크라비 타운 내 호텔 출발 햇 야이

크라비 타운 내 호텔 출발 햇 야이

크라비 타운 내 호텔
햇 야이
7월 13일 (토)
승객 NaN 명

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크라비 타운 내 호텔 에서햇 야이까지일정

크라비 타운 내 호텔 에서햇 야이까지일정
교통수단 이름경로 이름가격
Andaman Taxis Van 9pax 항시 운행฿ 4,950
Jijie Tour and Travel Regional 14pax 07:30 - 12:00฿ 520
Thai AirAsia Economy 08:35 - 15:10฿ 4,477
Ploysiam Speedboat Van 12pax 10:00 - 15:30฿ 620
Thai AirAsia Economy 13:00 - 19:35฿ 6,776
Jijie Tour and Travel Regional 14pax 14:00 - 18:00฿ 360

크라비 타운 내 호텔 출발 햇 야이 도착 교통편

운송에 대한 크라비 타운 내 호텔에서 햇 야이까지의 사실

가장 저렴한 교통편US$10
가장 빠른 교통수단4시간
가장 이른 출발8:00 오전
최근 출발2:05 오후
일일 출발1
거리200 킬로미터
교통 회사Jijie Tour and Travel, Smart En Plus, Thai AirAsia, Thubthim Siam Travel

크라비 타운 내 호텔 에서 햇 야이 여행지 리뷰

Writing this upsets me. Booking on Rome2rio was great and easy. My review is focused on JIJIE TOUR and TRAVEL. Firstly the minivan wasn’t parked in correct departure bay and the driver couldn’t care less. Departure time was late due to again driver constantly talking to his friends and joking around with other drivers. Tourists were given no information and when it was time to get ready to board then driver was rude and unwelcoming. This was only the start of the trip and we hadn’t even left yet for what was stated to be a 4hr trip. This driver on the 20th December operating a Minivan from Krabi Bus Terminal to Hat Yai Bus Terminal (which we never went too at all) should be banned from operating a bus with passengers. Minivan 1300 and operator JIJIE TOUR & TRAVEL should take action against Driver before a death occurs. The whole drive down to Hat Yai which took over 6hrs and not 4hrs was honestly disgusting, unsafe , inconsiderate and downright dangerous on every minute of the drive. The driver was so eradicate with his driving ability as he was braking so hard constantly and then straight away speeding up and repeating this procedure throughout the entire drive. He was pushing other cars and beeping at everyone and l lost count of how many times we nearly hit other cars, motorbikes and trucks. I asked politely on several occasions to please slow down as not only l but l had a little girl next to me which nearly ended up in the front seat from his braking tho he yelled back In Thai. Half way through the trip it started raining heavy tho he only went quicker and continued to be an aggressive driver. We stopped for a break and he ordered everyone to get out then he raced off to go and eat. The break was a relief tho the next part of trip was worse than the first half. On arrival to Hat Yai he never went to Hat Yai Bus Terminal instead he dropped people of here and there which was fine and then the last lot of people got out and l asked him if he is going to bus terminal and he said cannot so l just grabbed my bags and left…..very rude and this review l hope gets attention from the Tour Operator and other travellers.
미니버스 지역 14인승, Jijie Tour and Travel (จีจี้ ทัวร์ แอนด์ ทราเวล), 2022. 12. 22.
The driver is friendly. But the condition of the van worst. Not good air condition. Old van. The sit is not comfortable at all.
미니버스 지역 14인승, Jijie Tour and Travel (จีจี้ ทัวร์ แอนด์ ทราเวล), 2022. 10. 16.
고객 21 명의 리뷰

태국 에서 인기있는 노선

크라비 타운 내 호텔 출발햇 야이으로여행가는방법.

비행기, 미니버스 및 택시로크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지이동할수있습니다. 미니버스는가장빠른이동방법입니다. 비행기는가장느린이동방법입니다.

택시+미니버스로갈경우,최고USD 17.03가부과되며, 택시+미니버스로이동할경우,약USD 17.03로저렴합니다.

크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지얼마나시간이소요되나요?

이동수단에따라크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지4에서7시간이소요됩니다. 크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지가장빠른방법은미니버스입니다.

미니버스로이동할경우4시간내에도착할수있습니다. 햇 야이까지비행기는약6시간 35분로더많은시간이소요됩니다.

크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지이동하는데비용이얼마나드나요?

크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지Thubthim Siam Travel 택시+미니버스을선택할경우USD 17.03로저렴하며, Thubthim Siam Travel 택시+미니버스표를살경우,최고USD 17.03일수있습니다


크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지하루에몇번출발하나요?

  • 택시+미니버스 의 1. 끄라비 부터 핫야이까지. 11:00 Krabi Town Transfer 부터 11:00 Krabi Town Transfer까지.

크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지의경로를위해버스,기차,비행기,페리시간표를확인하세요.



유연한출발시간,원하는자동차유형선택,편안한서비스덕분에택시는 가장편리한운송수단 으로여겨집니다.

끄라비출발핫야이행택시서비스를제공하는택시회사는Andaman Taxis, Smart En Plus (สมาร์ท เอ็น พลัส)입니다.



끄라비출발핫야이행을운행하는밴회사는Jijie Tour and Travel (จีจี้ ทัวร์ แอนด์ ทราเวล)입니다

크라비 타운 내 호텔에서햇 야이까지가장인기있는이동수단은무엇인가요?



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