16 5月 2024

Dee Travels Hatyai

128 則顧客評價
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Dee Travels Hatyai 行程及時刻表

合艾 - 麗貝島
廂型車 廂型車
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 08:30, 08:45, 09:00, 09:15, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25
廂型車 Van + Speedboat
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25
麗貝島 - 合艾
廂型車 廂型車
09:30, 11:30, 13:30
廂型車 Van + Speedboat
09:30, 11:30, 13:30
巴臘碼頭 - 麗貝島
09:30, 11:30, 13:30
合艾 - 沙敦府
計程車 十人座小巴,
計程車 舒適三人座,
計程車 Van + Speedboat
合艾 - 巴臘碼頭
廂型車 Van + Speedboat
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25
廂型車 廂型車
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 08:30, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25
廂型車 10座VIP 麵包車
08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 10:10, 10:15, 10:20, 10:25
沙敦府 - 合艾
計程車 10座VIP 麵包車,
計程車 十人座小巴,
計程車 舒適三人座
麗貝島 - 巴臘碼頭
09:30, 11:30, 13:30
宋卡府 - 合艾
計程車 十人座小巴
巴臘碼頭 - 合艾
廂型車 Van + Speedboat
11:30, 13:30, 15:30
廂型車 10座VIP 麵包車
11:30, 13:30, 15:30
廂型車 廂型車
11:30, 13:30, 15:30
合艾 - 宋卡府
計程車 十人座小巴
巴臘碼頭 - 沙敦府
合艾 - 董里府
計程車 十人座小巴
董里府 - 沙敦府
計程車 十人座小巴
宋卡府 - 沙敦府
計程車 十人座小巴
沙敦府 - 董里府
計程車 十人座小巴
沙敦府 - 宋卡府
計程車 十人座小巴
沙敦府 - 甲米府
計程車 十人座小巴

關於 Dee Travels Hatyai


Dee Travels Hatyai是麵包車旅行的運營商,提供可靠的麵包車服務和簡單安全的在線訂票服務。

Dee Travels Hatyai熱門車站

以下是Dee Travels Hatyai的麵包車主要停靠的車站:

  • 麗貝島出入境站
  • 合艾機場
  • 合艾火車站
  • 巴臘碼頭
  • 合艾中轉
  • 麗貝島芭堤雅海灘
  • 合艾汽車站
  • 合艾機場
  • 麗貝島日出海灘
  • 巴臘碼頭

Dee Travels Hatyai麵包車票價和類型

與火車或大巴截然不同,麵包車可供選擇的車票等級很少。所有的座位都是一樣的——叫標準可以,叫VIP也可以,或者叫其他名字都行。不過,麵包車的類型可能會有所不同。一些麵包車核載9到10名乘客,這對於旅客而言,就可以擁有更寬的座椅、更大的空間和更舒適的旅程。另一些麵包車核載15名乘客,就會犧牲掉一些手腳伸展和存放行李的空間。如果想要獲得更舒適的乘坐體驗,有時候一人買兩個座位不失為一個好辦法。不過,務必向運營商咨詢是否允許一人購買兩個座位。在訂票前,請參閱其他旅客對Dee Travels Hatyai麵包車服務的評論。



  • 麵包車可能是到達一些偏遠的地方的唯一方式,如既不通大巴也不通火車的小鎮或村莊。
  • 麵包車也可以通過大型輪渡帶旅客去一些與大陸不相連的島嶼,而大巴卻不行。
  • 麵包車比大巴車體積更小,在道路上的機動性更強,有時能縮短旅行時間,特別是在目的地不遠的情況。
  • 雖然麵包車有固定的停靠站,但旅客也可以在自己方便的地方下車,而不需要去車站,只需要告訴司機即可。請注意,這種情況並不是都能行得通,但在多數情況下,司機們都會讓旅客下車。這樣可以節省旅客從車站步行或乘出租車離開所花費的時間和費用。


  • 核載多個乘客的麵包車可能會讓人覺得十分擁擠。手腳伸展空間有限。有些麵包車規定一張票的行李限額只有一件。如果旅客有多個單肩包、雙肩包或行李箱,可能需要為行李單獨購買車票,導致旅行費用翻番。
  • 並非所有的麵包車都會按時運行。在某些路線上,麵包車只有在滿員時才發車。買票前一定要和運營商確認這一點,否則,您可能會等很長的時間,直到滿員為止。
  • 麵包車的司機通常比任何其他交通工具的司機都要更加魯莽,這一點人盡皆知。儘管一些麵包車公司在車輛上安裝了限速裝置,但這種裝置在整個行駛過程中不停地響,而司機卻視而不見的情況屢見不鮮。坐麵包車時一定要記得系好安全帶。有時您需要花點時間才能找到麵包車的安全帶。
  • 如果您容易暈車,衷心建議您在出發前半小時服用暈車藥,特別是在旅途有彎曲的道路的情況。坐麵包車比坐大巴更容易暈車。

Dee Travels Hatyai 公司評價

廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年11月27日
Dee Travels were great to book with! Arranged an easy pick up, drove us to the pier in a very comfy van, stopped for pee breaks, and ensured we got onto our speedboat smoothly… Highly recommended, and wish I’d booked sooner instead of comparing others. Thank you!!!
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年3月14日
We arrived at Hat Yai airport at 8:30AM. We went to the checkpoint by 8:45AM and waited in the area. Several times we walked around trying to find information on our pickup and nothing more could be found. By 9:25 (our van was supposed to leave at 9:30AM) we called the number on the PDF and someone answered. Eventually he called back and said a driver would be there shortly, after which a taxi driver came over to find us. We almost missed our ferry and the ferry operator was calling us repeatedly asking where we were. Thankfully on arrival she met us at the taxi and hurred us directly to the boat, which we thankfully were able to get on just in time.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2020年12月30日
รถตู้ตรงเวลาดีมาก แต่เรือมีแวะ 2 ที่ เลยเสียเวลาเป็นชั่วโมง แต่โดยรวมบริการดีครับ ประทับใจคราวหน้าใช้บริการอีกแน่นอน
廂型車 Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2024年4月29日
This whole experience was brilliant from start to finish. I booked the night before I needed the journey and was not sure how smooth it would be but I received quick confirmation and clear instructions on where the pick up point was. The pdf they sent had all the information I needed including photos of where the meet point was and who to contact if I needed help. The mini van had air con and was really comfortable. We had 2 comfort breaks which made the journey a breeze. The driver was really helpful and when he dropped me at the pier he made sure I knew where I was going. The speedboat check in and journey were smooth with no issues or delays. This was my first time using 12go asia and I was really happy with the organisation and help they provide. I would definitely use again and recommend!!
廂型車 Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2024年3月10日
Taxi was comfortable and everything without problém.
渡輪 快艇, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2024年1月8日
It was very smooth, no stops, very comfortable and on time.
廂型車 Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年8月2日
Van was great. Tip for the speedboat: take some motion sickness pills / seasickness pills!
廂型車 Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年5月12日
Very affordable for a 4-5 hour trip
廂型車 Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年5月2日
very good, have a nice trip
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年1月16日
Easy to book, driver on time, really comfortable journey, no complaints
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年12月14日
We had some difficulty getting transport to the meeting point and the driver, Mr Wan was kind and helpful enough to coordinate with our Grab driver to a meeting point. The office staff speaks English and troubleshoot our challenges was also very good. Mr Wan's very considerate to passengers and driving was smooth all the way to Pakbara. He dropped us off at our accommodation and shared information on transportation options around Pakbara to other parts of Thailand. We're so thankful for him.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年12月12日
Really well organised
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年11月13日
The travel was good. The sitting arrangement of the speedboat needs improvement. All seats need be front facing, not in the side facing. Side facing seats are not convenient. The speedboat started 40 minutes after the mentioned time. All other travel was good.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年11月4日
Form Bangkok to Hat Yai is arrived at 7:30. I had a breakfast in front of the station. And I got in the van at 8:20. It was easy to find and the time was right.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年10月1日
The seatbelt was inoperable
渡輪 快艇, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年10月1日
My luggage was placed in a position on the boat where it got wet and was used as a foot rest by other passengers
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年9月2日
Driver was early, polite and excellent in his service.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年8月27日
The van and speedboat were both on time. The confortable van was driven smoothly and careful. The speedboat was nearly fall, all passagers had life jacket available, the 90mm ride to Koh Lipe was mostly smooth. I was able to contact the operator with the phone number provided and warn them I would be a few minutes late due to train 65mm delay. I ended up being late 2mn and they waited for me. Still, as they would not have waited more due to the need to pick up others and arrive on time to the boat, I realize that I should have take a 120mn margin to take into account frequent 1h+ sleeper train delay. In this case, book the 10.20 van instead of the 8:30 van, even if the train is scheduled to arrive at 7:25 at Hat Yai railway station.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年8月24日
Ferry didn’t depart on time. While everybody was ready to board, they changed the ferry and moved all luggages to smaller ferry. Everybody had to wait under baking hot. Since they got more people than the capacity of ferry, peope got stuck. Finally there weren’t enaough life vest.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年8月21日
Very organised agency. Though online purchase is slightly more pricy than physical travel agency. Road trip was overall good. Driver was helpful and on time for both ways. Boat trip can be better. Staffs are helpful. It is not comfortable when the boat is fitted full capacity without social distance. No motion sickness bag prepared. Overall decent experience.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年8月17日
My 1st booking using 12go with Dee Travel as the operator from Hatyai to Ko Lipe. Pickup by driver was smooth as he had my name ready. Driver will take a picture of you with your name for record. Drive to Pakbara pier was pleasant. The ferry operator was Ploysiam. Ploysiam's speedboat has both front facing seats and seats on the side. Everyone has a life jacket and mandatory to wear one. Ploysiam's has my pick when compared to Satun Pakbara Speedboat club, which I took returning from Ko Lipe.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年8月9日
Service excellent, before i arrived at Hat Yai train station, they text me to conform my arrival time, they give good directions where to wait and Van Plate no. Smooth journey
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年7月27日
Pick up was within the time given. Shared van is comfortable & driver is polite & helpful. The ride to Pak Bara takes about 1.5hr. Driver stops at petrol kiosk for 10mins toilet break. Arrived at the pier promptly & check in for boat to Koh Lipe. Its very straight forward & I reccomend this service to Koh Lipe.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年2月13日
I like Go to Koh Lipe Not to the National Park
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年2月2日
Trip from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe - Thailand - January 2022 Booking this trip was easy (the Plattform of 12Go). I chose Dee Travel for my trip from Hat Yai to Koh Lipe. I was at the pickup point of Hat Yai Airport the half an hour before, as indicated, and the driver was already there with a sign with my name on it. The minivan was clean and comfortable. We made a short toilet break half way and got to the peer where the driver showed me where to get the boat voucher from. There too, the staff were friendly and told me which port to go to. There, we had to scan a QR code and fill out a registration form, mostly for Covid and show it to the staff, together with the proof of vaccination. We then proceeded to the peer we were told to go and received a card with a number and requested to take a seat. Punctually, we were asked to hand out suitcases to the boat staff and called to line up according to the numbers on the card and prepare our passports. Everything was very well managed and we boarded the boat Accor the numbering, however the seating on board is free to chose. I chose a seat at the back as recommended in a review. The speed boat was from a company called Ploysiam. This one was not full or overbooked as I’d seen on other reviews. There were 3 staff on board and the boat had 3 motors (which I’d also read in reviews of the motor dying mid-water). Allot of locals used this company, which is a good sign I guess. We stopped, as indicated, at two islands, which allowed for a short visit, photo taking and using the restroom, if needed. Each stop was about 15 minutes, but be back at the advised place a bit before as not to miss your onward trip. We arrived after about 3 hours - the trip being a total of 6 hours with boarding and covid/passport control, etc. In 3 day’s time, I’ll be going back to Hat Yai Airport and hope for smooth sailing there, too! :) I can only recommend Dee Travel Thailand. The way back was as uncomplicated and organized, and much faster than on the way there, as we did not stop at any islands. The boat ride lasted just over an hour and I then had to wait 30 minutes for the very clean and modern minivan who then, too, seamlessly bought me to the airport, without bathroom break. The way back for both means of transportation was very bumpy, so if you get car/sea sick, remember to bring a bag. Again, I can only recommend 12 Go and Dee Travel Thailand.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年1月26日
Great service, on time, very safe and efficient. Highly recommend this company.
渡輪 快艇, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年1月16日
Excellent. And customer support wirks fine.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年1月1日
Booked online the day before departure, we met the mini van at the Hostel in Hat Yai and drove straight to the pier. The driving was ok, maybe a tiny bit too fast for my standards..
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2021年12月27日
It's hard to write a review fair because the boat ride was great, but the van ride ride was average with their timings.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2021年4月18日
Everything was fine but tiredness. The staffs working at the Prabarra Perrier didn't all speak English well caused some confusions on requiring perrier tax. The boat boarding process was a little unorganized, crowd and misaligned up. Wish the boat provided any paper bad in case for sea sick.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2021年4月17日
Each part of the journey is in time and according to the schedule. No delays and cancellations. There were even a few calls as a directions reminder. Recommend. Thanks very much for the convenient transportation services Kindest regards
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2021年2月18日
Really great service
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2021年1月10日
Disorganized - had to change pier once and then change boats as both overbooked.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2020年12月31日
I was contacted by the travel groups and they were very clear with what steps I was supposed to take.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2020年12月11日
Minibus rid from airport to pier was fine. Speed boat stopped 2 times on route to Koh Lipe. Stopping at Turatao and Koh Khai needlessly for 15 minutes but causing a delay of 1hr. Friends arriving the next day were delayed 3hrs due to speed boat congestion at Turatao.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2020年10月27日
Great connections, excellent service throughout.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2020年10月19日
I had a little worry in transit between boat and the car, since there wasn't anyone to navigate where to go, and how to get on which car.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2020年1月20日
Le voyage c est très bien passé, bonne compagnie aérienne.
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2019年12月15日
飛行機が遅れたにもかかわらずしっかりとした対応をしていただきありがとうございました。 機会がありましたら、また利用したいと思います。
廂型車 Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2024年1月8日
廂型車 Van + Speedboat, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年12月17日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年11月20日
渡輪 Speedboat + Van, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年7月29日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年7月27日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年3月11日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年2月23日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年1月26日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2023年1月5日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年12月30日
廂型車 廂型車, Dee Travels Hatyai, 2022年12月19日