Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB

Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB

Ninh Binh Viet Nam
Hoi An SSB
Kha, 11 Jul
NaN Penumpang

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Jadual Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB

Jadual Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB
Nama PengangkutanMasa PerjalananHarga
Grouptour VIP 33 Sleeper 19:00 - 10:00VND 621k
Grouptour VIP 33 Sleeper 20:00 - 11:00VND 936k

Pengangkutan dari Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB

  • Bas
    $ 31.23
  • Kereta Api tidak tersedia
  • Feri tidak tersedia
  • Penerbangan tidak tersedia
  • Teksi tidak tersedia
  • Van tidak tersedia

Fakta tentang pengangkutan dari Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB

Pengangkutan Paling MurahUSD 32
Pengangkutan Paling Laju15j
Perlepasan Paling Awal7:30 PM
Perlepasan Yang Terkini8:00 PM
Perlepasan setiap hari5
Jarak750 kilometer
Syarikat PengangkutanGrouptour

Ulasan destinasi Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB

Saya baru sahaja menghantar e-mel kepada mereka meminta untuk dihantar ke asrama saya - sangat mudah dan "limosin" pastinya terasa seperti VIP.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara automatik
Bas Tempat Tidur 41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 18 Dis 2022
3 * driver spoke and played music all the time and was really rude to me for no reason. Even slapped my ass telling me to get on
Bas Tempat Tidur 41, To Vietnam Travel, 12 Mei 2024
Was fine, as expected. The usual bright lights during the night but relatively comfy. I’m 5ft8 and can never fully stretch out anyway. At one stop the driver wouldn’t let us back on the bus for 30mins..not sure why but was annoying for those who had got off just for a quick toilet break.
Bas VIP 20 + VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 15 Apr 2024
We got moved from our vip bus at 5am half way through our journey
Bas VIP 20, Duc Duong Bus, 29 Mac 2024
Terrible. The bus never came. The staff had very little information and we didn't get any. 1 hour later they did their best to split us between different buses. The bus we were put into was full and the luggages had to be stored in the corridors in a very unsafe way. People had to walk in the bags to move in the bus (to go to the toilet). The poor staff inside the bus didn't have a place to seat because of this. We were woken up at 7 am to be put in a minibus with no explanation. However we arrived only 30mn later than planned but not without a lot of stress and tiredness...
Bas Tempat Tidur 38, Full Moon Party Tour (Full Moon Party Tour), 17 Nov 2023
Very comfortable bus. Pick up was delayed by 1h. We were dropped off at a garage in hue and had to wait for 2h. There were people waiting for us to scam with bike tours, some girls went with them and got lost - please don’t join them for a tour. After waiting for 2h we took a minivan to Hoi an, which was ok.
Bas VIP 33 Sleeper , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 3 Okt 2023
We were asked to come early than scheduled due to the bus
Bas VIP Sleeper 34, Duc Duong Bus, 3 Okt 2023
The bus was two hours late. The first hours until Hue were indeed in a luxury bus. The bus itself was fine, the driving however was incredibly wild and bumpy, making several people nauseous. However, in Hue we were told to get out and transfer to a smaller van. This van took another two hours to arrive. Once it got here, it was more like hitching a ride with a postal van than the luxury bus transfer we booked and paid for. The van easily made 10+ stops, pushing boxes in and out of the van. This includes boxes at your feet and next to your shoulder. I had to sit three hours next to a box crawling with little bugs, with no leg room because someone else's bag was put there (so again more boxes could be pushed into the van). Very very far from a luxury bus experience
Bas VIP 33 Sleeper , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 28 Sep 2023
Beside the fact that we had a delay of 1 hour at the beginning, we arrived more than punctual. We had a good sleep in the bus and the breaks absolut good. Be aware if you have to drop-off somewhere on the route. Not all passenger had been waked up, so they got of the bus in another city
Bas Tempat Tidur 41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 22 Jul 2023
Bus was almost 2 hours late. Bus driver was extremely rude at pickup and spoke no English. Wouldn’t even show us our names on a list to confirm we were getting on the right bus. We had to change buses in Hue, which was not specified on the ticket, and the change was extremely chaotic and no one knew what was going on. 12go voucher did not specify the drop off address, and it was not provided to me when I messaged the bus via WhatsApp. Only good thing was that bus was clean and seats were comfortable if you didn’t get a middle bed.
Bas VIP, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 9 Jul 2023
47 ulasan pelanggan

Laluan Popular di Vietnam

Bagaimana untuk pergi dari Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB

Membuat perjalanan antara Ninh Binh Viet Nam dan Hoi An SSB adalah boleh dengan bas. Pada masa ini, ia adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang ada untuk laluan ini.

Berapa jauhkah Ninh Binh Viet Nam dari Hoi An SSB?

Membuat perjalanan darat, jarak antara Ninh Binh Viet Nam dan Hoi An SSB adalah 750 km manakala ia adalah kira-kira 750 km untuk penerbangan.

Berapa lamakah masa diambil dari Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB?

Membuat perjalanan dengan bas antara Ninh Binh Viet Nam dan Hoi An SSB, jangkakan untuk menghabiskan masa kira-kira 15 jam.

Berapakah kos untuk pergi dari Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB?

bas tiket untuk perjalanan Ninh Binh Viet Nam - Hoi An SSB akan menelan belanja kira-kira USD 36.80. Bagi memastikan harga terbaik, beli tiket terlebih awal.

Terdapat berapa banyakkah perjalanan sehari antara Ninh Binh Viet Nam dan Hoi An SSB ?

Bas dari Ninh Binh ke Hoi An membuat perjalanan 5 kali sehari.

Tip berguna untuk perjalanan antara Ninh Binh Viet Nam dan Hoi An SSB dengan bas

Untuk pergi dari Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB pilihan anda terhad kepada satu pilihan pengangkutan tetapi ia tidak bermakna anda tidak boleh membuatkannya seselesa mungkin. Lihat petua mudah kami untuk mengelakkan kekecewaan semasa dalam perjalanan anda. ##Bas

Tip berguna untuk pengembara bas:

  • Untuk perjalanan yang lebih selesa, pilih bas yang berkelas tinggi jika boleh. Bas ini biasanya mempunyai kerusi lembut yang boleh dibaringkan dan dilengkapi dengan pendingin hawa dan tandas.
  • Air, snek atau makanan tengah hari mungkin termasuk dalam harga tiket anda.
  • Tidak semua bas mempunyai tandas tetapi jangan risau - mereka selalunya membuat hentian ke tandas ketika dalam perjalanan.

Syarikat yang mengoperasikan laluan bas antara Ninh Binh dan Hoi An

Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour).

Berapa ramai pengembara memilih untuk pergi dari Ninh Binh Viet Nam ke Hoi An SSB dengan bas?

Kami telah menjual bas tiket kepada 1507 penumpang. Sesetengah mereka meninggalkan ulasan tentang perjalanan tersebut di halaman ini. Lihat ulasan pengembara untuk bersiap sedia. Ia selalunya membantu dan menjadi sumber maklumat yang boleh dipercayai.