Halong Bay ke Trang An Wharf

Halong Bay ke Trang An Wharf

Halong Bay
Trang An Wharf
Jum, 12 Jul
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Pengangkutan dari Halong Bay ke Trang An Wharf

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Ulasan destinasi Halong Bay ke Trang An Wharf

Bas yang agak selesa, masa berlepas tidak dihormati, kesukaran mencari tempat di tapak, perlu meminta beberapa orang untuk mencari pemandu yang sesuai...
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Bas VIP 16 Ekspres, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 23 Mei 2023
Bas itu hebat tetapi ia mengambil masa 1.5 jam lebih lama daripada yang diiklankan. Jadi dari 3 jam ia sebenarnya mengambil masa 4.5. Pemandu bas dan pembantu bercakap tanpa henti dengan kuat sepanjang perjalanan!
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Bas VIP 30, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 18 Mei 2023
Super! Sangat cekap, sangat baik, super raccomanded!
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Bas VIP 16 Ekspres, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 25 Apr 2023
Kami pergi tepat pada masanya dan tiba tepat pada masanya. Pemandu sangat baik dan bas selesa. Ia meninggalkan kami di dataran utama Tam Coc, di mana kami perlukan.
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Bas VIP 30, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 21 Okt 2022
Bas itu agak lewat dan sudah terlalu ramai penumpang jadi kami bertiga terpaksa duduk di dua tempat duduk hadapan bersama pemandu selama kira-kira sejam sehingga seseorang turun. Pemandu itu baik dan membantu, dia juga menurunkan kami betul-betul di hadapan hotel kami supaya kami tidak perlu berjalan kaki dari stesen bas. Pasukan sokongan 12go juga sangat membantu sebaik sahaja kami menghubungi mereka.
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Bas VIP 30, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 15 Sep 2022
The driver was driving way too fast, we arrived 1h before. The quality of the bus wasn't that good, seats were moving by themselves, seatbels not available on every seat and the AC was on all the time, way too cold.
Bas Tourist Bus 16, Duc Duong Bus, 12 Dis 2023
The driver and bus was on time and checked all tickets. The cabins are exactly as advertised and the driving was stable enough to be able to sleep for most of the trip. We definetly recommend this one.
Bas VIP 16 Ekspres, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 6 Nov 2023
The bus was about 30 minutes late but picked us up where indicated. The driver drove very fast and a bit reckless, however nothing happened. Having the front seat was not a good idea, as you can see too much (the driver being on the phone, the driving, etc.) There were seatbelts but the size seemed to have been made for a child. I could not fit them. The car hat more people than seats. Two children travelled on the laps of their parents. There was the AC blasting on full but people were super friendly and quiet. At one point, about 10minutes from the drop-off we were asked to switch vehicles even though this was not indicated in our journey. The driver did not speak much english but put our luggage in the new car. The new driver was super friendly, asked us which place we were staying and then dropped us off there. We appreciated this a lot, as it was already dark upon arriv-al (approx. 40 minutes later than scheduled). All in all an average experience. Next time we think of booking a bigger bus, at the driving seemed to be more comfortable there (but the journey takes longer).
Bas VIP 16 Ekspres, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 24 Okt 2023
Got the van that was pictured but only one of us had a seatbelt. We arrived to Tam Coc only 20 minutes late. The van was comfortable and the driver wasn’t too crazy; he did do one dangerous overtake and made a few phone calls, but by Vietnam standards he was pretty good.
Bas VIP 18 Ekspres, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 27 Sep 2023
The driver arrived 30 minutes later, but despite this, we arrived on time. There were no seat belts in our seats in the car. We arrived quickly.
Bas VIP 16 Ekspres, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 27 Sep 2023
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