18 mai 2024
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Victory Liner

355 avis de clients
  • Schedule
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  • Reviews

Victory Liner Horaire et calendrier

Manille - Baguio
00:20, 01:00, 03:00, 04:00, 05:20, 06:00, 07:00, 07:20, 09:00, 09:40, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:20, 12:00, 13:00, 13:45, 14:00, 15:00, 15:40, 16:00, 17:00, 17:20, 18:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 23:10
Baguio - Manille
00:20, 00:40, 03:00, 03:20, 05:20, 05:40, 07:00, 07:20, 08:20, 09:00, 10:30, 10:45, 11:30, 11:40, 13:00, 13:45, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:20, 16:40, 17:00, 18:00, 18:30, 20:00, 20:30, 22:00, 22:15, 23:00, 23:10
Manille - Tuguegarao
Bus Climatisé
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:20, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 20:00, 21:30, 23:00, 23:30
Bus Première classe
07:00, 10:30, 18:00, 19:15, 19:40, 20:00, 20:15, 21:45, 22:30
Manille - Isabela
Bus Climatisé
06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 18:15, 21:00
Bus Première classe
16:30, 18:30, 19:30, 20:00, 20:15, 20:30
Manille - Pangasinan
02:00, 02:30, 04:00, 05:00, 05:20, 06:00, 06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 10:00, 10:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 18:30, 19:30, 20:00, 21:00, 21:30, 21:45, 22:45, 23:50
Manille - Olongapo
01:00, 01:30, 02:30, 03:30, 04:30, 05:30, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 14:15, 15:30, 16:15, 16:30, 17:00, 17:15, 18:00, 19:00, 19:15, 20:00, 21:00, 22:30
Tuguegarao - Manille
Bus Climatisé
04:00, 05:30, 06:00, 08:00, 10:30, 13:00, 14:30, 14:45, 15:30, 16:40, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00
Bus Première classe
06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 09:45, 15:00, 15:15, 15:45, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45, 19:00
Olongapo - Manille
01:40, 02:40, 03:00, 03:30, 04:00, 04:40, 05:00, 05:30, 06:10, 07:10, 07:20, 08:40, 09:20, 09:30, 10:15, 10:40, 11:40, 12:45, 13:40, 14:00, 15:30, 16:20, 16:30, 16:40, 17:40, 18:30, 19:00, 20:10, 21:10, 23:45
Manille - Zambales
00:30, 02:15, 04:00, 06:30, 07:20, 08:20, 09:00, 09:20, 10:20, 11:00, 11:20, 11:30, 12:20, 13:00, 13:20, 15:00, 16:00, 17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 20:00, 21:00, 23:55
Manille - Tabuk
Bus Climatisé
Bus Première classe
18:45, 19:00
Isabela - Manille
Bus Première classe
00:30, 06:30, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00
Bus Climatisé
05:30, 06:00, 17:30, 21:00, 22:00
Pangasinan - Manille
01:00, 02:00, 02:30, 03:00, 03:40, 04:00, 05:00, 06:00, 06:40, 07:00, 07:40, 08:00, 09:00, 09:20, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 13:20, 13:40, 14:00, 15:00, 15:40, 16:00, 17:30, 18:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 22:00
Manille - Cagayan
Bus Climatisé
03:30, 16:00, 18:30
Bus Première classe
Baguio - Olongapo
Bus Climatisé
03:00, 03:30, 04:30, 06:30, 07:30, 11:50, 14:20, 15:30, 16:30, 23:35
Bus De luxe
09:30, 13:20
Olongapo - Baguio
Bus Climatisé
03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00, 22:00
Bus De luxe
20:00, 23:30
Tabuk - Manille
Bus Climatisé
Bus Première classe
17:00, 17:30, 18:00
Pangasinan - Isabela
05:00, 08:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 20:00
Pangasinan - Tuguegarao
02:00, 03:00, 04:00, 06:00

A propos de Victory Liner

Le bus est un moyen de transport pratique, que vous ayez besoin de vous rendre dans la ville voisine à deux heures de route, ou de vous aventurer plus loin en traversant tout le pays. Quel que soit votre budget, le bus peut être la solution. Les bus express offrent les tarifs de billets les plus abordable pour les voyageurs qui ont un budget limité. Les options VIP s'adressent à ceux qui ne veulent aucun compromis sur le confort. Avant de sauter dans un bus, vérifiez bien le type de service qui vous convient le mieux. Pour un voyage longue-distance, tournez-vous vers un autocar VIP ou première classe, qui offre un service continu jusqu'à votre destination, ou qui ne dessert qu'un petit nombre d’arrêts en cours de route. Le plus souvent, les bus express ou locaux peuvent s'avérer un choix judicieux pour des trajets courts, mais pour les trajets plus longs ce n’est probablement pas le bon choix. Étudiez les horaires avant de partir, car de nombreuses destinations longue-distance sont desservies par des bus de nuit, et certains proposent des sièges plus larges ou des couchettes pour ces trajets. Réservez votre billet de bus en ligne auprès de Victory Liner. Les avis des autres voyageurs vous aideront à choisir le meilleur billet et la meilleure classe de bus.

Gares Routières Victory Liner les plus Populaires

Les principales destinations desservies par Victory Liner incluent les villes suivantes :

  • Pasay Victory Liner
  • Baguio
  • Cubao
  • Sampaloc
  • Kamias
  • Caloocan
  • Olongapo
  • Tuguegarao
  • Dagupan
  • Santiago Victory Liner

Les Meilleures Destinations Victory Liner

Classes de Bus et Prix des Billets Victory Liner

L'un des aspects les plus intéressants des voyages en bus est que vous pouvez presque planifier un voyage sur mesure, en l'adaptant à vos besoins en termes d'intimité et de confort. Les différentes classes et types de bus répondent aux besoins variés de tous types de voyageurs. Les voyages les moins chers sont normalement proposés par des bus de classe standard. On les appelle bus locaux, express ou ordinaires. Ils constituent un bon choix pour les trajets courts. Les autocars couchettes ou VIP sont parfaits pour les voyages plus longs et les voyages de nuit. Ils offrent des couchettes ou des sièges larges, confortables et inclinables, parfois avec l’option siège massant, des couvertures, des boissons non alcoolisées et des snacks, voir des repas plus substantiels à bord ou lors d’une pause sur une aire de repos. Voyager en bus de nuit vous permet d'économiser le prix d’une chambre d'hôtel, mais pour être sûr de voyager confortablement, choisissez judicieusement la classe de votre bus. Les prix dépendent toujours de la distance parcourue et du type d'autocar. Pour certains voyages, même les plus courts, cela vaut la peine d'investir un peu plus d'argent pour une place dans un bus VIP, car cela peut parfois diviser par deux la durée du trajet par rapport à un bus ordinaire.

Voyage en Bus : Avantages et Inconvénients

Avantages des Voyages en Bus

  • Le bus est le meilleur choix pour se rendre vers des destinations qui ne sont pas desservies par le rail ou l'avion. Le réseau de bus couvre souvent la quasi-totalité du pays, et les itinéraires sont bien établis depuis longtemps.
  • Contrairement à l'avion et parfois au train, prendre le bus ne nécessite pas d'arriver à la gare routière longtemps à l'avance. L'enregistrement, même sur les lignes internationales, ne prend que peu de temps. Le nombre de bagages inclus dans le prix de base est généralement très favorable aux voyageurs, et les frais pour les bagages supplémentaires, s’il y a une limite, ne sont généralement pas très élevés.
  • Les billets de bus sont souvent plus abordables que les billets d'avion ou de train rapide. Il y a un large choix de classe de billet, et des options pour toutes les bourses. Les options standard, les moins chères, sont souvent un peu lentes et n’offre pas un confort maximal, mais elles sont quand même acceptables et vous amènent à destination. Sur les trajets plus longs, les toilettes ou les arrêts sur les aires de repos ainsi que les snacks, les rafraichissements et parfois les articles de toilette et les couvertures sont presque toujours inclus dans le tarif.
  • Si votre budget vous le permet, certains autocars VIP offrent des sièges comparables à ceux de la classe affaires d'un avion, avec des sièges larges, inclinables et moelleux, des couvertures, moins de passagers et bien d'autres avantages pour faire de votre voyage un moment particulièrement agréable.

Inconvénients des Voyages en Bus

  • Les terminaux d'autobus interurbains les plus récents sont très souvent situés en dehors de la ville, à proximité des grandes autoroutes, afin de permettre aux autobus d'éviter les embouteillages urbains. Malheureusement, cela peut aussi créer des difficultés pour les voyageurs. Se rendre à ce type de terminal peut être un problème, car pour certaines destinations, il existe des restrictions sur les véhicules autorisés à entrer dans le terminal, et vous devrez utiliser les transporteurs autorisés pour vous y rendre. Cela entraîne des coûts supplémentaires, car les tarifs peuvent être gonflés. Prévoyez également du temps supplémentaire si vous partez aux heures de pointe, surtout si vous n'êtes pas familier avec la situation du trafic routier à votre point de départ.
  • Le bus est probablement le moyen de transport qui connaît le plus de retards si on le compare au train ou à l’avion. Les bus dépendent fortement du trafic routier qui peut parfois être imprévisible - accidents, travaux, déviations, etc. C'est particulièrement vrai pour les trajets effectués pendant les week-ends, la saison haute ou les jours fériés. Gardez cela à l'esprit et ne prévoyez pas de correspondances trop serrées.
  • Les voyages sur certains itinéraires ou pendant les périodes les plus chargées peuvent nécessiter une réservation préalable. Gardez à l'esprit qu'il n'est pas toujours possible de se présenter à la gare routière et de monter dans le prochain bus - il se peut que tous les billets soient vendus, alors organisez votre voyage en conséquence.
En savoir plus

Gares Victory Liner

Victory Liner: Avis sur la société

355 avis client
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 31 mars 2024
It was my 1st time travelling by bus in a 3rd world country but everyone was very nice and the bus was fine. No chickens running loose on the bus
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 14 mars 2024
The refusal of the driver and his companion to communicate when we would we stop for a bathroom break was infuriating. my wife asked for an hour, all they would tell her was it was near. Withdraw nearly 75% of the miles before stopping comma and it was obvious at that time it was just for the driver's break, not for the comfort of the passengers. It was 4 hours of travel time before stopping, a long time especially for older passengers and young children. My wife is filipina, it was a language barrier issue, was very poor communication by the staff.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 17 févr. 2024
a 5 hour journey was indicated which lasted 6 and a half hours.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 10 févr. 2024
Bus left on time. Had a fun chat with the driver. Conductor was corteous. Aircon was good. Seats were comfortable. Overall stress free trip t Zambales.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 18 janv. 2024
delay in sending trip voucher made us anxious as first timebusers of 12Go
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 8 janv. 2024
Bus broke down the road..fixing it took almost 2hrs..and we didn't feel safe going up baguio due to the bus making scary noises.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 31 déc. 2023
Nice Driver and conductor , we arrived in baguio on time
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 29 déc. 2023
The seat I booked and chose online was already occupied upon entering the bus. The driver/bus assistant should've checked the tickets next time.
Bus De luxe, Victory Liner, 19 déc. 2023
My first time to use this app to book my bus ticket bound to my hometown. Upon booking, my first concern was my baggages since I have 3 and worried that the bus I booked may not allow to load them😁 I asked the if they could help me let the bus company consider my travel situation so they would allow me have my baggages be loaded. And they did! Second, I don't want to travel for a long time on the road as sometimes I feel so dizzy and would thrown up on long time travels so I booked express drive to lessen the travel time. I intentionally booked at night too to avoid traffic😅. And so that was to be a 5hrs long drive at night but to my SURPRISE, I arrived to my ravel destination earlier than I expected! It became 4hours drive! SUPERB,really! Thank you so much for attending my concern and a hassle free booking! Very reliable. I want to thank also the bus company for letting me load my baggages the fact that they are big sizes and heavy loads too. The bus company's staff even help me to carry my baggages to bring and load at the compartment. And to the lady staff at the ticketting booth to who gave her friendly service to me upon redeeming my bus ticket from a voucher confirmation of my booked ticket! Again, a HUGE THANK YOU 12Go for the very accomodating and reliable service. Lookinh forward to join you as one of your affiliates in the future!😊 Anyways, that bus company was VICTORY LINER ! Thanks a lot!
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 18 nov. 2023
Victory Liner frontliner who entertained us told us that we need to buy another ticket because the 12go only sends voucher 24 hours after online booking. She did not check their online system, only to find out that we were already appropriately booked.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 17 nov. 2023
The trip we booked was cancelled and they have to merge us with the next schedule. They're supposed to merge us with the earlier trip but because they accommodate passenger who are endorsed by some influential people we were bump off, so unfair. The ticketing system is ineffective.
Bus De luxe, Victory Liner, 17 nov. 2023
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 14 sept. 2023
Neat & courteous personnel. Arrived on time in destination. Will take this services again next time.!!!
Bus De luxe, Victory Liner, 30 août 2023
I got a bottle water service. That was good. The conductor mentioned the name of destination and time which was really professional. Only con was the air conditioner was super cold, as if I'm not in the Philippines...
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 24 août 2023
The trip is okay, however we arrived at our destination an hour late than our expected time. And there were too many stop over.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 22 août 2023
The driver drives too fast. I cant sleep the entire travel .because i am worried and scared .
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 20 août 2023
Booked the night before and got my seat within a few minutes!
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 19 août 2023
The staff was excellent and friendly. Things went smooth. Thank you
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 8 août 2023
it was an adventure nice services and pleasure journey to baguio city
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 22 juil. 2023
Bus driver conductor did not inform me where should i disembark. Charged me additional fees for extending my trip which is not necessary.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 1 juil. 2023
Its was great we been to early in the bus terminal Our time to travel should 10 am but 7 am we went already we dont need to wait.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 1 juin 2023
Very satisfied. Was given options to move seat. Ride was smooth and arrived on time. Just wished a toilet in the waiting room is available. Have to drag my luggage to the common comfort room just to pee😀
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 8 avr. 2023
It was almost perfect. On time and the travel was safe
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 3 avr. 2023
I dont know why you need to charge 100 peson on a 600 pesos tickets. That over charging on anybodies calculations. Also why is not possible to make online booking for the return journey!
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 16 févr. 2023
Some of the chairs in the first class are damaged. Like in my case, I don't have the foot rest because it is no longer there. The travel arrived late than expected. Bringing a printed copy of the reservation could have been improved with better ways. Like QR code or show of soft copy. Sometimes, we book online using our phone, but we have to go all the inconvenience to find a printer because without a hard copy, you can't take your trip. Very inconvenient and with damaged seats and all, it is not even close to term it "first class".
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 12 févr. 2023
The bus was very comfortable but why are the seats covered with plastic? Great that the bus was ahead of time! WiFi was stable and fast. That's what I want. But in days of Netflix I don't know why they play these movies? Almost noone was watching, but everyone was sonicated by the sound of shooting, crying and fighting, 5 hours along, incredible.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 16 déc. 2022
Pleasant journey.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 10 déc. 2022
4 stars coz I'm confused whether it's needed to print out the voucher or not.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 24 nov. 2022
Well, what I don't like is that you have to get a ticket from a redemption booth. this just adds up to the process. why don't your conductors have digital scanners instead to validate the tickets.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 18 avr. 2022
The experience from Victory Liner Baguio is one of a kind - all the staff is kind and well-equipped to handle customers. It was really a breeze dealing with everyone there. What really irked me is the guard in Victory Liner Cubao - they are all rude and is shouting at customers. I just moved to the side and put my bag in one of the chairs near the guard, and he screamed at me to remove my bag and kept looking at me with hateful eyes. Me being tired, I looked at him with the same hatred because I did not deserve that and I was asking him nicely. It tarnished my almost perfect experience with Victory Liner.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 23 mars 2022
It was an excellent and very comfortable ride all the way.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 10 mars 2022
They didn't inform us that there were no available return tickets and we have to wait as chance passenger for 3 hours.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 8 mars 2022
It wasba great trip to baguio. The bus is very comfortable. The driver and the stewardess were very pleasant. Recommend it to everyone. A thumbs up for me
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 30 juin 2021
It was great. From arriving at the bus station, the protocols and in place, the bus is clean, the seat:pax ratio is awesome. The overall process are smooth.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 27 mars 2021
Travel Schedule was 3PM but the bus departed at 3:47PM and that was close to an hour of delayed trip without providing any information and reason what caused the delay.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 23 mars 2021
I wanted to refund my fare since NCR is lockdown so my travel is useless, but it was not refunded 😥
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 14 mars 2021
Online site seat availability is not same with the actual. Bus departed 30minutes late going to baguio. Bus was clean and barriers were nicely done. Passengers were seated seperately (only two per row). Only regular aircon bus is available at the moment. Maybe the first class type would be much comfortable.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 18 mars 2020
I think the service was excellent. I see some complaints. Hire a personal driver if you want to be pampered. Check out the cost cry babies.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 17 mars 2020
Excellent except for the speed the driver was going, in most areas we shared with other vehicles. It was a bit scary.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 15 mars 2020
Please change the system of online booking wherein passengers have to provide hard copies of the ticket. As what I have to be observed paperless transactions are quite impressive like airports wherein they have to show online the reference number and they can get the ticket already. Whereas in victory liner even though first class have to wait to get the ticket without the printed copy. This should be paperless already!
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 10 mars 2020
I asked to be dropped off along Marcos highway and the conductor response was that my baggage was at the other side of bus which is on the left side,however, when we reached our destination at Baguio terminal, the conductor despatched the baggage at the right side. I have to carry my four luggage again to Marcos highway.. My house is just 10 steps at the dropping point at Marcos highway. Conductor response was next time tell me where to drop you.. how do we know as we just arrived from Australia..
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 19 févr. 2020
It was great.smooth ung takbo ng bus.the most important i like is may libre water at biscuits.kung may 10 na score.perfect 10 kayo sa akin.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 3 févr. 2020
its stops from time to time i taught i will just have 2 bus stop but they get also passenger along the way. By the driving was good he was not reckless and the conductor is nice and professional. Thats why when going back we got the p2p that does not have bus stop from other company.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 3 févr. 2020
When paying on-line, there is no option to apply senior citizen discount as mandated by law
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 3 févr. 2020
Bus left on time, travel was fast but we were expecting better seats and cr.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 30 janv. 2020
Nice ride, the bus travelled as scheduled in nearly exact time of departure and arrival.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 29 janv. 2020
Good Service , there is designated window and ticket attendant for online reservation to provide you the actual bus ticket.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 28 janv. 2020
The bus was comfortable . The driver was also skilled and careful.
Bus Climatisé, Victory Liner, 27 janv. 2020
The support is good, its just the travel time from Pasay to Baguio did not match what was indicated in the ticket. I think there was a delay of 2 hours.
Bus Première classe, Victory Liner, 25 janv. 2020
Very convenient way and hassle free to use when travelling to Baguio.