Z Phnom Penh Long Phuong do Bangkok

Z Phnom Penh Long Phuong do Bangkok

Phnom Penh Long Phuong
niedz., 7 lip
W jedną stronę
NaN pasażerów

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Transport z Phnom Penh Long Phuong do Bangkok

  • Pociągi jest niedostępny
  • Autobusy jest niedostępny
  • Promy jest niedostępny
  • Loty jest niedostępny
  • Taksówki jest niedostępny
  • Minivany jest niedostępny

Opinie o kierunku z Phnom Penh Long Phuong do Bangkok

Basically not bad but some improvements needed in term of.. boarder crossing Bus changing Informations, this can be print out n the driver may show to guest, even though he cant speak english... This will be very help ful rather then..... You you go there.!! Also for the can driver good guy buy more on phone texting, very dangerous ps try to convey this to virak transport.
Autobus Kabotażowiec, Virak Buntham Express, 22 sty 2023
The 2th bus a minivan that took me from the border to Bangkok was a horrible experience. Because other passengers payed the driver extra he kept making snack and lunch stops. In the end when we where in Bangkok he went in circles for 1 hour on their request to drop them off after he just left me out at some tuk tuks instead of bringing me to my place wich he said he would do. If he wasn't planning on doing that he could have left me out way sooner. He also didn't give me time to grab my backpack and almost drove off with it.
Autobus Hotel Bus, Virak Buntham Express, 13 sty 2023
It was very great, and comfortable trip
Autobus Kabotażowiec, Virak Buntham Express, 30 lis 2022
We left on time but we had to share a small sleeping compartment. So if your traveling alone you have to share with a stranger and it’s the size of a single bed. There were many stops for people to get on and of which was very noisy. We had the compartment at the first row, so we could hear the driver talking very loudly on the entire trip. Nobody could speak English so nobody could answer any questions. We tried to ask if the bus would go all the way to Bangkok and they said yes. But when we came to the boarder (nobody told us anything) we had to figure out at 5 in the morning to pack all and get out. Nobody said anything to us and then when we came to the Thai boarder a man waved at us. However, he barely said anything at all and we were told we had to wait until the bus would be full. This took around 50 min and the bus was really bumpy. We sat in the back and could feel all the bumps in our backs.
Autobus Hotel Bus, Virak Buntham Express, 11 lip 2022
60 opinie

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