T버스 닌빈 출발 T버스 사파 사무실

T버스 닌빈 출발 T버스 사파 사무실

T버스 닌빈
T버스 사파 사무실
7월 6일 (토)
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T버스 닌빈 에서T버스 사파 사무실까지일정

T버스 닌빈 에서T버스 사파 사무실까지일정
교통수단 이름경로 이름가격
Techbus VN JSC Van + Cabin 05:00 - 15:00VND 720k
Techbus VN JSC Van + VIP Bus 06:30 - 15:50VND 725k
Techbus VN JSC Van + VIP Bus 09:00 - 18:20VND 725k
Techbus VN JSC Van + VIP Bus 10:00 - 19:20VND 725k
Techbus VN JSC Sleeper 40 12:35 - 21:35VND 380k
Techbus VN JSC VIP Cabin + Van Limousine 15:00 - 01:00VND 720k
Techbus VN JSC Van + Cabin 16:00 - 02:00VND 720k
Techbus VN JSC Sleeper 40 18:10 - 03:10VND 380k
Techbus VN JSC VIP 34 Sleeper 20:55 - 05:55VND 359k
Techbus VN JSC VIP 34 Sleeper 22:15 - 07:15VND 420k

T버스 닌빈 출발 T버스 사파 사무실 도착 교통편

  • 버스
    $ 15.56
  • 승합차
    $ 28.28
  • 기차은 유효하지 않습니다
  • 페리은 유효하지 않습니다
  • 항공편은 유효하지 않습니다
  • 택시은 유효하지 않습니다

운송에 대한 T버스 닌빈에서 T버스 사파 사무실까지의 사실

가장 저렴한 교통편US$16
가장 빠른 교통수단9시간
가장 이른 출발5:00 AM
최근 출발8:00 PM
일일 출발18
거리450 킬로미터
교통 회사Techbus VN JSC

T버스 닌빈 에서 T버스 사파 사무실 여행지 리뷰

The Pick up point in Tam Coc could not be reached by the bus and when asked for a pickup, they declined. The bus wasnt the one on the pictures but was not too bad. (Still not the same as advertised)
버스 VIP 22, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024. 6. 4.
Pick up was over an hour late and we were waiting thinking we’d be left. We eventually got taken by car to the bus. Then the bus arrived almost 2 hours early!!! Leaving us stuck and a bit stranded in the rain. There was someone smoking on the bus, making the whole bus smell.
버스 VIP 수면석 34인승, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024. 1. 12.
40 minutes late in departure, poor transfer at Lao Cai died to lack of information.
버스 슬리퍼 40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 12. 28.
The bed was good. But there was not really any service on the bus.
버스 VIP 22, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 12. 19.
Departed 40 Minutes late, arrived on time. Many stops on the way. Drive felt save.
버스 슬리퍼 40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 10. 25.
Rude drivers, dirty and old
미니버스 Van + VIP Bus, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 10. 23.
We were 2h early due to the fast driving of the driver.
버스 VIP 수면석 34인승, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 10. 4.
Seats were really small and the blanket was stained but the driver was great
버스 VIP, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 9. 27.
The Busdriver drove like a fanatic. We did not feel that save overall. We arrived 2 hours earlier than planned. Luckily our hotel let us in in the middle of the night….
버스 VIP 수면석 34인승, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 9. 21.
For the bus itself (VIP 22), 4 stars: nice private cabins with curtains on both sides, fully-flat 6 ft long beds with good width, padding and blanket, 2 USB ports for charging phones (but not enough juice for a laptop), reading lights, adjustable aircon vents, hanging hooks. Shoes-off on boarding the bus. Toilet at the back. Not 5 stars because: my aircon vents made an annoying whistling sound (poor maintenance?), some other cabins had whole families sharing the same berth (sometimes noisy), occasional toilet flushes were audible (although thankfully no smell in the bus). For the booking process, 2 stars: as others have commented, this was poor. Aafter paying on 12Go and receiving a confirmation email, I received a further email 1 hour later from 12Go entitled: "Urgent notice regarding your booking" telling me my bus was fully booked and offering to change me to an inferior bus together with a partial refund. They offered me 20K VND refund, but if I went on the 12Go website I could book the same alternative bus for a saving of 255K VND over what I had already paid. I sent them an email pointing this out, and then an hour later received a reply that the bus operator had found room on my original bus after all and so my original booking was confirmed (again). Was it really necessary to go through this circus? Tip for others: monitor your emails closely after booking your tickets, and be ready to stand your ground in case they try to short-change you.
버스 VIP 22, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 6. 11.
고객 18 명의 리뷰

베트남 에서 인기있는 노선

T버스 닌빈 출발T버스 사파 사무실으로여행가는방법.

버스 및 미니버스로T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지이동할수있습니다. 버스는가장빠른이동방법입니다. 버스는가장느린이동방법입니다.

버스로갈경우,최고USD 28.28가부과되며, 버스로이동할경우,약USD 15.56로저렴합니다.

T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지얼마나시간이소요되나요?

이동수단에따라T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지9에서10시간이소요됩니다. T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지가장빠른방법은버스입니다.

버스로이동할경우9시간내에도착할수있습니다. T버스 사파 사무실까지버스는약10시간로더많은시간이소요됩니다.

T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지이동하는데비용이얼마나드나요?

T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company) 버스을선택할경우USD 15.56로저렴하며, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company) 버스표를살경우,최고USD 28.28일수있습니다


T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지하루에몇번출발하나요?

  • 닌빈 출발 라오까이 행18.05:00 Tbus Ninh Binh 부터20:00 Tbus Ninh Binh 까지.

T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지의경로를위해버스,기차,비행기,페리시간표를확인하세요.



닌빈 출발라오까이도착을위한여행에버스를선택하는것은가장시간이많이걸리는옵션이나, 가장저렴합니다.


닌빈출발라오까이도착버스운행사는Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company)입니다.

T버스 닌빈에서T버스 사파 사무실까지가장인기있는이동수단은무엇인가요?



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