17 svi 2024

OK Minibus

111 recenzija kupaca
  • Reviews

O OK Minibus

Autobus je zgodan način putovanja bez obzira na to trebate li doći do susjednog grada udaljenog nekoliko sati ili se odvažiti dalje prelazeći cijelu zemlju. Bez obzira na vaš budžet, pokrit će putovanje autobusom. Ekspresni autobusi nude najpovoljnije cijene karata za putnike koji imaju vrlo malo novca. VIP opcije su usmjerene prema onima koji ne žele kompromise u pogledu udobnosti. Prije nego uskočite u autobus, svakako odaberite vrstu usluge koja vam najviše odgovara. Za dugo putovanje potražite VIP ili autobus prve klase koji nudi non-stop uslugu do vašeg odredišta ili samo staje na manjem broj stanica na putu. Ekspresni ili lokalni autobusi u mnogim se slučajevima mogu pokazati prihvatljivim izborom za kraća putovanja, ali dulje vožnje često nisu najbolja kupovina. Proučite vozni red prije polaska, jer mnoga dugolinijska odredišta prometuju noćnim autobusima, a neka nude šira sjedala ili ležajeve za takva putovanja. Napravite online rezervaciju autobusne karte kod OK Minibus. Recenzije drugih putnika pomoći će vam da odaberete najbolju kartu i klasu autobusa.

OK Minibus Popularne stanice

Glavne stanice koje pokrivaju OK Minibus autobusi uključuju:

  • Bagan Shwe Pyi
  • Mandalay OK
  • Mandalay OK
  • Bagan Shwe Pyi

OK Minibus Glavna odredišta

Autobusi OK Minibus prometuju na nekoliko ruta, a ovdje je popis nekih od najpopularnijih:

OK Minibus Cijene karata i klase autobusa

Jedna od najboljih stvari vezanih uz putovanje autobusom jest ta da možete gotovo skrojiti svoje putovanje prilagođavajući ga svojim zahtjevima za privatnošću i udobnošću. Različite klase i tipovi autobusa zadovoljavaju različite potrebe putnika. Najjeftinija putovanja obično se nude autobusima standardne klase. Mogu se zvati lokalni, brzi ili obični. Oni su dobar izbor za kraća putovanja. Autobusi za spavanje ili VIP autobusi dobri su i za duža putovanja i putovanja s noćenjem. Mogu ponuditi ležajeve ili široka, meka sjedala s naslonom, ponekad s ugrađenim masažnim opcijama, deke, bezalkoholna pića i grickalice ili obilnije obroke na putu ili tijekom toaleta ili zaustavljanja za točenje goriva. Putovanje noćnim autobusima omogućuje vam uštedu na hotelskoj sobi, ali kako biste osigurali najudobniju vožnju, mudro odaberite klasu svog autobusa. Cijene uvijek ovise o udaljenosti koju prelazite i vrsti autobusa. Za neka, čak i kraća putovanja, isplati se dodatno uložiti novac i kupiti mjesto u VIP autobusu jer možete uštedjeti dvostruko više vremena nego što ga provedete putujući običnim autobusom.

Putovanje autobusom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobus je najbolji izbor za dolazak do odredišta koja nisu povezana željeznicom ili avionom. Mreža autobusa često pokriva gotovo cijelu zemlju, a njihove rute su dobro i odavno uhodane.
  • Za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom i ponekad željeznicom, autobus ne zahtijeva dolazak na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed. Prijava, čak ni na međunarodnim linijama, ne oduzima puno vremena. Dopuštena količina prtljage obično je vrlo prilagođena putnicima, a naknada za dodatnu prtljagu, ako su postavljena ograničenja, obično nije jako visoka.
  • Autobusne karte mogu biti pristupačnije u usporedbi s kartama za zrakoplov ili brzi vlak. Uvijek postoji izbor klasa karata za sve džepove. Jeftinije standardne opcije možda su malo sporije i ne nude vrhunsku udobnost, ali su prihvatljive i dovode vas na odredište. Na duljim rutama, WC ili WC postaje, kao i grickalice, voda, a ponekad i toaletne potrepštine i deke gotovo su uvijek uključeni u cijenu.
  • Ako ste spremni potrošiti više, neki VIP autobusi nude sjedala usporediva s poslovnom klasom u avionu sa širokim, mekim, spustivim sjedalima, dekama, manjim brojem putnika i mnogim drugim pogodnostima koje će vaše putovanje učiniti ugodnim.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Novi međugradski autobusni terminali vrlo su često smješteni izvan grada blizu većih autocesta, kako bi autobusi izbjegli gradsku gužvu. Nažalost, to može stvoriti dodatne izazove i za putnike. Dolazak do takvog terminala može predstavljati problem, jer na nekim odredištima postoje ograničenja za vozila koja smiju ući na terminal, a do tamo ćete morati koristiti posebne prijevoznike. To rezultira većim troškovima jer cijene mogu biti prenapuhane. Također, izračunajte dodatno vrijeme ako putujete tijekom špica, posebno ako niste upoznati s prometnom situacijom na početnoj točki.
  • Autobusi su vjerojatno prijevozno sredstvo koje češće izlazi iz voznog reda nego vlakovi ili avioni. Oni uvelike ovise o situaciji na cesti koja ponekad može biti nepredvidiva – nesreće, radovi na izgradnji ceste, zaobilaznice, itd. Ovo posebno vrijedi za putovanja tijekom vikenda, vrhunca sezone ili državnih praznika. Imajte to na umu i nemojte planirati presjedanja točno u minutu.
  • Putovanje određenim rutama ili tijekom najpopularnijih razdoblja može zahtijevati prethodnu rezervaciju. Imajte na umu da nije uvijek moguće pojaviti se na autobusnom kolodvoru i uskočiti u sljedeći autobus – karte bi mogle biti rasprodane, stoga organizirajte svoje putovanje u skladu s tim.
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OK Minibus Recenzije tvrtke

111 recenzija kupaca
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 25. ožu 2020.
This trip included an open vehicle rounding us up from hotels and delivering us to the bus for the trip. Bus stopped a couple times for restrooms and lunch. Great price, good service...
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 27. velj 2020.
Nos buscó en horario y llegó en horario. Antes de salir de la ciudad se detuvo a cambiar una cubierta. Esta tarea la hubiera tenido que realizar con anterioridad a la búsqueda de los pasajeros. Los pasajeros que se agregan en distintas paradas y van sentados en banquitos en el pasillo resultan una incomodidad para todos. No es recomendable para viajeros que llevan mucho equipaje. Que te recojan en el hotel es un valor adicional. Lo volveríamos a contratar.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 20. velj 2020.
The bus came on time and picked me up from my hotel. The drive took 5h and was quite ok. We got a bottle of water and we had two breaks on the way, one 20min for lunch. In Mandaly I was dropped off at my hotel. Very good driver and nice staff. Fully recommended - Big OK from me:-)!
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 20. velj 2020.
nobody came 30-90 minutes before taking me to the hotel! the bus with which I also left came directly at 13:25. the place on the bus is extremely crowded.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 10. velj 2020.
It was quite comfortable just don’t recommend for long journeys or night journeys as we did pick up a lot of locals and they just sat in the middle row on plastic stools. We did almost 6 hours and it was alright though
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 5. velj 2020.
The bus pick up on time in our hotel, it doesnt't space enough for the luggage. The e tickets by email is really late, even if you buy it one month before your trip. I receive the e tickets for my return Bagan to Mandalay two days before and we were a big group and the company said us " if we do 't have space on the bus we can help you for another alternative". What's that? If you buy in advance!
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 1. velj 2020.
The bus is small
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 31. sij 2020.
Thank you for the quick and safe journey to Mandalay :)
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 29. sij 2020.
Main thing is for the price you get picked up from your hotel in Bagan and dropped directly to you hotel in Mandalay so no complaints there. Only problem is there is no space on the bus for luggage so all bags and cases are stuffed down the aisle meaning people have to climb over these bags when getting off and on for toilet stops.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 24. sij 2020.
Was given no message to say there would be a hotel pickup, so we nearly missed it. Bus was cramped and stopped continuously for people on the road.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 9. sij 2020.
It was accurate,non burdensome, in very good price.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 30. stu 2019.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 28. stu 2019.
The trip from Bagan started with us being picked up from our hotel. After 5,5 hours we were dropped off at our stay in Mandalay. Despite the fact that the bus was overfilled we could accomodate our luggage in a better way than when we went the other direction. Also the fact that we were dropped off at our hotel was a big bonus. In Bagan we were ripped off by taxi crooks when arriving at the bus station since drop off at our hotel had been stopped by authorities(?!). We do not give five stars since the minibus is just a bit too small for so many passengers with luggage.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 25. stu 2019.
It was nice to be fetched at our hotel instead of finding our way to the bus station in Mandalay. The trip took a bit more than 5 hours. There was little room in the bus for luggage so we had to have our knees full all the time. The bus became filled up during the journey. It was not comfortable. The worst was the scam at the bus station in Bagan since there was no connection to the hotel offered. We had to pay 16000kyat for a 4,2km taxi ride and the driver was not happy when I did not offer him a tip. It is a real shame that the bus company refers its customers to such bandits !! We paid 30000 kyat for 10 hours and 60km private taxi driving in Bagan the full next day.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 10. stu 2019.
The trip was quick, the bus driver really made speed, so that was a good thing (I've had trips in a minivan before when the bus driver was really slow and picked up all kind of locals along the road to make some kyats for himself, but this time nothing like that). 12GoAsia however should make it more clear on the website that these are local buses for local transport. Not for travellers! There waa no room for my backpack or other suitcases, they were piled up everywhere. Leg room was really insufficient for a guy my height (1.85 m). I couldn't sit in my seat and there was no room for my legs i the aisle so I had to stand up a long time. Airco was fine. Few stops though. Not recommended but whatever, it took us to Bagan in one piece :-)
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 8. stu 2019.
Bus left on time and arrived early but those were the only positives. Admittedly I'm a relatively tall person, but I couldn't fit in the seat, so needed my knees out to the side (as is sometimes the case). But then they put stools down the middle of the bus and had people sit in the aisle, so my knees had nowhere to go! Extremely uncomfortable 5 hours.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 5. lis 2019.
The only thing pleasant was the pick up from the hotel. The bus driver drove like crazy and picked up random people on the way. People were seated in the isle. No stops except for local people to get on and off the bus. It felt like a public transport bus. We arrived 2 hours before arrival time.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 1. lis 2019.
Leaving late time but arriving faster nearly 1H.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 19. ruj 2019.
good travel and crossing the region was very interesting
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 5. ruj 2019.
Everything was ok. Puck Up from hotel in Bagan, drop off at hotel in Mandalay. Perfect
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 25. kol 2019.
The Bus is small and makes stops to pick up locals and packages. However since is a small trip (5h) you have to embrace the circumstances and make ir part of rhw experience.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 22. kol 2019.
Overall it was a great service considering that they picked us up from our hotel and even offered to drop us to our hotel in Mandalay. They also provided water and wet wipes to passengers which deserves a thumbs up. I gave 4 stars because we left Bagan not on time but that was negligible.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 20. kol 2019.
Transfer desde Mandalay hasta Bagan salio perfecto. Hora de salida 10am y 15 minutos antes pasaron por mi hotel. El viaje total demoro como 4hrs y media, lo cual es bastante bueno considerando que hace varias paradas. The transfer went perfectly. The hotel pick up was at 10am and 15 minutes earlier the driver was there. In total the trip took 4 1/2 hours considering several stops. Highly recommended!
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 8. kol 2019.
5 star for the driver and conductor. They fetch us right in front of our hotel and was really on time. The trip was not delayed and arrived earlier than we expected. I loved that the driver/conductor initiated to drop us off to a point/place near the mandalay intl airport and where we were able to hail a cheap ride.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 18. srp 2019.
They picked me up quite late. As mentioned in other reviews, they stop a lot of times to let passengers in. I was lucky to have a seat on the right side so I was sitting alone. It's definitely not the most comfortable ride, but you get to your destination. We had a short washroom break. We arrived early around 12pm, that was a plus. But be aware of the taxi guys at the bus station. They will rip you of like crazy since you've no options. It's better to ask your hostel/hotel to tell them where you want to be dropped of. To give an idea of a 'normal' price, from Nanda restaurant to the bus station is 6.000 kyatt.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 16. srp 2019.
We took OK Express because of the later departure time from Bagan to Mandalay (at 4pm instead of the 2pm bus by JJ Express). Turns out OK is a bit like a local bus and picks up / drops off people along the way, which is fine! Just took a little longer than I expected. Also it started raining and water was flowing in on the floor along the side of the bus.... however - the bus got us to our destination just fine and we were plenty happy with the direct pick up and drop off at our hotels.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 8. lip 2019.
Love the service and hospitality, pick up from hotel and send to hotel in Mandalay. For me the this minivan going to Mandalay from Bagan is good. They even stopped and gave water bottles to some animal caretakers!
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 27. svi 2019.
Overall it’s a fine trip. In case it’s not clear, this is a local bus that deal seeking back packers can make use of. I’m 6’2” and had just enough leg space to make it work. What surprised me was the drive from Mandalay to Bagan takes about 2.5 hours. The actual drive took 4.5 because of frequent stops, picking people up (locals on the side of the road) and going well south out of the way. Overall it was still 1.5 hours short than expected (the listing said 6 hours). So not that bad. Download a movie on Netflix and relax. Bring some snacks. Go to the bathroom before hand since we only had two long stops (10 minutes for gas 20 minutes later on for food at an outdoor restaurant. The food I wouldn’t advise eating. Maybe it’s fine but not worth the risk to me. You only come to bagan once so I didn’t want to get sick. The air conditioning worked. I’ve heard it’s supposed to be very cold and bundle up. It wasn’t. So better advice is to have layers available and come in short and a t shirt. As far as 12goasia, the communication was quick and easy and they’re customer support emails have been very responsive for other rides I’ve taken when needed.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 22. svi 2019.
We arrived safely on time (4 hours ride from Bagan to Mandalay). Staff was helpful, the trip was ok, a bit uncomfortable cos of the driving style and air con was not cold.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 22. tra 2019.
We were picked up on time at our hotel in New Bagan with a pick up and got on the bus in Nyaung U. There is not much space for luggage and it was squeezed under the seats. We made 2 breaks, one short toilet break, one lunch break. Not the most comfortable bus for 5 hours ride but it was ok and you get what you pay for. Got a water bottle and were dropped off at our hotel right on time.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 10. ožu 2019.
Despite leaving almost 30 minutes late and picking up roadside passengers all along the way, the bus arrived closed to an hour early, and made an effort to drop me off at the hotel. The ride was crowded, but good value.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 15. velj 2019.
Very basic bus, but fine for a daytime journey of only a few hours. The service was great though, very helpful and friendly operators and even dropped us at our hotel!
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 2. velj 2019.
The bus driver did the job of delivering you to the Bagan bus terminal (yes, not to your hotel as you need to pay extra or hire private taxi for that, it was clear from the tickets). But there were no regular toilet breaks/stops , when asked, the driver was quite unwilling to stop for pessengers' pee time, except for lunch time where the driver and his staff needed to have lunch, where there were 3 toilets next to the road side restaurant. The food wasn't as bad / unclean as most described, I've eaten at these sort of places for the past 3 days and I'm still in one piece. Being seated at the back has the disadvantage of getting out as corridor is filled with passengers' luggages (there was no special compartments for luggages apparently). Also, our hotel located on the 78th street in Mandalay, the bus came at 10:40 (for a scheduled 10:00 bus time), even the hotel staff told us they're regularly late and it is "normal". We sat at the hotel lobby for to hours due to the scare on its terms & conditions that they'd leave if they do not find us there when the bus arrives. Other than the lack of toilet stops and little space in bus, I'd say the company did its job, although journey was bumpy and the driver drove hellish, but yeah, for that price, what else could I ask for. I'm still alive to be able to write this review.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 25. sij 2019.
I took this mode of transport from Bagan to Mandalay city. The pickup from my hotel was swift and transfer to the minibus was smooth. The journey was comfortable though there were many stops to pick up local passengers. The bus arrived in Mandalay on time and without any hiccups. The staff spoke little English but communication was no issue with simple instructions.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 25. sij 2019.
Late pick up, riding on the back of an open truck for half an hour with a lot of dust could be improved. At destination they dropped me off on a busy road and pointed to a hotel about 10 mins walking distance across a busy road....unexpected hassle. I was given the impression that I will be dropped off by the front of the hotel. However, the bus was clean with AC. And for value for the money is great.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 16. sij 2019.
We did not eat our lunch at the bus stop bec. We felt that the food is not clean & the restaurant missy and dirty, hopefully this will improve for the safety of your costumers. Also the driver and his relatives are so noisy in the bus talking with a loud voice we cannot sleep in the bus
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 6. sij 2019.
Except for being collected to the primary starting stop by a truck suitable for livestock more than people, The minivan was very comfortable, the team friendly and efficient and the driver left punctually.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 28. pro 2018.
Driving Really quickly and felt a bit unsafe
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 6. pro 2018.
Всё чётко. Забрали с хостела, привезли к хостелу. All right! Im glad
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 23. stu 2018.
Ride was on time but the seats were a bit cramped and not as comfortable for a journey this long. Otherwise it was exactly what we paid for.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 22. stu 2018.
Got me from A to B, but the constant beeping really got on my nerves. The 5-hour bus ride was very uncomfortable, luggage and people were piled in the aisle, and the crew kept spitting into the road. Enough to make you queasy! Never again! A far cry from the night buses!
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 7. stu 2018.
Minibus was packed full with people sitting on stools in the aisle. No room for luggage. The driver dropped us off at our hotel, which was great.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 6. stu 2018.
Bus, quite snall. Made too many stops in order to get locsls in so they csn sit on small plasic chairs in the aisle. My bag and athers bags were also put n the aisle.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 6. stu 2018.
:( if you have other choose you don’t go it. It stopped many areas on roadways and bad smell.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 30. lis 2018.
Driver was driving like crazy and would be considered illegal in other countries... also on halfway of the trip they did business with local people to probably earn some side income and people will try to sell you stuff while youre in the bus..
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 6. lis 2018.
Will arrive before estimated time. Minivan isn’t a Transit, it’s a minibus, but everything in order!! Great people like all Myanmar.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 28. kol 2018.
Fast & comfortable trip to Bagan. Thanks guys.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 23. kol 2018.
Bus was on time and the overall experience was ok. The only downside was that there wasn't too much room - so especially if you're tall it's not really comfortable.
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 2. srp 2018.
The bus driver and his helper were very kind and they leave us in our hostel. But the bus could probably be better. Have more comfortable seats
Autobus Minivan, OK Minibus, 16. lip 2018.
Great and friendly staff. Dropped me off right in front of my hostel!