18 5月 2024

Phantip 1970

5,676 件のカスタマーレビュー
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Phantip 1970 スケジュールと時刻表

プーケット - サムイ島
フェリー 急行
06:30, 08:00
フェリー VIP 24
パンガン島 - スラートターニー空港
05:00, 05:30, 06:30, 08:00, 08:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:30
サムイ島 - プーケット
バス VIP 24
06:15, 08:00
バス 急行
08:15, 08:30, 10:00, 10:15, 12:00
スラートターニー空港 - サムイ島
08:00, 08:15, 08:30, 09:00, 09:15, 10:30, 10:45, 11:30, 11:45, 12:30, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 14:45, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00
パンガン島 - プーケット
08:00, 08:30, 09:30, 11:00, 11:30
スラートターニー空港 - パンガン島
08:00, 08:15, 08:30, 09:00, 09:15, 09:30, 10:30, 10:45, 11:30, 11:45, 12:30, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 14:45, 15:45, 16:00, 16:30
プーケット - パンガン島
フェリー 急行
06:30, 08:00
フェリー VIP 24
サムイ島 - クラビー
06:00, 06:15, 06:30, 08:00, 08:15, 10:00, 10:15, 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 14:00
サムイ島 - スラートターニー空港
06:00, 06:15, 06:30, 08:00, 08:15, 09:00, 10:00, 10:15, 12:00, 12:15, 14:00
スラートターニータウン - パンガン島
06:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:00, 14:30, 16:00
クラビー - サムイ島
08:00, 09:00, 10:15, 11:00, 12:00, 13:30, 14:30
パンガン島 - クラビー
05:00, 05:30, 06:30, 08:00, 08:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:30
スラートターニータウン - カオソック
07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30
パンガン島 - スラートターニータウン
05:00, 05:30, 06:30, 08:00, 08:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:30, 14:00
パンガン島 - カオソック
05:00, 05:30, 08:00, 08:30, 11:00, 11:30
クラビー - パンガン島
08:00, 09:00, 10:15, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:30, 14:30
サムイ島 - カオソック
06:00, 06:15, 06:30, 08:00, 08:15, 08:30, 10:00, 10:15, 10:30, 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 14:00
プーケット - スラートターニータウン
バス 急行
11:00, 14:00
バス ミニバン
07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00
スラートターニータウン - クラビー
06:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30
ピピ島 - プーケット
カオソック - スラートターニータウン
06:30, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00
スラートターニータウン - プーケット
バス 急行
07:00, 11:30
バス ミニバン
09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00
クラビー - スラートターニータウン
09:00, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30
アオナン - ピピ島
07:30, 07:45, 12:00
スラートターニータウン - サムイ島
06:00, 06:30, 09:00, 12:00, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30
ピピ島 - アオナン
10:30, 15:30
カオソック - サムイ島
08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00
サムイ島 - アオナン
06:00, 06:15, 06:30, 08:00, 08:15, 10:00, 10:15, 12:00, 12:15, 14:00
サムイ島 - スラートターニータウン
06:00, 06:15, 06:30, 08:00, 08:15, 10:00, 10:15, 12:00, 12:15, 14:00, 15:00

Phantip 1970について

バスは隣町へのちょっとした移動にも、全国を横断する遠距離移動にも便利な移動手段です。ご予算に応じてお選びいただけます。高速バスは、予算を抑えたい旅行者のために、最も手頃なチケットを提供しています。VIPオプションは、快適さを重要視する人向けです。バスに乗る前に、自分に合ったサービスの種類を選びましょう。長距離の旅には、目的地までノンストップのサービスを提供するVIPまたはファーストクラスか、少しだけ途中駅に立ち寄る程度のバスを選択してください。高速バスや路線バスは、短距離の移動には適していますが、長距離の移動には適さない場合が多くあります。長距離の目的地の多くには夜行バスが走っており、中には夜行バス用に広い座席や寝台を用意しているバスもあるので、出発前に時刻表を調べておきましょう。バスチケットは、Phantip 1970でオンライン予約しましょう。他の旅行者のレビューを参考に、最適なチケットとバスクラスを選びましょう。

Phantip 1970 有名な駅

Phantip 1970のバスが走る主な駅はこちらです。:

  • パンティップトラベル・コーサムイ
  • ソーンサラ パンガン島
  • スラートターニータウン
  • スラートターニー空港
  • プーケットバスターミナル2
  • クラビバスターミナル
  • トンサイピア ピピ島
  • ソーンサラ パンガン島
  • アオナン どのホテルでも
  • サムイ島 どのホテルでも

Phantip 1970 チケット料金&バスクラス




  • 電車や飛行機が通っていない目的地へ行くには、バスが最適です。バスのネットワークはほぼ全国をカバーしており、ルートも確立されています。
  • 電車や飛行機と異なり、バスは発車予定時刻の数時間前にバスターミナルに到着する必要がありません。国際線であっても、チェックインにそれほど時間はかかりません。また、荷物の許容量は、旅行者にとても優しく、例え制限されている場合でも超過料金はそれほど高くありません。
  • バスのチケットは、航空券や高速鉄道のチケットに比べて、手頃な価格で購入できます。チケットのクラスは、どのような旅行者にも対応できるように幅広い選択肢が用意されています。安い標準クラスは、少し遅く、最高の快適さとは言えませんが、目的地まで運んでくれることを優先すれば許容範囲です。長距離路線では、ほとんどの場合トイレ付き、またはトイレ休憩があり、スナック、水、時には洗面用具や毛布が料金に含まれています。
  • もっと予算がある場合は、特定のVIPバスは飛行機のビジネスクラス並みの座席を提供し、広く柔らかいリクライニングシート、毛布、少ない乗客数、その他多くの特典があり、快適な旅ができます。


  • 新しい都市間バスターミナルは、都市部での混雑を避けるために郊外にあるケースが多く、降車後に不便な可能性があります。
  • バスは、電車や飛行機よりも高頻度で予定が狂う交通手段です。事故、道路工事、迂回路など、予測不可能な道路状況に大きく左右される可能性があります。特に、週末やハイシーズン、祝祭日にこの傾向が強いです。このことを念頭に置いて、無理な乗り継ぎをしないようにしてください。
  • 特定のルートや人気の高い時期には、事前の予約が必要な場合があります。バスターミナルに行けば次のバスに乗れるとは限りませんので、お気を付けください。
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Phantip 1970 会社レビュー

バン ミニバン, Phantip 1970, 2024/03/28
Es hat reibungslos geklappt und wir hatten einen sehr entspannten Fahrer.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/03/12
The phantip office where you have to collect your tickets before getting the ferry is annoyingly far away from the pier, luckily our driver waited and took us straight there though. The ferry we were on was very large, smooth ride, shop on board and had toilets. We were then transferred onto a large bus after exiting the ferry, after a while driving we all had to get off and swap into a van than took us to Khao sok Overall by Thai standards the trip was fairly good but it'd a shame they make you swap transport and wait around
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/03/07
Transfer and ferry both on time and good seats, great
バン ミニバン, Phantip 1970, 2024/03/02
The seat that was allocated to me (the last seat on the van) had big parcels under the seat which prevented me from putting my legs on the floor. I sat with legs up in the air. The driver was also picking up passengers on the way and collecting and dropping parcels. Not a good experience at all!
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/25
Very comfortable,very kind staff, perfekt,thanks alot.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/24
Just be a little bit patient. People will help you as soon as the crowed of people was handled. Wait until they come back. We were the last persons there and were put in an other bus to our planned destination
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/23
The driver was on time and the ferry to Donsak and the bus to Surat Thani were also on time. I gave them a 1+.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/21
Mostly, the ride process wasn't communicated (bus? van? connection? waited for another van?) And overall didn't make the time promised when I purchased the ticket (arrived at 15:40 instead of 15:00).
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/17
Airplane was late, shuttle left early. Had to pay double price to get to ferry on phantip late shuttle
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/17
Decent service. Van wasn’t a bus as expected, but a tiny van which was very hot and cramped. We stopped a half hour in for a service break before continuing the 3 hour drive to Krabi. Boat service great!
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/07
Wir würden nicht bis in die Nähe der Unterkunft gebracht sondern wurden wir dazu gedrängt dich ein überteuertes Taxi zu nehmen...
バン ミニバン, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/04
Was niet duidelijk, welk busje of wie ons op kwam halen.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/04
It was to hot in the bus, bus was to small to and I’m 188cm and 2 hours delay!
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/02
Was so calm easy booking before so worth it over the speed boat!
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/02/01
Perfect, picked me up on time and right outside my hostel.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/27
The bus was very comfortable and the driver was helpful
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/21
Everything went smoothly. No problems along the way. I recommend it.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/18
Le bateau est climatisé et le van nous dépose devant notre hôtel! Parfait merci
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/16
All ok. On time and comfortable. We were able to get on an earlier bus as there was free capacity and the lady at the counter offered (without me asking). Well done
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/11
Le ferry était bien mais le van/bus de Surat Thani a Krabi n’était pas terrible, pas confortable et pas assez de place, pas de soute pour les bagages on se retrouve avec les bagages devant les genoux
バン ミニバン, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/07
Staff were super helpful and he journey went smoothly and without any problems 😊
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/06
Alles super verlaufen. Die Verbindung was gut. Zeitliche waren wir sogar 1 Stunde früher da. Von Koh Samui nach Krabi Ao Nang. Die Busfahrt war etwas turbulent. Etwas eng, da so viel Gepäck bei allen Touristen dabei war. Trotzdem war es super.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/06
The process of getting on the boat was pure carnage. Everyone was just kept out in the burning sunshine with no shade. No queue, just mass of people pushing their way through the turnstyles. Boat ride was fine except there's not enough seats and nowhere to put your luggage. Worst part was at the ferry port in Donsak where no-one seemed to know which bus was going to each place. Again left on the road with no shade for about an hour before the buss arrived. Ended up sitting on the floor over the wheel which was very uncomfortable. Just an all round very badly organised travel day.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/05
The ride and transfer were good overall, but the bus was on the run for about 5 hours with no bathroom break at all. The drivers of the vans that transferred others to their hotels from the bus terminal were quite rude.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2024/01/02
12:15从酒店出发,17:35到达surat station。整个行程准时,衔接合理,车况很好。 买联程票比单独打车去码头省一些钱。taxi是toyota haice,司机会准时在酒店等候,到达码头前会在phantip办公室帮你check-in。到达nathon pier直接登船即可,seatran的大船很稳,不会晕船,2小时左右到达donsak pier. 下船后坐phantip巴士即可到达火车站或者机场,donsak到surat station车程约1小时。整躺旅程不需要额外担心什么,非常愉快的体验
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/30
The direction for the pick up was wrong and did not indicate the travel office but the bus station. No one could help and the phone number to the local travel operator set out in you confirmation was an old one not longer in use. We had booked a private van for our group but was instead put in a very old an uncomfortable bus that went around to pick up people from various spots. The bus was eventually so full of peoble and luggage that people had to sit in each other’s laps. We made it to the ferry even if the bus left more than an hour late.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/28
Very poor communication from the company meant that the bus dropped us off at another location rather than the destination listed on our ticket. When we requested a transfer to the stop listed, we were met with laughs and were told to get a taxi at our own cost. In addition the driver drives like a maniac, which is to be expected.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/22
Enjoyed the spacious place for a ride after all tiny speed boats. Would be even better if they offered shuttles from different parts of Koh Samui.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/19
Everything went smooth, big comfortable bus! We even got to stop for WC and to eat something (15min)
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/19
Smooth sailing, everything was highly organised. Note that Grab isn't available at the pier/parts of the island so its best to organise transport ahead of time. I almost got scammed by a driver on the road.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/18
The hotel pickup was on time. We even got to catch an earlier ferry than we were scheduled. But after reaching Don Sak pier, we had to sit on the streets for half an hour at the place where Phantip buses are supposed to pick as up. No signage if we were waiting at the right place. Overall, all good.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/12
Everything was fine. Ferry was on time, and we were taken care of very well. After arriving to koh samui, nice lady told us where to pick our transport to hotel and pointed us the specific taxi, which took us straight to hotel
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/04
Bus was very comfortable, left on time and arrived to the ferry with good time, staff were very helpful and made things run smoothly
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/04
Bit of a disaster to be honest. Ferry was fine, hopped on a bus that we assumed was the last leg of the trip. Was dropped to a bus stop where everyone was separated onto mini-buses-had to wait over an hour. Was then crammed onto a mini-bus for 2 and a bit hours. Was supposed to arrived in Krabi for 1pm, got there after 3pm. Not what was advertised.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/03
The boat was on time, the driver was friendly, it was a small bus not a minivan which is a good thing but we still arrived 2 hours late. It's not the driver's fault because he only took two 20-minute breaks, it's just false advertising, they tell us a 7h30 hour journey when even without breaks it takes at least 9h. If I knew it was going for a 9h trip I would take a plane.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/12/03
Advise this over the speedboat, the time difference is marginal and worth it for safety
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/29
Bei theoretischen 3 h Fahrzeit - 3 Stunden Verspätung! Der Bus hat mehrfach angehalten, weitere Passagier und um Pakete mitzunehmen bzw. auszuladen. Dabei wurden Umwege von mehr als 30 km in kauf genommen. Wenn Man zu zweit ist kommt Taxi nicht teurer. Viele Fahrgäste waren stinksauer 😡.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/29
The boat and van were good. Only our driver was just 50 minutes late. The boat was supposed to leave at 09:00 and arrived there at 09:10, luckily they waited
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/23
Excellent experience. Easy to book. Ferry on time and transfer waiting for us at the other end
バン ミニバン, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/22
The driver stop 4 or 5 times to diferent places for deliver packages the bus was full of people plus packages. I think that they could deliver in another time.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/20
More time in krabi bus station. We arrived just on time to ferry.
バン ミニバン, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/20
Très bien pris en charge partout, à tous les changements. On nous a pris 100 bahts par personne en plus car nous avions des valises à roulette (normal, car précisé dans les conditions). Par contre, ils bourrent vraiment les voitures ! Et pour 100 baths en plus par personne, ils vous amènent à votre hôtel (pas de grab, et taxi plus cher, la bas), donc pratique !
フェリー 寝台ボート, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/19
1. We had a rough trip due to bad weather. Many people felt very seasick. No bags for vommiting. This has nothing to do with 12GO. 2. Toilet is a standing toilet / you can’t sit. Very inconvening during storm. Later we noticed that on the other site was a sit-toilet. 3. Ons site of the ship has normal beds, the other side has not!! We could not chose for normal beds because the ship was full. The beds/matras on the oorthermometer side are 60 cm width. No space between the matrassen!!! Laying in a row. Close to each other. Like in a prison. Also the blankets: 60 cm. No communication about these facts by 12GO. Suggestion: beter communication on accomodations on different ships.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/14
Much better than getting the lomprayah from Koh Tao - this ferry takes it much slower which is needed on the choppy water between koh Tao and Koh phangan; people were filling bags with vomit on lomprayah!
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/14
Got there on time and fine. The bus driver was super violent with our bags smashing them under the bus and breaking shampoo bottles in them. The bus smelled like pee for the 3 full hours we were in it too
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/14
Not enough space for the bags, peoples and legs … Very noisy bus
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/08
Whole trip had 3 transport changes. 1. Ferry was fine 2.From pier to Surat Thani we had really mean driver, who screamed at passengers. 3. The third mini van was very uncomfortable. We were crammed in the back along with all the passengers' luggage. Additionally, it was very hot inside.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/08
Ferry service was great, taxi transfer could have been much better with the organisation and communication.
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/06
Lovely staff but says 5 hours altogether, ended up being 7 n half 😅
フェリー 急行, Phantip 1970, 2023/11/06
I am so happy that i decided to travel by bus and ferry with hotel transfer rather than by plane. It was super comfortable travel every thing was like it should be. They picked up us from the hotel at 7:15 from Patong in minivan and then we have moved to a big comfortable bus untill the Pier close to Surat Thani where they gave us the ferry and koh samui transfer tickets. In koh samui drivers from the company were waiting for us and transfer us to our hotel. Highly recommend!