차웽노이 비치 호텔 출발 수랏타니

차웽노이 비치 호텔 출발 수랏타니

차웽노이 비치 호텔
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차웽노이 비치 호텔 출발 수랏타니 도착 교통편

운송에 대한 차웽노이 비치 호텔에서 수랏타니까지의 사실

가장 저렴한 교통편US$9
가장 빠른 교통수단2시간 15분
가장 이른 출발12:00 AM
최근 출발7:40 PM
일일 출발96
거리113 킬로미터
교통 회사Bangkok Air, Lomprayah, Phantip 1970, Raja Ferry, Seatran Ferry, Songserm

차웽노이 비치 호텔 에서 수랏타니 여행지 리뷰

훌륭한 페리, 정시 운행, 그러나 출발을 기다리는 45분 동안 밴 연결에 앉아 있었습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
페리 페리, Seatran Ferry (บริษัท ซีทราน เฟอร์รี่ จำกัด), 2023. 2. 13.
빠르고, 정시에, 좋은 에어컨, 좋은 상점, 좋고 넓은 의자.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
페리 스피드보트, Lomprayah (ลมพระยา), 2022. 8. 10.
우리는 타이밍을 다른 것으로 바꾸고 싶었고 그렇게 하기가 매우 쉬웠습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
페리 페리, Seatran Ferry (บริษัท ซีทราน เฟอร์รี่ จำกัด), 2022. 7. 9.
번거롭지 않은 여행은 잘 조직되었으며 매우 즐거운 경험은 꽤 힘들지만 편안한 승차감을 기대했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
페리 페리, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), 2022. 1. 10.
일반적으로 모든 것이 매우 잘 진행되었으며, 시간과 교통의 질도 좋았습니다. 유일한 문제는 버스 승무원에게 택시를 타고 호텔(Hop Inn)로 데려가기 위해 어떤 주요 지점에 우리를 내려달라고 요청했고 그는 앞에 택시가 있다고 말하며 "X" 거리에 우리를 떠났다는 것입니다. 그는 떠났습니다.. 택시도 없었고 택시가 다니지 않는 고속도로 근처에 있었기 때문에 여행 가방을 들고 약 2.5km를 걸어야 했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
페리 페리, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), 2021. 11. 22.
Koh Samui to Bangkok during the night. No need to print the tickets. Ferry was on time and it was easy to find our transfer for the train (which was 30 min late but it happens). The 3rd class train is really not a good idea, lights on all night, ventilators turn on & impossible to turn off, windows open so it’s pretty cold & lots of noises from outside that you can’t block. Seats are uncomfortable & 2x2 facing each others so you don’t have any way to try to sleep peacefully. People come to sell a variety of food & drinks (coffee), it’s still better to buy beforehand tho ; but during the night they keep on coming every 20 min screaming so it’s impossible to sleep. Bathrooms uncleaned and without paper but it’s to be expected on a train. I saw the seats on 2nd class & they did look a bit better but I think if you don’t book a bed it’s not a good idea to travel by train. Cheapest option but I won’t do it again, the night bus seats were way more comfortable & it was less noisy.
페리 페리, Seatran Ferry (บริษัท ซีทราน เฟอร์รี่ จำกัด), 2024. 1. 31.
Highly recommend Seatran, we have used them twice now and both trips were excellent. There is even a little shop on board if you need a quick bite. The trip is super quick, only about 1 1/2 hrs. I suggest sitting up stairs on the deck under the shade to get amazing views of the islands. This time we transferred to Surat Thani by bus and had no issues. Got off the ferry and walked up to the bus area and just asked around showing our ticket until we found the right one. Bus was nice and had reclining seats and AC, perfect for a quick nap. Thank you very much!!
페리 페리, Seatran Ferry (บริษัท ซีทราน เฟอร์รี่ จำกัด), 2023. 3. 31.
We booked on the same day and therefore had to go two hours early to see if we could get on the transport after paying. The lady from there helped us confirm the booking but we weren’t sure where to go as she seemed in a rush so just gave our ticket (not her fault, she helped fix our problem after awhile). There was no problems on the ferry, worked effectively and was quick. Once we arrived at the port we realised the bus wasn’t for another two hours and as two girls we had to sit around waiting (this is fine but if we had realised we would have booked a taxi at an earlier time but like I said the girl said to get on the bus straight after the taxi and not that it was a two hour wait). Whilst waiting the driver of the bus said that we had to pay another 250 each on top of what we have already paid for the bus to be dropped at our hotel (which was in the city and on route to the train station) whilst being on the bus we realised people were being charged 100-200 to make a stop in the city rather than 250 per person. It also stated that the bus would leave at 8 but left at half 8 so at this rate we were desperate to get to our accommodation we didn’t question it. I think it’s poorly run and for future reference maybe ask about peoples stops before hand and charge them with the fee of the bus then.
페리 페리, Raja Ferry Port, 2023. 2. 3.
Gick snabbt och smidigt. Men Gick på fel buss i Donsak. Borde vara skyltat så man inte tar någon annan buss
페리 페리, Seatran Ferry (บริษัท ซีทราน เฟอร์รี่ จำกัด), 2023. 1. 17.
The ferry is very old, not that comfortable. But in general it was quiet calm and fast.
페리 페리, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), 2023. 1. 17.
고객 138 명의 리뷰

태국 에서 인기있는 노선

차웽노이 비치 호텔 출발수랏타니으로여행가는방법.

비행기, 버스, 페리, 미니버스 및 택시로차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지이동할수있습니다. 페리+미니버스는가장빠른이동방법입니다. 비행기는가장느린이동방법입니다.

비행기로갈경우,최고USD 179.27가부과되며, 버스+페리로이동할경우,약USD 8.70로저렴합니다.

차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지얼마나시간이소요되나요?

이동수단에따라차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지3에서14시간이소요됩니다. 차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지가장빠른방법은페리+미니버스입니다.

페리+미니버스로이동할경우2시간 15분내에도착할수있습니다. 수랏타니까지비행기는약13시간 25분로더많은시간이소요됩니다.

차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지이동하는데비용이얼마나드나요?

차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970) 버스+페리을선택할경우USD 8.70로저렴하며, Bangkok Air (บางกอกแอร์เวย์ส) 비행기표를살경우,최고USD 179.27일수있습니다


차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지하루에몇번출발하나요?

  • 페리+미니버스 의 57. 사무이섬 부터 수랏타니까지. 05:00 Lipa Noi Koh Samui 부터 17:00 Lipa Noi Koh Samui까지.
  • 버스+페리 의 28. 사무이섬 부터 수랏타니까지. 05:00 Lipa Noi Koh Samui 부터 17:00 Lipa Noi Koh Samui까지.
  • 택시+페리+미니버스 의 9. 사무이섬 부터 수랏타니까지. 08:30 Koh Samui Transfer 부터 12:30 Koh Samui Transfer까지.
  • 사무이섬 출발 수랏타니 행2.08:30 Na Thon Koh Samui 부터11:45 Na Thon Koh Samui 까지.

차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지의경로를위해버스,기차,비행기,페리시간표를확인하세요.



사무이섬출발수랏타니도착을위해 가장빠르고비싼방법 은비행기입니다.운이좋을경우,최저USD 125.29으로비행기표를구매할수있습니다.
기억하세요: 일부항공사는수하물무게를제한하며,수하물또는좌석선택,크기초과수하물에요금을부과합니다.

사무이섬출발수랏타니행운행항공사는Bangkok Air (บางกอกแอร์เวย์ส)입니다

택시유연한출발시간,원하는자동차유형선택,편안한서비스덕분에택시는 가장편리한운송수단 으로여겨집니다.

사무이섬출발수랏타니행택시서비스를제공하는택시회사는Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่)입니다.


패리는배멀미가심하실경우힘들수있지만,가장저렴하고항상 멋진경치를경험할수있는 방법입니다.


사무이섬출발수랏타니행페리를운행하는회사는Lomprayah (ลมพระยา)입니다



사무이섬출발수랏타니행을운행하는밴회사는Phantip (บริษัท พันทิพย์ ทราเวล (1970))입니다

차웽노이 비치 호텔에서수랏타니까지가장인기있는이동수단은무엇인가요?



  • 34% 명이 페리+미니버스를선택했습니다
  • 23% 명이 버스+페리를선택했습니다
  • 15% 명의여행자가 페리를 선택했습니다
  • 6% 명이비행을 선택했습니다
  • 6% 명이 버스+페리+미니버스를선택했습니다
  • 5% 명이 택시+페리+미니버스를선택했습니다
  • 3% 명이 버스+택시를선택했습니다
  • 3% 명이 버스+미니버스를선택했습니다
  • 3% 명의여행자가 택시를 선택했습니다
  • 1% 기타