Sapa ke Cat Ba Discovery Cat Ba

Sapa ke Cat Ba Discovery Cat Ba

Cat Ba Discovery Cat Ba
Ahd, 7 Jul
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Pengangkutan dari Sapa ke Cat Ba Discovery Cat Ba

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Ulasan destinasi Sapa ke Cat Ba Discovery Cat Ba

Kami terpaksa menukar tren dua kali. Akhir sekali, menaiki bas yang tidak semua orang mempunyai tempat duduk. Orang ramai terpaksa duduk di atas lantai di lorong
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Bas Tempat Tidur 41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 10 Mac 2023
Ini adalah pengalaman bas terbaik di Vietnam setakat ini. Ruang yang cukup, penghawa dingin dan pemindahan yang membawa kami ke hotel kami. Hebat!
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Penerbangan Perniagaan, Good Morning Cat Ba Bus (Good Morning Cat ba), 21 Feb 2023
Kami menunggu di hadapan "pejabat" di Sapa yang merupakan halaman yang sederhana dengan tandas yang kotor dan seekor anjing besar yang malang di dalam sangkar di hadapan tandas. Mereka menjemput kami terlalu lewat untuk membawa kami dengan kenderaan elektrik ke bas. Kerana kelewatan pemandu tertekan dan melemparkan beg galas kami ke dalam bas (saya tidak pasti sama ada mereka mungkin memusnahkannya). Tempat duduk di dalam bas selesa tetapi tempat saya kotor dan tali pinggang keledar saya telah rosak jadi saya tidak pasti sama ada ia akan membantu saya sama sekali. Tiada tandas di atas kapal dan selepas 3 jam memandu bas pergi ke stesen minyak. Kami semua berharap kami boleh keluar dari bas untuk menggunakan tandas tetapi pemandu bertindak kasar dan menutup pintu supaya kami tidak dapat keluar dari bas. Lelaki syarikat yang lain berpura-pura tidur untuk mengelak bercakap dengan kami. Akhirnya dia benar-benar marah dan hanya mengulangi „Tiada tandas“. Kemudian bas itu berlepas semula. Akhirnya dia memandu lagi 30 minit lagi dan berhenti semula jadi kami sangat gembira dengan perkara ini. Dia berjaya sampai ke Cat Ba on Point (walaupun terdapat banyak perhentian rawak untuk membenarkan orang masuk dan keluar dari bas di tengah-tengah mana-mana).
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Bas Tempat Tidur 41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 18 Nov 2022
Very chaotic. Nobody knows anything.
Bas VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 27 Jun 2024
I booked the bus for 11.30pm which was suddenly canceled. I was told to book the 12.30 bus by the operators service-women at sapa. The bus took of at 13.15 at the end. On the way to Haiphong the Bus stopped often to take on and off different people. We might have been at destination way earlier. Furthermore it was not told how long the one break would take - some people couldnt finish their food.
Bas VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 16 Mei 2024
Great. Helpful service in sapa, and dropped off at hotel in cat ba. Perfect
Bas VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 12 Mei 2024
My spouse, three sons (10 months and 3 and 6 years old) took the night VIP Bus from Sa Pa to Cat Ba. In Hanoi we had to change to another bus. The staff was stressed and not that friendly and attentive. However, the prices are super fair, the busses were clean, we found some sleep and we arrived safely and in time in Cat Ba.
Bas VIP Sleeper 34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 17 Apr 2024
I was nervous to take this bus considering some people's reviews but it was actually a very smooth pain free process. The bus did leave about 45 minutes late but still arrived on time with no issues. The beds were curtained and have a USB port and a blanket. Just like all busses I've taken in Vietnam there were a few stops along the way to pick up and drop off things but I don't find this to be out of the usual. There was 2 stops throughout the journey for bathroom breaks and in the morning one of the workers went around and asked where people were staying so that you can be dropped off nearby (eg at Buffalo hostel which is like 10 minutes from the main stop in town). Bus goes on the ferry so you go all the way to the island without having to transfer at any point.
Bas VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 22 Mac 2024
Bus was 2.5 hours late. The company (full moon) buys tickets from other bus company. Pros: they answer to Whatsapp quite fast. Cons: they get little information from actual bus company. They don't really know when the bus comes. When bus comes, they don't really have a list or check your ticket. You just run and hope it is the correct bus and there is place for you. A poor girl had to sleep on the floor because they oversold (or someone sneaked in and they didn't check). On the way they picked up a passenger who also slept on the floor. Get in quick because you really don't want to sleep on the five seater at the very back. They stopped a couple of times for toilet break. They didn't honk that much during the night. The single cabins are ok, a bit tight if you're an average built person. I slept ok. Honestly there isn't much alternative, I been told the two person cabins are worse because you end up sleeping next to a stranger or sometimes they want to make you sleep three people in a two person cabin. So just be patient and be quick when the bus arrives as to not sit near the drivers or at the back.
Bas Tempat Tidur 40, Full Moon Party Tour (Full Moon Party Tour), 8 Mac 2024
We booked the VIP20 bus which was super comfortable and had a toilet & WiFi. You can adjust the seats automatic but the first 5 hours, that didn’t work. At one point we were transferred to another bus, which was not a VIP bus. The bus wasn’t even cleaned up, used blankets everywhere, really cold and not comfortable at all. We had to wait almost 2 hours until this bus finally left.
Bas VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel (Công Ty TNHH Một Thành Viên Du Lịch Thiểu Số), 4 Feb 2024
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