코 팡안 출발 Bang Thao Hotel Transfer

코 팡안 출발 Bang Thao Hotel Transfer

코 팡안
Bang Thao Hotel Transfer
7월 8일 (월)
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코 팡안 출발 Bang Thao Hotel Transfer 도착 교통편

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코 팡안 에서 Bang Thao Hotel Transfer 여행지 리뷰

전송은 훌륭하게 작동했습니다. 우리는 30분 후에 목적지에 도착했지만 그것은 우리에게 큰 문제가 아니었습니다. 하지만 시내에서 직접 내보내는 것이 아니라 롬프라야 사무소나 공항에서 내보내게 된다는 점을 명심해야 합니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 급행, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 2022. 11. 19.
Everything was perfect until Our transfer from Phuket to Patong. The driver insisted that we didn’t pay for the transfer to Patong when it stated it on the ticket and demanded more money from us. Luckily I rang 12go and they sorted it out for me before he was going to leave us on the side of the road.
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2024. 3. 28.
Was good :) we landed safely and yeah
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 12. 12.
2 hours delayed without any reason
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 12. 4.
The boat was on time, the driver was friendly, it was a small bus not a minivan which is a good thing but we still arrived 2 hours late. It's not the driver's fault because he only took two 20-minute breaks, it's just false advertising, they tell us a 7h30 hour journey when even without breaks it takes at least 9h. If I knew it was going for a 9h trip I would take a plane.
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 12. 3.
For a trip that long one would expect the bus to have a functional bathroom
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 10. 1.
Old bus. Poor Air conditioning. Totally unfriendly bus driver.
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 7. 29.
Great organization, comfortable bus!
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 7. 4.
The ride took more than 3 hours than specified. The driver took more than 7 stops in between for example to buy fruits, refuel or to pickup or deliver packages. We stopped at a snack bar where the driver took a long time with his meal and everyone waited for him (About 20-30 minutes). The ferry ride and first bus ride to the organasational stop in thongsala was okay
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 6. 25.
Getting the tickets was smooth and the staff were friendly. However we were 2 and a half hours late (for a 7 hour trip) with no explanation. Traffic seemed fine I think there was just some mismanagement of what bus we were getting
페리 급행, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023. 6. 23.
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