10 svi 2024


152 recenzija kupaca
  • Schedule
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  • Reviews

StarMart Raspored i vozni red

Kuala Lumpur - Singapur
Autobus Express 27
07:00, 08:30, 08:32, 09:30, 10:00, 11:30, 11:35, 13:30, 13:33, 14:30, 14:31, 14:33, 15:32, 16:30, 16:32, 17:31, 19:30, 19:31, 21:02, 23:00, 23:02, 23:30, 23:34, 23:58
Autobus Ekspresni 40
07:00, 09:30, 14:30, 16:30, 23:00, 23:31
Malacca - Singapur
14:30, 15:00
Malacca - KLIA
05:15, 07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 21:00
KLIA - Malacca
07:00, 07:15, 08:00, 08:15, 10:45, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45, 12:45, 13:00, 14:00, 14:15, 15:00, 15:15, 16:45, 17:00, 17:50, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30
Kuala Lumpur - Perak
Autobus Express 27
00:30, 08:15, 08:30, 10:30, 12:00, 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 23:59
Autobus Ekspresni 40
Perak - Kuala Lumpur
06:45, 07:00, 07:15, 07:30, 09:00, 09:31, 09:46, 10:00, 11:01, 13:15, 13:30, 13:45, 15:15, 16:01, 18:00, 19:31, 19:46, 23:00, 23:01
Kuala Lumpur - Ipoh
Autobus Ekspresni 40
Autobus Express 27
09:45, 10:15, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, 12:30, 15:00, 15:30, 18:30, 19:00, 21:30, 22:00, 23:45
Malacca - Johor Bahru
16:00, 20:15
KLIA - Ipoh
Autobus Express 27
08:30, 08:45, 10:00, 10:15, 12:15, 12:30, 13:45, 14:00, 17:45, 18:00, 20:00, 20:15, 20:30, 23:00
Autobus Ekspresni 40
08:30, 08:45
Singapur - Kuala Lumpur
06:30, 06:45, 07:30, 08:00, 08:01, 08:02, 09:30, 09:32, 09:45, 10:00, 10:30, 11:31, 11:32, 15:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:31, 23:30, 23:45, 23:46, 23:47, 23:48, 23:49, 23:56, 23:59
KLIA - Kuala Lumpur
Autobus Ekspresni 40
08:30, 08:45
Autobus Express 27
08:30, 08:45, 12:15, 12:30, 13:45, 14:00, 17:45, 18:00, 20:00, 20:15, 20:30, 22:45, 23:00
Singapur - Malacca
08:30, 20:00, 20:01
Genting Highlands - Singapur
Ipoh - KLIA
09:30, 12:30, 13:00, 15:15, 17:00, 17:01, 18:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:01
Kuala Lumpur - Selangor
Ipoh - Singapur
10:45, 21:00, 21:18, 23:45
Ipoh - Kuala Lumpur
09:30, 10:45, 15:15, 21:00, 21:01
Butterworth - KLIA
09:00, 14:30, 14:31, 20:30, 21:00
Johor Bahru - KLIA
09:46, 10:10, 10:25, 10:46, 21:01, 23:31, 23:57
Selangor - Kuala Lumpur
08:30, 08:55, 09:00, 09:40, 10:00, 10:30, 11:30
KLIA - Perak
07:00, 07:15, 14:30, 14:45, 16:45, 17:00, 22:45, 23:00
Butterworth - Perak
09:00, 14:30, 14:32, 20:30, 21:00
Perak - KLIA
07:00, 07:15, 07:20, 07:30, 09:46, 10:16, 10:31, 13:45, 14:15, 14:30, 19:46, 20:16, 20:31, 22:30
Perak - Malacca
11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 23:00, 23:30
Malacca - Ipoh
08:00, 10:00, 12:30, 21:00
Negeri Sembilan - Singapur
11:45, 23:45
KLIA - Butterworth
20:00, 20:15, 20:30, 20:45, 21:00

O StarMart

Autobus je zgodan način putovanja bez obzira na to trebate li doći do susjednog grada udaljenog nekoliko sati ili se odvažiti dalje prelazeći cijelu zemlju. Bez obzira na vaš budžet, pokrit će putovanje autobusom. Ekspresni autobusi nude najpovoljnije cijene karata za putnike koji imaju vrlo malo novca. VIP opcije su usmjerene prema onima koji ne žele kompromise u pogledu udobnosti. Prije nego uskočite u autobus, svakako odaberite vrstu usluge koja vam najviše odgovara. Za dugo putovanje potražite VIP ili autobus prve klase koji nudi non-stop uslugu do vašeg odredišta ili samo staje na manjem broj stanica na putu. Ekspresni ili lokalni autobusi u mnogim se slučajevima mogu pokazati prihvatljivim izborom za kraća putovanja, ali dulje vožnje često nisu najbolja kupovina. Proučite vozni red prije polaska, jer mnoga dugolinijska odredišta prometuju noćnim autobusima, a neka nude šira sjedala ili ležajeve za takva putovanja. Napravite online rezervaciju autobusne karte kod StarMart. Recenzije drugih putnika pomoći će vam da odaberete najbolju kartu i klasu autobusa.

StarMart Popularne stanice

Glavne stanice koje pokrivaju StarMart autobusi uključuju:

  • Berjaya Times Square
  • TBS Kuala Lumpur
  • Melaka Sentral
  • KLIA T2
  • KLIA T1
  • Golden Mile Tower
  • Boon Lay
  • Lumut
  • Makhota Medical Centre
  • Aman Jaya Ipoh

StarMart Glavna odredišta

StarMart Cijene karata i klase autobusa

Jedna od najboljih stvari vezanih uz putovanje autobusom jest ta da možete gotovo skrojiti svoje putovanje prilagođavajući ga svojim zahtjevima za privatnošću i udobnošću. Različite klase i tipovi autobusa zadovoljavaju različite potrebe putnika. Najjeftinija putovanja obično se nude autobusima standardne klase. Mogu se zvati lokalni, brzi ili obični. Oni su dobar izbor za kraća putovanja. Autobusi za spavanje ili VIP autobusi dobri su i za duža putovanja i putovanja s noćenjem. Mogu ponuditi ležajeve ili široka, meka sjedala s naslonom, ponekad s ugrađenim masažnim opcijama, deke, bezalkoholna pića i grickalice ili obilnije obroke na putu ili tijekom toaleta ili zaustavljanja za točenje goriva. Putovanje noćnim autobusima omogućuje vam uštedu na hotelskoj sobi, ali kako biste osigurali najudobniju vožnju, mudro odaberite klasu svog autobusa. Cijene uvijek ovise o udaljenosti koju prelazite i vrsti autobusa. Za neka, čak i kraća putovanja, isplati se dodatno uložiti novac i kupiti mjesto u VIP autobusu jer možete uštedjeti dvostruko više vremena nego što ga provedete putujući običnim autobusom.

Putovanje autobusom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobus je najbolji izbor za dolazak do odredišta koja nisu povezana željeznicom ili avionom. Mreža autobusa često pokriva gotovo cijelu zemlju, a njihove rute su dobro i odavno uhodane.
  • Za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom i ponekad željeznicom, autobus ne zahtijeva dolazak na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed. Prijava, čak ni na međunarodnim linijama, ne oduzima puno vremena. Dopuštena količina prtljage obično je vrlo prilagođena putnicima, a naknada za dodatnu prtljagu, ako su postavljena ograničenja, obično nije jako visoka.
  • Autobusne karte mogu biti pristupačnije u usporedbi s kartama za zrakoplov ili brzi vlak. Uvijek postoji izbor klasa karata za sve džepove. Jeftinije standardne opcije možda su malo sporije i ne nude vrhunsku udobnost, ali su prihvatljive i dovode vas na odredište. Na duljim rutama, WC ili WC postaje, kao i grickalice, voda, a ponekad i toaletne potrepštine i deke gotovo su uvijek uključeni u cijenu.
  • Ako ste spremni potrošiti više, neki VIP autobusi nude sjedala usporediva s poslovnom klasom u avionu sa širokim, mekim, spustivim sjedalima, dekama, manjim brojem putnika i mnogim drugim pogodnostima koje će vaše putovanje učiniti ugodnim.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Novi međugradski autobusni terminali vrlo su često smješteni izvan grada blizu većih autocesta, kako bi autobusi izbjegli gradsku gužvu. Nažalost, to može stvoriti dodatne izazove i za putnike. Dolazak do takvog terminala može predstavljati problem, jer na nekim odredištima postoje ograničenja za vozila koja smiju ući na terminal, a do tamo ćete morati koristiti posebne prijevoznike. To rezultira većim troškovima jer cijene mogu biti prenapuhane. Također, izračunajte dodatno vrijeme ako putujete tijekom špica, posebno ako niste upoznati s prometnom situacijom na početnoj točki.
  • Autobusi su vjerojatno prijevozno sredstvo koje češće izlazi iz voznog reda nego vlakovi ili avioni. Oni uvelike ovise o situaciji na cesti koja ponekad može biti nepredvidiva – nesreće, radovi na izgradnji ceste, zaobilaznice, itd. Ovo posebno vrijedi za putovanja tijekom vikenda, vrhunca sezone ili državnih praznika. Imajte to na umu i nemojte planirati presjedanja točno u minutu.
  • Putovanje određenim rutama ili tijekom najpopularnijih razdoblja može zahtijevati prethodnu rezervaciju. Imajte na umu da nije uvijek moguće pojaviti se na autobusnom kolodvoru i uskočiti u sljedeći autobus – karte bi mogle biti rasprodane, stoga organizirajte svoje putovanje u skladu s tim.
Pročitaj više

StarMart Stanice

StarMart Recenzije tvrtke

152 recenzija kupaca
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 10. svi 2024.
The Bus was sceduled to arrive at 5.50 in the morning in Singapore, so we thaught to get a fairly ok sleep. But it allready arrived at 3.00 in the night at a mall, which was closed. We coukd not get WiFi or money as everything around was closed, MRT included. So we had to stay waiting in the streets until something opened.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 23. sij 2024.
Everything was okay, but we arrived about 2 hours late. Driver stopped very frequently to buy food and smoke, but drove safely.
Autobus Ekspresni 40, StarMart, 11. sij 2024.
Its ok but doesn't have bathroom
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 11. sij 2024.
The bus left 40 minutes late from KL. Bus driver was unfriendly, giving no information at all. Twice he left the bus without a word, when we went outside as well he rushed us back in like we were kettle!
Autobus Ekspresni 40, StarMart, 20. pro 2023.
Driver was not kind and behave like is his private service, when ask for toilet stop, he told me to not drink water. He played load music, and not help with charge the phone as charges was not working on this bus. Another passengers was complaining as well about him. He left people on another station.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 12. pro 2023.
Very straight forward
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 3. pro 2023.
Took 2 hours longer than scheduled both ways, no traffic so not sure what would cause it
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 6. stu 2023.
We order for 2.30pm trip through application, but according to the terminal staff, there is no trip to melaka at that time, so we must wait until 3pm for our trip
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 11. lis 2023.
The bus was 1h late. 15 mins to iur ride we stopped for about 30 mins at least to change tires.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 6. lis 2023.
We didn't depart at the mentioned time and the seats were too stiff. Bus was constantly shacking for some reason. The journey is however practical
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 2. lis 2023.
There was no internet service at the border so we couldn't fill in the SG arrival card quickly. The bus waited the announced 30 minutes and left without talking with us.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 24. ruj 2023.
Punctual. Smooth driving.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 7. ruj 2023.
The bus drivers was so rude with us didn't explained how tye things work in the customs
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 27. kol 2023.
Ticket was issued with incorrect destination and the driver tried to kick me off the bus
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 11. kol 2023.
Late, not on time at all. Other ways good, very surprised to smell cigarette smoke and think it came from the bus driver?
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 10. kol 2023.
Ultra cold buses. No info upfront when or how often we had to change the bus.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 7. kol 2023.
Comfy journey, straight forward, bus was an hour late to arrive but think this is due to immigration etc. was not an issue as journey was smooth
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 1. kol 2023.
Nice bus with great Aircon. Unfortunately, we arrived at 8pm instead of 18:30 due to big delays at the Singapore arrivals hall that seem to be a constant.
Autobus Ekspresni 40, StarMart, 26. srp 2023.
Yeah, it was alright
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 24. srp 2023.
Very nice bus, friendly driver, comfortable seats. But the drive was scheduled from 7 am and arrival time 11h20 am. Arrival time was 1pm, so almost 2hours delay…
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 18. srp 2023.
Bus left more than one hour to late.
Autobus Ekspresni 40, StarMart, 17. svi 2023.
Spacious and comfortable bus! Crossing the boarder was smooth, all together we were about 30 mins late, but I was expecting that already. So very very pleasantly surprised by the bus ride! Would definitely recommend it!
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 18. tra 2023.
The bus was very punctual, but a large part of the route was on bad roads - my child threw up. The bus driver was friendly and made a toilet stop when asked. The air conditioning was on full blast, it was very cold. the seats were assigned and were in a row even though the bus was not full. The seats are wide and comfortable. We prefer to take the train back.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 9. tra 2023.
Easy journey and comfy and cheap as I missed my flight. Imegration was pretty smooth to.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 28. ožu 2023.
we arrived waaay later so I missed my flight
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 13. ožu 2023.
Never done before but what a nice way to travel. By bus through Malaysia. It worked smooth as an aeroplane trip. Just booking by you. And than up to the busstation and everything worked out smooth. Excellent!
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 28. velj 2023.
Everything is good the conductor and the driver very kind and helpful to me and my sister as a solo traveller who just came to Malaysia for the first time ❤️
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 22. velj 2023.
everything ok
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 18. velj 2023.
Quick and comfortable
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 22. sij 2023.
It was a breeze. I will surely book this trip again.
Autobus VIP 44, StarMart, 21. pro 2022.
The trip was great, very comfortable and fast. The bus stops a couple of times for toilet breaks. Is realistically impossible to arrive in 5 hours even with clear roads so don't expect to be on time- just come prepared and organized
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 20. pro 2022.
I'm really glad I booked through 12go.asia (rather than another 3rd party booking site). It made everything very easy! I wasn't able to use my card internationally on the local sites, so I had to book through other means. 12go.asia didn't have all the transit options in Malaysia, but it had enough for me to be able to make a decent decision / weigh options, and it immediately confirmed my ticket with the provider I was booking with. They also give you a ton of information when you book (the specific counter check in, the bus, the time, if you need a passport, etc), which was also really helpful. The bus itself was extremely comfortable. Lot of legroom, separate vents / lights, etc. So yeah, overall it was a great experience! I'd definitely use them again. Thanks!
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 29. stu 2022.
Bus arrived 3 hours late.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 16. stu 2022.
Missed the stop at Serembam and ended up in KL. the driver didn’t pull into the bus station but dropped people off by the side of the road. I couldn’t see where we were as the curtains on that side of the bus were shut. He didn’t call out the stop.
Autobus Ekspresni 40, StarMart, 31. lis 2022.
It was absolutely great, the bus was really comfortable, it was just very cold inside - so not easy to sleep.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 20. lis 2022.
Good driver but we don't know why we arrived with 1 hour and 30 minutes late!! It's was written 4.20 pm for arrival and the bus made a lot of stop everywhere... so we arrived very late!
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 13. lis 2022.
We arrived 4 hours late
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 10. ruj 2022.
Bus not on time not body telling me
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 20. kol 2022.
The seats were very comfortable, the bus driver was very nice and took care of everything. Drive took way longer than expected.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 10. kol 2022.
Very good!!!!
Autobus VIP 44, StarMart, 4. kol 2022.
Bus arrived almost 2 hours later at the destination.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 31. srp 2022.
Nice en smooth. Strange that i had to pay for printing the busticket.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 14. svi 2022.
The vehicle was actually really comfortable, first Impression: Wow, the seat has also a massage function. But: the Air conditioning ruined the while trip. Though I put the air conditioning onto the lowest Level, it was as you would stay on a mountain where you have a constant cold breeze. I was freezing the whole time and got a cold. Everbody in the Bus had the same Trouble with the Air conditioning... Apart from that - the Bus meant to arrive at 2 am approximately, but it was 4:15 am though we got really fast through the Traffic (apart from Passport Controls). We are quite Sure that the Driver took a longer Route (saw it on the navigation), but did not communicate it with us.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 27. ruj 2023.
Wir sind an einem Samstag in der früh nach Singapur gefahren da uns von einem in KL lebenden Freund geraten wurde am Wochenende zu fahren da viele Leute nach Singapur pendeln zum Arbeiten. Dementsprechend war auch bei den Passkontrollen nichts los und wir waren schnell durch. trotzdem hatten wir eine Verspätung von ca. 1,5 Std. Die Sitze waren sehr groß, bequem und mit Massage Funktion ausgestattet die aber sind bei allen bei uns funktioniert hat
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 25. ruj 2023.
Wir sind zwar angekommen aber der Bus war defekt, es hat gestunken, war dreckig und wir mussten zur Reparaturzwecken mehrfach halten.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 20. srp 2023.
Le conducteur roule beaucoup trop vite et dangereusement
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 18. srp 2023.
Quick and efficient
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 15. srp 2023.
Da unsere Immigration nach Singapur länger gedauert hat wurden wir stehen gelassen und mussten auf den nächsten Bus warten. Es ist verständlich, dass die Busse ihre Fahrtzeiten einhalten müssen, jedoch wäre für solche Fälle ein Hinweis vorab angemessen.
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 30. tra 2023.
Wonderful seats!
Autobus Express 27, StarMart, 17. tra 2023.
Die Fahrt war angenehm. Als wir stoppten, dachten wir es sei eine Toilettenpause, bis uns mitgeteilt wurde es sei unser Halt. Jedoch waren wir noch nicht am angegebenen Drop-off Busbahnhof. Ja es war “nur” ein Dorf weiter vorn, aber geht trotzdem nicht, meiner Meinung nach. Wir mussten dann selbständig einen weiteren Transfer organisieren. Niemand vom Busbahnhofspersonal konnte uns auf Englisch weiterhelfen. Ein anderer Gast musste uns über die Situation aufklären.