซึ่งลูกค้าที่จองผ่าน 12GO ต้องการความแน่นอนของการเดินทางตามเวลาที่ต้องการ และควรมีสิทธิในที่นั่งที่จองไว้จนถึงเวลารถออก เพราะจ่ายเงินไปแล้ว หากมาไม่ทันค่อยนำสิทธิ์ของลูกค้าไปขายต่อหรือ ขยับไปให้คนอื่น
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年4月9日
รถออกตรงเวลา มาถึง กทม.ตรงเวลา สิ่งที่อยากให้ปรับปรุงคือ 1.หากจองผ่าน 12Go แล้วและได้ชำระเงินแล้ว ควรจะได้เดินทาง ตามที่จองไว้ แต่บริษัทเดินรถ ก็ไม่กันที่นั่งไว้ให้ผู้จอง 12GO ต้องมาดูหน้างานอยู่ดีว่า มีที่นั่งถึงจะได้ขึ้นรถ 2.ต้องเผื่อเวลา 60 นาทีเพื่อมาถึงหน้าห้องจองตั๋ว ทำให้การจองผ่าน 12GO ไม่ต่างจากการไปจองหน้าห้องจองตั๋ว 3.ในรอบที่เดินทางนี้ มีชาวต่างชาติตัวสูง 195 ซม. ขึ้นจากต้นทางหัวหิน ซ.51 มาขอคนขับนั่งด้านหน้าเพราะตัวสูง แต่คนขับ ขึงขัง ไม่พอใจ ปฏิเสธไม่ยอม และปล่อยที่นั่งด้านข้างคนขับว่าง จนมาแวะรับผู้โดยสาร ที่ชะอำกลับยอมให้ ผู้หญิงคนไทยตัวเล็กมานั่งตำแหน่งดังกล่าว ดูแล้วไม่มีเหตุผล ไม่มีความเป็นมืออาชีพ
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年4月4日
normally all good, only problem, my luggage shall pay another additional 1 ticket.. but still ok
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年4月1日
Very good service I left my baggage in Hua Hin and they put it on the next bus
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年3月28日
Left on time and arrived 30 mins earlier than scheduled so no complaints there. Didn't mind the dropping off and picking up of other passengers. However it would be good to have the mid-journey stop at a normal PTT station...one that has a Cafe Amazon - I would have liked a coffee! Jeremy (Huahin)
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年3月17日
Nicht sehr komfortabel, da wir die hintersten beiden Sitze hatten. Etwas eng und ziemlich harte Federung. Für eine nicht allzu lange Fahrt aber o.k..
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年3月12日
Gut und günstig. Für Reisegepäck am besten eigenen Sitz buchen.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年2月2日
Second time I had an booking with 12goasia. From Hua hin to bangkok with minibus. I showed up right in time and gave them my invoice...I dont speak thai and they dont spoke english...Everything worked fine...no problems
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2019年2月1日
It was a bit of a bumpy ride to Bangkok. Other than that it was a good service, we arrived earlier than expected.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年11月26日
รถตูนั่งไม่สบาย, แอร์ร้อน
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年11月19日
Hat alles super funktioniert und der Fahrer war sehr bemüht. Gerne wieder!!! :-)
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年8月1日
Booking in advance was supposed to help me avoid fighting for a seat on a van back to Bangkok after a long weekend. But still there was an overbooking and I had to insist on actually getting the seat that I prebooked and paid for in advance. Three stars only because I got it without much arguing in the end and the van left on time.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年7月30日
I booked Minibus on 15:00, but it’s departed on 14:30. I recommend you go to terminal 1hour earlier ( 12Go’s suggestion)
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年7月9日
Quite run down bus. However journey only took 3 and a half hours. Driver would turn air con off for long periods whilst at petrol station despite being in 33 degree heat
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年6月16日
This service is really awesome. Id read all these other reviews in the train, the bus etc. this was th cheapest ( yay) option AND it seems the quickest. I've taken this route 4 times now in a week and cannot fault it. Today I had a ticket on the 12 pm Bangkok to Hua Hin. I arrived early and asked if I may switch. They said yes no problem ( may not always be the case, if minivan is full I guess). So I left early, and this time the minivan took a different route I think? It was a tad longer - perhaps because it was Saturday, it was also 100 THB more than the other 180THB I pad each time. BUt I. Think this is Saturday prices, I don't know. Either way, this is a GREAT, friendly, very accommodating service. They're totally friendly staff, very kind, and they actually seem to know which hotel or drop off point you wish for. And again, we stopped for ice coffee and fried pork snacks!! Will recommend this to everyone. Best, cheapest, quickest. This morning it took 2 hours door to door. Comin back, a bit slower ( the different Saturday route perhaps). Voted 5 because there is no 6. Wifi on bourd would be great next time!!!!
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年6月1日
Very good, they waited 5 minutes for me to arrive. The driver was nice and drove well. Thankyou
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年3月20日
The driver was very helpful and managed to get all my luggage on, for the price can not complain and the customer service in-between time with 12go support were very informative. Did get a little hot on the Van but was great to travel with local people, will defo use the service in future.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年3月10日
Everything was Ok, driver did his job, not speaking.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年2月23日
Everything worked out perfectly. I was able to enter a van that departed 1,5h earlier and they dropped me off at my hostel
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年1月30日
Very accomodating staffs. Keep it up! Until next time ????
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2018年1月17日
Trip was good. On time. Had to buy an extra seat as I had big luggage. And only seen the memo after I booked. Maybe I missed it but it should be on the booking page so you don't have to pay service fee twice. Driver was nice but I think it's unnecessary to switch lanes that much to save 2 minutes overall. I would still recommend only if you have 1 small, small bag or buy two seats. It was full ,full. Minibus.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2017年12月8日
The minivan was not full but they insisted to make us pay for luggage... So apparently if you have large backpacks they make you pay. The driver did a good job. The minivan seemed pretty used and the ride was not so confortable...
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2017年11月10日
Quick trip, however definitely unsafe, and driver was not mature enough to be responsible for transporting van full of 10+ individuals. Almost had 2 accidents along way, kid driving was on cell phone for over half of 3-hr journey. Need anymore be said. Will not recommend taking minivan to anyone, as driver assigned most likely will be unreliable. Will take train or VIP bus to Hua Hin next time, even if it takes little longer...
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Nor Neane Transport, 2017年10月31日
The trip was fast and efficient. Though not particularly comfortable. The driver stopped a number of times and picked up random passengers.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2024年3月17日
The ride was good, the problem is that people had bags that were too big and would be taking space where our legs should be.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2024年2月29日
The driver was friendly and the bus stop there I wanted.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年12月31日
If you’re staying in bkk center and trying to get to Pranburi it’s definitely the easiest and cheapest option, however once the bus gets past the greater Bangkok area it starts stopping to let people on or off very frequently. This adds a lot of extra time to the journey. We planned to take it all the way to Pranburi but decided to get out at Hua Hin because we had enough of the stopping. It took nearly 5 hours to get to Hua Hin from Ekamai. We also paid for an extra ticket for a bag and were asked to show that to the ticket lady at the desk, but then the bus driver was confused why we had 3 tickets for 2 people and put our bag in the luggage hold… so I’m unsure if you actually need to buy another ticket. It’s also worth noting that if you get off in Pranburi and don’t have a taxi or lift already arranged you might struggle to get to Pak Nam Pran if that’s where you’re heading. We managed to get a Grab from Hua Hin to our hotel in Pak Nam Pran for about 350b. Overall, I think if you’re traveling in a group more than 2 people you might as well just book a Bolt.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年12月30日
Punctual and fast all in all... But old van with inconvenient plastic seats which make you sweat. Many stops to drop off people but no stop for toilet. My friend was charged 200 Baht though his baggage was not oversized.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年10月4日
The bus appeared to be overbooked but a second bus was made available!
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年9月25日
The car was very run down. Terrible suspensjon and seats worn out. This car belongs in the scrapyard! I have driven this route many times before, but this was by far the worst minivan I have ever been in. By the wa, I took the minivan leaving at 12.00 not 13.00.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年9月12日
I’d say it was okay since we were able to be dropped off at Ekkamai safely and earlier than the intended time. Maybe it’s just a mishap on my part but my thinking was that the seats were already pre-booked and the minibus would leaving Hua Hin filled with passengers. However, this was not the case. The minibus had multiple stops along the way. It was alright and I had no issues with it but we were just surprised that this was the case. The bus was kinda old as well and the aircon was not as cool as it should so it got a little uncomfortable because of the heat. The seats were also uncomfortable as the ride progressed. The driver however, was friendly and amicable and dropped us safely to our destination which made up for the whole trip.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年9月2日
Delayed departure, but arrived OK. Driver tried to get extra payment although I had already paid overprice through 12GoAsia.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年6月24日
Good car ,Good driver and Good service.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年6月20日
Very good
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年6月20日
As usual, perfectly on time ! (even early, so do not be late !) the trip lasts 3 to 3h30 only
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年6月18日
I don't really understand why we need to arrive 1h before departure time if we book in advance online. I booked a 7am trip, arrived at 6.30am at the van station, and the van was already full. 2nd time it happens to me, annoying to wake up at 5am, to ride 6km by bicycle, for not having space in the trip you booked online (and paid for!)... Anyway, I waited for an hour and arrived safe in Hua hin, the trip only takes around 3hours, instead of the 4h hours announced ;)
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年5月6日
This ride was actually smooth and nice. Very nice driver. Unlike what they write in the reservation, you don't need to buy an extra sit for your suitcase. If your backpack or suitcase are normal sized, they will find a place for them. The AC was a little weak, but ok.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年5月3日
Good way to travel from bkk to Hua Hin! Cheap and decent bus, and it took less than 4hours. One stop along the way so you could go to the toilet.
廂型車 迷你巴士, Nor Neane Transport, 2023年4月30日
As Thai myself, The driver is very rude to a foreigner. Not sure why he was so mad.