Arambol Hotel Transfer 출발 함피 호텔 트랜스퍼

Arambol Hotel Transfer 출발 함피 호텔 트랜스퍼

Arambol Hotel Transfer
함피 호텔 트랜스퍼
6월 28일 (금)
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Arambol Hotel Transfer 출발 함피 호텔 트랜스퍼 도착 교통편

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Arambol Hotel Transfer 에서 함피 호텔 트랜스퍼 여행지 리뷰

I booked the bus from the last stop on the list. Firstly the pickup location is not super clear since the hotel doesn’t have the exact name in google. Then nowhere in my booking information or anywhere else did it say the proper pickup time. Just 18 o’clock. So I was there have an our early 17:30 (as suggests) and waited until 9 when the bus finally arrived. As I found out even if it would have been in time it shouldn’t arrive before 20:15. During the trip the cabin had a ripped mattress surface, AC outlet was broken so you couldnt direct the flow and the charging port wich was there didn’t work. The infos about stops the duration etc. where just given in Hindi and not English. In the end we had to get off at Hospet and not at Hampi bus stand how it says when buying the ticket. So extra cost for taxi or ricksha apply. The way it’s written /sold on the website is basically a scam.
버스 AC 침대칸, Psr Travels, 2023. 11. 5.
Confusing communications with bus driver. Although our tickers were to Hampi (from Goa) we were told to get off at Hospete. Felt like a scam to get us to take a rikshaw into Hampi. Get bottom bunk to avoid motion sickness and strong AC.
버스 AC 침대칸, Psr Travels, 2023. 3. 25.
고객 6 명의 리뷰

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기차 및 택시로Arambol Hotel Transfer에서함피 호텔 트랜스퍼까지이동할수있습니다. 택시+기차는가장빠른이동방법입니다. 택시+기차는가장느린이동방법입니다.

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이동수단에따라Arambol Hotel Transfer에서함피 호텔 트랜스퍼까지9에서10시간이소요됩니다. Arambol Hotel Transfer에서함피 호텔 트랜스퍼까지가장빠른방법은택시+기차입니다.

택시+기차로이동할경우8시간 50분내에도착할수있습니다. 함피 호텔 트랜스퍼까지택시+기차는약10시간로더많은시간이소요됩니다.

Arambol Hotel Transfer에서함피 호텔 트랜스퍼까지이동하는데비용이얼마나드나요?

Arambol Hotel Transfer에서함피 호텔 트랜스퍼까지Indian Railways, TravelODesk India 택시+기차을선택할경우USD 51.95로저렴하며, Indian Railways, TravelODesk India 택시+기차표를살경우,최고USD 58.43일수있습니다


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  • 택시+기차 의 6. 고아 부터 함피까지. 00:00 Arambol Hotel Transfer 부터 00:00 Arambol Hotel Transfer까지.

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