20 mag 2024
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Super Fast Ferry Ventures

171 recensioni dei clienti
  • Reviews

Chi siamo Super Fast Ferry Ventures

Alcune isole possono essere raggiunte in aereo e altre isole sono collegate alla terraferma da un ponte, tuttavia, i traghetti rimangono l'unico mezzo per raggiungere le isole più belle e suggestive, le spiagge nascoste e altre destinazioni costiere. I traghetti più grandi e più lenti possono trasportare veicoli e passeggeri dappertutto, ma a volte l'unico mezzo per raggiungere la propria destinazione è il motoscafo ad alta velocità, che è più piccolo ma più veloce, oppure un catamarano. Anche se quest'ultima opzione ti farà risparmiare tempo, devi fare attenzione se sei propenso al mal di mare. Quando il mare è mosso, i motoscafi che tagliano le onde sono un'opzione migliore che i catamarani, che invece cavalcano le onde e rendono il viaggio più accidentato. Per prevenire o superare il mal di mare, si consiglia di assumere farmaci adatti: consulta il medico prima del viaggio. Se possibile, quando sei a bordo, cerca un posto sul ponte, all'aria aperta.

I viaggi in traghetto della Super Fast Ferry Ventures si possono prenotare online, in modo semplice e senza problemi, non occorre recarsi all'ufficio prenotazioni.

Super Fast Ferry Ventures Moli Principali

Di seguito sono elencati i moli principali, che sono raggiungibili con i traghetti della Super Fast Ferry Ventures. Prima di partire, consulta la guida completa sulle stazioni:

  • Ferry Terminal Penang
  • Kuah Jetty

Super Fast Ferry Ventures Destinazioni Principali

Tra gli itinerari di trasporto più popolari gestiti dalla Super Fast Ferry Ventures ci sono i seguenti:

Super Fast Ferry Ventures Tipi di Traghetto e Prezzi dei Biglietti

I traghetti ad alta velocità sono sempre i più costosi. Se vuoi risparmiare, controlla se c'è un traghetto più lento per il tuo tragitto; di solito le tariffe sono molto più economiche. Di norma, è bene informarsi sulla durata del viaggio prima di prenotare. Sui percorsi più lunghi, la differenza nel tempo di viaggio può essere enorme. Non tutte le tariffe o classi di viaggio sono sempre disponibili su tutti i tragitti. In alta stagione è consigliabile prenotare con un certo anticipo, poiché la disponibilità delle cabine private più costose è spesso limitata. L'acquisto di biglietti last-minute per le tratte più frequentate in questi periodi può comportare lunghe code. Alcune destinazioni hanno più di un molo o moli diversi per le varie compagnie di traghetti, quindi è consigliabile verificare da quale molo si parte e a quale si arriva prima di partire. Prima della partenza, si consiglia di prevedere il tempo necessario per trovare la propria imbarcazione e fare il check-in. Questa operazione può richiedere anche un paio d'ore sulle tratte internazionali. Infine, è importante sapere che alcuni moli applicano la propria tassa portuale a tutti i passeggeri in arrivo. Questa tassa non è di solito inclusa nel prezzo del biglietto.

Il Viaggio in Traghetto: Vantaggi e Svantaggi

Vantaggi del Viaggio in Traghetto

  • La barca ti permette di raggiungere isole, spiagge e destinazioni costiere altrimenti inaccessibili. Il viaggio in traghetto può essere lungo e a volte causare il mal di mare, ma ne vale la pena perché offre la possibilità di visitare spiagge paradisiache e alcuni dei luoghi più nascosti e meno esplorati.
  • È possibile prenotare i biglietti del traghetto online. Questo ti permette di guadagnare tempo e di accertare che il tuo itinerario si svolga come previsto. La prenotazione anticipata è conveniente soprattutto quando si viaggia in alta stagione, durante le festività nazionali o i lunghi fine settimana, quando le vendite di biglietti sono tante e c'è un numero limitato di imbarcazioni.
  • Per alcune tratte è possibile scegliere la tipologia del sedile o della cabina. A volte gli scompartimenti privati o le cabine standard includono servizi extra, ma non sempre. Controlla ciò che viene compreso nel prezzo del biglietto, in modo da ottenere la massima convenienza per il tuo viaggio.
  • Viaggiare in traghetto è sempre divertente. Puoi vedere i luoghi da un'angolazione diversa. Dall'acqua, il paesaggio è spettacolare, e completamente diverso! Viaggiare in barca è un'occasione unica per realizzare foto e video fantastici e originali: approfittane!

Svantaggi del Viaggio in Traghetto

  • Spesso la preoccupazione maggiore quando si viaggia in barca è il mal di mare, un'esperienza fastidiosa e sgradevole. Anche se non hai mai sofferto il mal di mare in traghetto, non vuol dire che il prossimo viaggio sarà altrettanto tranquillo. Il mare agitato e le corse in motoscafo possono mettere in subbuglio anche lo stomaco più forte. Segui le nostre raccomandazioni di cui sopra e prendi i farmaci mezz'ora prima del viaggio. Mangiare un pasto leggero prima del viaggio può anche aiutare: è più probabile avere il mal di mare a stomaco vuoto.
  • I ritardi e le cancellazioni sono comuni nei viaggi in traghetto, poiché sono mezzi che dipendono fortemente dalle condizioni meteorologiche e del mare. Questo vale soprattutto per i viaggi in bassa stagione. Pioggia, mare mosso e maltempo possono interferire con il tuo programma di viaggio. Cerca di avere un itinerario flessibile e non programmare le coincidenze dei voli in troppa vicinanza al tuo viaggio in traghetto, anche se è previsto bel tempo per quel periodo.
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Super Fast Ferry Ventures Recensioni della compagnia

171 recensioni dei clienti
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 28 feb 2020
Alles gut organisiert; pünktlich und sicher ans Ziel gekommen. Kritikpunkt: grotenschlechte Filme, die gezeigt wurden; für anwesende Kleinkinder völlig ungeeignet:
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 10 feb 2020
The ac was too fast there was no staff in the ferry to talk to and the way they’ve Threw the baggage was absurd. I flew back to pennag. I didn’t want to catch the ferry again
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 8 feb 2020
Pünktlich, schnell, günstig. Kam mir aber ein wenig vor, wie in einer Konservendose. Man sitzt in einem kleinen Raum mit festen Plätzen.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 4 feb 2020
3 stars only because the airconditioning was so cold that almost the whole boat was frozen. It was just too cold on board. Everything else was good/great.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 3 feb 2020
Good trip. Just bring clother with you, it was freezing cold on the boat.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 31 gen 2020
Once we got our ticket, things went smoothly. They loaded us over a 30 minute period. People directing the loading were nice and helpful. The layout surprised us but once we got over the surprise, seating was OK, like tight economy class on an airplane. We were at the back with no windows. The boat did speed along at a good clip. We would take the boat again.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 29 gen 2020
No help for disabled passengers on disembarking at Langkawi Also. Steps to seat
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 26 gen 2020
On arrival to the ferry we were told we would have to pay 20myr for each of our bags (despite other customers with bags of equal size not being stopped or charged). Either it is a policy or not, should be enforced for everyone. If there is going to be a charge for baggage, customers should know that ahead of time. Also, the movie that was playing was extremely loud and probably not the most appropriate considering there was young children on board.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 26 gen 2020
I haven't been to ferry that forces people to sit on their seats. Window view was blurry. The duration delayed 30 minutes.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 24 gen 2020
Speed Boat Fähre hat die besten Tage hinter sich. Sitze waren eng, versifft und beschädigt.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 24 gen 2020
Pleasant enough, calm conditions and the seat was ok. Nothing outstanding but a decent ferry
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 14 gen 2020
Jerry good juste rien à boire dans le bateaux
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 11 gen 2020
Picked out seats at booking but the seats are actually arranged right before boarding. So first come, first serve. Ended up sitting near the toilets with the sun glaring into our seats. Also, the pockets from the seat in front are GRIMMY to the truest sense of the definition. Don't put anything in there.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 6 gen 2020
There is not a whole lot of (good) information at the terminal regarding where to get tickets, where to enter, etc. I think the booking/boarding process can be improved. The ferry trip was fine. It was raining and kind of choppy. For the price and considering the limited options...I really can't complain, it was an acceptable experience
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 31 dic 2019
The ferry looked a bit run down... But it was fast, as the name says. Nothing more to say.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 24 dic 2019
I could sleep during the 3 hrs trip, so it was perfect :)
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 20 dic 2019
Comfortable, easy ride. Ferry looks like it’s done a few trips but was fine. Make sure you go to the same port as the cruise ships at Swettenham pier.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 20 dic 2019
Laut, eng, unsauber, doofe Filme (Waterworld, Titanic)
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 17 dic 2019
Pünktlich abgefahren und pünktlich angekommen, eine Seltenheit in Thailand und Malaysia. Angenehme Fahrt.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 11 dic 2019
RAS tout a été super, excellente traversée et un prix imbattable pour rejoindre Langkawi
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 9 dic 2019
Nice Staff, Trip on time, but the ride was a bit hard and going fast through the waves.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 3 dic 2019
Punctual and comfortable. don’t go through security too early before departure, no shops or smoking area when through
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 29 nov 2019
Время поездки пролетело не заметно. Всю дорогу смотрели телевизор.:))
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 28 nov 2019
Price of the tickets was 140 RM, we got charged 8€ extra for what?
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 26 nov 2019
It wasn't clear which ferry terminal we should travel from.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 24 nov 2019
Ferry was super cold an I payed way to much via 12asiago...never again
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 9 nov 2019
Best boat trip I’ve had. Went super quick! Smooth crossing. Super quick check-in. Highly recommend.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 27 ott 2019
Clean ferry. On-time departure and arrival. Don’t think it is right to charge for infants but at least we had an extra seat. Boarding was 30 minutes prior to departure so no need to arrive 90 minutes ahead of time.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 21 ott 2019
The trip was easy enough, the boat was freezing though due to the overpowering AC! Other than that, no problem!
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 13 ott 2019
Over all the experience was okay, boat was quick getting to langkawi. Although you couldn’t really get up and walk around and you can’t see out of the windows which sucked. It’s more the boarding procedure/knowing where to be and when that was the issue. We were just issued random tickets with no other information on an email. There is no previous information given on what the address is of the jetty that the ferry is leaving from. We went to 3 different jetty’s before finding the one we needed and were only helped by police officers we asked, there were literally no other staff around. For the record it’s the Bali berlepas departure hall and it’s the large pink building on the bend. Across from the clock tower there is a large gate, they open this 90 minutes before departure and you just go through a series of waiting areas until you are told to get on the boat. Take snacks because there isn’t any!
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 21 set 2019
Le voyage s'est bien déroulé sans problème.La surprise fût lors de l'embarqution,un employé a demandé le payement de 15 ringgit par bagage.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 15 set 2019
Clean boat, on time, well organized, very friendly and helpful staff; trip was quite bumpy, so some people got sick - if you get sick easily you might better take the plane! Otherwise its a nice and easy way to travel beetween penang and langkawi. We arrived at the ferry building about 50 mins before departure, that was just right.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 26 ago 2019
The ferry was taking off 1hour later then planned. We waited 2,5 hours in the hall with 100 other people. We had seats in the first row, which is not good. The tides were high and it was super scary to see the waves crashing next to you after a super high tide. Our seat was under an escape route, so water was coming in. We didn't see anyone from the stuff inside to ask, if this is normal. If you get sick easily, never take this ride. At least vomit bags are provided and needed! That's the second star.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 26 ago 2019
Everything went Well. They had nice movies playing. The only downside was, that some passengers got seasick.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 25 ago 2019
Was told to arrive 90 minutes before departure, which is ridiculous seeing it was an 8.30 am departure, I emailed them and they said, ok at least 45 before, the boat is far from super fast, the a/c was freezing, I ended up with a head cold for the rest of my holiday, the safety announcement was so loud you had to put your hands over your ears, nothing to do for the 2.45 min trip which took 3.15 minutes and seas were calm, catch a plane people, if you have to travel on the ferry take a book or something, no tv working .
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 22 ago 2019
Arriving 90 minutes before departure is unnecessary, it only takes a moment to check in and then there is so much waiting around in a terminal with nothing to do. When on the ferry, the front section was so hot, no air con, so it was making passengers very uncomfortable. We moved to the back where there were empty seats and air con which was much better, even though the air con was extremely cold. I gave 3 stars because the price was good and the ferry arrived 1 hour ahead of schedule.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 20 ago 2019
Staff and service is Excellent.on Time Departure.smooth sailing and Facilities on Board Good. Worth for value and Excellent view
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 20 ago 2019
Journey went smooth and we arrived on time. Nice tidy ship.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 18 ago 2019
Beaucoup de gens malades à bord et les toilettes sales.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 17 ago 2019
Wir sind mit ca. 35 Minuten Verspätung gestartet. Die Fahrt hat dann so lange gedauert wie angesetzt. Allerdings sitzt man dort extrem beengt in flugzeugartigen Reihen. Man sollte sich bewusst sein, dass es ziemlich schaukelt!!! Auf unserer Fahrt mussten sich 5 Leute übergeben und leider nicht immer in eine Tüte. Das hatte zur Folge, dass das ganze Schiff nach Kotze gerochen hat. Das Ausladen des Gepäcks war mehr schlecht als recht organisiert. Nie wieder!!!
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 10 ago 2019
Having travelled on ferries in HK, the Philippines, Seattle, Venice, Rio de Janero, Bangkok, India, Thailand down country, NYC, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Vancouver, Portland and some other places I've probably forgotten and, additionally been an officer in the navy, it is not fair for me to pass judgement on yesterday's trip from Penang to Langkawi, as I can't be unbias in my appraisal because in all the previous mentioned trips, I was able to look out and walkaround and not cooped up in a too small seat with no leg room in the lower forward area with the windows blocked out with something like white paint. Nevertheless, I made it thru with conversations with fellow travelers. It would be nice for the snack shop to have some healthy alternatives to sugar, oil and salt and also having an employee brief the boarding proceedure while waiting would be a plus. Cheers
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 10 ago 2019
Goed georganiseerd, op tijd vertrokken, zitplaatsen toebedeeld gekregen-> scheelt weer in het zoeken naar een plaats tezamen met de andere toeristen. Bagage snel afgeleverd en terug gekregen. Zee was rustig dus kalme overtocht. Geen zeezieke medepasssagiers, komt de geur ten goede.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 11 lug 2019
Was will man mehr erwarten,als pünktlich von A nach B gebracht zu werden
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 8 lug 2019
As expected. Only 3 stars, due to tickets online were more expensive than in the shop. Moreover we had to additional pay for another print out of the ferry ticket (not 12go.asia print out).
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 20 giu 2019
Not clear where the ferry goes from - FYI it is the port where PPC building is
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 1 giu 2019
The seats were in need of a clean and all the windows had poor visibility as dirty.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 29 mag 2019
Service was quick and all OK but you must have paper tickets to get on board so get your tickets from Ferry Office outside of Terminal. The seats were a little dirty and windows a disgrace as not cleaned for clear visibility.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 24 mar 2019
The ride was smooth and lead us to our destination on time. Small scattered islands welcome you to Langkawi and is a great sight after looking at vast expanses of water. The only criticisms are that: 1. The air conditioning was too cool and most passengers were freezing. 2. The window panes are tinted and make for a much less clearer view.
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 23 mar 2019
Ca. 45 Minuten Verspätung... Sonst alles prima
Traghetto Traghetto, Super Fast Ferry Ventures, 19 mar 2019
Trip was on rime and smooth. Would travel on ferry again.