22 Mei 2024
Sekali Jalan

Sawadee Tour

181 ulasan pelanggan
  • Reviews

Tentang Sawadee Tour

Bis adalah cara bepergian yang nyaman saat Anda harus bepergian ke kota sekitar yang membutuhkan waktu perjalanan beberapa jam atau menjelajah lebih jauh melintasi seluruh daerah. Berapapun dana perjalanan Anda, Anda pasti bisa merencanakannya dengan bis. Bis cepat menawarkan harga tiket yang sangat terjangkau untuk para wisatawan yang hanya memiliki sejumlah dana. Pilihan VIP ditujukan untuk mereka yang tidak bisa berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Sebelum Anda menaiki bis, pastikan Anda memilih jasa yang paling sesuai dengan Anda. Untuk perjalanan dengan jarak tempuh yang lama carilah kursi VIP atau kelas satu yang menyediakan perjalanan tanpa henti menuju tujuan wisata Anda atau yang hanya memiliki sedikit titik singgah selama perjalanan. Bis cepat atau lokal terbukti bisa menjadi suatu pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat dalam beberapa kasus, tapi bukan pilihan terbaik untuk perjalanan jarak jauh. Perhatikan jadwal perjalanan sebelum bepergian karena beberapa perjalanan jarak jauh biasanya berangkat di malam hari, dan beberapa menawarkan kursi yang lebih luas atau tempat duduk sleeper untuk perjalanan tersebut. Lakukan reservasi online untuk tiket bis Anda dengan Sawadee Tour. Ulasan para wisatawan lainnya bisa membantu Anda dalam menentukan tiket dan kelas terbaik.

Sawadee Tour Stasiun Tujuan

Terminal utama oleh Sawadee Tour’s bis termasuk:

  • Pattaya Sawasdee Tour
  • Phuket Bus Terminal 2
  • Pattaya

Sawadee Tour Destinasi Teratas

Sawadee Tour bis melewati beberapa rute dan ini adalah daftar beberapa rute yang paling populer:

Sawadee Tour Harga Tiket dan Kelas Bis

Salah satu hal terbaik dari bepergian dengan bis adalah Anda bisa sangat mengatur perjalanan Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kenyamanan pribadi. Kelas dan jenis bis yang berbeda memberikan pelayanan yang berbeda pada para wisatawan. Perjalanan yang paling murah biasanya dilayani dengan bis kelas standar. Bisa lokal, cepat atau biasa. Bis-bis ini bisa menjadi pilihan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat. Kursi sleeper atau VIP bagus untuk perjalanan panjang dan satu malam. Kelas-kelas tersebut menawarkan kursi sleeper atau kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, terkadang disertai pilihan dengan kursi pijat, selimut, minuman ringan dan cemilan atau makanan berat dalam perjalanan atau saat pemberhentian toilet atau pengisian bensin. Bepergian dengan bis malam memungkinkan Anda menghemat biaya hotel, tapi untuk mendapatkan perjalanan yang sangat nyaman, pastikan Anda memilih kelas bis dengan seksama. Besaran harga tergantung pada jarak tempuh dan jenis tempat duduk Anda. Dalam beberapa hal, bahkan untuk perjalanan jarak dekat, menghabiskan sedikit lebih banyak dana dan membeli kursi VIP lebih baik karena Anda bisa menghemat waktu dua kali lebih banyak dibanding bepergian dengan bis umum.

Bepergian dengan Bis: Kelebihan & Kekurangan

Kelebihan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Bis adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan yang tidak bisa dijangkau dengan kereta maupun pesawat. Jalur yang dilalui bis biasanya mencakup hampir seluruh penjuru daerah, dan rute mereka memadai, juga sudah lama terbangun.
  • Berbanding terbalik dengan bepergian menggunakan pesawat dan beberapa kereta, bepergian dengan bis tidak membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk tiba di terminal terlebih dahulu. Check-in, bahkan pada jalur internasional, tidak membutuhkan banyak waktu. Koper yang diperbolehkan untuk dibawa biasanya sangat praktis, dan biaya untuk tambahan bagasi, kalau dihitung, tidak terlalu mahal.
  • Tiket bis bisa lebih terjangkau dibanding tiket pesawat ataupun kereta api cepat. Selalu ada pilihan kelas untuk setiap penumpang. Opsi standar yang lebih murah mungkin akan berjalan sedikit lebih lambat dan tidak menawarkan kenyamanan tingkat tinggi, tapi tetap diterima dengan baik dan membawa Anda ke tujuan. Pada rute yang lebih jauh, WC atau pemberhentian untuk WC dan juga cemilan, air dan terkadang perlengkapan mandi juga selimut biasanya sudah termasuk dalam tarif.
  • Jika Anda bersedia membayar lebiah, beberapa kursi VIP menawarkan tempat duduk yang sebanding dengan kelas bisnis pesawat dengan kursi berukuran luas yang bisa disesuaikan, selimut, jumlah penumpang yang lebih sedikit dan beberapa keuntungan lainnya untuk membuat perjalanan Anda menjadi menyenangkan.

Kekurangan Bepergian dengan Bis

  • Terminal antar kota baru biasanya terletak di luar pusat kota, berdekatan dengan jalan raya yang besar yang memungkinkan bis menghindari kemacetan. Sayangnya, hal ini justru memberi kesulitan baru bagi para wisatawan juga. Menjangkau terminal seperti ini mungkin bisa menyulitkan untuk beberapa karena beberapa daerah memiliki larangan melintas bagi kendaraan untuk memasuki terminal dan Anda mungkin harus menggunakan kendaraan khusus untuk mencapai terminal. Akhirnya, hal ini akan membuat pembiayaan menjadi naik berlipat kali ganda. Dan perhitungkan waktu tambahan jika Anda bepergian pada saat jam ramai kendaraan, terutama jika Anda tidak mengetahui kondisi lalu lintas pada titik keberangkatan.
  • Bis mungkin menjadi jenis transportasi yang lebih sering mengalami keterlambatan dibanding kereta maupun pesawat. Mereka sangat bergantung pada kondisi jalan yang biasanya sangat tidak bisa diprediksi - kecelakaan, pembagunan jalan, jalan memutar, dlsb. Hal ini biasanya terjadi ketika bepergian di akhir pekan, musim liburan, atau hari libur nasional. Mohon perhatikan hal tersebut dan jangan merencanakan waktu liburan dengan jadwal yang padat.
  • Bepergian melewati rute-rute tertentu atau selama masa padat keramaian mungkin membutuhkan pemesanan lebih awal. Tolong diingat bahwa datang ke stasiun bis dan langsung menaiki bis berikutnya tidak selalu menjadi pilihan yang tersedia - tiket bisa sudah terjual habis, jadi rencanakan perjalanan Anda dengan memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut.
Baca lebih lanjut

Sawadee Tour Ulasan tentang perusahaan

181 Ulasan Pelanggan
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 19 Feb 2020
All good, only please need to discipline, teach driver's helpers, those who are controlling, always count passengers,they're impolite, AC is too cold, when you ask to reduce AC a bit, they never do;) All night you feel cold;) But food on they way stop is good, Thailand is good;) Just service need to be improved a bit more;) Thank you.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 30 Des 2019
Very comfortable journey. On time departure and on time arrival.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 3 Jan 2019
Все супер. Только очень холодно в автобусе.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 26 Feb 2018
Ездили 2 раза. Все хорошо. Самый дешёвый вариант добраться из Паттайи в Пхукет и вполне комфортный. Персонал автобуса не говорит по английский, это доставляло некоторые неудобства. В дороге кормят, делают остановку, но еда несъедобная (тай стайл), так что лучше что-нибудь взять с собой. Ещё есть такой нюанс, что выехать из Паттайи они могут раньше, поэтому не опаздывайте и приходите на остановку минимум за 30 мин. В автобусе кондиционер работает на ура, выдают пледы, но он спасёт только половину тела)) так что возьмите с собой кофту или штаны. Т.к. дорога вечером-ночью, то переносится легко, спать удобно.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 24 Jan 2018
The service is fast and takes you to destination bang on time. But you may find the over-night travel inconvenient.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 23 Jan 2018
Very poor directions as to where the bus station is. No sign on the window indicating the name of the company and wrong street and no bank across the road. Had to ask 3 taxi drivers before someone knew where it was. Almost missed bus.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 15 Feb 2017
Все прошло хорошо. На удивление Водитель ехал спокойно, аварийных ситуаций не создавал. В пути останавливались только один раз - на обед. Прибыли в Паттайю раньше времени на час. Автобус комфортабельный, чистый. Все хорошо.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 5 Jan 2017
Food could have been better. To consider the bus VIP, we would at least expect to have a food tray so we can place our waters in. The metal lining along seats were rusty and the blankets had holes inside of them. The mechanics could have been better. Overall, the drive was fairly decent and we arrived an hour earlier than our listed arrival time.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 4 Feb 2015
It was great to have blankets. We hoped to have the small lights to work, because we e to read while tue long trip. Se did not get tue information about how long the brake is, so we can not to far away from tue bus.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 8 Feb 2020
Thank you so much for taking us to Pattaya safely.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 29 Jan 2020
I was given the wrong ticket for seating and attendants were not helpful or caring.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 27 Jan 2020
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 26 Jan 2020
Long trip. One stop at rest terminal w/ a meal served inside. Blanket, water, and small cake provided at beginning of trip. No usb chargers, seats weren’t that comfy. Cheap way to get to pattaya but honestly I was so exhausted from the trip it kinda ruins the day you arrive. It’s not the worse but it’s not the best, if you can fall asleep for a good portion of the trip it wouldn’t be bad otherwise it’s rough. All staff were nice tho but could def use a morning stop and drop off location was in between bus terminal and downtown pattaya, very inconvenient location.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 25 Jan 2020
The journey was fine, staff were nice but I had concerns when I couldn't open door or communicate with the driver as the intercom was not working, the air conditioning was permanently on freezing and needed to get more clothes out of the back of the bus from my suitcase, I had asked the driver that it was really cold but he didn't care.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 25 Jan 2020
The bus needs updating! For 17 hours only 1 stop for smoke break whilst the drivers are smoking..no wifi.. no plug sockets to charge phone, offer of food stop dreadful.. bus stops and does pickups despatchester on way.. I chose a seat at the back and the the driver took turnso sleep on floor right at back.. only plus point is seating.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 6 Jan 2020
The bus did indeed depart from Phuket in time and also did arrive at the destination in time other than that while the journey was relatively pleasant but could have been better. The staff never tell you where the bus is going to halt for refreshment and when it did it was close to midnight. The seats also could have been more comfortable. The compartment/deck smelled of loo whenever somebody entered or exited the loo but thankfully they have room freshners up. Overall for the amount paid for the journey was as best as it could get. One cross observation about the staff: one of the farang lady onboard deboarded the bus with the complimentary blanket on, which while wrong on her part but the staff instead of asking for it politely just tried to pull and grab it off her and we're also seen laughing and joking about it . (A personal observation) it in no way speaks about the journey in particular but the staff can be sensitised
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 31 Des 2019
Air con was too high...no free wifi or charging port in the bus
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 21 Des 2019
Trip quite long. Gets a bit cold at night due to air condition and a bit of back pain the next day. Overall a good and economic way to get from pattaya to phuket
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 17 Des 2019
Good Service
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 30 Nov 2019
Good trip . Everything on time
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 24 Sep 2019
The service was very good and the vip seats comfortable. However the bus was also picking up fish in cartons along the way and the fish water leaked all over our luggage and everyone else's luggage and this made everuones luggage smell very strongly of fish. The meant our bedding was covered in bad smell.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 17 Sep 2019
Good efficient service, bus was reasonably comfortable. Extremely cold at times with the air Conditioning, bring warm clothes on the bus, some snacks and extra water
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 11 Agu 2019
The seat no 3 didn’t lied down. When we arrived to Phuket terminal 2. The staff of the bus were not helpful to get down the baggies.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 21 Jul 2019
We were in 1st floor of the bus and the smell of the toilet was very bad. Very dizzy to smell it. We were so disturbed.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 10 Jun 2019
The seats were not comfortable and incliner was not working. The AC was not working properly and most of the time very pungent smell was coming from the air duct when cooling was not there.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 28 Apr 2019
It wasn't comfortable not clean aunts everywhere and washroom not clean enough.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 21 Feb 2019
Safe and reliable
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 12 Feb 2019
The bus itself was comfortable enough, the aircon above my seat developed a leak and was dripping water in the latter stages of the journey, the reading lights did not work and they switched of the main cabin lights so I was unable to read. A charging port for mobile devices would be a big advantage.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 22 Jan 2019
Nice leg room space but driver and staff were very rude and wouldn't even answer any of our questions.. Fell asleep and my leg fell out on the Isle of the bus and insaid of asking me to move it as I was asleep he just kicked me into my leg... And our stop was to all tai food as alot of people on the bus couldn't find much to eat as then we had to wait 9 more hours to get to our hotel we where staying at for something to eat.. Wasn't very helpful
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 10 Jan 2019
Bus was impeccably clean. Left right on time and arrived 5min ahead of schedule. There are toilets on board, so there was only one break for dinner between 11:30 and midnight. Dinner was included in the ticket price, and was a buffet. The only negative point is for how late dinner was. The rest was spot on.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 25 Okt 2018
Great service and comfy bus, you get water and a small cake. Only complaint would be the bright white LEDs that turn on at every stop along the way when it’s been dark on the bus for ages and when the bus stops for 15 at the services around 1130pm there’s no need to wake everyone on the bus with these lights. My partner and I were fast asleep until then and couldn’t sleep after the services because of being woken up.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 24 Jul 2018
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 23 Jun 2018
The bus came in time. The crew don't speak any english. Between Pattaya and Bangkok the bus stops too often, sometimes without any reason and when there was a reason they didn't inform it. Only one time they allowed the passengers to leave the bus for a little break. There were plenty of free seats and the crew didn't allow us to change to another seats, I don't understand why. We got to Phuket one hour late. The bus was clean but too old, there weren't any plugs for charging the phone. I am glad that I got to Phuket but the service needs some improvement. That are the reasons I only gave three stars.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 22 Jun 2018
Please input your testimonial here.very much effective
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 12 Feb 2018
1 star for broken door on the lower deck. It kept me and others awake because we always had to close it. It opened by itself every 5 minutes and the smell of the toilet came into the deck.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 5 Feb 2018
every thingh was good except food
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 31 Des 2017
VIP24 seats wasn't as good as you can imagine, half of the seats have shortleg space in front of them, otherwise the bus was on time, crew was frendly,overnight trip included free buffet at 30 min stopover.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 28 Des 2017
Good service
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 27 Des 2017
If you have no option then this is good option.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 7 Des 2017
The bus tour was okay. The only reason I would recommend taking the bus would be to save money rather than take a plane. The blankets have holes in them, the snack was a mini muffin, the driver stopped like 5 times to buy himself bags of chips. Oh and the bus stops at midnight, wakes everyone up for their dinner. It's a spicy Thai food style buffet. Not recommended.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 28 Sep 2017
Bus service was very good. Even there was language communication problem but bus staff were very co-ordeal. Bus started in time and arrive Phuket on given time. they served a bottle of water and some snacks. In midnight they offered dinner but there was no vegetarian food, but that was not the fault on the part of bus service.
Bis VIP 24, Sawadee Tour, 17 Sep 2017
All good
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 19 Agu 2017
the complimentary food wasn't good.it should have international food not only Thai food and the toilet was very poor and dirty.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 10 Mei 2017
Good and comfortable journey
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 26 Apr 2017
Excellent. Quiet and comfortable. The bus lady who takes the tkts is very efficient and runs a tight ship. Told someone off for loud conversation when lights out!
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 19 Apr 2017
Cheap..... but very long.....
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 16 Apr 2017
Comfortable seat, friendly bus service and pretty fast even though it was Songkran.
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 13 Apr 2017
the service is good, quite ontime, toilet in the bus smell bad, but overall is acceptable and worth the money
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 5 Mar 2017
Good ! Love it
Bis VIP, Sawadee Tour, 2 Mar 2017
Only one 500ml water for almost 16 hour ride, only one stupid donut, no tv, not as rommy as chiang mai vip buses, steward not that nice, no free meal, good and responsible drivers though.