21 svi 2024

Soutchai Travel

220 recenzija kupaca
  • Schedule
  • Stations
  • Reviews

Soutchai Travel Raspored i vozni red

Vientiane - Vang Vieng
09:00, 13:00
Vang Vieng - Vientiane
09:00, 13:00
Vientiane - Bangkok
15:00, 16:00
Vientiane - Nong Khai
06:30, 09:00, 14:30, 17:00
Vang Vieng - Khammouan
Autobus Mjesni
09:00, 13:00
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja
13:00, 18:00
Vientiane - Udon Thani
07:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:30
Vientiane - Pakse
Vientiane - Khammouan
Autobus Mjesni
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja
11:00, 18:00
Vientiane - Don Det
Vang Vieng - Pakse
13:00, 18:00
Pakse - Siem Reap
Vientiane - Ban Gnang
Pakse - Phnom Penh
Vang Vieng - Don Det
13:00, 18:00
Vientiane - Savannakhet
Vang Vieng - Savannakhet

O Soutchai Travel

Autobus je zgodan način putovanja bez obzira na to trebate li doći do susjednog grada udaljenog nekoliko sati ili se odvažiti dalje prelazeći cijelu zemlju. Bez obzira na vaš budžet, pokrit će putovanje autobusom. Ekspresni autobusi nude najpovoljnije cijene karata za putnike koji imaju vrlo malo novca. VIP opcije su usmjerene prema onima koji ne žele kompromise u pogledu udobnosti. Prije nego uskočite u autobus, svakako odaberite vrstu usluge koja vam najviše odgovara. Za dugo putovanje potražite VIP ili autobus prve klase koji nudi non-stop uslugu do vašeg odredišta ili samo staje na manjem broj stanica na putu. Ekspresni ili lokalni autobusi u mnogim se slučajevima mogu pokazati prihvatljivim izborom za kraća putovanja, ali dulje vožnje često nisu najbolja kupovina. Proučite vozni red prije polaska, jer mnoga dugolinijska odredišta prometuju noćnim autobusima, a neka nude šira sjedala ili ležajeve za takva putovanja. Napravite online rezervaciju autobusne karte kod Soutchai Travel. Recenzije drugih putnika pomoći će vam da odaberete najbolju kartu i klasu autobusa.

Soutchai Travel Popularne stanice

Glavne stanice koje pokrivaju Soutchai Travel autobusi uključuju:

  • Vientiane Transfer
  • Vang Vieng Transfer
  • Vientiane Soutchai Travel
  • Vang Vieng
  • Vang Vieng
  • Vientiane Transfer
  • Vang Vieng Transfer
  • Vientiane Soutchai Travel
  • Pakse Hotel Transfer
  • Vientiane Transfer

Soutchai Travel Cijene karata i klase autobusa

Jedna od najboljih stvari vezanih uz putovanje autobusom jest ta da možete gotovo skrojiti svoje putovanje prilagođavajući ga svojim zahtjevima za privatnošću i udobnošću. Različite klase i tipovi autobusa zadovoljavaju različite potrebe putnika. Najjeftinija putovanja obično se nude autobusima standardne klase. Mogu se zvati lokalni, brzi ili obični. Oni su dobar izbor za kraća putovanja. Autobusi za spavanje ili VIP autobusi dobri su i za duža putovanja i putovanja s noćenjem. Mogu ponuditi ležajeve ili široka, meka sjedala s naslonom, ponekad s ugrađenim masažnim opcijama, deke, bezalkoholna pića i grickalice ili obilnije obroke na putu ili tijekom toaleta ili zaustavljanja za točenje goriva. Putovanje noćnim autobusima omogućuje vam uštedu na hotelskoj sobi, ali kako biste osigurali najudobniju vožnju, mudro odaberite klasu svog autobusa. Cijene uvijek ovise o udaljenosti koju prelazite i vrsti autobusa. Za neka, čak i kraća putovanja, isplati se dodatno uložiti novac i kupiti mjesto u VIP autobusu jer možete uštedjeti dvostruko više vremena nego što ga provedete putujući običnim autobusom.

Putovanje autobusom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobus je najbolji izbor za dolazak do odredišta koja nisu povezana željeznicom ili avionom. Mreža autobusa često pokriva gotovo cijelu zemlju, a njihove rute su dobro i odavno uhodane.
  • Za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom i ponekad željeznicom, autobus ne zahtijeva dolazak na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed. Prijava, čak ni na međunarodnim linijama, ne oduzima puno vremena. Dopuštena količina prtljage obično je vrlo prilagođena putnicima, a naknada za dodatnu prtljagu, ako su postavljena ograničenja, obično nije jako visoka.
  • Autobusne karte mogu biti pristupačnije u usporedbi s kartama za zrakoplov ili brzi vlak. Uvijek postoji izbor klasa karata za sve džepove. Jeftinije standardne opcije možda su malo sporije i ne nude vrhunsku udobnost, ali su prihvatljive i dovode vas na odredište. Na duljim rutama, WC ili WC postaje, kao i grickalice, voda, a ponekad i toaletne potrepštine i deke gotovo su uvijek uključeni u cijenu.
  • Ako ste spremni potrošiti više, neki VIP autobusi nude sjedala usporediva s poslovnom klasom u avionu sa širokim, mekim, spustivim sjedalima, dekama, manjim brojem putnika i mnogim drugim pogodnostima koje će vaše putovanje učiniti ugodnim.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Novi međugradski autobusni terminali vrlo su često smješteni izvan grada blizu većih autocesta, kako bi autobusi izbjegli gradsku gužvu. Nažalost, to može stvoriti dodatne izazove i za putnike. Dolazak do takvog terminala može predstavljati problem, jer na nekim odredištima postoje ograničenja za vozila koja smiju ući na terminal, a do tamo ćete morati koristiti posebne prijevoznike. To rezultira većim troškovima jer cijene mogu biti prenapuhane. Također, izračunajte dodatno vrijeme ako putujete tijekom špica, posebno ako niste upoznati s prometnom situacijom na početnoj točki.
  • Autobusi su vjerojatno prijevozno sredstvo koje češće izlazi iz voznog reda nego vlakovi ili avioni. Oni uvelike ovise o situaciji na cesti koja ponekad može biti nepredvidiva – nesreće, radovi na izgradnji ceste, zaobilaznice, itd. Ovo posebno vrijedi za putovanja tijekom vikenda, vrhunca sezone ili državnih praznika. Imajte to na umu i nemojte planirati presjedanja točno u minutu.
  • Putovanje određenim rutama ili tijekom najpopularnijih razdoblja može zahtijevati prethodnu rezervaciju. Imajte na umu da nije uvijek moguće pojaviti se na autobusnom kolodvoru i uskočiti u sljedeći autobus – karte bi mogle biti rasprodane, stoga organizirajte svoje putovanje u skladu s tim.
Pročitaj više

Soutchai Travel Stanice

Soutchai Travel Recenzije tvrtke

220 recenzija kupaca
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Soutchai Travel, 20. tra 2024.
Would not recommend this trip. The journey took 5 hours longer than suggested, we arrived at 12pm instead of 7am. Beds were extremely uncomfortable. Bus broke down on the side of the road at 2am for at least an hour. Very dirty
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Soutchai Travel, 11. ožu 2024.
We were picked up on time from our pick up point and taken to the bus station. We then got on the sleeper bus which stopped at Pakse station, the drivers were rude waved us away to the incorrect bus, whereby the driver of said bus also waved us away. Felt quite stranded for some time until a nice gentleman who didn’t even work for the station communicated on our behalf and we eventually got picked up. Just felt like a unnecessarily complicated journey that needed some more communication or instruction from the transport team.
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Soutchai Travel, 26. velj 2024.
After transfer from vang vieng had to contact operator as it was unclear where we needed to be picked up for the next bus, beds small but expected
Autobus Super AC Deluxe, Soutchai Travel, 11. sij 2024.
Easy ride, picked up from location and taken to a bus station for a overnight journey.
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Soutchai Travel, 29. pro 2023.
Good communication, Soutchai emailed to say when the taxi bus would arrive. They took us to the bus station where we boarded the bus - the overnight double bed is small. Hubby is over 6 ft and it was really made for a 5ft person. The people guided us through the whole journey, bus, minibus and ferry - there was always someone making sure we were on the right transport, so all good. Not sure we'd do the overnight bus again but it was all a good experience. Toilet on the bus was basic but clean. Everyone was very kind and friendly. There were no food stops so bring your snacks - there was food at the first bus station though.
Autobus Super AC Deluxe, Soutchai Travel, 29. lis 2023.
Overall a comfortable ride. Blanket, snacks and drinks provided. I would suggest having your own pillow and eye mask for extra comfort. Staff do not speak English.
Autobus Mjesni, Soutchai Travel, 28. lis 2023.
The pickup did not show up. After waiting 2 hours I got a tuktuk paid by the company because I would miss the big bus. That’s quiet stressfull. The whole bus had to wait for me and I had the last free chair. Did not like this for sure.
Autobus Regular International, Soutchai Travel, 5. srp 2023.
the bus left late, lost my airpods on the bus - i knew i had dropped them under the seat but was basically dragged off the bus and not given the chance to look under seat for them- the driver literally started driving away. the operators were rude
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 5. lip 2023.
Great flexibility. I originally had booked for 13:00, but was very early in Vientiane. They gave me the possibility to get on the 9:00 bus.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 24. svi 2023.
Bus left two hours later than was promised. We had to wait two hours at the busstation and employees told is multiple times the bus would leave shortly, but it didn’t. Eventually two busses left. One fully packed with people (we we’re in this one) and one with just three people in it. The A/C in the bus didn’t work, so it was so warm.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 17. svi 2023.
Very smooth trip! On time!
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 8. svi 2023.
Easy and efficient
Autobus Regular International, Soutchai Travel, 20. tra 2023.
Tuk tuk arrived on time at our hotel to take us to the bus station. From there it was one bus to Udon Thani with stops at the border crossings. Fast and efficient. Would recommend.
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Soutchai Travel, 3. tra 2023.
A very pleasant and easy journey. Had to swap 30 minutes outside Savannakhet to a minivan which was safe and easy. The beds are for 6ft tall or less, but comfortable
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 3. tra 2023.
Went with a bus with almost no air-conditioning (which was especially noticeable in 37C) and the departure was pushed back without advance warning from 1pm by an hour presumably so we could all get a nice tan under the midday sun. But that's Laos! Apart from the above everything went smoothly
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 25. ožu 2023.
On time, really fast, nice driver:) 8.45am pick up from hotel, around 12am in vangvieng.
Autobus Regular International, Soutchai Travel, 27. velj 2023.
I had a bad experiece using Soutchai Travel. I thought I was paying a premium to travel in a nice shuttle van (as pictured on their webpage), but instead it was just a tuk-tuk that took me to the Central Station, then a dirty, old bus. But this bothered me less than the way time was managed. I was ready 30 minutes before the pick-up time as instructed. The tuk-tuk driver showed up about 40 minutes later. Fine, whatever. Then we drove across town to another hotel for another pick-up. The other passenger wasn't there. I sat there for another 25 minutes before the driver finally gave up and we went to the Central Station. He bought my ticket at the station, just as I could have; the station is only 10 minute walk from where I was staying. And I really wish I'd done just that. Leaving Vientiane later than expected - for no reason - made me stress about making my Udon Thani flight. TL;DR - I paid a premium for Soutchai to waste my time and stress me out.
Autobus Mjesni, Soutchai Travel, 23. velj 2023.
The places are to small- I had not enough place for my legs. We need 3,5 hours more for the journey. But the driver looked for a safe journey!
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 19. velj 2023.
Picked up on time at the hotel, transferred to the bus pick up point and had a seamless trip to Vang Vieng.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 17. velj 2023.
Super impressed with this travel company ! My hostel was not on the list for pick up so ended up going to their office, despite not having booked it direct with them they still changed my pick up for me to my hostel. Super smooth. Good minivan made it to Vang Viengbin about 2 hours !
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 12. velj 2023.
The coach was two hours late and the communication was terrible.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 2. velj 2023.
Did not get the minibus I booked but an old big bus. Had to wait for 1,5 hour after arriving at the station. Arrived 45 minutes late. Well, this is Laos.
Autobus Mjesni, Soutchai Travel, 21. sij 2023.
The driver who did the transfer from the accommodation came looking like he walked out of his living room, coughed without covering his mouth and spit through the window. The trip was fine. It was 9.5 h long (for 300 km) because the road going south from Vientiane is horrible, but that's not the carrier's fault. The driver and the ticket seller didn't know a word of English and acted as if there were no foreigners in the van. They didn't understand when I was trying to ask them how long the break is going to be (not even in broken Lao).
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 25. pro 2022.
Good just only vehicle condition but service was bad and not on time (2 hour late)
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 18. pro 2022.
Very crowded, very late, not much space for legs. friendly people and driver. Good driver.
Autobus Mjesni, Soutchai Travel, 15. pro 2022.
This was suppose to be a 4 hour journey but we were only half way through at this point. It ended being a 7 and a half hour journey without any communication
Autobus Mjesni, Soutchai Travel, 15. pro 2022.
According to the TOS they can change the vehicle type. I booked a minivan with 5.5h travel time and ended up in a bus with nearly 8h travel time. The problem was not the changed vehicle, it was the changed schedule. I booked 11.30am - 5pm. The new schedule was 1pm - 8.30pm. So the day was ruined because I had to wait from 10.30am in the lobby for the pickup. The pickup I got was later than they told me. I tried to call the buscompany but the number on the voucher doesn't work. The number which I found on google worked but no one answered my calls.
Autobus Regular International, Soutchai Travel, 12. pro 2022.
Driver die not find me at first to bring me to the busstation, but did not give up. Good service.
Vlak Sjedalo druge klase, Soutchai Travel, 10. pro 2022.
The taxi never turned up to our hostel to pick us up. We had to repay for another form of transport to the train station and then had to pay for another ticket for the train. We are yet to be refunded!
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Soutchai Travel, 9. pro 2022.
They yelled to wake us up for the check point Yelled at us because we wanted to change seats Favorite Lao people over us Didn’t speak English and just tapped on our shoulder and walked so we had to follow them..
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 3. pro 2022.
The car was really good and the road too Unfortunately, the driver put a children bench between two of the seats and since I was the last to be picked, I was the one that had to be seated 2 hours on it, without a place to rest my back.
Autobus Regular International, Soutchai Travel, 28. stu 2022.
The driver came far too early, the open vehicle was okay but I was in constant fear our luggage would drop off. In hindsight I should simply have bought the ticket myself and take a grab taxi to the bus station. More comfortable, less waiting time, much cheaper.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 25. stu 2022.
Waiting so long time and size of van very small with all passenger with our bags. No good
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 14. stu 2022.
On time pick up at hotel although rushed demeanour which became confusing when the tuk tuk then dropped us off at the van to only be told come back in 50mins and we will be departing. We had left bags on the van and then had to switch vans at that point meaning people had lost their seats they were saving. A bit of a shambles start. Proceeded to stop at an autorepair place for a car part before driving out of town about 20mins to only return back the same way and head in the right direction. Once on the road surprisingly good although a little hot (weak air con), but the 1hr40min delay to actually hitting the right direction was a little frustrating. Somehow arrived on time though. Wouldn't highly recommend but we got from A to B.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 9. stu 2022.
On time, pick up from the hotel, comfortable trip
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 6. stu 2022.
I booked the transfer for 1pm, was told to be ready for 1230, got picked up at 120pm, then told the actual bus wouldn't leave until 2pm. It is only a short journey but I wasted a huge part of the day waiting and being "ready' . Then my bag was stuffed under someone's seat and I couldn't find it for a long time before I got on the bus. The driver assured me it was there but there was barely enough room for all the passengers and all the bags. The company should not overbook if they don't vehicles large enough for all passengers and all luggage.
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 19. ožu 2020.
Friendly staff made the bus ride fun
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 15. ožu 2020.
Operator was on time and stopped so we could get snacks along the way! I was unable to find the print out of the ticket I had and he was able to let me in using just the email pdf, definitely will be using again!
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 9. ožu 2020.
Please update your hotel listing. The hotel we were in had a name change and was not on your pick up listing. Laotel Vientiane used to be Mercure Hotel.
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 8. ožu 2020.
Road over mountains was treacherous.
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 8. ožu 2020.
Took a while to pick everyone up.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 5. ožu 2020.
Jam packed bus! Had our bags at our feet. A bit of confusion leaving Vang Vieng but still arrived in time. Super windy roads and some rough bits of road but the driver handled it well.
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 4. ožu 2020.
Were not informed coach terminates at Veng Viang and change to minibus.. 5 others in same position. Language problem but okay in end. Glad I went by road - great experience
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 3. ožu 2020.
The bus left late but otherwise the trip was good.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 2. ožu 2020.
Very good service, left Vang Vieng on time, pick-up from my hotel appreciated, recommended you ask your hotel to confirm the time and pick-up. At Vientiane drop-off there are tuk-tuk drivers waiting who will overcharge you. I recommend to take a little walk away from the drop-off and engage another tuk-tuk driver. There are plenty. Don't pay more than 30,000 kip to a central hotel or hostel.
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 28. velj 2020.
We were.picked up from our specified hotel at the agreed time. Journey was good and bus arrived on time in Vientiane.
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 22. velj 2020.
Drivers were excellent! Our bus was 30 minutes late picking us up, but good part was they picked us up at our hotel. We arrived in Vong Vieng where a transfer was made, all well organized. We were escorted to a different van which took us to Vientiane. Next time I would limit baggage on such a trip. Each of us carried a large suitcase, and drivers managed to fit us all into the van, but next time a rucksack would be easier. The van ride from Luang Prabang was very full of people and luggage. Our transfer van to Vientiane was roomier and more comfortable. I would use this service again.
kombi Kombi ili autobus, Soutchai Travel, 19. velj 2020.
Bus was fine. The destination is NOT any hotel, they drop you off in a central hub and you will need to pay a tuktuk to drive you to your final destination. Cost us an additional $6
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 14. velj 2020.
Driver too short in the rest area , ony 5 minutes . Our journey is long enough , 4 hours.
kombi Regionalni za 14 putnika, Soutchai Travel, 12. velj 2020.
Driver is Ok , He drove slowly but the bus is not clean.