18 5月 2024

Phuong Trang

160 件のカスタマーレビュー
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  • Reviews

Phuong Trang スケジュールと時刻表

ホーチミン市 - ダラット
バス 寝台車
00:00, 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, 04:00, 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
バス スリーパー34
00:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00
ダラット - ニャチャン
07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30
ダラット - ホーチミン市
バス 寝台車
00:00, 01:00, 02:00, 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
バス スリーパー34
01:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 21:00, 23:00
ニャチャン - ダラット
07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 09:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30
ホーチミン市 - ムイネー
06:30, 08:30, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:00, 19:00, 19:30, 22:00, 22:30, 23:00, 23:30
ホーチミン市 - カントー
バス 寝台車
00:00, 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, 04:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 22:00
バス スリーパー34
00:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
ホーチミン市 - ニャチャン
08:00, 12:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
ニャチャン - ホーチミン市
08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 20:00, 21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 23:00
ムイネー - ホーチミン市
01:00, 01:30, 02:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 13:30, 16:00, 17:00, 19:00, 23:00
カントー - ホーチミン市
バス 寝台車
00:00, 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, 04:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 22:00
バス スリーパー34
00:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
ホーチミン市 - チャウドック
05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
チャウドック - ホーチミン市
05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
ホーチミン市 - ダクラク省
08:00, 08:30, 08:45, 10:15, 12:15, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 23:55
ダクラク省 - ホーチミン市
08:00, 08:45, 09:00, 11:00, 12:15, 13:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:30, 23:00, 23:30
ホーチミン市 - バクリュウ
10:15, 16:15, 20:15, 22:15, 23:15

Phuong Trangについて

バスは隣町へのちょっとした移動にも、全国を横断する遠距離移動にも便利な移動手段です。ご予算に応じてお選びいただけます。高速バスは、予算を抑えたい旅行者のために、最も手頃なチケットを提供しています。VIPオプションは、快適さを重要視する人向けです。バスに乗る前に、自分に合ったサービスの種類を選びましょう。長距離の旅には、目的地までノンストップのサービスを提供するVIPまたはファーストクラスか、少しだけ途中駅に立ち寄る程度のバスを選択してください。高速バスや路線バスは、短距離の移動には適していますが、長距離の移動には適さない場合が多くあります。長距離の目的地の多くには夜行バスが走っており、中には夜行バス用に広い座席や寝台を用意しているバスもあるので、出発前に時刻表を調べておきましょう。バスチケットは、Phuong Trangでオンライン予約しましょう。他の旅行者のレビューを参考に、最適なチケットとバスクラスを選びましょう。

Phuong Trang 有名な駅

Phuong Trangのバスが走る主な駅はこちらです。:

  • ミエンタイバスステーション
  • ダラートバスステーション
  • レードゥンオフィス
  • ムイネフルムーンバス
  • カントー・バス停
  • ミエンドン
  • アンスオンバスステーション
  • ミエンドンモイ
  • チャウドック
  • Nha Trang Southern Bus Station

Phuong Trang チケット料金&バスクラス




  • 電車や飛行機が通っていない目的地へ行くには、バスが最適です。バスのネットワークはほぼ全国をカバーしており、ルートも確立されています。
  • 電車や飛行機と異なり、バスは発車予定時刻の数時間前にバスターミナルに到着する必要がありません。国際線であっても、チェックインにそれほど時間はかかりません。また、荷物の許容量は、旅行者にとても優しく、例え制限されている場合でも超過料金はそれほど高くありません。
  • バスのチケットは、航空券や高速鉄道のチケットに比べて、手頃な価格で購入できます。チケットのクラスは、どのような旅行者にも対応できるように幅広い選択肢が用意されています。安い標準クラスは、少し遅く、最高の快適さとは言えませんが、目的地まで運んでくれることを優先すれば許容範囲です。長距離路線では、ほとんどの場合トイレ付き、またはトイレ休憩があり、スナック、水、時には洗面用具や毛布が料金に含まれています。
  • もっと予算がある場合は、特定のVIPバスは飛行機のビジネスクラス並みの座席を提供し、広く柔らかいリクライニングシート、毛布、少ない乗客数、その他多くの特典があり、快適な旅ができます。


  • 新しい都市間バスターミナルは、都市部での混雑を避けるために郊外にあるケースが多く、降車後に不便な可能性があります。
  • バスは、電車や飛行機よりも高頻度で予定が狂う交通手段です。事故、道路工事、迂回路など、予測不可能な道路状況に大きく左右される可能性があります。特に、週末やハイシーズン、祝祭日にこの傾向が強いです。このことを念頭に置いて、無理な乗り継ぎをしないようにしてください。
  • 特定のルートや人気の高い時期には、事前の予約が必要な場合があります。バスターミナルに行けば次のバスに乗れるとは限りませんので、お気を付けください。
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Phuong Trang 駅

Phuong Trang 会社レビュー

バス スリーパー34, Phuong Trang, 2024/03/03
Bus was on time and we arrived in can tho 30 min. earlier than expected. We had one break. This was totally sufficient and comfortable. Same for the ride back to HCM. WiFi was working. In Can Tho Taxi shuttle from Futa is for free, you do not need a taxi. The seats are very comfortable for people not taller than 1.70m. But also for my husband with 1.90m, it was ok for 3hours. On both was it was not possible to use the seat adjustment.
バス VIP, Phuong Trang, 2024/02/14
Très bonne compagnie..à l heure ..les bus sont bien agences et confortables
バス VIP, Phuong Trang, 2023/07/29
Comfortable VIP sleeper bus. One stop for refreshments and toilet
バス VIP, Phuong Trang, 2023/05/12
A decent ride all in all, unfortunately this is the bus with 3 columns of seats rather than 2, so a bit more cramped than usual. The first part of the journey is quite twisty as well. Other than that we arrived on time and stopped off at a pretty scenic rest stop.
バス 寝台車, Phuong Trang, 2023/04/11
Clean bus spacious enough with leg room but if you're taller, 5'10 and above, then this will NOT be comfortable for you. Bus left and arrived on time.
バス VIP, Phuong Trang, 2023/02/09
2 stars for having a comfy and spacious enough bed allowing me to sleep and for sticking to the times as on the booking. The rest however I am not happy with. Staff were smoking constantly, so the bus stank of smoke. The bus stopped constantly with no communication at all to pick up packages etc which was completely fine. What wasn't okay was the fact our suitcases were constantly being rearranged and taken from storage and put on the street unattended so they could load whatever they were picking up. Made for a nervous few minutes waiting for the suitcases to be loaded back on. Our suitcases ended up filthy and wet, stinking of a fishy smell. There are now black marks all over my grey suitcase. Picking people up and letting them sit all in the aisles too was annoying, as I am tall and would have liked to be able to walk up and down the aisle to stretch my legs out. 10.5 hours in somewhat awkward positions wasn't fun. Overall I would not book again. It was cheap yes, but the worrying about suitcases and then having them end up filthy, barely working wifi, bus stinking of smoke, no communication at all from any workers about stops (for toilet, food etc), and people in the aisles put me off. I know it isn't supposed to be a 5 star experience, but there are definitely ways to make it better for travellers.
バス 寝台車, Phuong Trang, 2023/01/21
the bus station needed more signs, the upper level seats were difficult to get into especially for older or larger people and the bus was quite late. 'The luggage handling and food food stop were well done.
バス 寝台車, Phuong Trang, 2022/12/09
I wish they gave the information they give to Vietnamese passengers also in English to the tourists. This bus route is popular with tourists and they make no effort to inform in English (or provide service in general). The bus was half full of foreign travelers.
バス VIP, Phuong Trang, 2022/09/30
The seat I was in had a broken lever to adjust the back so I spent the entire time lying down even though I was not sleeping. Everything else was great. The driver spoke English and they provided us with water.
バス VIP, Phuong Trang, 2022/08/03
The bus station was pretty grotty but we got a pretty fab and clean sleeper bud with free water and a sleeping cover.
バス 寝台車, Phuong Trang, 2022/05/05
The bus was comfortable and clean. It did arrive 3 hours earlier than stated on the booking! Not usually a problem but we booked a sleeper bus and ended up arriving at our hotel at 5am. Luckily they were able. To let us in. The free minivan from the bus station to our hotel was unexpected but really appreciated!
バス 寝台車, Phuong Trang, 2022/05/01
okay service other than the driver being obsessed with beeping his horn over and over from 4am! And I mean loads literally once a minute which seems odd for a SLEEPER bus! Would use again but would take ear plugs
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/02/21
Very rough riding. People where puking. I also got sick. Stops a lot and for long moments. Seats are to small for European people. They put on music even though people want to sleep. Staff where facetiming loud while people wanted to sleep.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/02/16
It was very cheap and super luxurious, with half beds instead of seats. Honestly, that was the best bus ride I had ever.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/02/11
Отличная компания,работают чётко, очень удобно пользоваться приложением.К сожалению в автобусах воруют,украли наушники и чехол на чемодан,но это люди такие компания тут не причем,просто будет внимательнее кто будет ездить на автобусах во Вьетнаме
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/02/10
Voyage conforme à l'attendu. Le bus est parti à l'heure et est arrivé dans le créneau horaire. Nous avions acheté le billet via Internet et pas de soucis pour l'embarquement. Conduite à la vietnamienne. Bus confortable. Je recommencerai et je recommande.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/02/04
Bus was comfortable, luxury. Stopped at nice bathrooms. Did get in 4hrs early.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/02/02
The first ride to Dalat was upper seats and my parents had difficulty to climb up so we requested for change on this ride but was told bus was full. Understand that if the bus was fully booked then no choice on reallocation but at the first place we weren’t given the choice to select seat! Please kindly consider to give lower deck seating to oldies.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/02/02
Wasn’t given the choice to select seat and were assigned to the upper seats for all 4 pax. Don’t know how’s the allocation of seating but should prioritise on old people as am travelling with my parents and they are hard and dangerous to climb the upper part of seat.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2020/01/26
We travelled from dalat to ho chi Minh in a semi sleeper bus but don't be fooled, we didn't get any sleep. The driver drove like a maniac, constantly accelerating and then immediately braking, used the horn every two seconds, really reckless driving. I know this is how they drive in Vietnam, but I think it has to change, especially when they have tourists on board. The only good thing I can say is that we reached our destination 2 hours earlier.The two stars are because the bus was very comfortable. Unfortunately the ride was not.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2020/01/02
The biggest concern was safety. The driver was driving extremely dangerously, especially on the motorway. I noticed that our bus was the only one on the road that was systematically driving on the hard shoulder. Also the other buses and trucks on the road were keeping much bigger distance to the other cars. Because of the very short distance the driver used emergency stop at least 5 times! Not to mention constant speed limit ignoring. I am an experienced driver myself and I am sure that soon or late this style of driving will lead to an accident.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2019/12/29
Für grössere Personen ist der Liegesitz eher zu klein
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2019/12/13
Etwas zu kurze Sitze für Europäer, aber trotzdem komfortabel. Man braucht einen Schal, weil die Klimaanlage kalt ist. Man bekommt Wasser und eine Decke. Der Bus war sehr pünktlich und man wird zum und von dem Zentralbusbahnhof zu Fula gebracht.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2019/12/11
Comfortable & efficient! Pack your own snacks as there’s very little options at stop off. Service even offered free shuttle to hotel which we appreciated!
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2019/11/28
Great bus ride - comfortable and staff very helpful
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/11/24
Aucune information personne pour aider ou renseigner.
バス 急行, Phuong Trang, 2019/11/21
Klaxon toute la nuit et staff pas du tout discret qui hurle dans les rangée à chaque arrêts une horreur
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/09/25
No english speaking No good toilets on the stops Good chairs
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/09/18
Very good and very quickly ???? we lost phone in the bus, but find it with operators help. Thanks
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/09/08
Aggressiver Fahrstil des Busfahrers, wenig Toiletten Pausen
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/09/03
We arrived almost 3 hours earlier than was written. And for us, it was problem. Because what do you want to do in Da Lat at 4:30 AM instead of 7:30 AM. On the other side, the way was good and comfortable.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/08/21
The bus arrived h1.30 earlier so I advice u to check with your hotel if they can accept check in in advance. The WiFi was working and the travel was quite good, just a little nosy. They stopped many times to allow u to go to the toilet. It’s a good way if u want to save money and don’t want to waste the days during your Vietnam journey.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/08/11
Pas le choix pour aller de Châu Doc à Ho Chi Minh. Une expérience unique. Un trafic incroyable sur la route, vaut mieux dormir que regarder
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/08/08
There were very small and uncomfortable seat In this sleep bus. Then we ask to change our seats on the last In bus, they response: no. But nobody took this place
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/07/16
The service of the website and instructions where to go were very good. The trip it self was oke but i hope you can sleep with nonstop honking. That was to bad. We arrived two and a half hours to early. Overal is was oke.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/07/08
We booked online, got ticket from bus station quite easily but the staion of Futa bus quite far from the entrance have to ask and people dont speak english
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/06/14
Not clear from booking instructions where to check in, in HCMC. Our hotel explained where we needed to go to get the pick up service.Otherwise we would have had a very expensive taxi ride from central HCMC. Similarly not clear at Chau Doc where pick up bus was located. It wasn’t made clear that semi sleeper seats were very different from standard seats. We would not have booked had we known. Not geared up for foreign travellers at all and the driving was a bit scary.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/05/28
Comfortable. Not too much space on a bed but anyway much better than not sleep bus. Have been 10 hours on the way. Was wondered after bus we had free transfer to my hotel. So I give you 5 stars.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/05/21
Comfortable ride. Left on time and arrived on time. Stops are well spread out. It would be helpful if they included English announcements like they do in Cambodia. Would do it again.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/05/13
Bus was clean and comfortable. The driver was friendly explaining the announcements in English to me.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/04/28
I understand the whole concept of drivers announcing themselves with honking the horn, but Jesus Christ, the guy did not stop for more than a minute.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/04/09
Доехали очень быстро, без задержек. - 1 звезда за кондиционер. Дуло даже после отключения, так что было довольно прохладно. В остальном- отличный способ бюджетных перемещений
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/04/02
Nice and new bus, but bus station in HCMC was really far from district 1
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/03/22
Un peu trop rapide! 2h30 d'avance... très froid dans le bus avec la clim. Mais confortable
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/03/18
Bus was running on time, I was impressed with the comfort of the seats, designed for long trips. In addition the road runs though the Mekong delta which is worthy it self.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/03/14
We had to wait for more than one month and contact 12go twice to get our voucher to print. The bus ride was fast (we arrived almost an hour earlier) and uneventful, but the bus station is really far from the city centre and nobody spoke english (the counter lady was nice enough to try).
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/02/21
Very smooth and quite comfortable even for a tall German.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/02/17
Toujours très flippant la conduite, même sur la nationale. On s'est retrouvé plusieurs fois à 3 sur une route de 2; mais c'est la conduite locale et nous sommes ' still alive ' ce matin. Donc ça va.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/02/12
Driver and copilot were professional and courteous.
バス セミスリーパー, Phuong Trang, 2019/02/08
They are very cold in the bus is not possible sleep