Z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang

Z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang

Nha Trang Southern Bus Station
Phuong Trang office in Da Nang
niedz., 7 lip
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Rozkład jazdy z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang

Rozkład jazdy z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang
Nazwa środka transportuCzas podróżyCena
Viet Nam Travel Bus Sleeper 44 Express 20:25 - 07:25VND 605k

Transport z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang

  • Autobusy
    $ 17.29
  • Pociągi jest niedostępny
  • Promy jest niedostępny
  • Loty jest niedostępny
  • Taksówki jest niedostępny
  • Minivany jest niedostępny

Co musisz wiedzieć o podróży z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang

Najtańszy środek transportu18 USD
Najszybszy środek transportu11godz.
Najwcześniejsza podróż8:20 PM
Ostatnia podróż8:30 PM
Odjazdy/wyloty w ciągu dnia3
Odległość550 km
Firmy transportoweViet Nam Travel Bus

Opinie o kierunku z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang

It was OKAY but not recommended specially if you are travelling from an European or Western country. Don't fall for the labels VIP and FIRST CLASS because they are not true for sure. The train was average and the hygiene was not a thing that they maintain since their trains are not yet ready for tourism. Btw, because we took the the sleeping beds that are on the top side, they shake a lot comparing to the bottom beds. Usually, I have seen different things in Vietnam when it comes to tourism. They prioritize tourist facilities over anything and make you feel like you are getting more than what you are paying for. But in this case it was not the thing. According to the price it was not cheap at all and I would add that it costed me less price from Saigon to Dalat by air. SO, NOT HAPPY AT ALL.
Pociąg #SE6 1 klasa z miejscami do spania, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2 kwi 2024
Ride was good and on time. The problem was with the bus company at Southern Nha Trang bus station. The lady in the kiosk appeared not to know what she was doing. One man was angry at her and yelling, we could not understand but we assume he missed his bus. For our experience I asked twice about our bus and she told us 9 pm, that's not what ticket said. 2 other couples were waiting also for different busses. At 8:45 pm a man can in and approached the lady and kiosk and was upset. He then told us and 2 other couples to follow him to our bases. They seemed to be waiting for us to leave. Soon as we got on we left. So due to the lady in the booth we almost missed our bus. Please let company know about the employee so she knows or cares when the busses leave and where the busses are. Thank you
Autobus VIP 34 z możliwością spania, Duc Duong Bus, 1 mar 2024
We had a good rest on the train, no delays and arrived on time.
Pociąg #SE22 2 klasa z miejscami do spania i klimatyzacją, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 5 sty 2024
Grumpy operator, it arrived near the bus station in Nha Trang and we had to walk a long piece of street to arrive at the bus. The operator was pushing us inside without knowing our seats, which were occupied by other people. The corridor was very small and difficult to move around even for a little person (maybe could be good for a child). The bus stopped just once for toilet and refill, not good at all when you have to stay in the bus for 12 hours and there is no toilet inside the bus. The last 3/4 hours were terrible because the driver started to horn continuously and also there was no policy for silence inside, meaning that passengers used to play videos on their phones at a very loud volume, disturbing all the other passengers. Overall it was a terrible experience, that I will not repeat again!
Autobus VIP, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 16 gru 2023
Bus was late, we stopped at last 15 to 20 times in the first hours to pick up "extra" people and packages by the side of the road... The bus driver drove really fast 90klm+ therefore it was very very bumpy, and when he had to break everything just went flying.. Arrived at our destination my bag was wet (luckily I had a protective cover..) I wanted to get a bus from Da Nang to Hoi an but everyone and I mean it just snobbed me off saying there wasn't any and I'd have to get a taxi. I guess I got my moneys worth, the only positive thing was the price.
Autobus VIP 34 z możliwością spania, Duc Duong Bus, 5 lis 2023
The bus arrived on time and actually left early. The beds are quite wide, but not long enough for someone who is 6ft or taller, you have to keep your legs bent. You are given a pillow and blanket, but they did not feel clean and the pillow was very worn and dirty and smelled. WiFi worked well and there are USB ports. You can turn lights on and off and there are curtains on both sides to block out lights. There is a toilet and it was pretty clean and worked. Staff were very rude when we got on, shouting at us and gesturing to sit in the top bunks at the very back. I showed him our ticket which shows seat 7 and 8 which is bottom bunk a few rows from the back. He just kept shouting at us and pointing to get in, when we refused he pointed to the bottom bunk so we just got in to get him to leave then moved to our assigned beds. Later, he came and took our ticket off us and left with it, which seems like a strange practice and we were wondering what was going to happen, but he left us alone after that. Overall the bus is comfy and bearable for an overnight journey, but the staff are so angry and intense that I would not use this company again.
Autobus VIP 22, Quang Hanh (Quang Hạnh), 1 paź 2023
Agent at the desk upon arrival was not very helpful, as we approached our departure time and were therefore asking if and when we should board the bus she would just say 5 minutes. The bus also kept stopping to pick up locals who were loud and noisy. The bus dropped us on the side of an ‘motorway’ road junction for Hoi An.
Autobus VIP 22, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 20 sie 2023
Worst journey I’ve ever had
Autobus Express, Lien Hung (Liên Hưng), 18 sie 2023
The bus was lovely. It was really new and it was an actual VIP sleeper. I'm 185cm tall and it was a good length. The bed was also wide. It was very comfy overall. The USB chargers worked. The bus left earlier than it was meant to so I would arrive the 30 mins prior as 12GoAsia suggest. We also arrived at our destination early! The negatives were the bus drivers were smoking which was disgusting. They also seemed to be shouting to eachother and beeping the horn the whole time which disturbed sleep.
Autobus VIP 22, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 9 sie 2023
Train was really dirty with cockroaches on the toilet
Pociąg #SE22 1 klasa z miejscami do spania, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 21 lip 2023
440 opinie

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Jak dostać się z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang

Podróż z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang jest możliwa dzięki autobus. W tej chwili jest to jedyna dostępna opcja dla tej trasy.

Jak daleko jest z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang?

Podróżując drogą lądową, odległość między Nha Trang Southern Bus Station a Phuong Trang office in Da Nang wynosi 550 km, podczas gdy w linii prostej jest to około 550 km.

Ile czasu zajmuje dostanie się z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang?

Podróż autobus pomiędzy Nha Trang Southern Bus Station a Phuong Trang office in Da Nang, powinna zająć około 11 godz.

Ile kosztuje podróż z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang?

Bilety autobus Nha Trang Southern Bus Station - Phuong Trang office in Da Nang będą kosztować Cię około USD 17.29. Aby zapewnić sobie najlepszą cenę, kup bilety z wyprzedzeniem.

Ile kursów dziennie odbywa się pomiędzy Nha Trang Southern Bus Station a Phuong Trang office in Da Nang?

Autobusy z Nha Trang do Da Nang kursują 3 razy dziennie.

Przydatne wskazówki dotyczące podróżowania między Nha Trang Southern Bus Station a Phuong Trang office in Da Nang autobus

Aby dostać się z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang, Twój wybór jest ograniczony do jednej opcji transportu, ale nie oznacza to, że nie możesz zapewnić sobie jak największego komfortu podczas podróży. Sprawdź nasze proste wskazówki, aby uniknąć rozczarowania drogą.


Przydatne wskazówki dla podróżujących autobusem:

  • Aby zachować komfort jazdy wybierz autobus wyższej klasy, jeśli to możliwe. Autobusy te mają zwykle miękkie rozkładane siedzenia i są wyposażone w klimatyzację i pokładowe toalety.
  • Woda, przekąski lub lekki lunch mogą być wliczone w cenę biletu.
  • Nie wszystkie autobusy mają toalety na pokładzie, ale nie ma co się bać – po drodze zatrzymują się, można więc skorzystać z WC.

    Firmy obsługujące linie autobusowe między Nha Trang a Da Nang

    Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus).

Ilu podróżnych wybrało podróż z Nha Trang Southern Bus Station do Phuong Trang office in Da Nang autobus?

Sprzedaliśmy naszym pasażerom 550 bilety autobus. Niektórzy z nich zostawili opinie na temat swojej podróży na naszej stronie. Sprawdź recenzje podróżnych, aby się przygotować. Są one zawsze najbardziej użytecznym i niezawodnym źródłem informacji.