19 5月 2024

China Railways

15 件のカスタマーレビュー
  • Reviews

China Railwaysについて

China Railways は、12Gоの列車のチケットをオンラインで簡単に予約できます。ほかの旅行者のレビューは、ルートを計画し、最適なチケットを選ぶのに役立ちます。 長距離寝台列車で昔ながらの旅を楽しむもよし、高速特急であっという間に目的地に到着する超モダンな列車を楽しむもよし。鉄道の旅は、いつでも個性豊かな魅力と感動に溢れています。他の乗客と交流できる席を選ぶことも、高級な個室を選ぶこともできます。China Railways は、あなたの経験を忘れられない楽しいものにするために、豊富な選択肢をご用意しています。ご予約の前に、ご旅行日、運賃、チケットの種類、その他の条件や制限を必ずご確認ください。

China Railways 有名な駅

China Railways の路線図には、以下の駅が掲載されています。

  • ジアラム

China Railways 人気の目的地

China Railways がカバーしている路線のうち、旅行者からの需要が常に高い路線をご紹介します。- ザーラム県 - 南寧

China Railways チケット料金&列車クラス




  • 列車の旅は、交通渋滞とは無縁の理想的なソリューションです。もちろん、遅延発生率はゼロではありませんが、一般的にラッシュアワーや連休、ハイシーズンの大混雑でも、列車の時間は狂いません。
  • 列車チケットのオンライン予約は、時間を大幅に節約してくれます。基本的に旅行日の90日前から予約可能で、計画が立てやすいです。また、直前予約も可能です。予約のために駅に行く必要もなく、いつでも好きな場所で予約できます。
  • 基本的に、列車のチケットは航空券よりもはるかにリーズナブルです。空港でのチェックインや保安・税関手続きの時間を考えれば、高速鉄道の移動時間は航空券と同等か、それ以上に短縮可能となる路線もあります。
  • 駅は街の中心部にあることがとても多い為、宿泊先までの時間を大幅に短縮することができます。古い駅には、歴史的建造物を利用した雰囲気のあるものも多いです。このような駅への行き来は、旅行プラン全体の中で重要なポイントになるでしょう。
  • 寝台列車なら、昼間の時間を他の楽しみに回せるだけでなく、ホテル代も節約できます。ぐっすり眠れる快適さは、寝台バスとは比較になりません。
  • 路線によっては豪華列車も走っています。一生に一度は体験してみたいものです。


  • 距離が長ければ長いほど乗車時間も長くなるので、長距離移動の場合はとても時間がかかります。そのため、費用はかかっても飛行機での移動の方が良い場合もあります。
  • また、乗り継ぎには十分な注意が必要です。通常、時刻表が決められていますが、さまざまな理由で遅延やキャンセルが発生する可能性があります。もうひとつ考慮すべきは、列車が発着する駅の位置です。都市や場所によっては、複数の駅が存在するため、混乱を招くこともあります。
  • 列車に対する最もよく言われる不満のひとつは、清潔さです。これは主に、最安クラスの客車とトイレに関するものです。
  • 停車駅が明確にアナウンスされていない、あるいは表示されていないこともあります。駅の電光掲示板がこの問題を解決してくれますが、どこにでも設置されているわけではありません。あなたは、GPSで自分の位置を追跡するか、車掌に確認が必要となります。
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China Railways 会社レビュー

列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/12/16
I’ve read other reviews of this trip & seen that several people have had a similar negative experience to me-I was told that a rep would meet me at Gia Lam station to give me my train ticket an hour before the journey-this didn’t happen; I couldn’t find the rep. I tried calling the 24 hour helpline-no one answered! Eventually, with help, I managed to work out that a woman working in the shop opposite the station knew who was supposed to deliver my ticket. She told me to wait. After waiting to just before the train was due to go she took me over to the station and got the woman behind the ticket counter to issue me with a ticket! I was then able to catch the train. This process was extremely stressful and confusing, to say the least. 12go Asia need to make sure this particular procedure (getting ticket for train from Gia Lam) is greatly improved for future customers.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/11/05
Very comfortable carriage. Border crossings were quick.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/08/29
While these journeys always have the potential for confusion it was easily avoided by the 12Go representative. He was early, sought us out and managed our departure through to the arrival at our compartment, and gave a hand with the luggage. The trip aligned with expectations - old rail equipment, challenging border crossings (2) and train running late; but this is just part of the experience and was easily put into the past when we travelled by the high speed trains ex Nanning. We strongly recommend 12Go Asia.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/08/01
A very money conscious way to get to and from Hanoi, the stops were a bit of an inconvenience but they are essential border control measures so it was understandable! The facilities were standard, the toilets could’ve been slightly improved and the socket next to my bed didn’t work but the bed was comfy!
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/06/11
On the email I received said there would be a representative there to provide the ticket, I arrived well before an hour ahead and no one showed up, I was lucky enough after alot of confusion the staff gave me a ticket. As previously mentioned in other comments the carriages are worn down compared to the Vietnamese trains. There was only one power socket that didn't work and the beds uncomfortable. The border crossing is very long and painful, don't expect to sleep on the train. That said the staff try to help as much as possible.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/03/10
Very helpful staff on train. Very comfortable compartments. We did however end up in Guilin main station and not Guilin West as on the ticket, but that suited us just fine
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/02/25
Ticket agent was at the station before I arrived about one hour early. He even found me before I started looking for him. Since the company does a group ticket, you never actually get a ticket and he just shows your ticket to the train conductors. It seems there is a bunch of confusion right before your board the train but it ends up ok. The train ride itself is ok. The 1st class sleepers are more run down compared to the Vietnam railway 1st class sleeper, but still comfortable especially since the condition of the rails on the Chinese side are much better. There was only one power socket in our cabin to be shared with 4 people, and it DIDN'T WORK. so make sure your devices are charged. Also during the time the train is crossing the border, you are NOT ALLOWED TO USE THE RESTROOM. Make sure you go to the toilet before the train stops at the border because it will be HOURS before you will be able to use it again. The border crossing itself was one of the most inefficient and horrible border crossings I've ever experienced. As stated before, you have to get out of bed and get all your bags and exit the train to get stamped out of Vietnam, then get back on the train. The train will sit for an hour still after everyone has returned. Just enough time to fall back asleep and then you again have to take your bags and exit the train to enter China. There is no e-channel at this Chinese border crossing. The train arrives at the Vietnam border gate before 1am and then at the China border gate around 4am. Only after you return to the train after entering China do you have a chance to sleep for a few hours without interruption. If you are hoping for a relaxed sleeper train trip as the other sleeper trains are in Vietnam, this is not it. But it's still an interesting experience, but not sure if I would want to repeat it.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2018/06/28
The trip was very easy, the tickets were at the desk in the station and the train ran to time. The beds were very comfy.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2018/02/09
Receiving the voucher and meeting the representative at Hanoi went smooth. I was concerned about meeting the representative at Hanoi train station waiting room due to some comments that they were late but our representative was their one hour prior to departure as advised. Why my score is not a five because of the hokey ticketing process. Instructions say meet the representative and exchange your voucher for the tickets. This not the case. Our tickets are a group of seven so it is not organized. You have to get on the train with a group ticket the conductor hands out the boarding card then everyone in the group is arguing over which room and bed they want. Not everyone in the world is polite and courteous so this process doesn’t work well. I don’t understand why they just don’t buy the individual tickets and hand them out in the waiting room. I’m guessing they get a discount by buying a group ticket so good for them but not good for the traveler.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2017/08/30
Train itself was comfortable and convenient. However, the staff responsible of passing me my ticket at the station did not have my details and did not speak English very well. He didn't have my details and when I asked if he was working with 12go, he said no which caused a lot of confusion for me and some unnecessary panic. It took him a few calls to finally confirm that he was supposed to pass me the ticket.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2017/02/17
Train was ok, a little old and worn down, but sheets were clean. Staff was very nice and helpful (even though they only know Chinese). In total it will take around 5 hours crossing the border! HUGE DOWNPOINT: the guy bringing us the tickets appeared 20 minutes before the train left, though the ticket stated he will be there 2 hours (!) before. The other passengers were already entering the train so we only made it last minute. We had a little panic attack thinking we wouldn't make the train and therefore not leaving the country before the visa expires.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2017/01/14
Sheets and Bed very clean! Staff nice, helpful. Two stops at 1am and 3.30am with all luggage getting out, but that 's not the fault of the train. Unfortunately no food and drinks in train, no restaurant no vendors.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2017/01/06
The beds were fine, also the toilets en restrooms. Around 01.00 en 04.00 we have to go out of the train before check our pasports en lugage. We didn"t know that. So we sleep not so much this night.
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2019/01/06
列車 #MR1 VIP Sleeper 4x, China Railways, 2018/12/12