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New Viriya

167 отзывов клиентов
  • Reviews

О компании New Viriya

Автобус подойдет и для поездки в соседний город на расстоянии пары часов, и если вас тянет на волю, в пампасы через всю страну. Дешево? Смотрите билеты на автобус! Дорого? И тоже найдется подходящий автобус. Самые доступные билеты для тех, кому важно добраться задешево, обычно у экспресс (стандартных, обычных, местных) автобусов. ВИП-опции ориентированы на тех, кто не готов жертвовать комфортом. Перед тем, как приобрести билет на автобус, удостоверьтесь, что вы выбрали именно тот класс обслуживания, который вам подходит. Например, для длительных переездов есть смысл рассмотреть VIP или первый класс. Такие автобусы следуют без остановок или с минимумом остановок до конечного пункта назначения. Экспрессы или местные автобусы подойдут для коротких расстояний, а вот на длинные лучше от них отказаться, т.к. они буквально кланяются каждому столбу. Изучите расписание как следует – нередко на длинные маршруты ставят ночные автобусы, и в некоторых есть более широкие кресла или полки для сна. Билет на автобусы New Viriya можно забронировать онлайн. Отзывы других путешественников помогут определиться с классом автобуса и тарифом.

Основные станции New Viriya

Автобусы New Viriya обслуживают следующие основные станции:

  • Мо Чит
  • Чиангмай Аркада 2
  • Лампанг Автовокзал
  • Та Тон

Основные маршруты New Viriya

Автобусы New Viriya ходят по разным маршрутам. Вот список наиболее популярных:

Цена билета и классы автобусов New Viriya

Самое приятное в путешествии на автобусе – это возможность собрать свой вариант под ваши требования по комфорту и стоимости. Для этого придумали разные типы автобусов и разные классы билетов – каждый сможет подобрать что-то конкретно под свои запросы. Как правило, самые дешевые билеты – на стандартные автобусы. Они могут называться по-разному: местные, экспресс, обычные и т.д., но суть одна. Такие автобусы вполне подойдут для коротких поездок. Автобусы-слиперы (спальные, ночные) или VIP хороши для длинных и ночных переездов. Такие автобусы могут быть оснащены более широкими мягкими раскладывающимися креслами, иногда с функцией массажа, или спальными полками; билет может включать одеяла, безалкогольные напитки, снеки или более плотную еду прямо на борту либо в кафе во время остановок на размять ноги, сходить в туалет или заправиться. Если выбирать ночные автобусы, то можно сэкономить на стоимости комнаты в отеле, но тут стоит выбирать правильный класс автобуса, чтобы провести ночь с максимальным комфортом. Порой даже для не самых длинных поездок стоит заплатить чуть больше за VIP, потому как на некоторых маршрутам ВИПы идут порой в два раза быстрее обычных автобусов.

Едем на автобусе: плюсы и минусы

Плюсы путешествия на автобусе

  • Автобус – лучший вариант, чтобы добраться до локаций, которые не связаны жд веткой или авиасообщением. Автобусная сеть часто охватывает всю страну, а маршруты давно сформированы и обкатаны.
  • В отличие от авиаперелетов и иногда – жд поездок приезжать на автостанцию сильно заранее необходимости нет. Регистрация, даже на международных автобусных рейсах, как правило, не занимает много времени. Допуски по багажу тоже весьма и весьма приятные, а если лимиты на вес багажа все-таки установлены, то доплата за перевес почти всегда совсем невысокая.
  • Билеты на автобус обычно более доступны, чем билеты на самолет или скорый поезд. Разнообразие классов и тарифов ориентировано на любой кошелек. Самые дешевые варианты, возможно, не самый быстрый способ прибыть в пункт назначения, но свою работу автобусы в любом случае делают. На более длинных маршрутах есть либо туалеты в салоне, либо остановки, билет включает снеки, воду, иногда туалетные принадлежности, одеяла и прочие полезные и приятные вещи.
  • Если вы готовы потратить чуть больше, то некоторые ВИПы по комфорту и обслуживанию могут вполне соперничать с бизнес-классом на самолетах: широкие мягкие раскладывающиеся кресла, одеяла, меньшее, по сравнению с обычными автобусами, число пассажиров и прочие бонусы очень скрашивают впечатления от поездки.

Минусы путешествия на автобусе

  • Новые междугородние автобусные терминалы нередко расположены на окраине города у оживленных шоссе, чтобы автобусы не вставали в городские пробки. Для путешественника в этом не только плюс, но и минус. Добираться до таких терминалов бывает непросто или долго, плюс в некоторых локациях обслуживать терминалы разрешается не любому транспорту – т.е. даже некоторые службы такси туда не допускают. Как результат – спекулятивные цены на перевозку. Если нужно выезжать в часы-пик, не забывайте заложить дополнительное время на поездку.
  • Автобус, наверное, вид транспорта, который наиболее подвержен задержкам и нарушению расписания – если сравнивать с самолетами или поездами. Причин может быть великое множество – от ДТП до ремонта дороги, объезда и т.д. Ситуация ухудшается в дни государственных праздников, длинные выходные, высокий сезон. Учитывайте этот момент и не планируйте коротких стыковок.
  • Если вы планируете поездку по одному из наиболее востребованных маршрутов и/или в высокий сезон, стоит озаботиться заблаговременным бронированием билетов. Учитывайте, что просто прийти на автовокзал и уехать ближайшим рейсом возможно далеко не всегда: билеты вполне могут быть распроданы, так что планируйте заранее.
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New Viriya Отзывы о компании

167 отзывов клиентов
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 21 нояб. 2018 г.
3.5 stars. So-so. Departure 7.45 pm instead of 8.20 pm seems to be normal. Very early arrival in CM. Shaky ride and very narrow seats. Really icecold on board!! Friendly waiter on board.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 20 нояб. 2018 г.
Ok, but it was necessary take the tiket in the office, in the internet it's possible to reserce just the voucher, no valid for travel
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 13 нояб. 2018 г.
Comfortable, maybe too strong ac, smell from toilet, very quick
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 9 авг. 2018 г.
Free water bottle ok. the seats could be lowered so much that one had absolutely no space for your legs. Bus was at least 20 years old so no chance to charge your phone or use an entertainment system as provided by other operators. the ride was also very shaky that falling asleep was very difficult - almost impossible. The ticket we booked said departure is at 8:20pm but at the counter where you get you "boarding pass" they told us departure is at 7:45 pm. Don't know which mistake it was, but I was glad we arrived early enough at the terminal to get the bus. next time we choose another company.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 1 авг. 2018 г.
Many people recommended the train for commodity but I think it's overstated. If you are good with reclining chairs you'll be fine. The seats are big you get some munchies at departure and free food with your bus ticket mid journey approx. I recommend to buy the ticket at the station since they are cheaper than online.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 17 июл. 2018 г.
C’est un long trajet alors je ne regrette pas d’avoir opté pour le bus vip. Les couchettes sont assez grandes et on vous prête un petit plaide pour le voyage. Nous avons eu droit à un paquet de gâteaux ainsi qu’une bouteille d’eau au départ. Le ticket inclut un repas à prendre dans un magasin. Dommage que l’équipe ne nous préviennent pas au moment où le bus s’arrête car si vous devinez pas et bien vous passez a côté sans le savoir.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 10 мая 2018 г.
The website 12goasia didn't transmit the right departure time but the bus company did wait for us, plus, they cared to offer passengers some snacks and drinks !
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 19 февр. 2018 г.
Good service, comfortable seats, not too cold and no TV on
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 21 янв. 2018 г.
I paid more for a VIP bus but this was definitely no vip. The bus was too old to be called VIP. At one point I even thought that perhaps I was on the wrong bus and had to confirm with the moody hostess. So, I was sent back to my seat to continue to drool over the brand new bus parked next to us that had everything I thought I would be getting including tablets for each passenger. Our bus had no individual tv. No wifi. The seats were old but okay. The legroom was acceptable but definitely not something to write home about.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 21 янв. 2018 г.
Dirty blankets no tv no wi fi no vip people working on the bus were very nice
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 3 янв. 2018 г.
free water bottle ok. snack not very tasty. at the stop after 3h i have been forcefully woken up. staff shaked me and grabbed my blanked - a no go!! meanwhile the seats could be lowered so much that one had absolutely no space for your legs. the ride was also very shaky that falling asleep was very difficult - and then they wake you up, after falling asleep.... next time we choose another company.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 28 окт. 2017 г.
Pillows would have been good as saw them in the photo. Service was good and comfy seats. Thank you, good value for money
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 10 окт. 2017 г.
Good value for money and instructions easy to follow to pick up tickets.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 29 авг. 2017 г.
They wait for me and we go and arrive before the hour
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 27 июл. 2017 г.
The service was good, but the bathroom smelled bad which made the long bus ride uncomfortable.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 11 июл. 2017 г.
We got water and snacks for free. That was okay. But the bus toilet smells very awful during the whole trip, it was very cold over the night and the water dropped from the air conditioning the whole time
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 27 июн. 2017 г.
Le personnel du bus nous a attendu et même appelé pour savoir où l'on était à 10 minutes du départ.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 16 апр. 2017 г.
We took a night bus. Smooth ride. Was given a blanket, water, cold soda and cookies/milk. Driver woke us at our destination. Comfortable enough seats. Individual lights didn't work though and the condensation from the air con was dropping on me the whole ride.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 24 мар. 2017 г.
Bus wasn't enough comfortable to sleep in. But the service was good
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 23 февр. 2017 г.
It was all right in most aspects. Nothing too good or too bad. Arrived almost 2 hours early in Chiang Mai. Overall absolutely OK.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 14 янв. 2017 г.
The bathrooms reeked...could smell them inside the bus....other than that the service lady was nice!
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 2 янв. 2017 г.
Was ok! A lot of mosquitos inside the bus and no one speak English When they stop in any place no one said how many minutes we have, so I just run to crab a food and ate in the bus
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 1 янв. 2017 г.
Trip was great What exactly does your priority assistance pay for when the number for assistance I have is for Viraya, and cancellation insurance? I regret paying for all this.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 26 дек. 2016 г.
Decent trip overall. Snacks and drinks provided with a 20 minute stop for food(provided) and restroom. A bit uncomfortable to sit in a bus for that amount of time, however my only complaint is the mosquito infestation the whole trip.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 12 дек. 2016 г.
The bus is too old and not the same that shown in the photo
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 7 дек. 2016 г.
Took vip Bus from New virinyia 20:20 to 07:30 on 4th of december (or so we thought). Not really vip Bus...left 30 minutes early (at 19:45) and arrived two hours early at 5:30 in the morning in chiang Mai (were not sure if it's the right Bus the whole trip, because the time and the equipment did not match the description) ! We booked this Bus with this time especially so we would arrive when our Hostel opened. Now we had to wait in the city for two hours and were very tired the whole day, not cool!! Bus Inside looked very old, saw some bugs, could not sleep very well. It is very infuriating to call this vip (and take the money for it!), when clearly you could See in other Busses there was way better equipment (like movies screens in the seat) and more space! Drive was ok in a whole, but they should not take money for a vip Bus if it is clearly not one...be honest about this Bus, guys and make it cheaper! But the booking via 12go asia was otherwise excellent, very good Homepage to choose Transport and easy to pay for it as well as great description of Bus station etc. This Review is mainly to let everybody know what to expect from this particular Bus company and maybe chose a different one (I wish I would have known before) and maybe the Company will adjust their price to the service they offer (maybe)
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 4 дек. 2016 г.
Lief alles super. Bus fuhr überpünktlich ab und kam 2 Stunden zu früh am Ziel an. Fahrer waren freundlich. Immer wieder gerne.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 4 дек. 2016 г.
We arrive 2 hours early, that was too much (we arrive at 5 am instead of 7 am) so couldn't sleep very much. Bus was Ok for the comfort but seems not as comfortable as other bus that we saw. The driver was driver very fast. The price was ok but you can definetely find better.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 21 нояб. 2016 г.
Got there safely but least VIP VIP bus I could imagine
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 25 окт. 2016 г.
The lights didn't work, but the service it was very good.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 23 окт. 2016 г.
Old bus that went uphill very slowly even some cyclists over took us! Not V.I.P standard or service! When I booked the ticket I was told the bus would leave from stand number 8 .I got to this stand one hour early at 6am .Waited until 7.15am and no bus! I rushed to the enquiry counter and i was told its stand no 12!! I nearly missed my bus by being givem wrong information! Will try another company next time!
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 11 окт. 2016 г.
Very comfortable and the service was great. The only thing is thatthe bus left the first station in a half an hour delay...
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 11 сент. 2016 г.
The VIP bus was far from any VIP option, we saw other VIP buses and they were way better. The interior was quite old and unfortunately with some bugs inside what made the trip uncomfortable. Our first and only stop was at some store, till that moment I was pretty satisfied with the journey but everything has changed when I saw the toilet... I swear I haven't seen such an awful place since my trip trought Romania about 15 years ago - toilets were very unclean and there were tons of flies... Everywhere, on the walls, mirrors, dead flies bodies on the floor... The plus was the price (about 600thb per person) and quite comfortable seat.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 29 авг. 2016 г.
The departure time postet on the Internet was later than the actual departure time. We almost missed our bus. The drive was comfortable.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 21 авг. 2016 г.
We travelled from Mochit to Chiang Mai after getting off another 12 hour journey from Krabi. The previous bus was infinitely better than this one, despite this being classed as VIP?! Bus was dirty and old, seats were uncomfortable, people all squashed together at the front despite there being free seats available at the back and the onew member of staff on board was incredibly rude. I understand sometimes there is a language barrier however I also understand plain rudeness. We stopped halfway at an undercover rest stop and we're not informed that had we taken our bus ticket inside, we were entitled to a free meal. Because we weren't told this, we went in and bought our own food. Wasted money. For the price we paid I wasn't expecting much (this is compared to what I would pay for 12 hours of travel in the uk or Australia ) so can't complain but compared to other similar services in Thailand, this was certainly below par.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 15 авг. 2016 г.
Super bequemer VIP Bus mit viel Platz für die Beine Leider etwas veraltet und wackelt extrem auf den Straßen Hin und wieder roch es leider extrem eckelhaft nach Urin. Das größte Problem aber war das obwohl Sie wissen das es am Abend extrem viel Verkehr gibt in Bangkok Sie diesen nicht miteinberechnen und wir deswegen zwei Stunden zu spät kamen und 40€ für das Taxi zahlen mussten um noch rechtzeitig zur anderen Station zu kommen
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 12 авг. 2016 г.
Better than we thought it would be! Can't go wrong really it gets you where you need to be for cheap. The toilet was vile though!
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 12 авг. 2016 г.
Overall, the trip was okay. However, the bus left the terminal late, and arrived in Chiang Mai late. While the seats were wide and reasonably comfortable, the bus was so wobbly that a good sleep was hard to come by. I did arrive safely and with adequate amount of sleep. The free lunch was ok but I think the company needs a better way to explain to foreign tourists that their ticket gives them free lunch, because had I not proactively approached one of the foreigners to explain that, they would've paid for the food in full.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 5 авг. 2016 г.
Gave 2 stars as at least we didn't actually crash and die although it felt we might. Bus arrived 2 hours early which really ruined our days plan and as we couldn't sleep because the coach was rattling, not only due to the road but because the bus was old! Good if you don't want to spend much money but next time I would definitely get the train and fly!
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 19 июл. 2016 г.
Great trip, the bus was super comfortable, amazing AC and nice and polite staff.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 15 июл. 2016 г.
Fahrt war gut, luxuriöse Sitze. Bei der Mitternachtspause gab es für uns kein Essen, da die Coupons bereits vom Schaffner weggenommen worden waren. Daher nur 3 Punkte. Aber nächstes mal wissen wir besser Bescheid.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 27 июн. 2016 г.
This trip was great. The seats were comfortable and we had free lunch included with our ticket. The air conditioning draws air from the outside, so early in the trip (closer to Bangkok) it was very hot but it got much better when we went north and as it started to rain.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 18 мая 2016 г.
Clean and comfortable. The AC worked great upstairs. One complaint, the female attendant was nothing short of rude, angry and would not even acknowledge anything I said (even in her language) drivers were awesome and the trip was on time
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 23 февр. 2016 г.
The trip was really hassle-free and we arrived the bus terminal almost on time. (30 mins past time) The legroom is decent enough for you not to get comfortable even though the person infront of you reclines the seat. They were serving snacks and the guy who is doing it was very nice. My only concern is that the bus is not very clean and the AC is not cold enough for a day trip.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 17 февр. 2016 г.
bus was vip. large seats, tons of leg room,toilet. seats recline enough. food stop included a good meal, i took an extra for 10baht only. happy customer
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 14 февр. 2016 г.
Not friendly drivers, very bad english. You're supposed to guest what they ask you and that you need you bus ticket during the stop for lunch. Wifi didn't work at thé beginning of thé trip. We were 45 min late at thé end. Desappointing
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 30 янв. 2016 г.
Bus seats were more comfortable than expected and the free food was a nice touch but the air con was either leaking water or not on at all and very hot. Be prepared to not be able to use the bathroom for 5 hours at a time. Giving 2 stars as there was no wifi despite having the passwords up everywhere. Service was civil, she gave us warnings for stops and arrivals which was nice.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 6 янв. 2016 г.
Der Busbwar sauber und fuhr pünktlich ab. Es gab Wasser, Tee und Kekse. Sind nach den veranschlagten 10 Stunden in Chiang Mai angekommen.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 27 дек. 2015 г.
The driver is good. The smell of the toilet is not pleasant and there is a leaking from the air-con on the seat. The seat is wide and nice though. Anyway, the three of us arrived at Chiang Mai safely.
Автобус VIP, New Viriya, 13 дек. 2015 г.
The bus was not really luxury and VIP, and there were some bugs. We most 1h30 because we had a problem with the wheel, but it was just an exception I guess. The crew did not really speak English. That being said, we had a lot of places for our legs and we had a nice journey. Don't be surprised: the bus stops quite often to pick up people on the way and the A/C is not really working.