13 5月 2024

Lexxus Shuttle

274 件のカスタマーレビュー
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Lexxus Shuttle スケジュールと時刻表

プエルトプリンセサ - エルニド
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
エルニド - プエルトプリンセサ
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
プエルトプリンセサ - ポートバートン
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
ポートバートン - エルニド
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
エルニド - ポートバートン
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
ポートバートン - プエルトプリンセサ
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
プエルトプリンセサ - ミマロパ
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
ミマロパ - エルニド
タクシー Private Van 11pax
ミマロパ - プエルトプリンセサ
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
エルニド - ミマロパ
タクシー Private Van 11pax
ミマロパ - ポートバートン
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
ポートバートン - ミマロパ
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
エルニド - パラワン
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン
パラワン - エルニド
タクシー Private Van 11pax,
タクシー シェアバン

Lexxus Shuttleについて


Lexxus Shuttle は、バンで旅行する場合にチェックすべきオペレーターの一つです。信頼できるバンサービスを提供し、簡単で安全なオンライン予約でチケットを提供しています。

Lexxus Shuttle 人気の乗り場

Lexxus Shuttle のバンが運行している主な乗り場の一覧はこちらです。:

  • エルニド交通ターミナル
  • プエルト プリンセサ
  • エルニド
  • プエルトプリンセサ
  • ポート バートン バス ターミナル
  • サンノゼターミナル
  • プエルトプリンセサ空港
  • ポートバートン
  • プエルトプリンセサ どのホテルでも
  • サバン

Lexxus Shuttle チケット料金&バンクラス

鉄道や大型バスと違って、バンではチケットのクラスが選べることはほとんどありません。座席はすべて同じで、スタンダード、VIPなど、呼び方は様々です。異なるのはバンの車体タイプです。9~10人乗りのバンもあります。これはより広いシート、より広いスペース、より快適な旅を意味します。15人乗りのバンもありますが、足や肘、荷物のスペースが犠牲になることが多く、窮屈に感じるでしょう。快適な乗り心地を確保するために、1席ではなく2席を購入するのは良いアイデアです。バンのチケットを予約する前に、Lexxus Shuttleのバンサービスに関するレビューを読んで、あなたが何を重視するかを確認しましょう。.



  • 大型バスも電車も通っていない辺鄙な場所や小さな町や村に行くには、バンが唯一の手段のケースがあります。
  • 大型バスは乗船不可でも、バンなら乗船可能な大型カーフェリーがあります。これらのフェリーを利用すれば、島々へも、バンで行けます。
  • 大型バスに比べると車体が小さいため、道中での取り回しが良いです。特に目的地が遠くない場合は、移動時間が短くなることもあります。
  • バンには停留所がありますが、停留所ではない場所で降りることも可能です。100%可能とは限りませんが、多くのドライバーは協力してくれるはずです。そうすれば、ターミナルから徒歩やタクシーで降りなければならなかった時間と費用の両方を節約できます。


  • 多人数乗車の場合、かなり窮屈に感じるかもしれません。足や肘を使うスペースは限られています。一部のバンでは、1枚のチケットで預けられる荷物は1個に制限されています。スーツケースやバックパックなど、荷物が多い場合は、荷物用のチケットを別途購入する必要があり、料金が2倍になります。
  • すべてのバンがスケジュール通りに運行されているわけではありません。路線によっては、満席にならないと出発しない場合もあります。チケットを買う前にオペレーターに確認してください。バンが満員になるまで予想以上に長く待つことになるかもしれません。
  • 他の交通手段でバンほど無謀なドライバーはいないでしょう。車両に速度制御ユニットを取り付けている会社もありますが、ドライバーが警告を無視し続け、走行中ずっとビープ音を鳴らしているケースは珍しくありません。バンで移動するときは、必ずシートベルトを着用しましょう。時にはシートベルトがどこにあるか、調べる必要があるかもしれません。
  • 乗り物酔いしやすい人は、バン旅行の30分前に薬を飲んでおくとよいでしょう(特に、曲がりくねった道を通る場合)。バスよりもバンの方が乗り物酔いしやすいのです。
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Lexxus Shuttle 会社レビュー

バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2024/04/27
Overcrowded and 2 hours late. More than 9 people in a minivan for 9. If you can I reccomend to avoid this company
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2024/03/05
Ready with a sign the minute we walked out of the airport with our name. We only booked the night before. Driver friendly and played chilled music. Tyre blew on the way but he changed it really quickly, dropped off at our hostel.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2024/02/18
I was looking for a shuttle with a pick-up at the airport. So I booked this shuttle service, because on the internet it says so. But in reality the shuttle terminal is 30 minutes away from the airport and you have to get there by yourself. So I was waiting at the aiport to get picked up. After nobody showed up, I asked the security people for help and they called the company for me. If you dont have internet access it is very stressful and not well organized. Luckily the shuttle waited for me, because after I found out where to go, I had to find a taxi and drive there for 20-30 Minutes. It is very stressful, after many hours of travelling. If I would have known that before, I would have chosen something else or would have prepared better.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/12/17
The driver was excellent and very kind! However, the vehicle was an absolute disaster. It was a very, very old car, no seatbelts, no license plate in the back and rusty.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/11/26
The van had to leave at 8:00 am and it left at 9:30 pm. The driver had to go to fuel station for filling the tank before go and then He stopped as three time. Total time to arrival… 3 hours and a half
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/08/07
The driver made a few breaks for us to go to the toilet which was nice, but he didn’t communicate at all. He stopped quite a few times during the ride, without saying anything and started talking to people on the road, which got a bit scary after awhile. Also, 3 locals joined the ride for a while and we had to make room for 3 people but there was only 1 seat available. Me and my friend where forced to sit on 1,5 seat because of this, really unprofessional and unsafe. We paid money for 1 seat each so this is not what we expected. Then they were dropped somewhere again, but the ride was unpleasant. The AC didn’t work. Happy we got to our destination.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/07/19
Trip took 6:30 hours. Car seats were comfortable, but driver drove too fast and one customer vomited.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/05/31
The van driver was driving fast making the ride uncomfortable. The van picked up and dropped off people along the way to El Nito so the van was full for most of the trip.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/05/17
Be prepared to wait. We left about 30 minutes late. l would recommend looking for a hotel pick-up option to avoid extra transport fees getting to the station. The driver drove at a reasonable speed and I felt safe during the ride.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/05/17
Sat at the front of the vehicle so had a nice air conditioned journey with a great view from Puerto Princesa upto to El Nido. Great value for money
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/05/06
It was about as good as a 6 hour trip in Philippines heat can get. Van was full but there was aircon, stopped twice for short breaks. We got there in one piece. The instructions say to book an extra seat if you have a large bag so I did, but didn’t need to so paid double for no reason.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/04/21
Good air conditioning and arrived on time even with extra stops.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/04/06
The van was clean and fully air-conditioned. Staff very professional. Will definetely use again. My sister forgot a bag with her belongings and they were kind to return on the same day. Kudos for that.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/03/16
Transport rapide, très rapide, mais van confortable, car c’est un van 9 places arrière pas un quatorze comme en Asie central, avec strapontin au centre. Le plus embêtant c’est aller à san José station . Là faut prevoir…
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/02/19
Very nice tour, the underground river it’s beautiful and the tour team is amazing!
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2023/01/01
Driver was on time, polite and friendly. Driving was safe and pretty smooth going (says a lot out here). Stop offs were well timed and offered enough to get you through the journey. Seats in the van were comfy enough. couple stops along the way to pickup random solo local passengers seeming to need a lift up the road an hour. Considering the journey length, it was fairly comfortable.
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2022/12/26
The agent was helpful and contacted us before the trip, the driver was 50’ late and the vehicle was overloaded with stuff on the top and people inside (16 persons) also as everybody in Philippines he drove like crazy. Finally arriving in port Barton we figured out that we paid 150pesos each than the usual cost of the trip and also 350 more to drive to terminal (usual there also mini vans from airport as well).
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2022/12/24
They where 45min late, after 5 guests where in the car we sopped right on the market to stuff the vehicle full with other people. After that we went directly to a gas station where we drove on a ramp to completely fill thr tank, lasting 15 minutes. We were lucky that we had booked 3 seats for 2 Persons. You should rather take an other option to go/fly to el nido. The driver was getting faster and fastet to the end if the trip, felt very unsafe. Never again...
タクシー バン 9人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2022/12/11
I scheduled a ride to depart at 1:15 pm, or 13:15. I paid $130 US for a private ride so that i could go from hotel to hotel and choose my time of departure. The ride arrived at 9:30 am and expected me to go! My ride was scheduled for 13:15!!!!!!!! Hello! Why am I being pressured to go so early??? WRONG!
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2022/12/11
We were told we had to wait until 8am to leave instead of the 7am departure we had booked. We ended up waiting for 90 minutes before we set off! It seemed like they were waiting to fill the van before leaving but considering they didn’t offer an 8am journey when we booked this felt unreasonable - we wouldn’t have gotten up early to get the bus if we knew it wouldn’t leave until 8:30!
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2022/11/29
A little scary towards the end because the driver kept stopping at places without explaining why. Otherwise, very happy with the trip!
バン シェアバン, Lexxus Shuttle, 2022/11/29
We left almost 2h later than planned waiting n a ban for 1,5h so we were at our destination late.
タクシー バン 9人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2022/06/09
We arrived after 5 hours, safe driving and we felt comfortable in the van. Our seniors who were with us felt safe and relaxed during the land trip
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/03/04
In der Beschreibung fehlte der Hinweis das man umsteigen muss. Das führte zu Verwirrung, da es fuer alle normal war aber wir Angst bekamen irgendwo stehen gelassen zu werden. Zumal der Ausdruck fuer die Fahrt zu Beginn abgegeben werden musste. Aber alle waren organisiert und man hat uns zu nächsten Bus sicher geleitet. Alles in allem exakt die Fahrzeit eingehalten, wie angegeben. Selbst mit der Pause fuer den Umstieg. Waere mal ein Beispiel fuer die deutsche Bahn..... THX
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/03/02
Not the best confort but you will get there in time. More information on what happens at times from the driver would be appreciated.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/20
Van went on time. Driver was quick and not overly dangerous. Three stops. Five and a half hours duration.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/17
Awesome and friendly driver who made great time to the destination. Even allowing to drop me off at Nagtabon intersection
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/12
The driver was very fast, it make the trip unpleasant. We asked him to slow down but didn’t care. It was scary.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/11
Очень тесный бус,,не было сказано про смену буса,т.е про пересадку
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/11
Lexxus Van Company didn’t handle the transfer. They made us go to another company we don’t even know the name. The Lexxus departure we paid for was planned at 4:30 pm but the other company had a departure planned at 5:30pm so we had to wait 1h. And then some of the customers were late so they waited for them (which is nice for them but really annoying for the rest of the bus, schedule is schedule). So in the end we left with 2hrs delay. Lexxus Company didn’t say a thing to us and guys from the other company were really unprofessional. Appart from that, the van was clean, we arrived late but well.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/06
I can only recommend you get there sooner everything went fine!
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/06
Cannot complaint about delays. Erratic driving, glad that did not had breakfast otherwise I would be in serious trouble. The van as so full that we had to share 3 seats with 4 people ( and this was a 4 hour journey).
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/04
It’s my second time to visit Palawan but my first time to travel to El Nido. Prior to my arrival, I had a teleconversation with your team and clarify the rules of arriving just in time and the location of pick up. The description during the booking clearly says PPS airport but when I received the voucher there was additional information that I have to go to San Jose terminal which is I am not familiar hence I need to pay additional Php 150 for airport tricycle.. I have coordinated that I will arrive at exactly 11am as my flight will land at 10:20. And when I reached there 5 minutes before 11am.. there was no van hence I need to wait for more than 30 minutes and we left the terminal at 12noon. And I reached my accomodation 15 minutes before 6pm. I had 7 hours travel and there are more than 2 stops (lunch and taytay). Unfortunately, I have a return booking but I am not going because of what had happened I am afraid I will miss my flight because your timings are unreliable despite the notice that there could be delays of 1 to 2 hours. The driver is good but the operator needs improvement and proper coordination. Thanks
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/03
Very comfortable and enjoyable journey. Well air conditioned the whole journey. Driver was very nice and made a stop for lunch and also a stop to use the toilet on the way. I would definitely recommend using this service
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/02/01
Got back to PP very quickly. The driver knew the looooong road very well so knew when to be fast and when to slow down appropriately.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/01/28
Excellent polite driver regular stops. Great value arrived in good time x
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/01/23
Conducteur très gentil et arrangeant mais peut-être trop brutal dans les virages
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/01/19
Our driver was a good guy. Other people leaving reviews here need to get a grip and remember where they are! Bottom line is just get the Cherry bus instead, book at the terminal not online, 300php. Takes just as long and there’s a lot more room.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/01/11
С багажом не поместиться везут из аэропорта и подсаживают в рейсовый минибас довезли достаточно быстро в вечернее время
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/01/10
We were traveling from El Nido to port Barton! We arrived at the terminal at 8:20 for our 9am van! The lady that looked at my 12go ticket told us to sit and wait which we did! Then at 9am we got told we had missed our van! Obviously we asked how this had happened because we arrived with plenty of time and nobody had mentioned that the van was departing or even that there was a van for us. Luckily there was another van at 9:30 which we managed to get on! The driver was so erratic driving at high speed through school and child zones, he obviously had no care for his passengers or the safety of others! Also the fact that seatbelts are not supplied bothered me.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/01/05
Driver very profesional, the ride went without incidents and we arrived on time
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2020/01/02
THE driver was very nice and he drove us very well until Puerto Princesa
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/12/31
While the length of the trip and road conditions are variables that can’t be controlled, I did not feel that Lexxus went out of there way to make the trip more manageable. Upon entering the van, we were all told that there was no air conditioning and that we would need to just open the windows. As someone who was recovering from being sick, this made the almost full van ride very difficult. Additionally, while I am grateful that the driver stopped for breaks along the way, I felt that there were a few unnecessary stops that just prolonged the already long ride. I also felt that the driver drove incredibly fast and had a couple of close calls in terms of accidents. I drove with Eulen Joy on the way to El Nido and had a much more positive experience and would recommend them over Lexxus any day.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/12/31
Van fully occupied, unconfortable trip of 5h30 dealing with no space at all and dangerous way of driving.
タクシー バン 9人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/12/31
Cleto was super nice! Patient and knowledgeable of the area. He is a master at loading luggage as well lol!! Great service despite the bumpy road but that is to be expected.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/12/21
Pongo dos estrellas porque el viaje que debería tardar entre 5-6 lo hicimos en 4 y llegamos bien pronto al destino. Cómo podéis imaginar, pasamos hasta miedo, el conductor debería tener algún tipo de parentesco con Michael Schumacher porque la velocidad y la conducción no eran ninde cerca normal para ese tipo de furgoneta.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/12/09
Take a flight guys please!!! Don't take these vans cos you really risk to do an accident. They run like crazy, no seat belts, 15 persons inside a van with a living space for 8. You don't enjoy the trip, too fast and you see nothing out of the window. But the most important thing is that drivers are really dangerous because of the speed.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/12/03
On the way to El Nido from PP we just got the taxi at the airport (with a different company) which was a horrible ride with many stops for no apparent reason and it was already late at night. The ride with Lexxus was significantly better because the driver was very efficient which was important to us. Still minimal AC and a few stops to pick up different people. We haven't tried the bus, but I think you just have to be prepared for a long, drive unless you want to pay for the flight.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/12/01
Driver smoking cigarettes every stop. A lot of stops. Trip from el nido was very good.
バン ローカル 14人, Lexxus Shuttle, 2019/11/30
Fast, nice driver, took a fruit shake for lunch which was nice. Drove like crazy tho.