Phnom Penh Station 출발 방콕

Phnom Penh Station 출발 방콕

Phnom Penh Station
7월 6일 (토)
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Phnom Penh Station 출발 방콕 도착 교통편

운송에 대한 Phnom Penh Station에서 방콕까지의 사실

가장 저렴한 교통편US$42
가장 빠른 교통수단1시간
가장 이른 출발6:00 AM
최근 출발10:00 PM
일일 출발17
거리725 킬로미터
교통 회사Bangkok Air, Cambodia Airways, Glassflower, Lanmei Airlines, Thai AirAsia, Thai Airways, Thai Smile, Thai Vietjet, Virak Buntham Express

Phnom Penh Station 에서 방콕 여행지 리뷰

기본적으로 나쁘지는 않지만 측면에서 약간의 개선이 필요합니다.. 하숙인 교차로 버스 변경 정보, 이것은 인쇄할 수 있습니다. n 운전자는 영어를 할 수 없지만 손님에게 보여줄 수 있습니다... 이것은 오히려 도움이 될 것입니다.. ... 당신은 거기에 간다.!! 또한 캔 드라이버 좋은 사람이 전화 문자 메시지로 더 많이 구매하는 경우 매우 위험한 ps는 이것을 virak 운송에 전달하려고 합니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023. 1. 22.
The 2th bus a minivan that took me from the border to Bangkok was a horrible experience. Because other passengers payed the driver extra he kept making snack and lunch stops. In the end when we where in Bangkok he went in circles for 1 hour on their request to drop them off after he just left me out at some tuk tuks instead of bringing me to my place wich he said he would do. If he wasn't planning on doing that he could have left me out way sooner. He also didn't give me time to grab my backpack and almost drove off with it.
버스 호텔 버스, Virak Buntham Express, 2023. 1. 13.
It was very great, and comfortable trip
버스 Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2022. 11. 30.
We left on time but we had to share a small sleeping compartment. So if your traveling alone you have to share with a stranger and it’s the size of a single bed. There were many stops for people to get on and of which was very noisy. We had the compartment at the first row, so we could hear the driver talking very loudly on the entire trip. Nobody could speak English so nobody could answer any questions. We tried to ask if the bus would go all the way to Bangkok and they said yes. But when we came to the boarder (nobody told us anything) we had to figure out at 5 in the morning to pack all and get out. Nobody said anything to us and then when we came to the Thai boarder a man waved at us. However, he barely said anything at all and we were told we had to wait until the bus would be full. This took around 50 min and the bus was really bumpy. We sat in the back and could feel all the bumps in our backs.
버스 호텔 버스, Virak Buntham Express, 2022. 7. 11.
고객 60 명의 리뷰

캄보디아 에서 인기있는 노선

Phnom Penh Station 출발방콕으로여행가는방법.

비행기, 버스 및 택시로Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지이동할수있습니다. 비행기는가장빠른이동방법입니다. 버스는가장느린이동방법입니다.

택시로갈경우,최고USD 392.55가부과되며, 버스로이동할경우,약USD 41.59로저렴합니다.

Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지얼마나시간이소요되나요?

이동수단에따라Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지1에서15시간이소요됩니다. Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지가장빠른방법은비행기입니다.

비행기로이동할경우1시간내에도착할수있습니다. 방콕까지버스는약14시간 30분로더많은시간이소요됩니다.

Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지이동하는데비용이얼마나드나요?

Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지Virak Buntham Express 버스을선택할경우USD 41.59로저렴하며, Glassflower 택시표를살경우,최고USD 392.55일수있습니다


Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지하루에몇번출발하나요?

  • 프놈펜 출발 방콕 행11.09:10 Phnom Penh Airport 부터21:15 Phnom Penh Airport 까지.
  • 프놈펜 출발 방콕 행4.06:00 Phnom Penh 부터22:00 Phnom Penh 까지.
  • 프놈펜 출발 방콕 행2.00:00 Phnom Penh Transfer 부터00:00 Phnom Penh Transfer 까지.

Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지의경로를위해버스,기차,비행기,페리시간표를확인하세요.



프놈펜출발방콕도착을위해 가장빠르고비싼방법 은비행기입니다.운이좋을경우,최저USD 67.00으로비행기표를구매할수있습니다.
기억하세요: 일부항공사는수하물무게를제한하며,수하물또는좌석선택,크기초과수하물에요금을부과합니다.

프놈펜출발방콕행운행항공사는Bangkok Air (บางกอกแอร์เวย์ส), Cambodia Airways, Lanmei Airlines, Thai AirAsia (แอร์เอเชีย), Thai Airways, Thai Smile (ไทยสมายล์), Thai Vietjet (ไทยเวียดเจ็ทแอร์)입니다

버스프놈펜 출발방콕도착을위한여행에버스를선택하는것은가장시간이많이걸리는옵션이나, 가장저렴합니다.


프놈펜출발방콕도착버스운행사는Virak Buntham Express입니다.

택시유연한출발시간,원하는자동차유형선택,편안한서비스덕분에택시는 가장편리한운송수단 으로여겨집니다.


Phnom Penh Station에서방콕까지가장인기있는이동수단은무엇인가요?



  • 69% 명이버스를 선택했습니다
  • 29% 명이비행을 선택했습니다
  • 2% 명의여행자가 택시를 선택했습니다