23 Mei 2024
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Transport Co Intl

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Tentang Transport Co Intl

Bis adalah cara bepergian yang nyaman saat Anda harus bepergian ke kota sekitar yang membutuhkan waktu perjalanan beberapa jam atau menjelajah lebih jauh melintasi seluruh daerah. Berapapun dana perjalanan Anda, Anda pasti bisa merencanakannya dengan bis. Bis cepat menawarkan harga tiket yang sangat terjangkau untuk para wisatawan yang hanya memiliki sejumlah dana. Pilihan VIP ditujukan untuk mereka yang tidak bisa berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Sebelum Anda menaiki bis, pastikan Anda memilih jasa yang paling sesuai dengan Anda. Untuk perjalanan dengan jarak tempuh yang lama carilah kursi VIP atau kelas satu yang menyediakan perjalanan tanpa henti menuju tujuan wisata Anda atau yang hanya memiliki sedikit titik singgah selama perjalanan. Bis cepat atau lokal terbukti bisa menjadi suatu pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat dalam beberapa kasus, tapi bukan pilihan terbaik untuk perjalanan jarak jauh. Perhatikan jadwal perjalanan sebelum bepergian karena beberapa perjalanan jarak jauh biasanya berangkat di malam hari, dan beberapa menawarkan kursi yang lebih luas atau tempat duduk sleeper untuk perjalanan tersebut. Lakukan reservasi online untuk tiket bis Anda dengan Transport Co Intl. Ulasan para wisatawan lainnya bisa membantu Anda dalam menentukan tiket dan kelas terbaik.

Transport Co Intl Stasiun Tujuan

Terminal utama oleh Transport Co Intl’s bis termasuk:

  • Mochit
  • Sukhothai
  • Siem Reap Transport Co old

Transport Co Intl Destinasi Teratas

Transport Co Intl bis melewati beberapa rute dan ini adalah daftar beberapa rute yang paling populer:

Transport Co Intl Harga Tiket dan Kelas Bis

Salah satu hal terbaik dari bepergian dengan bis adalah Anda bisa sangat mengatur perjalanan Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kenyamanan pribadi. Kelas dan jenis bis yang berbeda memberikan pelayanan yang berbeda pada para wisatawan. Perjalanan yang paling murah biasanya dilayani dengan bis kelas standar. Bisa lokal, cepat atau biasa. Bis-bis ini bisa menjadi pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat. Kursi sleeper atau VIP bagus untuk perjalanan panjang dan satu malam. Kelas-kelas tersebut menawarkan kursi sleeper atau kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, terkadang disertai pilihan dengan kursi pijat, selimut, minuman ringan dan cemilan atau makanan berat dalam perjalanan atau saat pemberhentian toilet atau pengisian bensin. Bepergian dengan bis malam memungkinkan Anda menghemat biaya hotel, tapi untuk mendapatkan perjalanan yang sangat nyaman, pastikan Anda memilih kelas bis dengan seksama. Besaran harga tergantung pada jarak tempuh dan jenis tempat duduk Anda. Dalam beberapa hal, bahkan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat, menghabiskan sedikit lebih banyak dana dan membeli kursi VIP lebih baik karena Anda bisa menghemat waktu dua kali lebih banyak dibanding bepergian dengan bis umum.

Bepergian dengan Bis: Kelebihan & Kekurangan

Kelebihan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Bis adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan yang tidak bisa dijangkau dengan kereta maupun pesawat. Jalur yang dilalui bis biasanya mencakup hampir seluruh penjuru daerah, dan rute mereka memadai, juga sudah lama terbangun.
  • Berbanding terbalik dengan bepergian menggunakan pesawat dan beberapa kereta, bepergian dengan bis tidak membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk tiba di terminal terlebih dahulu. Check-in, bahkan pada jalur internasional, tidak membutuhkan banyak waktu. Koper yang diperbolehkan untuk dibawa biasanya sangat praktis, dan biaya untuk tambahan bagasi, kalau dihitung, tidak terlalu mahal.
  • Tiket bis bisa lebih terjangkau dibanding tiket pesawat ataupun kereta api cepat. Selalu ada pilihan kelas untuk setiap penumpang. Opsi standar yang lebih murah mungkin akan berjalan sedikit lebih lambat dan tidak menawarkan kenyamanan tingkat tinggi, tapi tetap diterima dengan baik dan membawa Anda ke tujuan. Pada rute yang lebih jauh, WC atau pemberhentian untuk WC dan juga cemilan, air dan terkadang perlengkapan mandi juga selimut biasanya sudah termasuk dalam tarif.
  • Jika Anda bersedia membayar lebiah, beberapa kursi VIP menawarkan tempat duduk yang sebanding dengan kelas bisnis pesawat dengan kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, selimut, jumlah penumpang yang lebih sedikit dan beberapa keuntungan lainnya untuk membuat perjalanan Anda menjadi menyenangkan.

Kekurangan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Terminal antar kota baru biasanya terletak di luar pusat kota, berdekatan dengan jalan raya yang besar yang memungkinkan bis menghindari kemacetan. Sayangnya, hal ini justru memberi kesulitan baru bagi para wisatawan juga. Menjangkau terminal seperti ini mungkin bisa menyulitkan untuk beberapa karena beberapa daerah memiliki larangan melintas bagi kendaraan untuk memasuki terminal dan Anda mungkin harus menggunakan kendaraan khusus untuk mencapai terminal. Akhirnya, hal ini akan membuat pembiayaan menjadi naik berlipat kali ganda. Dan perhitungkan waktu tambahan jika Anda bepergian pada saat jam ramai kendaraan, terutama jika Anda tidak mengetahui kondisi lalu lintas pada titik keberangkatan.
  • Bis mungkin menjadi jenis transportasi yang lebih sering mengalami keterlambatan dibanding kereta maupun pesawat. Mereka sangat bergantung pada kondisi jalan yang biasanya sangat tidak bisa diprediksi - kecelakaan, pembagunan jalan, jalan memutar, dlsb. Hal ini biasanya terjadi ketika bepergian di akhir pekan, musim liburan, atau hari libur nasional. Mohon perhatikan hal tersebut dan jangan merencanakan waktu liburan dengan jadwal yang padat.
  • Bepergian melewati rute-rute tertentu atau selama masa padat keramaian mungkin membutuhkan pemesanan lebih awal. Tolong diingat bahwa datang ke stasiun bis dan langsung menaiki bis berikutnya tidak selalu menjadi pilihan yang tersedia - tiket bisa sudah terjual habis, jadi rencanakan perjalanan Anda dengan memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut.
Baca lebih lanjut

Transport Co Intl Ulasan tentang perusahaan

386 Ulasan Pelanggan
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 24 Apr 2018
รถมีสภาพโทรม แอร์ไม่เย็น ตลอดการเดินทาง เสียเวลาซ่อมแอร์นานเป็นชั่วโมงๆๆๆๆ ทำให้ล่าช้า
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 12 Mar 2018
Die Busfahrt war gut organisiert. :) alles hat mit dem Visum wunderbar geklappt! Die Reiseleiter haben einem bei allen weiter geholfen. Würde ich wieder ganz genauso machen.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 23 Jan 2018
said it was a vip bus but was only a first class bus. was very uncomfortable
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 15 Jan 2018
Tout était parfait personnels, organisation. Le bus confortable et fonctionnel mais un peu vieux
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 21 Des 2017
The breakfast and launch was ok, the bus was basic. At the border they asked us for 40US for the VISA, 10USD more for the "service". Anyway I would recommend it.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 17 Agu 2017
The trip was smooth and the conductor/assistant to the driver is very helpful and cheerful.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 5 Mar 2017
Easy journey, bus is quite comfortable but seats just a little narrow. Staff were friendly enough and provided the info we needed. They offered to get visas sorted for 1400 baht but weren't pushy when we declined. Those who did pay got good service and skipped the 10 mins it took us to get them sorted at the border (costing 1300 baht). Food on the trip included water, fruit juice, a tiny sponge cake and a random fried rice from Seven Eleven (we got one prawn and one crab unfortunately) Would definitely recommend them.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 22 Jan 2017
On time, breakfast and lunch on bord ok. Personnel verry Nice and helpfull to help us to reach the Cambodgien border! Totaly rrecommandable!
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 9 Jan 2017
Brief from the staff made the Cambodian border pass very smooth and easy.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 8 Jan 2017
Pros: Served food (this was a pleasant surprise). It was on time. The air conditioning worked. Cons: They gave our seat to someone else, so we got pushed onto the next bus an hour later. They scammed a bunch of passengers into paying extra money for a visa when you can get it cheaper directly from the border. Also, there's another scam they used. They may say, "there's free transport via tuk-tuk to your hotel!" The problem is that most of the hotels are not located directly in the city centre (I'm not sure if there are any, to be honest). And so they hear the location of your hotel, they tell you it is very far, but they can give you a good rate (but it's not really a good rate) if you use the driver for a guide or some nonsense. We didn't want that, and said to drop us at an address in the centre. The driver got extremely upset (because we weren't following the bus company's scam), and said, "FINE. THEN I'LL DROP YOU OFF IN THE CENTRE." We asked for a specific address, but he refused, only dropping us off at a busy intersection in the rain. He pushed us out so fast that I was afraid he was going to throw our bags in a giant puddle by the gutter. Here's the thing. If you say there's a free tuk-tuk to the centre, don't get angry when someone requests to be dropped off somewhere in the centre! Perhaps if this bus company or drivers were less sleazy, we may have actually booked with them to take us to the temples.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 8 Jan 2017
Перед отправлением раздали по бутылке воды 0.5, а так же пакет, в котором оказался пакет сока 0.2, банка кофе 0.25 и кекс. За полчаса до границы раздали горячий обед - разогретый рис со свининой. Кондиционер работал в нормальном редкими - охлаждал, но и не дикий холод. На границе провели около 2 часов времени, доехали быстрее обозначенного времени на полчаса. Туалет в автобусе без смыва, но он есть.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 3 Jan 2017
Pas vraiment confortable pour le prix Les toilettes sont sales et empestes dans le bus au bout de quelques heures Ne dépose pas dans une gare routière mais assez loin du centre vers des rabatteurs tuk tuk... Déçus
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 6 Nov 2016
Bon voyage dans l'ensemble pour un bus loin de tout confort Petit dej et déjeuner offert. 2 pauses pipi de 15 mn. Simple mais efficace.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 13 Okt 2016
Air con was nice. Free food was decent. Staff was pleasant. Bus was clean. I also experienced a Tuk-tuk driver who wanted to schedule further plans to drive us around siem reap. Just politely say no. We did and got our free ride. The bus departed on time and arrived on time. Crossing the border was a little crazy. This is just the way it is, it requires a little figuring and common sense. The bus staff were nice enough to give us a heads up about what they will try to charge us for and what we didn't need to pay for. Yes the restroom is gross, it's a toilet on a bus. I've seen worse! They stopped at a place with restrooms and there are 5 baht rest rooms at the border.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 7 Okt 2016
After they found out, how to print my ticket I got on the bus and got a place with quite much space which was nice. The bus was okay, not the newest but comfy. They had all of stuff just put in the back. The travelling was alright too, they just didn´t really said anything because of breaks and didn´t give any water, but at least we got a rice meal with shrimp from the 7eleven for free, that was nice. At the border it was a bit confusing and they brought me from this to that point and also wanted 1000 Bath for the stamp even if I already payed my visa, that was definitly cheating, next time I know better, so just to be aware of, though it was noone from the buscompany! Just as a warning, ask someone else if that´s true before you pay anything. We arrived about 1h20min later than expected, but that was okay. All in all I was content.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 8 Sep 2016
We were given no instructions when we arrived at the Thailand/Cambodia border. As soon as we got off the bus we were harassed by men clearly working for a travel company, who filled out our visa forms. Something didn't seem right when a local shouted 'you're a fake' and we soon got in a row with an employee - so we got our money and passports back and headed to the border...that saved us 300B. Also, as we arrived at the bus station in Siem Reap, we were told we would get a free lift to our hotel. However, they didn't tell us that in order to do this we had to book any further tourist plans with that specific driver, otherwise he would charge us 100B each to get to our hotel next to the night market. Absolute rip off of you ask me. He was pulling the 'hotels get all of the tourists custom' - well if he wasn't so desperate and we hadn't been travelling for 24+ hours then we may have took him up on his offer. The journey, driving and included food was pleasant, but I personally I wouldn't recommend the company due to these experiences.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 18 Mei 2016
Staff are kind and water is provided but they shut off the air conditioning for the last 3 hours, it was extremely hot in a bus with no windows.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 9 Apr 2016
For sure not a VIP bus but at least air co was working. Toilet not available. At the border they are proposing that if you will pay additional 200 bath they will help you to get visa and scare you if you say that you will do this on your own, that you need to make a photo for which you will extra pay which is a lie... plus that in siem reap for free they proposing tuk tuk to the hotel
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 2 Mar 2016
Good service. Departure was quite on time. The bus was a bit old but with comfortable reclining seats, space enough for legs, toilette ok, pack with breakfast (canned coffee, juice, snack band water), hot rice forma lunch. Not perfectly organised on the border, we left the bus band nobody told us where to fine it again, bit actually it was easy to find. Arriva in Siem Reap was quite delayed, probably due to long visa formalities, but free tuk tuk to hotel was appreciated. They will offer tuk tuk service forma the following days. We accepted and the service was good bit it is surely cheaper with "indipendent" tuk tuk.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 2 Jan 2016
Bon service à bord . Le bus quant à lui inférieur aux bus VIP d'autres compagnies thaïlandaises. Réservation avec 12go rien à dire .
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 22 Nov 2015
The service was really poor. The bus in bad conditions and uncomfortable. They charged us more than expected for doing the visa and we felt scammed. The situation at the frontier was quite ackuard because we had to walk and going through rough scenarios. Bad experience so far
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 12 Nov 2018
Helpful Driver and assistant. Bus with toilet at the back though the bus was quite old. With free snack and one meal. They assisted us in the border to Cambodia so it was not that hard and we didnt take much time.They have also free tuktuk ride to your hostel when we reach Siem Reap because it was already night time.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 30 Jul 2018
The bus all ran on time and was relatively comfortable. Would have been nice to have a bit more direction when crossing the border between Thailand and Cambodia.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 19 Jul 2018
no complains it was a nice smooth ride
Bis Ekspres, Transport Co Intl, 10 Jul 2018
The bus was delayed by an hour what meant arriving at the destination at around 2am
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 27 Mei 2018
Overall was a good trip. Depart on time and staff friendly. Provide foods,snacks and drinks. Recommended company. Just a little bit concern, I’m booked 8am bus but then the bus company said change to 9am,but anyway is fine.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 26 Mei 2018
Easy and very comfortable bus trip. The bus driver and staff look after all passengers.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 10 Mei 2018
No problems during the trip. Bus was the older generation but that doesn't mean was worst than new buses where seats are so close to each other that there is no space for legs. There was plenty room to stretch yourself and also we could recline back of the seat to the stage that we were almost lying flat. Driver done the trip smooth. Just for those who are on Mochit station (ticket says Morchit with an R but the station is Mo Chit on Google maps - so yes they both same stations) seeing the bus and thinking it looks old it's still comfy and got a toilet facility on board (don't expect 5* toilet tho). Overall I've paid £20 for 7 hour trip and got what I was expecting. !REMEMBER to print the PDF ticket with the QRcode on it and seat number confirmed! I've printed the email with the reference number only and PDF file wondering what happen if I give only email - the guy advised can't find my booking, my money haven't been received and I have to buy another ticket and the 1st available bus is tomorrow (bus was not even half full). He changed his mind when I've shown him printed PDF, then money suddenly been transferred and he found the booking entering the same reference number which was on printed email :)) People on Mo Chit bus station unfortunately are not helpful so be careful.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 4 Mei 2018
To help future travellers: 1) Was the bus on time? Yes 2) Was the bus comfortable? Yes 3) Did we receive a welcome drink and cake? Yes 4) Was there enough bathroom / snack breaks? Yes 5) Did you get an included meal? Yes 6) Was the Visa process easy? Yes 7) Did the company provide a free shuttle to your hotel within the city? Yes. Overall our experience was very positive and we would recommend this service 100%.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 30 Apr 2018
Llegamos a mochit la estación de autobuses desde el aeropuerto de don mueang y muy bien. Nos mandaron al piso 3 ventanilla 95. No llevamos la confirmación impresa pero nos imprimieron los billetes. Muy amables muy cómodo el autobús. Eso si salió antes de las 8 así que recomiendo llegar antes. Muy Recomendable.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 26 Apr 2018
Good service and kind people. Just improve the toilet inside the bus :)
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 15 Apr 2018
Quick and easy border crossing, got to siem reap early!
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 12 Apr 2018
Really nice trip overall. We left Bangkok at 9:10 (10 minutes after scheduled departure), stopped a gas station at 1:15 pm, arrived at the border around 2:30pm where we were given fried rice. We paid 1,300 baht and they took out passport and got visas for us. We walked across the border and reboarded the bus. We arrived in Siem Reap around 7:30pm
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 8 Apr 2018
Everything ok.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 6 Apr 2018
Very nice company. They sell dollars for baht at a great exchange rate when you get to the station in Siem Reap. They offer a snack and a meal. Driver was professional and safe. They spoke very clear English and were able to communicate easily with the non-Thai passengers . They helped everyone out a lot who needed a visa. I recommend this company
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 4 Apr 2018
There was very little direction at the Cambodian border
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 2 Apr 2018
This was the real experience. Our driver, Bart aka king of the road, was kind and sweet, and let us watch muay thai with him while he was driving. His friend, Pookie, helped us with the visums, else we probably would have been killed or worse... mugged. Bart really liked honking on the street, because he wanted the attention of the pretty girls selling fried cat on the side of the road. The bus was comfortable, we barely heard the chickens and goats in the back. We even got to help the locals carry their stuff of the bus, because Bart was face timing with one of his pretty girls. We only saw one guy and dog die due to road accidents, none of them caused by Bart. It only took us 16 hours to get from Bangkok to Phnom Penh. As a conclusion I would really recommend this busride, but don't forget to ask for Bart for the real deal.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 1 Apr 2018
The bus was quite comfy, but the things for legs didn't work. Drivers were very fast. Some complimentary little cake and a bottle of water. On the customs we got one more meal - fried rice with salmon, which was very tasty. Air condition is very strong, tho.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 29 Mar 2018
The overall travel experience was fine - clean bus, good service. However, upon reaching the cambodian customs, things started to get quite messy with multiple low-rise building's for different segments instead of a single building encompassing everything, namely, the purchase of visa's, departure, and arrival etc. I was also asked to pay 100 baht in order to get my passport(Singaporean Passport) back. I believe this is not supposed to be a requirement. Reason being, those holding Singaporean passports need not pay for a visa's or any form of fees at the checkpoint. Additionally, those from the same bus were not required to pay any form fee at the customs checkpoint besides having the need to pay for their Visa.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 28 Mar 2018
Nice ride and easy visa process that the company takes cafe of for you hassel free.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 28 Mar 2018
Beware of the tuk tuk drivers at end of trip
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 27 Mar 2018
The staff were friendly and helpful with everyone who was applying for visas, and the bus itself was very comfortable. The bus did stop for about 10 minutes just outside of Siem Reap, because there was something wrong with it, but we still arrived in good time. I would like to make the suggestion that perhaps when taking bookings you could inform passengers that there will be a meal provided and ask them to notify if they have any dietary requirements or allergies, as my partner and I weren’t able to eat the lunch provided due to this.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 15 Mar 2018
it was a smooth drive, there’s a complementary snack and lunch although lunch was in a small serving its ok, driver and his assistant was polite we didn’t encounter any problem
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 15 Mar 2018
Bus ride was comfortable enough, no problems at the border and the staff was very friendly and helpful
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 14 Mar 2018
Bus was clean, seats reclined quite far back and they spoke English. Easy to sleep and be comfortable. They also handled the visa process so everything was smooth sailing.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 13 Mar 2018
Very organized.Seats also comfortable.Border process quite fast.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 10 Mar 2018
Overall very positive experience, there was mine confusion with the tickets and the 5 baht per traveler. Be careful not to pay for things you shouldn't
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 8 Mar 2018
Comfortable journey, got through border fine. Bus left 30 minutes late, no vegetarian option for lunch so no food for us, information at border crossings wasn’t very clear. Overall it was ok.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 6 Mar 2018
We were transferred to another bus because of the malfunction of the bus that were riding.
Bis VIP, Transport Co Intl, 4 Mar 2018
A bus breakdown caused a couple of hours wait but they seemed to deal with it quite well all considered.