17 мая 2024
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193 отзывов клиентов
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Naluang График и Расписание

Луанг Прабанг - Вангвьенг
08:30, 09:00, 11:00
Луанг Прабанг - Вьентьян
08:30, 11:00
Вьентьян - Вангвьенг
07:00, 08:30
Луанг Прабанг - Ханой
Бокэу - Луанг Прабанг
Луанг Прабанг - Бокэу
Вангвьенг - Вьентьян
11:30, 13:00
Луанг Прабанг - Луангнамтха
08:00, 08:30
Луанг Прабанг - Сиангкхуанг
Луанг Прабанг - Лёй
Луанг Прабанг - Удомсай
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест
08:00, 08:30
Микроавтобус Длиннохвостая лодка 14 чел.
Луанг Прабанг - Хюэ
Луанг Прабанг - Пхонгсали
Удомсай - Бокэу
Луанг Прабанг - Нгеан
Луангнамтха - Вьентьян

О компании Naluang

Автобус подойдет и для поездки в соседний город на расстоянии пары часов, и если вас тянет на волю, в пампасы через всю страну. Дешево? Смотрите билеты на автобус! Дорого? И тоже найдется подходящий автобус. Самые доступные билеты для тех, кому важно добраться задешево, обычно у экспресс (стандартных, обычных, местных) автобусов. ВИП-опции ориентированы на тех, кто не готов жертвовать комфортом. Перед тем, как приобрести билет на автобус, удостоверьтесь, что вы выбрали именно тот класс обслуживания, который вам подходит. Например, для длительных переездов есть смысл рассмотреть VIP или первый класс. Такие автобусы следуют без остановок или с минимумом остановок до конечного пункта назначения. Экспрессы или местные автобусы подойдут для коротких расстояний, а вот на длинные лучше от них отказаться, т.к. они буквально кланяются каждому столбу. Изучите расписание как следует – нередко на длинные маршруты ставят ночные автобусы, и в некоторых есть более широкие кресла или полки для сна. Билет на автобусы Naluang можно забронировать онлайн. Отзывы других путешественников помогут определиться с классом автобуса и тарифом.

Основные станции Naluang

Автобусы Naluang обслуживают следующие основные станции:

  • Налуанг Автовокзал
  • Трансфер по Луанг Прабанг
  • Убон Ратчатхани
  • Вьентьян Северная Автобусная остановка
  • Налуанг Автовокзал
  • Хуай Ксай Автовокзал
  • Чиангмай Аркада 2
  • Ванг-Вьенг Автовокзал
  • Chokprasert Bus Terminal
  • Чианг Рай автовокзал 2

Цена билета и классы автобусов Naluang

Самое приятное в путешествии на автобусе – это возможность собрать свой вариант под ваши требования по комфорту и стоимости. Для этого придумали разные типы автобусов и разные классы билетов – каждый сможет подобрать что-то конкретно под свои запросы. Как правило, самые дешевые билеты – на стандартные автобусы. Они могут называться по-разному: местные, экспресс, обычные и т.д., но суть одна. Такие автобусы вполне подойдут для коротких поездок. Автобусы-слиперы (спальные, ночные) или VIP хороши для длинных и ночных переездов. Такие автобусы могут быть оснащены более широкими мягкими раскладывающимися креслами, иногда с функцией массажа, или спальными полками; билет может включать одеяла, безалкогольные напитки, снеки или более плотную еду прямо на борту либо в кафе во время остановок на размять ноги, сходить в туалет или заправиться. Если выбирать ночные автобусы, то можно сэкономить на стоимости комнаты в отеле, но тут стоит выбирать правильный класс автобуса, чтобы провести ночь с максимальным комфортом. Порой даже для не самых длинных поездок стоит заплатить чуть больше за VIP, потому как на некоторых маршрутам ВИПы идут порой в два раза быстрее обычных автобусов.

Едем на автобусе: плюсы и минусы

Плюсы путешествия на автобусе

  • Автобус – лучший вариант, чтобы добраться до локаций, которые не связаны жд веткой или авиасообщением. Автобусная сеть часто охватывает всю страну, а маршруты давно сформированы и обкатаны.
  • В отличие от авиаперелетов и иногда – жд поездок приезжать на автостанцию сильно заранее необходимости нет. Регистрация, даже на международных автобусных рейсах, как правило, не занимает много времени. Допуски по багажу тоже весьма и весьма приятные, а если лимиты на вес багажа все-таки установлены, то доплата за перевес почти всегда совсем невысокая.
  • Билеты на автобус обычно более доступны, чем билеты на самолет или скорый поезд. Разнообразие классов и тарифов ориентировано на любой кошелек. Самые дешевые варианты, возможно, не самый быстрый способ прибыть в пункт назначения, но свою работу автобусы в любом случае делают. На более длинных маршрутах есть либо туалеты в салоне, либо остановки, билет включает снеки, воду, иногда туалетные принадлежности, одеяла и прочие полезные и приятные вещи.
  • Если вы готовы потратить чуть больше, то некоторые ВИПы по комфорту и обслуживанию могут вполне соперничать с бизнес-классом на самолетах: широкие мягкие раскладывающиеся кресла, одеяла, меньшее, по сравнению с обычными автобусами, число пассажиров и прочие бонусы очень скрашивают впечатления от поездки.

Минусы путешествия на автобусе

  • Новые междугородние автобусные терминалы нередко расположены на окраине города у оживленных шоссе, чтобы автобусы не вставали в городские пробки. Для путешественника в этом не только плюс, но и минус. Добираться до таких терминалов бывает непросто или долго, плюс в некоторых локациях обслуживать терминалы разрешается не любому транспорту – т.е. даже некоторые службы такси туда не допускают. Как результат – спекулятивные цены на перевозку. Если нужно выезжать в часы-пик, не забывайте заложить дополнительное время на поездку.
  • Автобус, наверное, вид транспорта, который наиболее подвержен задержкам и нарушению расписания – если сравнивать с самолетами или поездами. Причин может быть великое множество – от ДТП до ремонта дороги, объезда и т.д. Ситуация ухудшается в дни государственных праздников, длинные выходные, высокий сезон. Учитывайте этот момент и не планируйте коротких стыковок.
  • Если вы планируете поездку по одному из наиболее востребованных маршрутов и/или в высокий сезон, стоит озаботиться заблаговременным бронированием билетов. Учитывайте, что просто прийти на автовокзал и уехать ближайшим рейсом возможно далеко не всегда: билеты вполне могут быть распроданы, так что планируйте заранее.
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Naluang Станции

Naluang Отзывы о компании

193 отзывов клиентов
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 13 мар. 2024 г.
hi. the price you charge is double the official price at the bus station. the bus only leaves when it is full. so we had to wait 40 min until other passangers came.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 6 февр. 2024 г.
The bus left Luang Prabang 3.5 hours late and arrived in Vang Vieng 4 hours late. The bus service had more people packed in than seats available so we each had very little room and after picking up even more people on the route I ended up with a stranger sitting in my feet. The roads they drove down could barely even be called roads with us getting stuck multiple times but I guess that's not the bus's fault
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 13 янв. 2024 г.
Bus molto vecchio,eravamo stipati come sardine non c’è spazio per le gambe,un agonia per tutti i passeggeri!!!
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 25 нояб. 2023 г.
There was a driver+ 25 passengers (incl. 4 toddlers) in a van!! Even the local people were not satisfied. There were of course not seat belts for anyone. The driver drove dangerously. The trip took 10hrs. Luckily co-passengers were very nice and friendly.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 21 нояб. 2023 г.
Our van left a bit late and it was very crowded. We made it to our destination about 30 minutes later than expected but otherwise the trip was fine. Affordable price.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 1 авг. 2023 г.
We arrived at the station at 07:15 for an 0830 bus. The office then gave us a ticket for the 0730 which we thought was great. We got on at 0730, about 6 people with tickets, we then drove around the corner and more people, without tickets got on, including loading a moped into the van! We eventually left at 0800 and arrived at out destination at 1030 (we were supposed to arrive at 1000 when leaving at 0830...). We needed up with about 16 people in what should have been about 13 seats. Driver was nice enough but annoying that so many people got on without tickets.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 26 июн. 2023 г.
The van it’s supposed to carry 14 people. We were 21. The way of driving wasn’t safe at all.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 25 июн. 2023 г.
It was a mini van with lots of people and animals in it. The dog threw up in the bus. The driver was picking up his mates and chatting on the phone and driving when it was so dark and raining cats and dogs. We reached 90 minutes late. I would not recommend this to anyone.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 24 мар. 2023 г.
Squeezed into a 14 person bus with 20 people! Air con was very weak! The journey is very bumpy and windy roads! Would have been better off riding the train
Поезд Первый класс, Naluang, 5 февр. 2023 г.
Everything worked out perfect, the tickets and transfers arrived on time. The train arrived at the destination even earlier.
Поезд Первый класс, Naluang, 3 февр. 2023 г.
Overall, the booking with 12go Asia did work fine for us. It was convinient to book over the app instead of having to go to the Luang Prabang train station. The pick up and the train ride went very easy, and I think it is much more comfortable than a bumpy ride in a minibus. The description on the voucher however caused a little bit of confusion, as we were not sure about the pickup time and how to get the real train ticket. We finally called the operator, (over my skype account) Nualang, and from there on it was very easy. The operator brought us our ticket to the hotel, and confirmed the pick up time. The procedure is such, that the person who brings the ticket, makes a picture of the recipient, to ensure all is delivered and confirmed. The staff of the operator was helpful, friendly and spoke decent english.
Поезд Первый класс, Naluang, 21 янв. 2023 г.
Good communication from 12go company re confirmation. The ticket was delivered to my hotel (by Nualang (hadn't needed to print the voucher out which meant a waste of people's time getting hotel to do it). Minibus pickup was exactly on time. However, it was 90 mins earlier than necessary to catch the train - Luang Prabang train station is sterile and barren. Huge building but nothing inside but hard seats- can't even get water let alone snacks. The Chinese train is OK. Shame the only ticket bookable was after dark so no scenery to see. And there's a trick in the process where you end up with an 'insurance' price added - I didn't see an option way to 'unchoose' that in the process. There was a price printed on the ticket that is way less than I paid.
Поезд Второй класс, Naluang, 11 янв. 2023 г.
Would have preferred just to have train tickets organised and make own way to the station rather than take the transfer.
Поезд Второй класс, Naluang, 30 дек. 2022 г.
Good service, very happy with the arrangement pick up from hotel semd to station. Train very smooth n fast... All enquiries was responded fast kudos to the team...
Поезд Второй класс, Naluang, 28 дек. 2022 г.
I found out I paid more than double for my transport (train) from Luang Prabang to Vientiane, booking it by 12go asia. I was used from this agency that the prices were very reasonable, but apparently not for this specific route. For the high price I could've expected a private car, but instead it was a fully booked minivan with a grumpy driver that had to stop at many places. I suggest you book the train via your hostel or hotel, that should be much cheaper and faster.
Поезд Второй класс, Naluang, 25 дек. 2022 г.
Company rejected giving any sort of children discount (for 3 kids) for train tickets, despite that kids under 120cm are free of charge and otherwise are 1/2 price, we were still charged full adult prices when going via the Agency.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 19 нояб. 2022 г.
Il bus é partito con più di un ora di ritardo. É arrivato tardi alla destinazione. Il bus era strapieno, c'erano più persone che sedili
Поезд ВИП с конд., Naluang, 12 нояб. 2022 г.
The service itself was fine, but confirming and receiving the tickets was a nightmare. Someone came to drop our train tickets the day before, only to be called an hour later to say they are the wrong ones and we had to wait where we were until the others could be dropped off. A massive inconvenience and not ideal to be texted/called all the time. Pick up time was not clear and we arrived at the train station far too early. Massively over priced as well, and 12go is not accurate in that you HAVE to book train tickets 3 days in advance. Book with your hostel-cheaper and more convenient.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 21 окт. 2022 г.
The ride was good. The first 45 minutes we were picking up locals in the city and drove back to the bus stop. One hour after the specified departure time we finally move off. We have made one stop during the drive for half an hour at a restaurant. We arrived in Vang Vieng one hour late.
Поезд ВИП с конд., Naluang, 17 окт. 2022 г.
Booked for the 15/1/22 received confirmation and e tickets then got email on the 14/10/22 saying it’s been cancelled as it’s full, but can travel on the 16/10/22 @ 11.30. Arrived only to be told it’s fully booked again but I can get the 18.20 train even tho I had the tickets for both trips that was so say fully booked. So had to pay for another nights hotel in Luang Prabang and also lost a night in Vientiane that I had already payed for.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 15 окт. 2022 г.
+ The bus was very clean. We liked the view from the bus. There were two stayes where we could go to wc and buy food. - The bus was late more than one hour. Music in the bus was too loud.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 11 окт. 2022 г.
On my voucher departure was 11:30 and they asked us to arrive in advance. We didn’t leave till 11:55 and waited in front of hostel for an hour. Unacceptable for me. I know you want the bus to be full but if people not on time not fare for others. Be mindful of your customers’time ! But on highway all the way , easy road to go to vientiane
Поезд ВИП с конд., Naluang, 4 окт. 2022 г.
This was a very bad experience. We had booked a 1st class seat on the bullet train from Luang Prabang to Vientiane departing 11.30. We we arrived for our transfer to the station it turned out our booking had been cancelled and we were now on the slow train in 2nd class departing 16.16. Vevy bad. We now had to kill time and hang around. 12Go tried to book the tickets too late and we missed out and got shuffed on later train. Not happy!
Поезд ВИП с конд., Naluang, 3 окт. 2022 г.
We were booked on a prepaid journey VIP to Vientiane and the day before we simply informed by the Hotel reception that our place wa cancelled (not the train, just our prepaid seats). We were transferred to a normal train more than 4 hours later. That is not the kind of service neither booked normal expected.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 22 сент. 2022 г.
1. when I reached out to you and asked to be picked up at the hotel you said this wasn’t a pick-up bus. turns out we were the only people starting the journey at the bus station, everybody else was picked up afterwards and paid less money than we did. thanks for nothing 2. the bus driver was on time and we could have left on time but he preferred letting us wait in the hot car for half an hour before coming back, never told us we could wait outside because it’s going to take a while 3. is is really necessary to make a 20 minute stop 10 minutes before the destination?
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 20 сент. 2022 г.
Es sollten 11 Stunden Fahrzeit werden, wurden aber 17. Okay, für die Pannen kann der Fahrer nichts aber auch trotzdem muss man für diese Strecke mindestens 15 Stunden ansetzen. Der Fahrer war sehr hilfsbereit und freundlich, deshalb noch 2 Sterne.
Поезд ВИП с конд., Naluang, 20 сент. 2022 г.
For my first question, I got support very quickly but unfortunately, for my next one I never got a reply. Ticket Drop-Off at Hotel was very nice, we didn’t know this was coming and couldn’t gather that information from the voucher but worked well.
Поезд ВИП с конд., Naluang, 9 сент. 2022 г.
The trip itself was good. But there was a lot of confusion around the pickup time. Also we were picked up at 11am and the train left at 2 pm. Way too early.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 27 июл. 2022 г.
The bus was fine. We were late around 30 min but the driver agreed to drop us off closer to the hotel which was nice)
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 24 июл. 2022 г.
En teoría el trayecto duraba 1 hora y media y fueron 3 horas además de que salimos tarde.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 13 июл. 2022 г.
You said 1.30 (hrs.) But it took more than 3 hrs. To the vanvieng bus stop. Driver stop more than 12 times. To add more local passengers until all 18 person. ITS TERRIBLE.
Автобус Спальный, Naluang, 17 мар. 2020 г.
The chauffeurs were helpful with filling in the documents needed to get into Laos. The bus was clean, enough stops for us to go to the toilet as wel, and we even got a little snack pack with a bottle of water, juice, and cookies, couldn't really expect more I think. Sleeping was a bit hard with all the turning the bus had to do, but that's obviously just the way it is, can't blame anyone for that. And we even arrived two hours early. That was a bit annoying since it was 3am... But there were tuktuks waiting, so it was still easy to get into the city. But maybe take that into account when looking at accomodation.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 7 мар. 2020 г.
It took over 2 hours longer than stated on the ticket, which wasn't helped by the flat tyres and the half an hour meal break the driver had in a shop that refused to serve any of the passengers.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 2 мар. 2020 г.
Pack up car was late. After leaving the van came back to pick up late présentées. Flat tyre on the way
Автобус Экспресс со спальным вагоном 41, Naluang, 27 февр. 2020 г.
Es un viaje bastante largo, pero hace 3 o 4 paradas en el trayecto llevar comida ya que no hay muchos lugares donde comprar
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 25 февр. 2020 г.
There is not a lot of leg room on the minibus but the journey was comfortable and the driver was safe. The rest stops were also regular enough and the included lunch was a nice bonus. Many thanks to the driver for keeping us safe on the mountain roads!!
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 16 февр. 2020 г.
Very full passeger , not convenient for 8 hours journey. we have free for lunch at a restaurant.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 6 февр. 2020 г.
Service was ridicously bad. Too much people for one van. Wanted to put 2 little children on one seat. No communication during stops and driver that wants earn quick money by letting extra people in the bus,
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 3 февр. 2020 г.
Bus was on time and got us where we needed to be but it was a pretty awful journey. The bumps were so bad we were jumping out of our seats, but I guess that’s not the bus company’s fault. Would still do it again for the price
Автобус Спальный, Naluang, 31 янв. 2020 г.
The service was good. There were three drivers that took turns on driving, which felt safe and professional. We made toilet-stops about every three hours as well as one stop to eat something. The Road was really bumpy and there were a lot of couves. If you're sick, lay down and try to sleep. There is a toilet ob the bus, but it's hard to use, due to the uneven road ;) I couldn't use my E-Visa because we didn't cross on one of the borders that allow E-Visa. Visa on arrival worked fine, though. You can pay the Visa Fee in different currencies, e.g. Dollars. You can also exchange money after leaving Thailand and before entering Laos. The bus arrived in Luang Prabang earlier than scheduled.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 25 янв. 2020 г.
Although the drive during the daylight hours was no where near as bad as some of the reviews we read, we found that the bus was not fit for driving at night!!! The headlights hardly worked and so the driver was going so slowly that the last 26km took nearly 2 hours!! He was blinded by trucks coming towards us and his only safe reaction was to stop until it passed. The minivan should not be on the roads.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 24 янв. 2020 г.
Fast and on time. Perfect 8 hr adventure trip! Even lunch was included in the ticket price which was a big surprise.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 22 янв. 2020 г.
Alles bestens geklappt. Sehr umsichtiger und angenehmer Fahrer.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 12 янв. 2020 г.
The communication about the pick up was very bad. So we missed the bus we booked. We did go one later. The driver was al lot of time busy with bis telefone. That was very scarry because of the very bad and dangereus road. The minivan was old and the suspension also. It was the worst trip we ever made.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 10 янв. 2020 г.
I had to change mini-van and move my baggage from one van to another because number of passengers was bigger than number of places and we waited 45 minutes to resolve it. Yet i do not consider it as big problem and in some way it was funny :)
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 8 янв. 2020 г.
Très pratique de venir nous récupérer au pied de notre hôtel, avec un peu d’avance d’ailleurs! Par contre conduite très très sportive, parfois même dangereuse sur ces routes de montagne! Ne rien manger 1h avant
Автобус Спальный, Naluang, 26 дек. 2019 г.
Sleeper bus Monday and Friday only. Definitely worth doing this 17 hour journey on one of those days, for that reason. Bus was not 100% full, they granted my request to not share a bed since I was traveling solo. Driver was safe, border crossing easy. I am satisfied with the trip.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 12 дек. 2019 г.
The drive took approximately 4.5 hours with about a 30 minute stop for lunch/restroom. We were in a mini bus which was comfortable enough given that it was not full to capacity. All the luggage went into the back which left the small amount of leg room free for our legs. haha Our driver drove fast which made the bumps in the road worse. Not a problem for myself but my girlfriend does get motion sick and was appropriately prepared. Making sure you are as well will make the trip go smoother for yourself and everyone else who is along for the ride. The picture provided in the attachment we received in our confirmation was clear enough but you actually need to go around behind the building in the picture and up a slight incline. Its clear as day that its a bus station once you see it its just not visible from the road. All in all about as I expected after reading several reviews across the internet.
Автобус Спальный, Naluang, 8 дек. 2019 г.
Микроавтобус Региональный 14 мест, Naluang, 8 дек. 2019 г.
Driver on cellphone while passing big trucks on curves. Very dangerous!!!