이스탄불 중앙 버스 정류장 출발 Bucharest Memento Bus Terminal

이스탄불 중앙 버스 정류장 출발 Bucharest Memento Bus Terminal

이스탄불 중앙 버스 정류장
Bucharest Memento Bus Terminal
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이스탄불 중앙 버스 정류장 출발 Bucharest Memento Bus Terminal 도착 교통편

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이스탄불 중앙 버스 정류장 에서 Bucharest Memento Bus Terminal 여행지 리뷰

좋은 여행. 유일한 것은 도착 시간을 재평가해 달라고 친절하게 요청하는 것입니다(예, 바우처를 읽었습니다). 불가리아 국경에서의 자연적인 지연은 어떤 경우에도 버스가 명시된 시간에 부쿠레슈티에 도착하지 않는다는 것을 의미합니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 스탠다드 2X1, Lilian Expres Turizm, 2022. 7. 22.
Very rude drivers, very unconfortable seats. Otherwise, a very good experience.
버스 스탠다드 2X1, Lilian Expres Turizm, 2022. 8. 9.
There was these raciest old man that was fighting and making problems with all the passengers he didn’t allow us to sleep after 17 h on the way it was disappointing… the rest of the crew was very good just these old man he was so bad
버스 스탠다드 2X2, Lux Perla, 2022. 8. 2.
We took twice of the time announced.
버스 스탠다드 2X2, Marina Turizm, 2021. 12. 3.
The ride from Istanbul to Bucharest took 25,5 hours in stead of 11,5 hours. 12 hours were lost at the Bulgarian/EU border, which could have been 10 hours if not the whole crew went for a sleep. Because of all this I missed my train in Bucharest (costs 110 euro), had a no-show in my hotel in Bucharest (costs 40 euro), had to reschedule my whole trip back to Holland etc. The crew did not take any interest in all this, there was no communications and when I complained they just laughed me out. For short, my worst bus trip ever! My advice, do not travel with this lousy company
버스 스탠다드 2X2, Lux Perla, 2021. 8. 16.
고객 7 명의 리뷰

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