Z Ho Chi Minh Nguyen Cu Trinh do Quy Nhon

Z Ho Chi Minh Nguyen Cu Trinh do Quy Nhon

Ho Chi Minh Nguyen Cu Trinh
Quy Nhon
wt., 16 lip
W jedną stronę
NaN pasażerów

Inne opcje

Transport z Ho Chi Minh Nguyen Cu Trinh do Quy Nhon

  • Pociągi jest niedostępny
  • Autobusy jest niedostępny
  • Promy jest niedostępny
  • Loty jest niedostępny
  • Taksówki jest niedostępny
  • Minivany jest niedostępny

Opinie o kierunku z Ho Chi Minh Nguyen Cu Trinh do Quy Nhon

The ride itself was all in all great. The drivers were very nice. After a few hours we stopped the first time and there were some tables prepared for our whole group and we got delicious food. Since we weren‘t sure how to eat everything correctly the others helped us and showed it. The seats were really comfy and thanks to the little „cabins“ everyone had for his/her own it felt quite cozy. We slept a lot. Of course you sleep better without bumpy roads and honking trucks but this is a general problem and has nothing to do with the company, the bus of the driver. The reason I chose not the best rating was the situation at the bus station. Earlier that day we received a message to be at the station at 5.30 pm (the bus departing at 6.15 pm). So we arrived there at 5.30 and went inside the huge hall towards office 62 which was empty. We looked around and asked two different ladies in other offices. One just said that we have to go to counter 62 and the other one rejected me roughly and didn‘t want to have anything to do with me. Since 1 week in Vietnam this was the unfriendliest person I have met, by farest. We recognized a young Vietnamese couple also standing lost infront of counter 62. It turned out that they booked the same bus and they took us with them. They knew which of the hundreds of busses was ours and after we found a way into the parking area (which we weren’t sure whether it was allowed or not) we got on the bus and everything was good.
Autobus Sypialny, Binh Minh Tai (Bình Minh Tải), 26 wrz 2022
2 opinie

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