냐짱 남부 버스 터미널 출발 호이안 190 똔득탕 거리

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널 출발 호이안 190 똔득탕 거리

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널
호이안 190 똔득탕 거리
7월 8일 (월)
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기타 옵션

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널 에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지일정

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널 에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지일정
교통수단 이름경로 이름가격
Mui Ne Sky Travel SUV 4pax 항시 운행VND 8,800k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 02:32 - 12:23VND 691k
Vietnam Railways Cabin 2x 04:22 - 13:34VND 1,431k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 14:25 - 00:28VND 493k
Full Moon Party Tour Sleeper 40 19:20 - 07:20VND 458k
Lien Hung Express 21:15 - 06:00VND 371k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 23:39 - 09:48VND 760k

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널 출발 호이안 190 똔득탕 거리 도착 교통편

운송에 대한 냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서 호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지의 사실

가장 저렴한 교통편US$23
가장 빠른 교통수단6시간 50분
가장 이른 출발2:32 AM
최근 출발11:39 PM
일일 출발2
거리342 킬로미터
교통 회사Mui Ne Sky Travel, Viet Nam Travel Bus, Vietnam Railways

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널 에서 호이안 190 똔득탕 거리 여행지 리뷰

Bus was cramped. Driver had bad attitude. We arrived very early which is an indication of how safe we felt. I think they pay the drivers a set amount for the trip. Maybe if they paid them an hourly rate the wouldn’t drive so erratically. Pick up point was very vague.
버스 VIP 수면석 34인승, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024. 6. 21.
I arrived at the bus office to learn that there was no room for me on the bus from DaLat to Hoi An. The worker could book me on another service for the following day which was not an option for my travel plans. They said they cancelled my ticket and would be refunded. I have not been refunded
버스 슬리퍼 41, Hanh Cafe (Hanh Cafe), 2024. 5. 23.
This is not the same style of bus that you may have taken in Ho Chi Minh City to dalat. This is far smaller and worst quality. It it is a “sleeper bus” and it did get us where we needed
버스 슬리퍼 41, Hanh Cafe (Hanh Cafe), 2024. 5. 21.
I am 192 cm and side sleeper, comfort is not the best but with a little bent legs sleep is possible. Bring earplugs as the engine noises and/or honking is loud. Also recommend a seat (there were two) on the back row that has no length limit if you are long
버스 슬리퍼 41, Hanh Cafe (Hanh Cafe), 2024. 5. 17.
Extremely uncomfortable seats unless you’re super small. We barely got any sleep it also didn’t help that at 3 am they turned on all of the lights and the constant honking was unbearable. At least the travelling time is correct.
버스 슬리퍼 41, Hanh Cafe (Hanh Cafe), 2024. 4. 28.
The driver was smoking during the trip and using his cellphone
버스 슬리퍼 41, Hanh Cafe (Hanh Cafe), 2024. 4. 21.
The bus was an hour late to Nha Trang, which i suppose is expected in Vietnam. The ‘cabins’ are good with a blanket and pillow, and also USB charge point. WiFi is good. The TV’s are useless and no way to control them or interact like on a plane with touch screen. During the night, there were many short stops, but the staff and driver made no attempt to let anybody know they were stopping or for how long etc. You had to just guess. Finally, random people kept getting on and off throughout the journey, and sleeping in the corridor which was strange but I suppose not terrible either. Just was conscious of anyone wanted to Rob things, this would be an easy way to do it
버스 VIP Luxury 22, Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus), 2024. 4. 21.
The bus left and arrived on time which was great but the driver was awful. Erratic driving and continuous over usage of the horn so no one could sleep.
버스 슬리퍼 38, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023. 11. 7.
The staff was rude, yelling (in Vietnamese) and pushing us into the bus with our backpacks. He made the other travelers laugh by saying something in Vietnamese, which was pretty uncomfortable. Since the luggage room in the bus was filled with some boxes, we had to store our big backpacks inside the bus with the narrow paths. There was no stops on our 11 hours trip to Danang. At least we weren’t told at any point. The driver was smoking inside the bus. At least the seats were ok comfortable and had pillows and USB ports.
버스 슬리퍼 34, Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus), 2023. 11. 2.
Bus left on time, but the pick-up spot in Nha Trang is a petrol station with no seating and gas fumes. The bus arrived 2.5 hours earlier than scheduled in Hoi An, at a place where we couldn’t even get a Grab that early.
버스 슬리퍼 34, Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus), 2023. 7. 28.
고객 102 명의 리뷰

베트남 에서 인기있는 노선

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널 출발호이안 190 똔득탕 거리으로여행가는방법.

버스, 기차 및 택시로냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지이동할수있습니다. 택시는가장빠른이동방법입니다. 버스는가장느린이동방법입니다.

버스로갈경우,최고USD 29.11가부과되며, 버스로이동할경우,약USD 29.11로저렴합니다.

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지얼마나시간이소요되나요?

이동수단에따라냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지7에서12시간이소요됩니다. 냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지가장빠른방법은택시입니다.

택시로이동할경우6시간 50분내에도착할수있습니다. 호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지버스는약12시간로더많은시간이소요됩니다.

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지이동하는데비용이얼마나드나요?

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus) 버스을선택할경우USD 29.11로저렴하며, Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus) 버스표를살경우,최고USD 29.11일수있습니다


냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지하루에몇번출발하나요?

  • 냐짱 출발 호이안 행2.20:20 Nha Trang Southern Bus Station 부터20:25 Nha Trang Southern Bus Station 까지.

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지의경로를위해버스,기차,비행기,페리시간표를확인하세요.



냐짱 출발호이안도착을위한여행에버스를선택하는것은가장시간이많이걸리는옵션이나, 가장저렴합니다.


냐짱출발호이안도착버스운행사는Viet Nam Travel Bus (Việt Nam Travel Bus)입니다.

택시유연한출발시간,원하는자동차유형선택,편안한서비스덕분에택시는 가장편리한운송수단 으로여겨집니다.

냐짱출발호이안행택시서비스를제공하는택시회사는Mui Ne Sky Travel (Cong ty TNHH Mui Ne Sky Travels)입니다.


날을지새는장거리여행의경우, 여행을하며잠을잘수있기때문에 야간침대열차는매우좋은방법입니다.
에어컨및선풍기설치, 1인용, 2인또는4인용,철제및편안한좌석전용열차칸이있습니다.좌석등급이높을수록,편안하지만에어컨또는선풍기가설치된더낮은등급의야간열차좌석도가성비좋은옵션이될수있습니다.

냐짱 남부 버스 터미널에서호이안 190 똔득탕 거리까지가장인기있는이동수단은무엇인가요?



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