치트파송 버스 정류장 팍세 출발 비엔티안 남부 버스 정류장

치트파송 버스 정류장 팍세 출발 비엔티안 남부 버스 정류장

치트파송 버스 정류장 팍세
비엔티안 남부 버스 정류장
7월 8일 (월)
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치트파송 버스 정류장 팍세 출발 비엔티안 남부 버스 정류장 도착 교통편

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치트파송 버스 정류장 팍세 에서 비엔티안 남부 버스 정류장 여행지 리뷰

타기는 정시에 시작되었습니다. 버스는 깨끗했다. 침대(약 1m x 1.50m)는 각각 2인용입니다. 키가 180cm 이상인 사람은 조금 비좁을 수 있지만 가능합니다. 담요와 베개가 제공됩니다. 캐빈을 구분하는 커튼이 없어 프라이버시가 거의 없습니다. 여행하는 동안 손님이 승하차하거나 운전자가 잠시 휴식을 취하는 여러 지점에서 정차했습니다. 공식적인 정류장은 없습니다. 여행을 떠나기 전에 우유, 작은 케이크, 작은 물병이 있습니다. 일반적으로 권장됩니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 침대칸, Kriangkai Transport (Kriangkai Transport), 2022. 12. 6.
Buy me he double seat to sleep alone. No tent, no sleeping box, no privacy. Nice drive though
버스 침대칸, Kriangkai Transport (Kriangkai Transport), 2024. 2. 19.
Nice and clean. Big beds (2) for one person. If you are taller than 175 they will be tight. If in two people very tight .
버스 침대칸, Kriangkai Transport (Kriangkai Transport), 2024. 2. 13.
Important to know: I was told to go to Green Travel in Pakse for 7pm. When I arrived there, the place was shut and I was left on the curb in the dark, not knowing what was going on and unable to get in contact with Green Travel or 12Go Asia. However, a tuktuk driver will come and pick you up to take you to the bus station. This was not communicated to me, and I felt people should know that is going to happen so they don’t feel unsafe. Not the fault of the company or driver, the road conditions are just insanely bumpy and when adding that to being squished next to a stranger not much sleep was achieved. It can’t be helped and is just a part of travelling.
버스 AC 침대칸, Green Paradise (Green Paradise), 2023. 10. 10.
Very narrow beds, cold and very bumpy ride. Impossible to sleep
버스 침대칸, Kriangkai Transport (Kriangkai Transport), 2023. 4. 11.
Be aware that it is a very, very bumpy ride! We barely slept. The bus itself is quite good. If you travel alone, be aware you share a small bed with a stranger. There are charging stations, but they didn't work, so make sure you have everything fully charged. The staff onboard doesn't speak English. Our bus was very empty, but we weren't allowed to sleep on another bed, so we had to stay together on the same bed. Also, the bus has a toilet onboard, so no stops. Make sure you've had dinner before getting onboard. You get a small bottle of water from the staff.
버스 침대칸, Kriangkai Transport (Kriangkai Transport), 2023. 3. 20.
The bus is modern and the beds are comfortable and clean. The thing is that you can not really enjoy all of this because the roads in Laos are pretty bumpy, the busdriver drives fast (we arrived 1 hout earlier) and the whole bus is moving left and right while shaking. I haven’t slept during the ride and would take a daytime bus the next time.
버스 침대칸, Kriangkai Transport (Kriangkai Transport), 2023. 3. 11.
고객 34 명의 리뷰

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