08 svi 2024

Nice MY

123 recenzija kupaca
  • Reviews

O Nice MY

Autobus je zgodan način putovanja bez obzira na to trebate li doći do susjednog grada udaljenog nekoliko sati ili se odvažiti dalje prelazeći cijelu zemlju. Bez obzira na vaš budžet, pokrit će putovanje autobusom. Ekspresni autobusi nude najpovoljnije cijene karata za putnike koji imaju vrlo malo novca. VIP opcije su usmjerene prema onima koji ne žele kompromise u pogledu udobnosti. Prije nego uskočite u autobus, svakako odaberite vrstu usluge koja vam najviše odgovara. Za dugo putovanje potražite VIP ili autobus prve klase koji nudi non-stop uslugu do vašeg odredišta ili samo staje na manjem broj stanica na putu. Ekspresni ili lokalni autobusi u mnogim se slučajevima mogu pokazati prihvatljivim izborom za kraća putovanja, ali dulje vožnje često nisu najbolja kupovina. Proučite vozni red prije polaska, jer mnoga dugolinijska odredišta prometuju noćnim autobusima, a neka nude šira sjedala ili ležajeve za takva putovanja. Napravite online rezervaciju autobusne karte kod Nice MY. Recenzije drugih putnika pomoći će vam da odaberete najbolju kartu i klasu autobusa.

Nice MY Popularne stanice

Glavne stanice koje pokrivaju Nice MY autobusi uključuju:

  • KTM Old Railway Station
  • Terminal Bus Sungai Nibong
  • Kangar
  • Putrajaya Sentral
  • TBS Kuala Lumpur
  • Tesco
  • Kuala Perlis
  • Larkin Bus Terminal

Nice MY Cijene karata i klase autobusa

Jedna od najboljih stvari vezanih uz putovanje autobusom jest ta da možete gotovo skrojiti svoje putovanje prilagođavajući ga svojim zahtjevima za privatnošću i udobnošću. Različite klase i tipovi autobusa zadovoljavaju različite potrebe putnika. Najjeftinija putovanja obično se nude autobusima standardne klase. Mogu se zvati lokalni, brzi ili obični. Oni su dobar izbor za kraća putovanja. Autobusi za spavanje ili VIP autobusi dobri su i za duža putovanja i putovanja s noćenjem. Mogu ponuditi ležajeve ili široka, meka sjedala s naslonom, ponekad s ugrađenim masažnim opcijama, deke, bezalkoholna pića i grickalice ili obilnije obroke na putu ili tijekom toaleta ili zaustavljanja za točenje goriva. Putovanje noćnim autobusima omogućuje vam uštedu na hotelskoj sobi, ali kako biste osigurali najudobniju vožnju, mudro odaberite klasu svog autobusa. Cijene uvijek ovise o udaljenosti koju prelazite i vrsti autobusa. Za neka, čak i kraća putovanja, isplati se dodatno uložiti novac i kupiti mjesto u VIP autobusu jer možete uštedjeti dvostruko više vremena nego što ga provedete putujući običnim autobusom.

Putovanje autobusom: prednosti i mane

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobus je najbolji izbor za dolazak do odredišta koja nisu povezana željeznicom ili avionom. Mreža autobusa često pokriva gotovo cijelu zemlju, a njihove rute su dobro i odavno uhodane.
  • Za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom i ponekad željeznicom, autobus ne zahtijeva dolazak na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed. Prijava, čak ni na međunarodnim linijama, ne oduzima puno vremena. Dopuštena količina prtljage obično je vrlo prilagođena putnicima, a naknada za dodatnu prtljagu, ako su postavljena ograničenja, obično nije jako visoka.
  • Autobusne karte mogu biti pristupačnije u usporedbi s kartama za zrakoplov ili brzi vlak. Uvijek postoji izbor klasa karata za sve džepove. Jeftinije standardne opcije možda su malo sporije i ne nude vrhunsku udobnost, ali su prihvatljive i dovode vas na odredište. Na duljim rutama, WC ili WC postaje, kao i grickalice, voda, a ponekad i toaletne potrepštine i deke gotovo su uvijek uključeni u cijenu.
  • Ako ste spremni potrošiti više, neki VIP autobusi nude sjedala usporediva s poslovnom klasom u avionu sa širokim, mekim, spustivim sjedalima, dekama, manjim brojem putnika i mnogim drugim pogodnostima koje će vaše putovanje učiniti ugodnim.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Novi međugradski autobusni terminali vrlo su često smješteni izvan grada blizu većih autocesta, kako bi autobusi izbjegli gradsku gužvu. Nažalost, to može stvoriti dodatne izazove i za putnike. Dolazak do takvog terminala može predstavljati problem, jer na nekim odredištima postoje ograničenja za vozila koja smiju ući na terminal, a do tamo ćete morati koristiti posebne prijevoznike. To rezultira većim troškovima jer cijene mogu biti prenapuhane. Također, izračunajte dodatno vrijeme ako putujete tijekom špica, posebno ako niste upoznati s prometnom situacijom na početnoj točki.
  • Autobusi su vjerojatno prijevozno sredstvo koje češće izlazi iz voznog reda nego vlakovi ili avioni. Oni uvelike ovise o situaciji na cesti koja ponekad može biti nepredvidiva – nesreće, radovi na izgradnji ceste, zaobilaznice, itd. Ovo posebno vrijedi za putovanja tijekom vikenda, vrhunca sezone ili državnih praznika. Imajte to na umu i nemojte planirati presjedanja točno u minutu.
  • Putovanje određenim rutama ili tijekom najpopularnijih razdoblja može zahtijevati prethodnu rezervaciju. Imajte na umu da nije uvijek moguće pojaviti se na autobusnom kolodvoru i uskočiti u sljedeći autobus – karte bi mogle biti rasprodane, stoga organizirajte svoje putovanje u skladu s tim.
Pročitaj više

Nice MY Recenzije tvrtke

123 recenzija kupaca
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 16. ožu 2020.
Very professional handling from booking to arrival. The seats of the (older) bus were comfortable and provided a lot of legroom. I wished there was an option (a net or similar) for personal items to put in during the trip, but it didn't bother a lot. The multimedia screens at the seats didn't work, but it's not a big deal either ;)
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 8. ožu 2020.
Happy with the service provided. Bus arrived pretty much bang on time (15 minute delay), made a food / loo stop half way through the journey and the seats were comfortable.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 8. ožu 2020.
The picture was not the same as the bus provided.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 2. ožu 2020.
All Perfect, nice driver
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 29. velj 2020.
Bus was good but the waiting room needs hell of an improvement .
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 10. velj 2020.
The toilets could be cleaner but the journey and coach was nice
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 7. velj 2020.
We left on time and arrived close to on time. Bus was a bit old but clean enough.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 5. velj 2020.
Jag vet inte om det är kotym att damen som skriver ut en beställd och betald biljett ska ha något extra. Det ville kvinnan på Sungei. Resan funkade bra. Vid ankomsten till Singapore blev jag frånåkt i Woodlands, men det kan ha berott på att det krånglade lite med mitt boende i Singapore. Det får jag själv ta på mig. Började som enda passagerare, men fick byta buss på vägen. Det var väl OK det också, och förståeligt.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 4. velj 2020.
But was clean and comfortable. Bus driver was a lunatic. Speed limiter alarm was ringing for the whole journey. Coming down one of the big hills, he was going so fast that if another vehicle had pulled out it would have been game over. Very bad driver
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 29. sij 2020.
Travel time is around 6 hours, the bus is old and nobody help in taking luggage on-off
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 24. sij 2020.
The AC wasnt working on the bus, so departure was delayed by 30 minutes. Otherwise the trip was perfectly smooth. The busy stops at KL Sentral before the final stop at old KL station.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 20. sij 2020.
Very comfortable ride ! Would definitely recommend
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 19. sij 2020.
Bus needed cleaning.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 11. sij 2020.
Bus was on time &Very comfortable
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 5. sij 2020.
Awesome comfort
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 3. sij 2020.
Arrival was ~30 minutes late. Bus was comfortable, but a little dated.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 2. sij 2020.
Great service
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 28. pro 2019.
It was a very relaxed ride from KL to Penang. 5+
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 28. pro 2019.
Very comfy bus ride from KL to Penang. No delay, arrived exactly on time. Good driver. Entertainment didn't work, I think. But who needs it on a bus ride? Better look outside and enjoy landscape. Recommended !!
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 23. pro 2019.
The people were nice, but that’s also the only thing that was pleasant from the trip. The waiting room was very old and uncomfortable. It looked like it was an abandoned house - the toilet was disgusting, the couch was ripped with cracks in it and the room had no ceiling. On the site they said it would take around 4,5 hours to get to the destination. In real it took them more than 8 hours. We could have accepted some delay, but this was almost double the time they said.. very disappointing. Besides that the bus was not clean and comfortable at all. Everywhere were stains of food and drinks from the previous passengers. Also the bus had a bad smell to it. I would not recommend this bus to others. You can better take the plane to spare time.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 22. pro 2019.
Long voayage en bus car beaucoup de bouchons. Mais service correct.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 18. pro 2019.
Everything in order! The waiting hall need some renovation but the ride was perfect.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 18. pro 2019.
Very comfortable chairs that recline and have USB ports for charging. Easy and comfortable journey.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 17. pro 2019.
A little disappointed. The bus operators office was in very poor condition. The bus was very different from the advertised picture and was generally in poor condition. On the other hand, the ride was comfortable and relatively on schedule.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 15. pro 2019.
Salio el bus a horario pero por tráfico llegamos hora y media tarde al destino. El bus estaba limpio y cómodo. El aire acondicionado muy fuerte (llevar abrigo). Solo ofrecen una parada para ir al baño y comprar snacks.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 9. pro 2019.
Excellent Trip.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 7. pro 2019.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 5. pro 2019.
It was in time but the bus was sooo dirty! Anyway big seats and confortable bus.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 2. pro 2019.
Everything fine, took a little longer than expected, but there was a lot of traffic, so it wasn’t the drivers fault
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 1. pro 2019.
All great. Very funny destroyed boarding lounge
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 30. stu 2019.
Very comfy and clean would definitely use again
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 29. stu 2019.
Booking online went smooth, if you print out your ticket then you're good to go. The Old Railway Station in KL is a bit out of shape, but doesn't really matter. The bus departed on time and despite being a bit out of shape, has comfortable and specious seats, which made the trip pretty pleasant. We stopped once for a toilet/food break and arrived a little later than stated, due to traffic jam outside the city. All and all I would recommend!
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 24. stu 2019.
Bus was clean enough and comfortable. Didn't take as long as stated on 12go, but we expected that already. The lobby at KTM railway was in horrible shape, but you only have to wait there for half an hour and it's air-conditioned
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 17. stu 2019.
Bus arrived on time, lots of leg room. Only downside was that the bus smelt a bit of urine.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 5. stu 2019.
On time leaving, arrival delayed due to road works. Coach comfortable but cold! No real complaints.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 25. lis 2019.
Good service. If you book online, when you get to the bus station you must head upstairs to get your ticket printed (this costs 1 ringgit). Nice bus, very roomy seats. Our bus ran a little late that stated but not by too much. I would recommend this service.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 19. lis 2019.
Not so clean bus. Power station not working. TV not working. But the seat is rather comfortable enough for me take naps once in a while. Receiving area is soooooo not clean!!! Everything’s broken.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 14. lis 2019.
Very good bus, comfortable. A bit dirty though. We reached the final station before expected, good point. The stop could be more then 10 min.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 6. lis 2019.
12go apps didn’t show the actual photo update of the bus.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 30. ruj 2019.
Bus left exactly on time Seats were nice and comfortable Price also very good
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 22. ruj 2019.
Good journey, air con a little too cold
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 30. kol 2019.
Super comfortable and smooth ride. Would definitely travel with Nice again.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 26. kol 2019.
Most comfortable bus trip ever! Seats were very comfy, lots of legroom and the possibility to charge your phone if you bring a usb cable.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 27. tra 2019.
Amazing bus with huge seats and lots of space!
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 9. tra 2019.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 7. tra 2019.
Excellent service! Prompt start, on time arrival and very alert driving
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 31. ožu 2019.
Bus was very late, due to accident on motorway Bus was scruffy No entertainment Driver was safe
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 30. ožu 2019.
The bus was comfortable and the driver was good. Thanks for getting me to my destination
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 25. ožu 2019.
The bus was nice. The only complain is that monitors were not working. So much traffic on the road Penang-KL. We reached KL with 4 hours delay. I really recommend to go by train.
Autobus Express, Nice MY, 25. ožu 2019.
At the busstation Sungai Nibong ( Penang ) the information On the digital bord not match the platform where the bus Will be depart from, And second , it Will also helps to mention the name of the station of the arrival station, because when you travel for the first time, the arrival city is unknown for one an other.