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Farinas Trans

287 отзывов клиентов
  • Reviews

О компании Farinas Trans

Автобус подойдет и для поездки в соседний город на расстоянии пары часов, и если вас тянет на волю, в пампасы через всю страну. Дешево? Смотрите билеты на автобус! Дорого? И тоже найдется подходящий автобус. Самые доступные билеты для тех, кому важно добраться задешево, обычно у экспресс (стандартных, обычных, местных) автобусов. ВИП-опции ориентированы на тех, кто не готов жертвовать комфортом. Перед тем, как приобрести билет на автобус, удостоверьтесь, что вы выбрали именно тот класс обслуживания, который вам подходит. Например, для длительных переездов есть смысл рассмотреть VIP или первый класс. Такие автобусы следуют без остановок или с минимумом остановок до конечного пункта назначения. Экспрессы или местные автобусы подойдут для коротких расстояний, а вот на длинные лучше от них отказаться, т.к. они буквально кланяются каждому столбу. Изучите расписание как следует – нередко на длинные маршруты ставят ночные автобусы, и в некоторых есть более широкие кресла или полки для сна. Билет на автобусы Farinas Trans можно забронировать онлайн. Отзывы других путешественников помогут определиться с классом автобуса и тарифом.

Основные станции Farinas Trans

Автобусы Farinas Trans обслуживают следующие основные станции:

  • Манила Фаринас Транзит
  • Виган
  • Лаоаг
  • Багио Фаринас Транс Терминал

Основные маршруты Farinas Trans

Цена билета и классы автобусов Farinas Trans

Самое приятное в путешествии на автобусе – это возможность собрать свой вариант под ваши требования по комфорту и стоимости. Для этого придумали разные типы автобусов и разные классы билетов – каждый сможет подобрать что-то конкретно под свои запросы. Как правило, самые дешевые билеты – на стандартные автобусы. Они могут называться по-разному: местные, экспресс, обычные и т.д., но суть одна. Такие автобусы вполне подойдут для коротких поездок. Автобусы-слиперы (спальные, ночные) или VIP хороши для длинных и ночных переездов. Такие автобусы могут быть оснащены более широкими мягкими раскладывающимися креслами, иногда с функцией массажа, или спальными полками; билет может включать одеяла, безалкогольные напитки, снеки или более плотную еду прямо на борту либо в кафе во время остановок на размять ноги, сходить в туалет или заправиться. Если выбирать ночные автобусы, то можно сэкономить на стоимости комнаты в отеле, но тут стоит выбирать правильный класс автобуса, чтобы провести ночь с максимальным комфортом. Порой даже для не самых длинных поездок стоит заплатить чуть больше за VIP, потому как на некоторых маршрутам ВИПы идут порой в два раза быстрее обычных автобусов.

Едем на автобусе: плюсы и минусы

Плюсы путешествия на автобусе

  • Автобус – лучший вариант, чтобы добраться до локаций, которые не связаны жд веткой или авиасообщением. Автобусная сеть часто охватывает всю страну, а маршруты давно сформированы и обкатаны.
  • В отличие от авиаперелетов и иногда – жд поездок приезжать на автостанцию сильно заранее необходимости нет. Регистрация, даже на международных автобусных рейсах, как правило, не занимает много времени. Допуски по багажу тоже весьма и весьма приятные, а если лимиты на вес багажа все-таки установлены, то доплата за перевес почти всегда совсем невысокая.
  • Билеты на автобус обычно более доступны, чем билеты на самолет или скорый поезд. Разнообразие классов и тарифов ориентировано на любой кошелек. Самые дешевые варианты, возможно, не самый быстрый способ прибыть в пункт назначения, но свою работу автобусы в любом случае делают. На более длинных маршрутах есть либо туалеты в салоне, либо остановки, билет включает снеки, воду, иногда туалетные принадлежности, одеяла и прочие полезные и приятные вещи.
  • Если вы готовы потратить чуть больше, то некоторые ВИПы по комфорту и обслуживанию могут вполне соперничать с бизнес-классом на самолетах: широкие мягкие раскладывающиеся кресла, одеяла, меньшее, по сравнению с обычными автобусами, число пассажиров и прочие бонусы очень скрашивают впечатления от поездки.

Минусы путешествия на автобусе

  • Новые междугородние автобусные терминалы нередко расположены на окраине города у оживленных шоссе, чтобы автобусы не вставали в городские пробки. Для путешественника в этом не только плюс, но и минус. Добираться до таких терминалов бывает непросто или долго, плюс в некоторых локациях обслуживать терминалы разрешается не любому транспорту – т.е. даже некоторые службы такси туда не допускают. Как результат – спекулятивные цены на перевозку. Если нужно выезжать в часы-пик, не забывайте заложить дополнительное время на поездку.
  • Автобус, наверное, вид транспорта, который наиболее подвержен задержкам и нарушению расписания – если сравнивать с самолетами или поездами. Причин может быть великое множество – от ДТП до ремонта дороги, объезда и т.д. Ситуация ухудшается в дни государственных праздников, длинные выходные, высокий сезон. Учитывайте этот момент и не планируйте коротких стыковок.
  • Если вы планируете поездку по одному из наиболее востребованных маршрутов и/или в высокий сезон, стоит озаботиться заблаговременным бронированием билетов. Учитывайте, что просто прийти на автовокзал и уехать ближайшим рейсом возможно далеко не всегда: билеты вполне могут быть распроданы, так что планируйте заранее.
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Farinas Trans Отзывы о компании

287 отзывов клиентов
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 13 мар. 2020 г.
The ride was good. We arrived at vigan 1 hour earlier than the scheduled time even though we left manila 20 minutes late. But you should really inform us in the ticket where the drop off will be since there is no terminal for fariñas in vigan.
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 5 мар. 2020 г.
I appreciate that we were advised that the Deluxe bus that we booked on would not be running that day. We were downgraded to First Class with CR and re-booked for the earlier trip. I had already paid for the Deluxe tickets in full prior to the trip but was able to get a refund of the excess amount from the conductor. Though we were not seated in the same row, we were seated in the same column of seats. So, at least effort was made to seat us close together. However, unlike our trip to Vigan, the trip back to Manila did not afford me a restful sleep as I kept sliding out of my seat whenever the bus turned a corner or went on a zigzag route. I would have given it 5 stars but for this.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 5 мар. 2020 г.
We were pleasantly surprised when we received a call confirming our arrival on the day of the trip. The trip on the Super Deluxe bus was comfortable as the driver kept a steady pace. I was able to have a restful sleep for 4 straight hours. I hope though that they look into the availability of their advertised amenities. The USB ports on our seat were no longer working as the main socket had come off of the panel. It was a good thing that there was another USB port on the individual monitor. Overall, it's an experience I wouldn't mind repeating.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 4 мар. 2020 г.
Very comfy. Bit tight on leg space but offers great amenities. Wifi service, toilet, usb charging, personal tablet for entertainment and just right cool temperature. The crew were also helpful and accompdating. Left on time. Highly recommended!
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 3 мар. 2020 г.
12GO doesn't provide Senior Discount. AC on the bus was too cold. Only pro are the kind Farinas conductors.
Автобус Супер первый класс, Farinas Trans, 29 февр. 2020 г.
Only downside: the aircon was way to cold! Otherwise I had a pleasant experience, thank you!
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 18 февр. 2020 г.
The driver and conductor of the bus is very professional, unfortunately the comfortroom on the bus has its lock broken, I hope it will be fixed soon. You may also want to consider changing the odor perfume for the comfortroom for it makes people dizzy.
Автобус Стандарт с конд., Farinas Trans, 2 февр. 2020 г.
Took 10pm from Baguio to Vigan, was worried if we can board as the counter had to call up HQ with our booking reference number and the bus seating plan didn’t have our names on it... Eventually did get seats together for the two of us, think latecomers (arriving after check-in of 9.30pm) were bumped to the back of the coach. Arrived at Vigan at 3am, an hour early, at Bantay.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 1 февр. 2020 г.
It was fast, but the aircon nearly killed me. Every 3 minutes the temperature changed between 17 and 23 degrees. Crazy. Take warm clothes to survive.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 26 янв. 2020 г.
Bus was on time and no hassles. Only want to point out is we're 3passengers when I booked but we're allocated separate seats. But it's ok but would appreciate if they could at least sit not far from the group.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 22 янв. 2020 г.
I had reserved for the bus which was to take me at 11:45 pm at the Vigan stop. Fortunately I arrived at Vigan's stop at 11:00 pm! The bus picked me up at 11:30 pm. You must respect the instructions and be present 30 minutes before! One downside, the expected arrival in Manila was at 7 am but in fact we arrived at 5:45 am! everything was closed!
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 22 янв. 2020 г.
I booked for an earlier travel time to make sure that I could go home by night but the bus was two hours delayed on the said time so I waited in the middle of road and got heated by the sun in Vigan. The driver and the conductor was very noisy and no care at all to the passengers. I know there will be 2 or 3 stopovers for our trip but the conductor has other ways in giving stopovers, whenever they feel like to stopover, they will stop in the middle of the road just to have a “SMOKING BREAK”. It’s really just unbelievable! And the driver somehow don’t know where to drive because he keeps on turning around to drive on the right way. It was really exhausting to ride with that kind of service.
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 18 янв. 2020 г.
Farinas changed my ticket booked with 12GO Asia. It was 10 pm instead of 11 pm. They said the bus I booked is canceled. Fortunately, I went to Farinas bus station to see where it was and they said that! If I didn’t go one day before, I don’t know what would be happent??? I must pay 40 php because the bus was upgraded. I agreed about that.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 12 янв. 2020 г.
Trip went without a hitch and arrived 45mins early. Conductor, driver and even staff @ terminal were courteous and very helpful. 12go was also very helpful. Suggestion though: allow us to choose seats
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 7 янв. 2020 г.
Bus left Manila on time and arrived in Laoag 2 hrs ahead of schedule. Seats were very comfortable and the toilet was clean and didn't smell. Also received a call 2 hrs before the trip confirming our reservation. Driver travelled at a safe speed. Great experience.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 31 дек. 2019 г.
Too many stopovers. I thought it was a first class bus, or one of those sleeper buses which has no stopovers but ot stops in places for 30mins and more. Very uncomfortable ride.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 27 дек. 2019 г.
We booked a bus with cr but the bus we rode in does't have any Cr at all
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 27 дек. 2019 г.
- easy to book online - if you are travelling from laoag, good for you because there is a terminal but if you are coming from vigan, you just have to wait in the highway where the bus will pass by - since they doesn't have a terminal in vigan, I had to call their laoag terminal just to confirm my booking. - good points is my number was given to the bus conductor & I am so happy that the conductor did call & text me to inform me.
Автобус Стандарт с конд., Farinas Trans, 27 дек. 2019 г.
The booking was accepted & acknowledged by the inspector. Unfortunately we didn't get the sits that we reserved. Baguio Terminal of Farinas doesnt have an access for online booking.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 24 дек. 2019 г.
Convenient booking! Bus driver and conductor are both accommodating. Just need improvement with the bus ventilation.
Автобус 1-й класс, Farinas Trans, 24 дек. 2019 г.
On-boarding was fast but was transferred to another bus type which required us to add P40 on our total fare.
Автобус Стандарт с конд., Farinas Trans, 22 дек. 2019 г.
Please play rated PG or G movies only during the trip. Children are mentally disturbed
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 21 дек. 2019 г.
We have booked for Deluxe bus but instead we ride in a First Class bus. They refunded P50 each but still its frustrating, we just dont have other choice... Then for the Dec 21 travel instead of First Class Bus we ride an orinary aircon bus with frequent stops and vendors all coming inside. We have separate experience for my brothers booked travel with Farinas again... No Bus appreared in their 12:45am supposedly pick up time
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 20 дек. 2019 г.
it was a reserved seat but they gave our seats to other passengers
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 19 дек. 2019 г.
My son left his mobile phone in the bus. The conductor called us and made an arrangement on how to get it back. I preder to get it at their Manila terminal/office. When we arrived back to Manila, we asked the personnel about the mobile phone that was surrendered. We got the phone back as is.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 16 дек. 2019 г.
We booked and paid online however our names were not listed on the seating arrangement. Luckily, there are still available seats so we were able to join our supposedly scheduled trip. Seats does not have seatbelt. Too cold inside the bus.
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 7 дек. 2019 г.
It was okay. I was able to communicate with the driver.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 5 дек. 2019 г.
comfortable seating. Driver texted us to advise of pick up time. However why was I not given both senior citizens and child discount? ??? Disappointed about that!
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 3 дек. 2019 г.
Автобус 1-й класс, Farinas Trans, 30 нояб. 2019 г.
Old bus. I don't like the smell.. but fast and very accommodating condoctor
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 29 нояб. 2019 г.
This is my 2nd online booking and so far, I had no problem with them. Trip was smooth.
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 26 нояб. 2019 г.
Arrived safely and earlier than estimated time of arrival :)
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 26 нояб. 2019 г.
Bus did not arrive on time (late by 30 minutes) at the designated pickup point. Also, bus is a bit old and dirty.
Автобус Стандарт с конд., Farinas Trans, 25 нояб. 2019 г.
Got no problem with our booking. We arrived at our destination safe and ahead of the guaranteed time.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 25 нояб. 2019 г.
Smooth ride all the way to Sampaloc, Manila. Just that there were 5 passengers with reserved seats but was not on the printed list. I wonder why was that.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 24 нояб. 2019 г.
Really comfortable and only took 6.5hours overnight 11.30pm - 6am!
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 20 нояб. 2019 г.
Very cold inside the bus due to the air conditioner. Everything else was good.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 19 нояб. 2019 г.
The bus is a bit late from the original schedule. The bus is not well maintained. On a positive note, the driver and the bus conductor are approachable.
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 18 нояб. 2019 г.
I was able to move at a cheap price! but 1st bus has a small seat for a long ride Daytime travel is not recommended for long distance travel due to poor traffic conditions and unpredictable arrival times Vigan to Manila recommends the night express bus
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 12 нояб. 2019 г.
Very good client support but the temperature on air conditioning was too low
Автобус Супер первый класс, Farinas Trans, 31 окт. 2019 г.
Bus was very good excepr for the monitore in swats 23 and 24 which are not working.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 29 окт. 2019 г.
Good experience but the WiFi and tablet on the bus doesn't work. Reached destination according to schedule.
Автобус Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 25 окт. 2019 г.
Good: Bus left on time and arrived ahead of schedule, comfortable seat and airconditioning, safe driving. Bad: No bus station in Vigan, poor customer service by staff, not tourist friendly (no announcements on stops, length of stops, etc.)
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 15 окт. 2019 г.
The super deluxe bus was punctual, comfortable, and even gave us free snacks and a bottle of water. The conductor was courteous. Although the bus driver drove fast, as with all other provincial buses from my experience... But the whole ride was smooth sailing naman. Thank you Farinas.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 1 окт. 2019 г.
Bus arrived on time. Staff is accommodating. Leg room is not that spacious, but I love the tablet and the usb charging port per seat.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 26 сент. 2019 г.
Bus leaves on time and I arrived on my distenation earlier.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 26 сент. 2019 г.
Good service. Clean bus. But very cold air-conditioning.
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 22 сент. 2019 г.
Seat is nice, rest close to our seat and it smells, no movie, no free internet, you need a password, stopped always but one hour earlier at destination
Автобус 1-й класс СР, Farinas Trans, 21 сент. 2019 г.
The bus was right on time at the pick-up location in Vigan. The bus was NOT a 1st class bus and did NOT have a CR. The drivers were nice enough, but they allowed only two bathroom breaks on the 8 1/2 hour trip(I nearly wetted myself because of the long period of time in between breaks).
Автобус Супер Делюкс, Farinas Trans, 11 сент. 2019 г.
Staff extremely helpful. Bus seats are very comfortable, but onboard bathroom needs paper tissue and soap.