22 5月 2024

Sapa Dragon Express

285 件のカスタマーレビュー
  • Schedule
  • Stations
  • Reviews

Sapa Dragon Express スケジュールと時刻表

ハノイ - サパ
バス VIP 9 エクスプレス
06:30, 06:45, 07:00
バス 中央座席
06:30, 06:45, 07:00
バス 前列および後列座席
06:30, 06:45, 07:00
バス Executive
06:25, 06:35, 06:45, 06:55, 07:00, 21:40, 21:45, 21:50, 22:00
バス Limousine
06:30, 07:00
サパ - ハノイ
バス VIP 9 エクスプレス
14:00, 14:15, 14:30
バス 前列および後列座席
14:00, 14:15, 14:30
バス 中央座席
14:00, 14:15, 14:30
バス 寝台車
14:00, 14:10, 15:15, 15:20, 15:25, 15:30, 15:35
バス Executive
14:00, 15:00, 15:10, 15:15, 15:20, 15:30
ハノイ - クアンニン
バス エクスプレス35
08:30, 08:45, 09:00
バス Limousine
ハノイ - ニンビン
タクシー コンフォート 3人用,
タクシー Limousine,
タクシー エクスプレス35
ニンビン - ハノイ
バン Limousine
バン エクスプレス35
ハノイ - ハロン湾
タクシー コンフォート 3人用
クアンニン - ハノイ

Sapa Dragon Expressについて

バスは隣町へのちょっとした移動にも、全国を横断する遠距離移動にも便利な移動手段です。ご予算に応じてお選びいただけます。高速バスは、予算を抑えたい旅行者のために、最も手頃なチケットを提供しています。VIPオプションは、快適さを重要視する人向けです。バスに乗る前に、自分に合ったサービスの種類を選びましょう。長距離の旅には、目的地までノンストップのサービスを提供するVIPまたはファーストクラスか、少しだけ途中駅に立ち寄る程度のバスを選択してください。高速バスや路線バスは、短距離の移動には適していますが、長距離の移動には適さない場合が多くあります。長距離の目的地の多くには夜行バスが走っており、中には夜行バス用に広い座席や寝台を用意しているバスもあるので、出発前に時刻表を調べておきましょう。バスチケットは、Sapa Dragon Expressでオンライン予約しましょう。他の旅行者のレビューを参考に、最適なチケットとバスクラスを選びましょう。

Sapa Dragon Express 有名な駅

Sapa Dragon Expressのバスが走る主な駅はこちらです。:

  • サパ・サパドラゴン
  • ハノイ・サパ・ドラゴン・エクスプレス
  • ハノイ・セパドラゴン
  • ハノイ旧市街オフィス
  • ドゥックトゥアンレストラン
  • チャンアン・バスターミナル
  • カーチサンフオンセン
  • ハノイ・サパ・ドラゴン・エクスプレス
  • ハノイ
  • ハノイノイバイ空港

Sapa Dragon Express 人気の目的地

Sapa Dragon Express のバスは多くの路線を運行しています。ここでは最も人気のある路線のリストを紹介します。:

Sapa Dragon Express チケット料金&バスクラス




  • 電車や飛行機が通っていない目的地へ行くには、バスが最適です。バスのネットワークはほぼ全国をカバーしており、ルートも確立されています。
  • 電車や飛行機と異なり、バスは発車予定時刻の数時間前にバスターミナルに到着する必要がありません。国際線であっても、チェックインにそれほど時間はかかりません。また、荷物の許容量は、旅行者にとても優しく、例え制限されている場合でも超過料金はそれほど高くありません。
  • バスのチケットは、航空券や高速鉄道のチケットに比べて、手頃な価格で購入できます。チケットのクラスは、どのような旅行者にも対応できるように幅広い選択肢が用意されています。安い標準クラスは、少し遅く、最高の快適さとは言えませんが、目的地まで運んでくれることを優先すれば許容範囲です。長距離路線では、ほとんどの場合トイレ付き、またはトイレ休憩があり、スナック、水、時には洗面用具や毛布が料金に含まれています。
  • もっと予算がある場合は、特定のVIPバスは飛行機のビジネスクラス並みの座席を提供し、広く柔らかいリクライニングシート、毛布、少ない乗客数、その他多くの特典があり、快適な旅ができます。


  • 新しい都市間バスターミナルは、都市部での混雑を避けるために郊外にあるケースが多く、降車後に不便な可能性があります。
  • バスは、電車や飛行機よりも高頻度で予定が狂う交通手段です。事故、道路工事、迂回路など、予測不可能な道路状況に大きく左右される可能性があります。特に、週末やハイシーズン、祝祭日にこの傾向が強いです。このことを念頭に置いて、無理な乗り継ぎをしないようにしてください。
  • 特定のルートや人気の高い時期には、事前の予約が必要な場合があります。バスターミナルに行けば次のバスに乗れるとは限りませんので、お気を付けください。
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Sapa Dragon Express 駅

Sapa Dragon Express 会社レビュー

バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2024/03/15
The agent is super helpful. They will contact you by Whatsapp one day before departure. The bus is super cozy. The light installation is comfortable enough. They provide one pillow and one blanket for your more comfortable sleep. The thing that I suggest is it will be more convenient to provide water bottle and wet napkin for the passengers.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2024/02/28
Not great, overall very OK Bus does not look at all like the pictures. We also got the 'special' seats in the back of the bus even though we paid our tickets like everyone else. Those 3 seats are all together with no separation for strangers, so you definitely are not confortable for the long ride. Not recommend
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2024/02/03
The Bus was pretty old and didn’t looked as in the pictures, teje cleaness was Aldo ver y poor. The was of driving was at least very good compared with other drivers
バン 中央座席, Sapa Dragon Express, 2024/01/16
Ich hatte einen Sleeper Express von Sa Pa nach Cat Ba und es sollte nach Plan 10h dauern, war die schnellste Option. Der Bus stand im Depot, Abfahrt sollte 07:30 sein, ging dann um 08:00 los. Fernsehen oder USB gingen nicht, aber die Klimaanlage. Es gab jede Menge Stopps unterwegs, ist vielleicht üblich, aber bedeutet keine schnelle Fahrt. 2 Pausen bis Ha Long, das war ok.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2024/01/08
All in all it was ok. The bus was clean and we had enough space to sleep - we got a water bottle for free. We only had one struggle that something happened with the bus and they had to fix it during the trip so we arrived 2 hours later than expected. But that was not the fault of the transfer company. Therefore, we rated the trip as “great”.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/12/15
Medium comfort and medium clean. Everything ok with timetables The pick up spot in sapa it’s different of the app. The correct place it’s in the same street in sapa but number 632
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/12/11
Todo bien, salió y llegó en hora. Antes de subir una persona que hablaba inglés explicó el recorrido del micro y la duración de las paradas. El bus es cómodo pero si sos medio alto cuesta maniobrar pero dormí excelente
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/11/30
Très bon accueil au départ et très bon chauffeur. Zéro intimité, zéro possibilité de charger son téléphone en cabine.. réglage des sièges de dossier très compliqué. Bref déçu mais pour ce prix on ne peut que assumer.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/11/23
Bus left a bit later, but arrived on time. We got dropped of where we wanted and not too many crazy pickups or anything. Bus driver drove reasonably safe. Sleeper seats were okay. But I don't think you want too be much taller dan 1.80 for these. Very good value for money overall.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/11/18
The bus was not very clean and the driver was not helpful for the luggage ,
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/11/11
From all the nightbuses we took in SEA, this was the one with the most space. We arrived on time at 4am in Sapa and they let us sleep until 6 am on the bus. Nothing negative to say.
バス VIP 9 エクスプレス, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/11/05
Die abgebildeten Stühle sind nur 4 der 9 verfügbaren Plätze. Drei Plätze sind auf der Rückbank, was ok ist. Zwei Plätze sind die Plätze vorne neben dem Fahrer. Das hat mit bequemem Reisen nichts zu tun. Wir sollten erst auf diesen Plätzen neben dem Fahrer (die eher 1,5 Plätze sind) mitfahren. Nur unter starkem Protest und massivem beschweren per WhatsApp wurden wir auf ein anderes Auto umverteilt, wo wenigstens einer hinten und nur einer neben dem Fahrer sitzen muss.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/10/08
Everything was okay, no ac for the middle row, beds were okay, when we arrived for some reason the driver won't tell the passengers and just continued to drive in circles a bit, when he reached the stop he just sat outside while everyone were asleep/confused, I got up and took off, I asked him why don't we wake everybody up, he didn't answer, I believe he was buying time for taxi drivers and mama's to arrive and swarm the tourists, it was already 5 AM, the bus was supposed to arrive by 4 AM, other then that it was cheap so I don't complain.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/08/11
Sleeper bus not totally clean, driver not able to speak English but overall the arrival was on time.
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/05/31
Everything was amazing. Staff friendly, itinerary on time, comfortable and new bus. I highly recommend you this company for your trip along Vietnam.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/05/17
The bud operator was there on time taking names and ensuring everyone who booked was there. We got a free water when we first boarded. He informed us when a stop was upcoming and for how long we would be stopped for and overall good experience.
バン Limousine, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/05/08
The company Sapa Dragon Express was great. We got detailed information and a comfortable seat while waiting for the busdriver. However, the trip from Hanoi to Sapa was awful! We had to sit in the back of the limousine bus, where the airconditioning was not working to well. Also the seatbelts were to small for tall people. Our biggest problem however was that the driver was a maniac. The driver drove incredibly fast. He overtook many vehicles in the mountain while we were in a very sharp (hairpin) turn, so with no sight if there was oncoming traffic. Also he overtook many vehicles on the road that was meant for oncoming traffic, which almost lead to frontal collisions several times. We had an actual accident with a motorbike. Several people in the bus asked the driver to slow down multiple times and said that they preferred to live and that there was no need to rush, but he ignored us. Good news was that we arrived in Sapa on time… but that was not worth the fear.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/05/03
Horrible time management, no communication, mean staff, unsafe conditions, broken and dirty bus.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/05/01
По соотношению цены качество это на 4ку, автобусы не самые чистые, организация посадки не самая понятная, но за эту цену пойдет. Приехали почти вовремя. Останавливались 2 раза в туалет по дороге из Ханоя в Сапу
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/03/27
I took the night bus to Sapa and it was a pretty comfortable ride. The bus was on time and the seats were nice. Difficult to sleep with the people snoring but overall a good ride. Departed on time, made one stop, arrived around one hour late, but that was maybe better since it was supposed to be 4am
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/02/24
Bus non nuovissimo, ma confortevole. Unica pecca erano le bocchette di areazione che sebbene chiuse facevano passare aria fredda.
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/02/22
Liked the curtains and private booth, having a charging point was great. It did come with a blanket and cushion. The seat wasn’t that comfortable though and the air con was too cold and I couldn’t switch it off. The staff were good and the bus was early - they messaged us 3 hours before to let us know.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/02/12
Comfortable bus with those always reclined seats. No toilet- but driver stopped regularly at service stations where you could go (for 2-3000dong). Clean. No issues. Left and got us there on time.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2023/01/24
Everything was good except one thing that I feel that it has to be mentioned: About 15minutes before departure, some buses of different type will arrive. The bus drivers will start to shout names or they have a list on their mobile phones with names of passenger. So everyone should wait until a seat will be found for everybody else. I suggest then to the company to explain this in the pdf because there was a confusion. Moreover, there are different kind of buses. I booked a few hours before, and hence I was in the list for a vip mini van (8people) something that wasnt clear in the pdf. The experience thoywas amazing. Totally clean and the driver very kind. We reached our destination earlier than the other buses (due to the size). I dont think that you can actually sleep in the bus because the road is not so good and you bounce every second. In general, it was a very good experience and I would use again this company.
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/12/21
Everything is great about this trip. The facilities in the bus are all working.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/12/16
The trip was okay, despite the long ride it was fairly comfortable. However, our bus was supposed to depart at 1410 but we only departed at 1450 which is rather bad if there are prior scheduled events.
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/12/11
The cabins were very comfortable, but a lot of things in the bus were damage an there was garbage in my cabine.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/12/02
Well organised trip, clean bus, more or less in time. A little deduction for a lot of not adjustable (broken) chairs. All in all super trip.
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/12/01
Well organised company. Smooth bus boarding. Clean bus with nice cabins.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/11/27
Du très bon service comparé aux services de sleep bus au Vietnam. Personnel gentil et qui informe les passagers. Le bus qu’on a eu était vraiment qualitatif et spacieux, un peu dur les sièges mais ça passe. Juste un peu compliqué de trouver le bon bus bus au départ mais ça le fait ils attendent tout le monde.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/11/10
A viagem foi um pouco desconfortável, as estradas não são perfeitas e as camas são pequenas, nos europeus somos um pouco maiores que os vietnamitas, mas de resto tudo muito bom, com 2 paragens para ir a casa de banho
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/10/15
El conductor conducía como un loco, no he visto adelantamientos más temerarios en mi vida. Además fue muy borde, y en un momento la policía le pidió unos papeles a los que tenía que acceder retirando nuestro equipaje y lo pateó xd nos rompió el sombrero que llevábamos. Fumó conduciendo varias veces. No hablaba nada inglés y solo gritaba en vietnamita, cariña soy extranjera no sorda. El autobús era muy viejo, olía bastante a quemado al fondo, y la puerta estaba rota. No pongo menos estrellas, porque llegamos vivos, pero vaya merece la pena pagar 5€ más e ir en uno VIP sin duda.
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/10/15
El mejor viaje en bus de mi vida. Pude dormir un montón, iba súper cómoda. El autobús estaba muy limpio, tenía mil comodidades, y estaba mejor que el hotel donde luego me alojé.
バス Executive, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/10/15
Very comfortable bus. The seats have a massage functionality (though mine didn’t work). You can put the seat in sleep position or upward. There are a few stops to go to bathroom and eat, so plan maybe one more hour.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2022/10/07
It was very nice to Lay in the bus. Unfotunately, The bus was dirty. It would be nice, if someone woul clean the bus and it could be Freeware WiFi and electrizity for the mobile Phone.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/03/25
Clean bus, comfortable seats, departure and arrival on time. Pick up point was changed but customers were informed early enough to manage getting to the new address. All in all I can recommend this company
バス VIP 27, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/03/14
Well, the driver was on eine in the morning. He offers a small snack after collecting all 5 passengers. On the ride we had 2 short tests for bathroom, etc.
バス 特急 29, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/03/02
Trip from Tam Coc to Hanoi. Bus nearly on time, managed to avoid huge traffic jams by taking a back road. Confortable bus, safe driver, friendly driver attendant and drop off at your hotel. Very recommended.
バス VIP 27, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/03/01
had a taxi from my hotel for free and the service was pretty good Also very comfortable Bus and friendly personal
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/02/24
The bus journey was good and reliable, seemed to be quicker than I thought it would be. Is wasnt as uncomfortable as others made out, just cold, but they do give you a blanket. I managed to sleep in patches along the way. The only reason I reduced the stars is that I arranged for pick up at the hostel, which I thought meant the bus would actually pick us up, but it meant some guy comes to collect you and walks you to a different meeting point, where you get on a bus for a short ride out to the main bus. There is a toilet on the bus, but when we got on it was full, so nobody could use it.
バス 特急 29, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/02/19
Tom and Jerry were amazing! They got us to the front door of our resort safe and sound with a lot of fun on the way.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/02/16
The bus was comfortable. We showed up an hour early for the bus and it's a good thing since we left to walk up to the bus 30 mins before the bus was scheduled to leave. The driver had a bin of shoes so we didn't need to dig out our shoes at the 2 stops during the trip.
バス 特急 29, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/02/04
Le voyage en bus était correct. Mais à l’arrivée ils nous ont laissé dans un endroit où il était pratiquement impossible d’avoir un taxi. Les gens sur place, qui devaient s’occuper de nous, voulaient à tout prix qu’on se fasse raccompagner en scooter, nous avons finalement cédé. Ils nous ont chargé 200 000 chacun, exorbitant. Ça nous a coûté plus cher que le bus.
バス VIP 27, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/02/03
Comfortable and quick trip to Sapa, two stops along the way too.
バス 寝台車, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/01/31
Got dropped off right near hostel, & insanely great price:)
バス 特急 29, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/01/31
Bus très confortable. Mais nous avons du changer de bus sans aucune raison.
バス VIP 27, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/01/16
Only drops at the outskirts of town, a taxi ride or hike to the centre and most of the hotels.
バス 特急 29, Sapa Dragon Express, 2020/01/16
hi the bus ride was okay. But we were a bit confused at to what time the bus will come to pick us up. Bit over all it was fine.
バス 特急 29, Sapa Dragon Express, 2019/12/26
On est partis bien 40min plus tard que l'heure prévue, mais le trajet s'est bien passé.
バス 特急 29, Sapa Dragon Express, 2019/12/20
It was a general and acceptable bus ride with no specialies. I would call it averadge.