15 Mei 2024
Sekali Jalan


432 ulasan pelanggan
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Suwannatee Jadwal dan Waktu

Bangkok - Chumphon
Bis Ekspres
09:00, 12:00, 19:30, 20:00
Bis VIP 24
19:00, 21:00
Chumphon - Bangkok
Bis Ekspres
07:50, 08:25, 19:50, 20:25
Bis VIP 24
19:50, 20:25
19:50, 20:25

Tentang Suwannatee

Bis adalah cara bepergian yang nyaman saat Anda harus bepergian ke kota sekitar yang membutuhkan waktu perjalanan beberapa jam atau menjelajah lebih jauh melintasi seluruh daerah. Berapapun dana perjalanan Anda, Anda pasti bisa merencanakannya dengan bis. Bis cepat menawarkan harga tiket yang sangat terjangkau untuk para wisatawan yang hanya memiliki sejumlah dana. Pilihan VIP ditujukan untuk mereka yang tidak bisa berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Sebelum Anda menaiki bis, pastikan Anda memilih jasa yang paling sesuai dengan Anda. Untuk perjalanan dengan jarak tempuh yang lama carilah kursi VIP atau kelas satu yang menyediakan perjalanan tanpa henti menuju tujuan wisata Anda atau yang hanya memiliki sedikit titik singgah selama perjalanan. Bis cepat atau lokal terbukti bisa menjadi suatu pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat dalam beberapa kasus, tapi bukan pilihan terbaik untuk perjalanan jarak jauh. Perhatikan jadwal perjalanan sebelum bepergian karena beberapa perjalanan jarak jauh biasanya berangkat di malam hari, dan beberapa menawarkan kursi yang lebih luas atau tempat duduk sleeper untuk perjalanan tersebut. Lakukan reservasi online untuk tiket bis Anda dengan Suwannatee. Ulasan para wisatawan lainnya bisa membantu Anda dalam menentukan tiket dan kelas terbaik.

Suwannatee Stasiun Tujuan

Terminal utama oleh Suwannatee’s bis termasuk:

  • Southern Terminal Bangkok
  • Suwannatee Chumphon
  • Chumphon Bus
  • Lang Suan
  • Tha Sae
  • Lamae

Suwannatee Destinasi Teratas

Suwannatee bis melewati beberapa rute dan ini adalah daftar beberapa rute yang paling populer:

Suwannatee Harga Tiket dan Kelas Bis

Salah satu hal terbaik dari bepergian dengan bis adalah Anda bisa sangat mengatur perjalanan Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kenyamanan pribadi. Kelas dan jenis bis yang berbeda memberikan pelayanan yang berbeda pada para wisatawan. Perjalanan yang paling murah biasanya dilayani dengan bis kelas standar. Bisa lokal, cepat atau biasa. Bis-bis ini bisa menjadi pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat. Kursi sleeper atau VIP bagus untuk perjalanan panjang dan satu malam. Kelas-kelas tersebut menawarkan kursi sleeper atau kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, terkadang disertai pilihan dengan kursi pijat, selimut, minuman ringan dan cemilan atau makanan berat dalam perjalanan atau saat pemberhentian toilet atau pengisian bensin. Bepergian dengan bis malam memungkinkan Anda menghemat biaya hotel, tapi untuk mendapatkan perjalanan yang sangat nyaman, pastikan Anda memilih kelas bis dengan seksama. Besaran harga tergantung pada jarak tempuh dan jenis tempat duduk Anda. Dalam beberapa hal, bahkan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat, menghabiskan sedikit lebih banyak dana dan membeli kursi VIP lebih baik karena Anda bisa menghemat waktu dua kali lebih banyak dibanding bepergian dengan bis umum.

Bepergian dengan Bis: Kelebihan & Kekurangan

Kelebihan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Bis adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan yang tidak bisa dijangkau dengan kereta maupun pesawat. Jalur yang dilalui bis biasanya mencakup hampir seluruh penjuru daerah, dan rute mereka memadai, juga sudah lama terbangun.
  • Berbanding terbalik dengan bepergian menggunakan pesawat dan beberapa kereta, bepergian dengan bis tidak membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk tiba di terminal terlebih dahulu. Check-in, bahkan pada jalur internasional, tidak membutuhkan banyak waktu. Koper yang diperbolehkan untuk dibawa biasanya sangat praktis, dan biaya untuk tambahan bagasi, kalau dihitung, tidak terlalu mahal.
  • Tiket bis bisa lebih terjangkau dibanding tiket pesawat ataupun kereta api cepat. Selalu ada pilihan kelas untuk setiap penumpang. Opsi standar yang lebih murah mungkin akan berjalan sedikit lebih lambat dan tidak menawarkan kenyamanan tingkat tinggi, tapi tetap diterima dengan baik dan membawa Anda ke tujuan. Pada rute yang lebih jauh, WC atau pemberhentian untuk WC dan juga cemilan, air dan terkadang perlengkapan mandi juga selimut biasanya sudah termasuk dalam tarif.
  • Jika Anda bersedia membayar lebiah, beberapa kursi VIP menawarkan tempat duduk yang sebanding dengan kelas bisnis pesawat dengan kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, selimut, jumlah penumpang yang lebih sedikit dan beberapa keuntungan lainnya untuk membuat perjalanan Anda menjadi menyenangkan.

Kekurangan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Terminal antar kota baru biasanya terletak di luar pusat kota, berdekatan dengan jalan raya yang besar yang memungkinkan bis menghindari kemacetan. Sayangnya, hal ini justru memberi kesulitan baru bagi para wisatawan juga. Menjangkau terminal seperti ini mungkin bisa menyulitkan untuk beberapa karena beberapa daerah memiliki larangan melintas bagi kendaraan untuk memasuki terminal dan Anda mungkin harus menggunakan kendaraan khusus untuk mencapai terminal. Akhirnya, hal ini akan membuat pembiayaan menjadi naik berlipat kali ganda. Dan perhitungkan waktu tambahan jika Anda bepergian pada saat jam ramai kendaraan, terutama jika Anda tidak mengetahui kondisi lalu lintas pada titik keberangkatan.
  • Bis mungkin menjadi jenis transportasi yang lebih sering mengalami keterlambatan dibanding kereta maupun pesawat. Mereka sangat bergantung pada kondisi jalan yang biasanya sangat tidak bisa diprediksi - kecelakaan, pembagunan jalan, jalan memutar, dlsb. Hal ini biasanya terjadi ketika bepergian di akhir pekan, musim liburan, atau hari libur nasional. Mohon perhatikan hal tersebut dan jangan merencanakan waktu liburan dengan jadwal yang padat.
  • Bepergian melewati rute-rute tertentu atau selama masa padat keramaian mungkin membutuhkan pemesanan lebih awal. Tolong diingat bahwa datang ke stasiun bis dan langsung menaiki bis berikutnya tidak selalu menjadi pilihan yang tersedia - tiket bisa sudah terjual habis, jadi rencanakan perjalanan Anda dengan memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut.
Baca lebih lanjut

Suwannatee Stasiun

Suwannatee Ulasan tentang perusahaan

432 Ulasan Pelanggan
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 20 Feb 2023
Snacks, blanket, good temperature. At one stop you could eat buffet style for free
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 31 Jul 2022
Für diesen Preis kann man nichts sagen. Der Bus war pünktlich da ist aber leider 20min später abgefahren. An Bord gibt es ein Wasser und ein Softgetränk. Die Fahrt war super angenehm. Nach 3 Stunden Fahrt ein halt an einer Raststätte. Uns wurde frühzeitig gesagt wann wir aussteigen mussten. Alles in allem waren wir sehr zufrieden. Wenn man in Suwannatee ankommt, vorallem wenn es spät Abends ist, muss man sich vorher erkundigen wie man zu seiner Unterkunft kommt. Dort gibt es nicht sehr viel drum her rum um sich schnell mal ein Taxi zu rufen. Aber eine Dame sitzt dort an der Busstation die euch weiterhelfen kann.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 2 Feb 2020
It was a very nice experience, super profissional and we even got a very traditional Thai lunch included!! Value for money really incredible, highly recommended!!
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 22 Jan 2020
Nous avons emprunté le bus de 22h pour aller de Bangkok à Chumphon. Bus de nuit avec des vrais sièges inclinables. Couverture et en cas fournis. Nous sommes parti 5min en avance et arrivés 1h en avance.
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 11 Okt 2019
Super entspannter Trip! Sessel sind bequem, es gab Decken für die Nacht!???????? Außerdem bekamen wir einen kleinen Snack + Trinkpäckchen. In Chumpon hielt der Bus an einer etwas verlassenen Straße, keine Ausschilderung bezüglich weiterer Verbindung zur Fähre/ zum Bahnhof. Uns sprach ein Mann an, er würde nun jemanden anrufen, der uns abholt, zum Bahnhof, von dort ging es wieder mit dem Bus zur Fähre. Eine bessere Ausschilderung wäre gut. Im Grunde war so ja alles korrekt, wir kauften bei dem Mann ein Ticket für die Fähre, er brachte uns umsonst die 5 min zum Bhf, jedoch wäre ich alleine nicht in das Auto des Mannes gestiegen. Können einem ja alles erzählen.???? Sonst alles top ????????
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 3 Jul 2019
Unkomplizierte Reise: Im Anschluss an den Online Ticketkauf muss man sein Ticket irgendwo ausdrucken (lassen) und es oben am Bahnhof an einem Schalter auf der zweiten Etage zu einem echten Ticket umtauschen. Der Bus fährt pünktlich ab (auch oben) und macht kaum Rast (eine Pause nach ca. drei Stunden). Beim Aussteigen muss man selbst drauf achten, dass man seinen Ausstieg nicht verpasst. Die Ausstiege werden nicht so lange zelebriert, wie an deutschen Busbahnhöfen. Zu empfehlen!
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 17 Mei 2019
The ride was very pleasant. We even had small but free snacks on the bus and a short break in the middle between Bangkok and Chumphon. People taller than 2 m might feel a bit squeezed though.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 2 Mei 2019
No English sign at the bus station. Staff in the bus did not understand english, complicated communication. Trip took 1,5 hours longer than expected. No Information was given on the delay. When asked, wrong Information was given about the remaining time. Bus was fine. Snack and juice were provided.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 31 Mar 2019
Seats were comfortable, little snack was interesting but good. Arrived in Bangkok only half an hour late but probably due to rush hour. Unfortunately there were mosquitoes on the bus as well.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 22 Jan 2019
Departed from Bangkok on time 09:00 and arrived at Chumphon on time 15:30 . The bus is shabby but adequate. The seat might recline depending on your luck. Toilet aboard was Ok. Luggage was stowed below. The bus is all frills (literally) The trip includes a 30 min rest stop for espresso, drinks, lunch and snacks. Jan 2019
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 15 Des 2018
Début difficile pour trouver le bus ensuite trajet agréable et bus confortable, direction Chumphon pour nous, lâcher au beau milieux de nul par mais c’est l’arret Du bus, 10 euros de Bangkok à Chumphon pour 6h30 de trajet ( rajouter une petite demi heure )
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 11 Nov 2018
Very comfortabel ride. We arrived 1.5 hours earlier. Reclining chairs and we got free food at the break. Definitely recommend.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 17 Agu 2018
The bus aren’t really comfortable for a long trip, I mean, 6 hours and a half is a lot to have seats so strong. Didn’t like it, if I’m honest. And the “food” that they give it to you is horrible.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 7 Mei 2018
Confortable, climatisé,bon service à bord
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 21 Feb 2018
The ride was good. The bus left exactly on time. The seats were comfortable and reclined well. There was a toilet. The air conditioning was comfortable. There was a break halfway through to buy food and use the toilet.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 20 Feb 2018
Great staff. Cute snacks. The cabin could have been dimmer, but I loved the strong aircon and the cosy blankets. Bus came a little early which was great because we were there 30 min prior as was directed, and the ride was surprisingly comfy enough to sleep (we caught a 10pm to Bangkok). There was even a stop about 2 hours in to stretch your legs :) Could not ask for more
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 20 Jan 2018
It was fine, other than the fact that my seat wasn't connected and broken where the back meets the seat and it stabbed an extra 2 inches into my back the whole time so I couldn't get comfortable or sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. I'm sure if I had a different seat it would have been much more enjoyable and comfortable. Like everyone else said, we got there almost 2 hours early so my hostel reception was not pleased, as I told them we would check in at 6. Good driver and good aircon!
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 21 Des 2017
The bus journey was pleasant and punctual however we were not informed as to where we were and so when we realised we’d gone past where we were supposed to get off we had to walk 40 minuets late at night
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 4 Jul 2017
ตอนซื้อตั๋วให้เลือกที่นั่ง แต่เวลาขึ้นรถไปนั่งจริงๆ คือนั่งมั่วๆไปแล้วแต่คนรถจะชี้ให้ไปนั่ง แล้วในตั๋วจะระบุทำไม เลขที่นั่ง รถออกไม่ตรงเวลา และถึงที่หมายช้ากว่ากำหนด
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 23 Apr 2017
อาหารที่จัดให้ควรมีช้อนกลางป้องกันการปนเปื้อน ร้านครัวคุนต้น ขนมฝุ่นเยอะมาก
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 20 Mar 2017
โทรไปบอกเต็ม แต่ในเวปกลับมีว่าง
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 1 Mar 2017
Es hat alles super geklappt. Wir sind pünktlich um 22 Uhr los gefahren und es gab etwas zu trinken und zu essen. 1 Stopp wurde gemacht. Die sitze konnte man sehr weit nach hinten stellen, sodass man auch gut schlafen konnte. Minuspubkr für: Lautstärke und ein Brett ist von oben runter gefallen und hat 2 leute am Kopf getroffen. Nichts passiert, dennoch nicht ganz ungefährlich;)
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 7 Jan 2017
Best bus service eas made to feel safe and welcome. Bus lady spoke english to us and explaimed everything. And we got a free meal included
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 9 Okt 2016
Good service for good price, food included, arrived on time, will do it again
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 28 Agu 2016
Very punctual and bus really confortable with lots of space for legs. I slept all the way to destination ;) On The other hand, The bus stops in The middle of nowhere si it would be advisable to make The drop off at The train station
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 10 Jun 2016
We didn't receive any "dinner", just a snack: a tea, and a sweet roll. We were left in a place in the middle of nowhere. Luckily we met another guy that told you us we needed to buy the "deal" which included the bus to the pier from the point where we were left off. The tuktuk guy was asking us 300 baht...
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 9 Des 2015
Very comfortable and punctual. I sleeped all thw way :)
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 19 Okt 2015
This coach trip was good value for money. Comfortable seats, snacks provided, and a free meal when we stopped for a break. I would use again, and recommend to friends.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 14 Apr 2015
The bus journey it's self was fine, they had a massive TV which was up too loud but after an hour it was turned off. The seats were quiet comfortable but there wasn't much leg room. The issue I had was finding the bus station, it's located far outside of town, I'm sure there are more hassle free ways to get to Bangkok.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 13 Apr 2015
Really well looked after, free snacks, free cooked meal and taxi booked for us once we reached our destination. All at a resonable price. Air con broke but swapped buses to ensure our comfort. No problems :) All in all really good service.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 4 Jan 2024
The drive was perfect! Lunch as wel as some snacks and water was even included to my surprise.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 13 Des 2023
Very pleasant and well organised. Water, juice and snack biscuit supplied. Mobile can be recarged during the trip.
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 8 Nov 2023
The bus smells really bad
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 10 Agu 2023
Pro: -Bus was comfortable, cheap and there were even some snacks and water. Cons: -The whole bus smelled like pee once the toilet door was opened. -Unfortunately we stopped multiple times an hour without any obvious reason which led to a total drive time 8 instead of 6,5 hours.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 5 Agu 2023
Comfortable buses, strong AC but not too cold as long as the sun is out. Delayed arrival, due to a large part of dropping off passengers at various points of the journey.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 9 Jun 2023
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 28 Apr 2023
What a great service. Easy booking and great bus ride to Chumphon. It was easy to navigate the bus terminal and found the ticket booth quickly. The lady was kind and helpful at ticket booth, the driver was great and so was the guy loading. We got a snack, juice and water as soon as we got going and we stopped after about 3 hrs where we got a lunch which is included in the price. The ride was comfortable and pleasant. It was a longer ride than expected, 8.5 as opposed to 6.5 but we really enjoyed it and appreciated the friendly service. Thank so much!
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 2 Apr 2023
The trip was ok, could have been great though. The bus was very comfortable and left pretty much on time. The AC was set well. We got some snacks. The drivers were very nice, they even have us 3 Baht (coins) for the bathroom at the train station, even though there was a toilet on the bus. The toilet on the bus became a problem though. About 3 hours into the ride, there was a bad smell on the bus. Apparently there was an „accident“ with the toilet. We changed buses in the middle of nowhere. The new bus was a lot less comfortable and without toilet. Everyone got 100baht cash back. We did a 20min stop for toilet and snacks. We arrived 2 hours late in Chumphon.
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 8 Mar 2023
Very smooth travel, comfortable bus
Bis VIP, Suwannatee, 22 Feb 2023
It would be nice to know the exact location of drop off. But good service besides that.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 14 Feb 2023
We were randomly dropped off at the side of the road and not the bus station despite that being the ticket we had bought. The toilet wasn’t very clean. The chairs were quite comfortable and the air con was nice and cold. Overall the value for money was good, the journey was just tainted by where we were dropped off as it felt like the tourists were just kicked off the bus in the middle of nowhere. It was also an hour late for no discernible reason.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 22 Jan 2023
Not much leg room on the bus when you recline the seats , however I would use this transport again as you are very organised and have great staff 🙏
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 29 Des 2022
We did the trip from Bangkok to Chumphon. Seats have more then enough space for a tall man like myself. Could lean all the way back with the chair to sleep. Stopped 1 time for 20 minutes which was enough for me because there is also a toilet on board. Got a drink and a snack at the bus. Can't complain at all. Have a good trip :)
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 30 Nov 2022
Booked the trip from Bangkok Southern Terminal in the morning to Chumphon. Bus arrived 40 minutes late in Chumphon. I don‘t know why, no major traffic. There is one longer stop where you can buy coffee and will be served basic Thai Food. The meal is included in your ticket price. The bus makes a few really quick stops to drop off and pick up locals all along the way. The stop in Chumphon is also a quick one but you can’t miss it. For the stop in Chumphon the bus will leave the main highway. The stop is 1,1 km away from Chumphon Railway Station. The Lady in the Busstop office will call you a taxi (in my case not an official one). It might be smart to walk to the Railway Station to search for transportation. [free Snack, free Juice, free small Water, AC cold, seats comfortable]
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 2 Nov 2022
we arrived 2 hours late. ac was set crazy low, i was freezing and the thai lady next to me had to wear a wool hat.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 31 Agu 2022
Extremely friendly stuff! Safe driver. So much legroom!
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 26 Agu 2022
We arrived about one hours late. We did not recogniue obvious reason, e.g. conguested road. Better forecast would be noce. There was one break of 20 minutes, wich was appropriate. An additional shorter break would be nice for this 7 1/2 hour's trip.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 10 Agu 2022
Good bus ride with lunch included
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 9 Jul 2022
Bus arrived an hour later than planned. Seats were horribly uncomfortable, not going to drive by bus again.
Bis Ekspres, Suwannatee, 19 Apr 2022
Very good Service.