16 5月 2024

Indian Railways

2,758 則顧客評價
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Indian Railways 行程及時刻表

德里 - 阿格拉
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
01:00, 04:25, 05:10
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
01:00, 04:25, 05:10
火車 SL - 臥鋪
01:00, 04:25, 05:10
火車 二等空調臥艙
01:00, 04:25, 05:10
火車 頭等空調臥艙
04:25, 05:10
阿格拉 - 德里
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:10, 00:30, 00:35, 00:40, 00:48, 01:00, 01:20, 23:50
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:10, 00:30, 00:35, 00:40, 00:48, 01:00, 01:20, 02:10, 23:50
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:10, 00:35, 00:40, 00:48, 02:10, 23:50
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:10, 00:48
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:30, 00:48, 01:00, 01:20, 02:10
阿格拉 - 齋浦爾
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
06:00, 07:30
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
06:00, 06:10, 06:45
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
06:10, 06:45, 07:30
火車 頭等空調臥艙
06:10, 07:30
火車 二等空調臥艙
06:10, 06:45, 07:30
火車 SL - 臥鋪
06:10, 06:45, 07:30
齋浦爾 - 阿格拉
火車 SL - 臥鋪
02:35, 03:05, 03:10, 04:55
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:35, 03:05, 03:10, 04:45
火車 頭等空調臥艙
02:35, 04:45, 04:50, 04:55
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
02:35, 03:05, 03:10, 04:45, 04:55
火車 二等空調臥艙
02:35, 03:05, 03:10, 04:45
德里 - 齋浦爾
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:05, 00:07, 00:30, 01:02, 04:15, 04:30
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:05, 00:07, 00:30, 01:02, 04:15, 04:30
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:05, 00:07, 00:30, 01:02, 04:15, 04:30, 06:20
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:05, 00:07, 04:15, 04:30
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:30, 01:02
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
火車 EC - 加大空調座位艙
齋浦爾 - 德里
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:40, 00:45, 01:20
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:40, 00:45, 01:15, 01:20
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:40, 00:45, 01:15, 01:20
火車 頭等空調臥艙
01:15, 01:20
德里 - 瓦蘭希
火車 二等空調臥艙
03:45, 04:44, 04:55, 05:00, 06:15, 06:20, 07:00, 07:30
火車 SL - 臥鋪
04:44, 04:55, 05:00, 06:15, 06:20, 07:00, 07:30
火車 頭等空調臥艙
04:44, 06:15, 06:20
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
04:44, 04:55, 05:00, 06:15, 06:20, 07:00, 07:30
火車 EC - 加大空調座位艙
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
齋浦爾 - 焦特布爾
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:05, 00:15, 00:45, 01:30, 01:35, 01:40, 02:30, 02:35, 03:00
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:05, 00:15, 00:45, 01:30, 01:35, 01:40, 02:30, 02:35
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:05, 00:15, 00:45, 02:30, 02:35
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:05, 00:15, 02:30, 02:35
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:05, 00:15, 02:30
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
通德拉 - 瓦蘭希
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:25, 01:25, 01:35, 01:40
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:25, 01:25
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:25, 01:25, 01:35, 01:40
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:25, 01:25, 01:35, 01:40
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:25, 01:35, 01:40
焦特布爾 - 賈沙梅爾
火車 頭等空調臥艙
04:00, 16:50
火車 SL - 臥鋪
04:00, 04:35, 06:20, 06:50, 07:05, 16:50, 16:55
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
04:00, 04:35, 06:20, 06:50, 07:05, 16:50, 16:55
火車 二等空調臥艙
04:00, 04:35, 06:20, 06:50, 07:05, 16:50, 16:55
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
孟買 - 果阿邦
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:45, 00:50
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:45, 00:50
火車 SL - 臥鋪
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:45, 00:50
火車 EV - 空調觀光火車
05:10, 05:50
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
05:10, 05:25, 05:50
火車 EC - 加大空調座位艙
05:25, 05:50
齋浦爾 - 阿傑梅爾
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:05, 00:45, 00:50, 02:00, 02:05, 03:30, 23:55
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:05, 00:10, 00:45, 00:50, 02:00, 02:05, 23:55
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:10, 03:30, 23:55
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:45, 00:50, 02:00, 02:05
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:00, 03:30
瓦蘭希 - 德里
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:05, 01:23, 23:55
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:05, 00:45, 00:55, 01:05, 01:23, 23:55
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:05, 00:45, 00:55, 01:05, 01:25, 23:55
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:05, 00:45, 00:55, 01:05, 01:23, 23:55
齋浦爾 - 烏代浦
火車 SL - 臥鋪
04:10, 06:15, 06:25, 16:10, 16:15
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
04:10, 06:15, 06:25, 14:00, 14:10, 16:10
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
04:10, 06:25, 16:10
火車 二等空調臥艙
04:10, 06:25, 16:10, 16:15
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
06:15, 14:00, 14:10, 15:45
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
14:00, 14:10, 16:10
火車 EC - 加大空調座位艙
火車 頭等空調臥艙
16:10, 16:15
瓦蘭希 - 阿格拉
火車 頭等空調臥艙
01:10, 02:00, 02:05
火車 SL - 臥鋪
01:10, 02:00, 02:05, 02:40, 03:00, 03:05, 03:15
火車 二等空調臥艙
01:10, 02:00, 02:05, 02:40, 03:05, 03:15, 04:45
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
01:10, 02:00, 02:05, 02:40, 03:00, 03:05, 03:15, 04:45
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:00, 02:40
阿格拉 - 瓦蘭希
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:10, 03:05, 04:55
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:10, 03:05
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:10, 04:50
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:10, 03:05, 04:50
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:10, 03:05, 04:50, 04:55
賈沙梅爾 - 焦特布爾
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
02:40, 02:55, 03:00, 15:00, 15:10, 15:30, 18:00
火車 二等空調臥艙
02:40, 02:55, 03:00, 15:00, 15:10, 15:30, 18:00, 19:00
火車 頭等空調臥艙
02:40, 02:55, 03:00, 18:00, 18:45
火車 SL - 臥鋪
02:40, 02:55, 03:00, 15:00, 15:10, 15:30, 18:00, 19:00
焦特布爾 - 齋浦爾
火車 二等空調臥艙
01:15, 01:20, 01:45, 01:50, 02:50
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
01:15, 01:20, 01:45, 01:50, 02:50
火車 SL - 臥鋪
01:15, 01:20, 01:45, 01:50, 02:50
火車 頭等空調臥艙
01:15, 01:20, 01:45, 01:50, 02:50
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:20, 02:50
瓦蘭希 - 通德拉
火車 頭等空調臥艙
01:10, 02:00, 02:10, 04:35, 06:15
火車 SL - 臥鋪
01:10, 01:20, 02:00, 02:10, 03:05, 03:15, 04:35
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
01:10, 01:20, 02:00, 02:10, 03:05, 03:15, 04:35, 06:15
火車 二等空調臥艙
01:10, 01:20, 02:00, 02:10, 03:05, 03:15, 04:35
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:00, 02:10, 04:35
果阿邦 - 孟買
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
01:15, 01:25, 02:00
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
01:15, 01:25, 02:00, 03:40, 04:00, 04:25, 04:45
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
03:40, 04:00, 04:18, 04:38, 04:45, 04:48, 05:18, 05:40
火車 二等空調臥艙
03:40, 04:00, 04:25, 04:45, 04:48
火車 SL - 臥鋪
03:40, 04:00, 04:25, 04:42, 04:45, 04:48, 05:10
果阿邦 - 高知
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:25, 00:30, 00:32, 00:35, 00:40, 01:55, 02:00, 02:10, 03:20, 23:28, 23:52
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:35, 00:40, 01:55
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:30, 00:35, 00:40, 01:55
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:30, 00:35, 00:40, 01:55, 02:00, 02:10, 03:20
德里 - 阿姆利則
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
02:28, 03:20, 03:55, 04:00, 07:25
火車 SL - 臥鋪
02:28, 03:20, 03:55, 04:00, 07:25, 09:15
火車 二等空調臥艙
02:28, 03:20, 03:55, 04:00, 09:15
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:28, 03:20, 03:55, 07:25
火車 頭等空調臥艙
06:25, 09:15
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
06:40, 08:15
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
06:40, 07:20, 08:15
火車 EC - 加大空調座位艙
德里 - 赫尔德瓦尔
火車 二等空調臥艙
02:15, 02:45, 02:50, 03:15, 03:25, 04:05, 05:05
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
02:15, 02:45, 02:50, 03:15, 03:25, 04:05, 05:05
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:15, 03:15, 04:05, 05:05
火車 SL - 臥鋪
02:15, 02:45, 02:50, 03:15, 03:25, 04:05, 05:05, 06:00
火車 頭等空調臥艙
02:45, 02:50, 04:05, 05:05
果阿邦 - 賀斯佩特
火車 SL - 臥鋪
05:15, 06:00, 06:30, 07:00, 07:05, 09:00, 09:35
火車 二等空調臥艙
05:15, 06:00, 06:30, 07:00, 09:00, 09:35
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
05:15, 06:00, 06:30, 07:00, 09:00, 09:35
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
05:15, 06:00
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
06:30, 07:00, 09:00, 09:35
高知 - 果阿邦
火車 SL - 臥鋪
02:00, 02:15, 05:10, 05:15
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
02:00, 02:15, 05:10, 05:15
火車 二等空調臥艙
02:00, 02:15, 05:10, 05:15
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
02:00, 02:15, 05:10, 05:15
齋浦爾 - 賈沙梅爾
火車 頭等空調臥艙
10:10, 17:45
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
10:10, 16:35, 17:45
火車 SL - 臥鋪
10:10, 16:35, 17:45
火車 二等空調臥艙
10:10, 17:45
齋浦爾 - 萨瓦伊马多普尔
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:35, 00:50, 01:35
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:35, 00:50, 01:30, 01:35, 01:40
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:35, 00:50, 01:30, 01:35, 01:40
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:35, 00:50, 01:30, 01:35
阿傑梅爾 - 烏代浦
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:40, 00:55, 02:05, 02:10, 06:15, 08:15, 08:50
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:40, 00:55, 02:05, 02:10, 06:15, 08:50, 08:55
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:40, 00:55, 02:05, 02:10, 06:15, 08:15, 08:50, 08:55
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:40, 00:55, 02:05, 02:10
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:55, 06:15, 08:50
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
烏代浦 - 齋浦爾
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:15, 00:45, 13:45
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:45, 13:45, 15:05, 16:00, 16:05
火車 頭等空調臥艙
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:45, 06:00, 13:45, 15:05, 16:00, 16:05
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:45, 13:45, 16:00, 16:05
火車 2S - 二級座位車廂
火車 CC - 空調座位艙
06:00, 07:50, 15:05
火車 EC - 加大空調座位艙
阿傑梅爾 - 齋浦爾
火車 SL - 臥鋪
00:40, 00:45, 00:50, 02:00, 02:05
火車 二等空調臥艙
00:45, 00:50, 01:00, 01:10
火車 3A - 三等空調臥鋪
00:45, 00:50, 01:00, 01:05, 01:10, 02:00, 02:05
火車 頭等空調臥艙
00:45, 01:05, 01:10
火車 空調三等經濟臥鋪
00:45, 00:50

關於 Indian Railways

Indian Railways 通過12Gо提供簡單方便的火車票在線預訂服務。其他旅客的評價有助您規劃路線和選擇最適合的車票。過夜長途臥鋪列車給您的旅途增添復古風,高速列車給您帶來超現代感的體驗並將您快速送達目的地。
火車總能給您帶來個性化的感受。無論是可以與其他乘客打成一片的普通車廂,還是高端的私人包廂,Indian Railways提供了豐富的選項,定能讓您的旅途歡欣愉悅、難以忘懷。


Indian Railways熱門火車站

Indian Railways的線路包含以下特色火車站:

  • 新德里
  • 齋蒲爾
  • 阿格拉坎特
  • 哈劄特尼桑木丁
  • 阿格拉堡
  • 焦特布爾約
  • 瓦拉納西約
  • 阿傑梅爾約
  • 德裏
  • 孟買CST

Indian Railways 車票價格和火車類型





  • 火車旅行是緩解交通擁堵的理想選擇。儘管由於各種原因火車有時可能會延誤,但總的來說,无论是高峰时段、长周末还是旅游旺季,坐火车都不会打乱您的行程。
  • 網上訂火車票省時省心。許多目的地的火車票可以提前90天預訂,方便您規劃行程。臨近出發時購票也未嘗不可。也不用去火車站訂票——想在哪訂就在哪訂。
  • 通常火車票比機票便宜得多。在某些路線上,如果考慮到在機場辦理值機、安檢和海關手續所花費的時間,坐高鐵的時間與坐飛機的時間大同小異甚至更短。
  • 火車站通常位於市中心,可以很快到達酒店。老火車站往往本身就是歷史建築,這是其他交通工具不具備的額外福利。將這些車站作為旅行的終點站或起點站意義非凡。
  • 坐過夜的火車既可以省下白天的時間去做些有趣的事情,還可以省下酒店費用。如果選擇臥鋪,還可以睡得很好,肯定比臥鋪大巴睡得更好!
  • 一些線路上有豪華列車,絕對有必要體驗一次。


  • 距離越遠,坐火車的時間就越長,如果您的旅途很長,坐火車就會非常耗時。這時坐飛機比坐火車好,即使坐飛機的費用更高。
  • 要特別留意火車與您後續交通工具的銜接。雖然火車時刻通常是確定的,但由於各種原因,火車也有可能延誤或取消。還要考慮火車站的位置,因為有些城市和地方有多個火車站,有時候會給人造成困擾。
  • 人們抱怨最多的是火車的衛生狀況,尤其是票價便宜的車廂和廁所。
  • 在一些火車線路上,車站的到站廣播或標識並不清楚。儘管電子屏幕可以輕鬆解決這個問題,但並不是所有列車都有安裝。所以要用GPS跟蹤車站,或者直接詢問列車員。

Indian Railways 停靠站

Indian Railways 公司評價

火車 #20937 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2023年11月11日
Поезд опоздал на 1,5 часа. Поезд старый, пошарпанный. До этого были лучше поезда, есть с чем сравнить.
火車 #16592 3A - 三等空調臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2022年11月9日
uncomfortable beds and right below the AC crate. not really worth the price
火車 #22119 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2022年10月3日
Did not meet the hype. Poor seats, ordinary food, screens not working, film over windows reducing views, arrived 1 hour late. No communication and little service Did leave on time though
火車 #12215 3A - 三等空調臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2022年9月14日
The train was in time. We had no problem to find it in Delhi. The people in the train were nice and helpful.
火車 #12617 空調三等經濟臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2022年7月23日
Good for booking, train was 1,5 hours late but inside train everything was clean
火車 #12615 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2022年7月1日
Well 12go lists food as part of the 1st class package however this is not true. The only reason I purchased first class was to not worry about food, but I had too. Also, the steward did not wake me up at my early morning arrival and I had to exit at the next station and try to find transport.
火車 #19666 SL - 臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2020年3月13日
Helpful guard and quiet train this time, no problems.
火車 #12050 EC - 加大空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2020年3月12日
ausgezeichnet, umfangreiches Catering, sehr hilfsbereit mit schwerem Gepäck - natürlich für ein kleines Tip.
火車 #12050 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2020年3月12日
Trip was very good. I left on time and was easy to find, normally track 5. Breakfast was included. 12go worked very well. We received our voucher online so when we arrived at the station all we had to do was get on the train.
火車 #13007 3A - 三等空調臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2020年3月7日
Train arrived in Delhi over 1 hour behind schedule. The usual touts at both stations — typical for India, but makes travel quite unpleasant.
火車 #12050 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2020年3月2日
Very easy, train on time, organised tickets ourselves, breakfast included was great
火車 #12465 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2020年2月29日
All good once the train arrived... it was 40 mins delayed
火車 #12050 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2020年2月19日
Very fast trip and good service.Breakfast was very good and typically Indian
火車 #12462 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2020年2月13日
AC1 的車廂十分的舒適,兩人的小包廂空間也足夠, 但車上的冷氣稍冷,搭了12小時的火車也不會感到疲累.整體而言,很舒服的一趟旅程!
火車 #12050 EC - 加大空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2020年1月23日
Train is old but dependant..Customer service makes up for the oldness of the train. Excellent customer service and crew members of the train..Would ride again easy.
火車 #22988 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年12月25日
Nothing to complain about. Easy reservation, train trip without problems.
火車 #12015 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年12月23日
Aside from noisy passengers, the service was above my expectations.
火車 #22119 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年12月7日
Really nice train, good food. Easy ride. Perfect for backpackers!
火車 #13010 SL - 臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2019年12月4日
My train was delayed 5 hours giving me very little time in gaya. Also the 12go fee was about 5 times the actual train fare, which I thought was kinda unfair
火車 #12049 EC - 加大空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年12月3日
Excellent train to make speedy and comfortable return to New Delhi. Nice staff
火車 #22627 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年12月3日
Booking with 12go asia went perfectly. The train trip was good for Indian railway standards, I think that's the only fair evaluation possible. Trains are extremely old and badly maintained in India so that needs to be a pre assumption that doesn't go into the evaluation...
火車 #12626 3A - 三等空調臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2019年11月26日
12GoAsia was such a helpful site for navigating the complex system of Indian Train Ticket Booking! Would really recommend.
火車 #22988 2S - 二級座位車廂, Indian Railways, 2019年11月26日
12GoAsia was such a helpful site for navigating the complex system of Indian Train Ticket Booking! Would really recommend.
火車 #10111 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年11月23日
1st class AC from Mumbai to Thivim was comfortable, spacious, and a fantastic way to travel. Having never used a train in India we were glad to be sharing a cabin with a nice guy who helped us know when to get off. The staff were also really helpful, coming to get us prior to our stop. Breakfast on the train was simple but tasted great and there were many opportunities to grab a chai or a coffee from the people walking up and down the train. From a person who usually hates trains, I couldn’t recommend this experience enough. Booking through 12go was easy and straightforward and I would definitely use again!
火車 #12465 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年11月21日
12go Asia was really easy to use and the train was fine. I really like how 12go Asia send a reminder email to check the train status. It makes things very easy.
火車 #12985 EC - 加大空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年11月21日
12go Asia was really easy to use and the train was fine. I really like how 12go Asia send a reminder email to check the train status. It makes things very easy.
火車 #12224 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年11月15日
Overall this trip was very pleasant, clean ac1 room and a good breakfast, the only thing which was not very nice was one of the staff members walked in and demanded that we give him a tip and didn't leave until we did which made us feel very uncomfortable.
火車 #12015 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年11月9日
Very helpful staff on train, catering brilliant. Comfy seats.
火車 #12312 3A - 三等空調臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2019年11月7日
Found carriage and bed number easily , coach steward showed us bedsheets , blankets and pillows , inspector checked Tickets quickly and efficiently . First hour a bit bumpy and noisy but got six hours deep sleep , had to use alarm to wake in old Delhi station . Very good service at a good prIce . Thanks to India railways and their staff .
火車 #14211 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月31日
Once at the train station the boards are very clear as to which platform to get and how to get there. The hardest part was deciding which direction to go to find our carriage ( the trains are very long) . Once carriage located very easy to find seat. Charging sockets all worked for our adapters to plug our phone in. We are not disturbed the whole journey and got some sleep. Great trip would definitely recommend it. (We booked a first class sleeper and beds were allocated 4 hours before we left, we got a cabin for two, with clean sheets, blankets and fresh towel).
火車 #12049 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月22日
Confortable et rapide malgré un léger retard. Nous ne sommes pas déçus
火車 #12050 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月22日
FAST train and we had a porter get us to the exact spot and seat, worth it as many stairs to go up and down. Highly recommend this train it was fast and easy and on time.
火車 #12561 二等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月21日
1 hour late.very difficult to find our coach. Our bed were not avalaible when we arrived. So a lot of noise to get new sheet and pillow at 1h30 am. In the morning, an employee sold us yogurth at twice the normal price because de were tourist. Except these events, the trip was rather fine.
火車 #12137 二等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月19日
Индия как всегда непредсказуема. В Агре садились по расписанию, а вот приехали в Дели с опозданием на 2:45 минут. И все из-за того, что произошло столкновение поезда и автобуса. А сам поезд вполне нормальный.
火車 #22988 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月18日
Good trip, departure and arrival on time. The A/C was a bit strong though...
火車 #22988 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月18日
Ran on time. Good easy system to find your carriage. Efficient. Comfortable. Toilets useable.
火車 #14816 3A - 三等空調臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2019年10月15日
Train was on time and we arrived jodhpur one hour earlier than planned. The seats were ok.
火車 #12626 二等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月15日
火車 #12050 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月6日
On time, great onboard service (with meal for a 2hours trip!) and super cheap :) Thx to 12Go Asia the booking process was fast and easy.
火車 #12002 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年10月3日
Very smooth trip with no delays. Comfortable journey and nice little foodie nibbles provided + a 1L bottle of water! Only slight issue was the lack of anyone to ask at New Delhi station to direct us to where our carriage would be.
火車 #12480 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年9月25日
The main reason for traveling by train was to see the country. If that’s your logic, don’t. Upper berth in AC coach gets no view out of train. People in lower birth layer down for the night at 2 PM. Spent next 12 hours on back because there is nothing else to do on train. Very thin inadequate padding on bed. There was no 1st class berth intormation on train at boarding in Bandra. Train staff were less than professional about it. Yes, the train is very inexpensive, but to be honest, despite the hassle of flying, I’d sooner fly, than ride this train next time, and I really hate saying that.
火車 #19665 二等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年9月20日
火車 #12002 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年9月15日
comes with a liter of bottled water, tea, biscuits, some bread and butter and what appeared to be vegetarian chicken nugget of some sort train on time
火車 #15014 二等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年9月12日
Confortable et climatisé ! Nous sommes arrivés avec 25 min d'avance, incroyable en Inde !
火車 #22478 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年9月9日
AC was very cold, toilets really dirty. But really comfortable.
火車 #12562 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年9月3日
Arrived late by two hours, the top bunk was comfy although freezing
火車 #12958 3A - 三等空調臥鋪, Indian Railways, 2019年6月26日
The train was punctual and the food wasn’t too bad. But when we arrived to Jaipur (first station), they told us that this was our stop. And it wasn’t, we were supposed to stop at the next station. So we inmediately wanted to go back inside the train and they didn’t let us go in. The train was still stopped at the station. So we were left apart in a lost station in the middle of the night. I don’t understand why they didn’t let us get back in... It was really frightening and unsafe for two young women alone in that station. Not at all a good experience!
火車 #12956 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年5月12日
The only reason I'm giving a 3 is for the train itself...as far as 12go Asia..the whole booking process was EXCELLENT...but the actual train itself was not my idea if 1st class in any way shape or form
火車 #12002 CC - 空調座位艙, Indian Railways, 2019年5月7日
Der Zug war pünktlich und in Ordnung- somit hat für mich aller geklappt
火車 #12916 頭等空調臥艙, Indian Railways, 2019年4月21日
Comfortable and cool journey. Train on time which is unusual apparently. Good vfm